Pics from my upcoming book

Yeah i've been terribly busy on finalizing sponsors, photography etc for my upcoming health & fitness book (the title i'll reveal some other day).
Trust me the hardest about my book was not writing it but dealing with 3rd parties like sponsors, photography and illustrators. Pening I tell you.
The next phase is planning all the promotional activities and launch. Should be an experience too.
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Global Warming – What Can We Do?

Better yet - What are you willing to do!?

I don't do much (if anything...not much to do..) and am no environmentalist but I definitely appreciate our flora n fauna. What is happening to our environment...and the biggest question is - WILL THE EFFECTS OF GLOBAL WARMING GET BETTER OR WORSE?

Hmmm I personally would think that they can only get worse! Not in a couple of years but progressively laaa...why

- world population will only increase (unless something "major" happens la)
- need for electricity, cars, heat etc can only go up
- more tress and natural habitats will cease to exist
- world's biggest polluters (like the US) will need to cater the demand of its susah la to implement anything.
- no practical technologies exist yet to replace fossil fuels...yet la. Unless that changes memang susah I tell you.

All in all I rasa it will get a lot worse before it'll get better....another ICE AGE (ala cerita "Day after tomorrow") ? Probably not but then again nuttin's impossible.

Ask yourself this question - are you REALLY doing anything for global warming?
I'm not doing much kot.....
recycle? not really coz not real facilities here to recycle...kalau ada pun its no where near I live.
save on fuel (car pool?) - tak jugak
plant trees? - tak jugak....i stay in a condo

So what can I do? all i know is that my fuel, electricity bills are getting more n more.....