I am getting married … tomorrow!
New baju melayu? Slideshows? Well will be done tomorrow..Hantaran pun is ready…
New laptop, Gmail, Google Docs & Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is supposed to be the in-thing for 2010. Well it has been…
Laptop or Desktop or both? Mac or Windows?
Since I am getting married in April and am in my spending zone, I am in need to…
It has been a while since
I know it has been a while since I last updated my blog .... do I have a good…
Video – My Sister's Dedication for my Engagement
Following is a engagement dedication video by my sister. This was taken…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-03
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-27: wow its been a long day again ….…
Life, karma and yeah its ironies
By the time you read this post, its probably the 10th draft. Just like my…