Video Talk - Youth Malaysia's Entrepreneurship Convention 2008

Back in January this year, I was chosen as one of the speakers at Youth Malaysia's 1st National Youth Entrepreneurship Convention 2008 (NYEC) at that help at PWTC on the 18-19th January 2008.

The inaugural National Youth Entrepreneur Convention, the first of its kind in Malaysia, is a youth-speak-to-youth event aimed at empowering youths in Malaysia who are aspiring to be entrepreneurs. Held in conjunction with YOUTH’08, Malaysia’s Youth Lifestyle Showcase, the Convention was held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur on January 19, 2008 and was jointly brought to you by and Young Malaysian Graduates Society, in association with Lifelong Learning Malaysia.

Enjoy the Video

Following is a video of my speech taken by a participant (Visit his website). Will post up the official Youth's Malaysia's official video and pictures when I get them nanti.

Want me to speak at your event?

You can check out my list of talks/seminars here. If you have a special request, simply drop us a note here and we'll get back to you.

Video Talk - Youth Malaysia's Entrepreneurship Convention 2008

Youth Malaysia

Back in January this year, I was chosen as one of the speakers at Youth Malaysia's 1st National Youth Entrepreneurship Convention 2008 (NYEC) at that help at PWTC on the 18-19th Janaury 2008.

The inaugural National Youth Entrepreneur Convention, the first of its kind in Malaysia, is a youth-speak-to-youth event aimed at empowering youths in Malaysia who are aspiring to be entrepreneurs. Held in conjunction with YOUTH’08, Malaysia’s Youth Lifestyle Showcase, the Convention was held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur on January 19, 2008 and was jointly brought to you by and Young Malaysian Graduates Society, in association with Lifelong Learning Malaysia.

Enjoy the Video

Following is a video of my speech taken by a participant (Visit his website). Will post up the official Youth's Malaysia's official video and pictures when I get them nanti.


Want me to speak at your event?

You can check out my list of talks/seminars here. If you have a special request, simply drop us a note here and we'll get back to you.

Cara untuk betulkan postur badan

kevin cmne nak betulkan postur badan? ramai kata saya bongkok..?

Ini soalan daripada salah seorang yang email saya baru2 ini. Jawapannya partially lies in weight training (with proper posture). Why?Latihan weight training untuk bahagian belakang forces you to strengthen the back muscles, bringing your shoulders back and secara tidak langsung, helps you to look more confident and berdiri lebih tegak.
Postur Badan
But lets look at some asas-asas postur:

Apakah ayng menyebabkan postur yang tidak betul

  • Poor habits (slouching etc)
  • Obese
  • Otot yang lemak (tidak dapat menakung your weight)
  • Mengandung
  • Kasut timut tinggi (yes for you girls out there)
  • Otot tegang (lack of flexbility)
  • Banyak duduk depan PC

Keperluan untuk mendapatkan postur yang baik?

Jadi what do you need for good body posture?

  • Kekuatan asas otot
  • Flexiblity in your muscles
  • Core balance (not just strong abs but strong lower back also)
  • Kesedaran..supaya you have the awareness to make changes, jika perlu

What exercise?

Well sudah tentu, semua otot besar memainkan peranan yang postur (daripada kaki hinggi ke leher) but yang penting adalah your core muscles. Kekuatan otot "core" adalah bahagian depan (iaitu abs) dan bahagian bawah belakang (your lower back). So my advice is generally:

  • Latihan abs
  • Latihan untuk bahagian bawah belakang seperti (hyperextensions)
  • Overall back exercise seperti lat pulldown to promote an erect upper body