Biggest Loser Asia: Can you follow their weight loss success?
A lot of people have been emailing me asking if they can follow the routine and weight loss success of contestant on the popular Biggest Loser. Well YES and NO.
Yes! Why you can follow their success
Ok here is the good news. Contestants on the show lose weight the correct and healthy way. Their entire weight loss is build around proper nutrition and exercise. You can definitely apply those principles in your own life but when you do, do it for the long term.
No! 3 Reasons why you can’t?
Well it is not that you can’t follow but you can’t expect the same results. Why not? Well your lifestyle and daily routines are not the same. You have a job, family and other responsibilities that the contestants leave behind for as long as 12 weeks.
Well your lifestyle and daily routines are not the same as that of the contestants. You have a job, family and other responsibilities that the contestants leave behind for as long as 12 weeks.
You do not have the luxury to commit 24 hours of your day to train, exercise and do all the things the show offers its contestants. You also don’t have a chef or cook who you can ensure that you are getting the right nutrition all the times. Lastly, unless you hire a full time trainer, you don’t have a coach or trainer to push, guide and train you daily!
So should you follow the Biggest Loser TV for weight loss success?
Well of course you can follow their nutritional and fitness program but I am not really a fan of the word “follow”. I don’t advice anyone to merely follow any show, product or person. You should understand basic nutrition and exercise. Learn and how your needs, set goals and ultimately gain control over your health. I think the show is great so showcase individual success stories that inspire and motivate a lot of people! It shows those you are obese that there is hope.
Trust me when I say that gaining control is absolutely vital in managing your weight. The only way to take control is through knowledge and experience. That said, 99% of the time your results will not be as dramatic as the contestants on the Biggest Loser. But that is ok.
So set yourself realistic goals based on your ability to allocate time etc. Whatever you do, make it a lifetime commitment and not merely a 12 weeks crash course.
[…] Secara peribadinya, saya menjadikan rancangan ini sebagai rancangan yang wajib ditonton ketika proses saya menurunkan berat badan dahulu, apa yang menarik tentang rancangan ini adalah bagaimana kita melihat kegigihan dan kecekalan pesertanya melawan nafsu dan bekerja dengan kuat untuk menurunkan berat badan masing – masing. Secara automatiknya kita akan terpengaruh dan termotivasi oleh kegigihan mereka. Baca artikel Kevin Zahri – Biggest Loser Asia: Can you follow their weight loss success? […]