Yoga – Good for Weight Loss?
Yoga Q&A
Yoga is another big trend in Malaysia and I’ve been meaning to talk about yoga for a while now…and yes, some of you have been asking about yoga and stuff related to it. Following is a summary of questions I terima daripada En Zaidi and others on yoga:
- Is it OK kalau kita workout after yoga class?
- How to put YOGA in our workout schedule?
- OK, can we do YOGA masa our rest day?
- Can yoga help me lose weight atau kurangkan berat badan?
- Apakah kelebihan yoga?
Is it OK kalau kita workout after yoga class?
I’m gonna say yes and no here. Say you are weight training, yes a little stretching is advisable to help the muscles relax and cool down but kalau anda ingin go through an intense 60min yoga session, then I would say no. If you do it after a cardio workout than yup…go ahead.
How to put YOGA in our workout schedule?
Saya akan assume that we are talking about beginner or intermediate yoga. If you can allocate satu sessi berasingan untuk yoga, than that obviously is ideal. Kalau tak boleh, than anytime will do. I personally would rather place towards the end of the workout supaya I can go home feeling relaxed and easy.
I personally would rather place towards the end of the workout supaya I can go home feeling relaxed and easy
OK, can we do YOGA masa our rest day?
Sure boleh but that it would be a rest day la kan. 😉 Rest day supposed to be relaxing for you both mentally and physically..that means no physical activity to allow the joints and muscles to recuperate and rehat.
Can yoga help me lose weight atau kurangkan berat badan?
Lets just say its better than doing nothing at all but berbanding conventional cardio exercises like jogging or aerobics, yoga kurang berkesan dari segi mengurankan berat badan. Yoga is a great form of exercise with the following benefits:
Benefits of Yoga?
Apakah kelebihan dan kebaikan yoga?
- Great to relieve stress, depression, anxiety and fear.
- Various physiological, psychological and biochemical benefits
- Helps to improve body posture.
- Improves blood flow, good to prevent heart diseases.
- Improves flexibility, strengthen joints
- Can help you lose weight.
I personally wouldn’t do yoga for weight loss but mainly for its physiological, psychological and biochemical benefits. Again exercise is a personal thing….so should yoga. Some people swear by it others don’t. Same goes for any exercise really.
…I personally wouldn’t do yoga for weight loss but mainly for its physiological, psychological and biochemical benefits….
Hi Kevin
Yoga itself is not fully contribute for weight loss.I’m practice yoga for half year, plus combination with cardio,half rice and plenty of fruits..
Half rice is my lifestyle – I tend to eat little rice but with loads of dishes..:)For those who want weight loss from yoga.. can try on hot class.Drink plenty of water and not consume solid food 2 hours before practice.And no solid food 1 hour after practice.
Thnx for the answer.. realy appreciate it!!!
Hi Kevin..saya secara personal memang suka buat yoga tetapi combine dengan cardio yang secukupnya dan diet yang kurang karbohidrat…para petapa India zaman kuno yang menyebarkan ilmu ini pada zaman dahulu di bawah naungan Patanjali hidup memakan sekadar buah buahan,susu dan kekacang sahaja..itulah sebabnya mereka sentiasa langsing,tetapi deit sebegitu di Malaysia taklah mudah sangat kan :]
Hi.. Kevin I nak tanya camne nak kurangkan lemak dekat peha dan pinggul.
Hi! I’ve tried hot yoga and for me it does help to reduce my weight a bit (1-2kg after few months of non-constant classes). Of course diet pun kene reduce lah. I believe if i go to class diligently (3 times per week), sure lagi berkesan. But sometimes work gets in the way..sigh!! It’s hard to maintain healthy lifestyle..How aah??
I’m looking a training center for my sister (age 54, single)who suffered minor mental depression since last month, aging and women ??..
Please kindly mail me center near to jln klang lama, kl.
Thank you,
hai kevin..
i nak tanye macam mane nak hilang lemak pangkal peha and make it fit.i ada mengikuti kelas pilates 2kali seminggu.and aerobic once a it enough?
thank you,
u have any suggestion where i can find a yoga studio?
I just joined Myoga at the Gardens 2 weeks ago. Before that I have not exercised for nearly 3 years. I take a variety of Yoga classes daily including Hatha Yoga, Hot Yoga, Stretch, Pilates, & equipment pilates. My body and limbs were not in good shape and were sore after each workout initially. But after 2 weeks, I am beginning to see results, I am not so stressed, limbs and joints are not so painful, I sleep better and I can withstand heat better as well. If you take 2 classes a day at Myoga, it is well worth it. Classes are small and you get personal attention.
hai kevin,
macamana nak kecilkan paha & pinggul, saya selalu joging 40-45minit, buat aerobik, pergi gym…tapi paha & pinggul still sama juga…adakah berjoging menyebabkan paha saya semakin besar?
Hey Kevin, what weight loss regime would you recommend as the most effective way to lose 20 kilos in 3months?
Maybe I am a emotional mess today or your post just hit home. I have been that “fat girl” at work and in public. The success of my weightloss motivates me daily.
You you could change the blog title Is yoga good for weight loss? Apa kebaikan yoga? | Kevin Zahri’s Official Website to more specific for your subject you make. I loved the post even sononetheless.