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Apakah pemakanan dan senaman benar-benar membantu hubungan intim?
Well we know the basics….avoid onions, garlic dan yes…..leave the durians alone. We also know that alcohol makes it “easier”…hahahah but kita nak bincangkan yang mana yang halal.
Jadi apakah makanan yang membantu hubungan intim?
- Lean foods seperti ikan bakar, chicken breast kerana ia tidak menjadikan anda berasa “berat”.
- Chocolates. Chocolates releases endomorphins, giving you that feel good feeling.
- Buah-buahan mempunyai sifat segar dan sihat that can help couples get in the mood.
- Others like honey, strawberries mempunyai nila seks yang errrrr…..sememangnya
Adakah fitness penting untuk hubungan intim?
Yes, sex amat penting dalam sesebuah hubungan. Hmmm….di sini saya ingin tekankan beberapa perkara.
- Menjaga fizikal diri dan pasangan anda tentunya dapat mencetuskan tarikan seks yang lebih baik kerana masing2 berusaha to look good for each other.
- Menjaga kesihatan dan rupa paras fizikal diri indirectly meningkatkan keyakinan diri THAT in turn will increase your sexual drive.
- Berpeluh dan senaman di gym juga dapat merangsangkan organ dan naluri seks! Exercise can be foreplay!
- Meningkatkan stamina seseorang memainkan peranan yang penting dalam hubungan intim suami-isteri. Why? You can go more than 1 round per night!
- Seks juga boleh menjadi routine. Aktiviti berpasangan juga boleh mencetuskan kreativiti dan minat untuk mencuba “kegiatan” yang baru. Permainan seks juga boleh menjadi kegiatan fitness yang menyeronokan.
SeXercise? Exercises untuk kekuatan organ sex anda.
Alright….kita semua tahu cardio dan aerobics dapat tingkatkan stamina…dan that helps us perform longer in bed tanpa rasa penat.
What about senaman untuk kuatkan otot organ sex? Well there are exercises untuk both male dan female:
- Kegel Exercises: Apa dia? Senaman contraction dan pelepasan otot pelvic floor. How to do? Pernah tahan kencing ketika tengah kencing (does that make sense). Hahaha. Well Kegel exercises are just that –contraction of the pelvic muscles in men and women untuk menghentikan pengaliran urine.Berikut adalah 3 cara berbeza untuk lakukan Kegel Exercises.
- Quick pumps: do 15 reps of quick pumps, pause for 30 seconds and repeat. Start at 15 and work your way up to 100 reps two times a day.
- Hold and release: contract the muscle slowly and hold for 5 seconds, release slowly. Work your way to at least 25 reps two times a day.
- Elevator: slowly contract 1/3 of the way, pause, then 2/3 of the way, pause, then all the way. Do 10 reps two times a day.
- Masturbation:Well yeah its forbidden in Islam (kan?) but from a strict health aspect, it does have various benefits selain daripada “lepas geram” hahaha…among them:
- Helps ease joint and muscle pain
- Combats depression
- Promote heart health
- Panjangkan umur
Seks untuk kurangkan berat badan?
Of course as long as you don’t just lie there. Seks adalah senaman yang dikategorikan sebagai cardio dan membakar calorie. Berikut adalah fakta menarik tentang posisi seks dan bilangan calori dibakar dalam 30minit berdasarkan individu dengan berat badan 150lb.
Gonna add the chart soon.
I’ve no idea that masturbation has health benefits! But its true though that it counters stress and muscle ache. How often is healthy? Once a day?
tq for the post…………gonna consult my mom
afiq – sorry for the late reply….how often? hahaha depends on who you ask..kalau you ask tok imam probably ZERO unless darurat! 😉
ina – good luck with that.
Actually, from the Quran and Hadith there’s no clear verse that forbids us from masturbation, and its always been debated eg. Imam Shafiie says its forbidden but Imam Hanafi says its ok if it will prevent from fornication. but only to ‘lepas geram’ la like u said, but don’t make it a habit
Kevin sendiri masturbate x?
wua..about masturb***. so what,?if kevin masturb*** 2x a day,so you will foloow his step la..ah c’mon,stop talking this topic la..(maybe you waiting for someone who famous or doctor says masturba** is healthy that also can anti aging,reduce acne,increase vitamin absorbtion and can add muscle,lose fat,so you can go thru that) hey get a life maannnn!! mengarut laaa..get a sosial life,but reduce that habit.i mean not to depend..
how about oral sex?sometimes oral sex also can change your sexuality?so how about u think it
Is it true masterbate will make us longer? This is news thing i learned here.
betul ke kalau kita masturb dpt kuruskan bdn?
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bila nak buat seminar / program “Jom Gemuk”.. ramai juga rakyat malaysia yang kurus nie pening kepala nak naik berat badan..
“Of course as long as you don’t just lie there” – made my!