
Fitness 24/7 Book Launch and Promotion Updates

Happy New Year Everyone,

For those who have purchased my book (Fitness 24/7 and Cergas 24/7), firstly all jutaan terima kasih dan following are some updates on my book, launch etc:

  • When will you receive the book?The book has been printed and the publisher will distribute secepat mungkin. Note that everyone that has pre-ordered will get invite to the book launch later this month.
  • When will the book launch?We are looking at the 3rd of 4th week of January. We are most likely to launch at Pavillion Kuala Lumpur
  • Any special freebies when buying the book?Mestila ada….see below ๐Ÿ˜‰

Haven’t pre-ordered the book?

Ish ish ish….following is what you get when you buy the book through kevinzahri.com’s online store.

  • Discounted Price (pre-ordered only, once the book is out, price will change)
  • Free Adidas Vouchers (details soon)
  • Free Fitness Concept Vouchers (details soon)
  • Free 1-month gym membership from MXM Gyms (details soon)
  • Free Complimenaty Magazine (details soon)
  • Free Signed Copy by me ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Discounts for 1-on-1 Consultations (details soon)
  • Discount on Fitness 24/7 Seminar (Starting Feb 2008, details soon)

Tunggu apa lagi, pre-order sekarang for only RM53.90 dengan shipping percuma di Semenanjung Malaysia.

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