How I lost 6kg in 3 month without exercise!

This believe it or not happened against my will. Biasanya my berat is around 68kg. Just before weight was 62kg. Good? Well not really...but i expected to lose weight.
How did I lose it?

I lost the weight by exercising LESS! Yes less :)

I've been so busy with my book and setting up my web company that I hardly had time to go to the gym, so instead of going to the gym 3-4 kali semingu, I only managed 1-2 kali. Also I obviously tak guna any fat burners, wasn't trying to lose weight pun but I knew I wouldn't be able to sustain my weight (muscles) without latihan berat.

If I don't exercise much, I have to jaga my food more.

The result: I lose 6kgs......mainly muscles and am I bit leaner now. Am I happy? Not really, I'd rather be a bit bigger around 68kg but dengan takde masa and no weight training...I expected to lose weight :)

...dengan takde masa and no weight training...I expected to lose weight...

Lepas raya, once kurang sibuk...I'll hit the gym macam biasa and get back to 68kg :)
The lesson:

  1. Yes you can lose weight without exercise. Its all about the food intake.
  2. Losing or gaining weight is all about know how :)