Your Guide To Malaysian Slimming Centres

slimming centre malaysiaYou can see their slimming ads daily in Malaysian newspapers and magazines. Often endorsing local celebrities. Slimming centres are especially popular among women looking to get into shape as fast as possible, often at any cost.

How does Slimming Work?

The programmes use a combination of health and fitness consultation and technology to help you get rid of fat, water, cellulite, toxins and others. What technologies? Well it varies according to the service provider but mainly involve:

  • Ultrasound
  • Infrared
  • Laser/light/heat
  • Suction & deep tissue massage
  • Electric pads (vibration)

So what about those before and after pictures?

I’m sure you have come across ads for fat-loss products that draw you in with unbelievably striking “before & after” pictures. Are these too good to be true? Hmmm…it depends on how you look at it. Yes, the transformations are probably real but, No, its not entirely due to the advertised Malaysian slimming centre!
Read the fine print. This is a typical marketing trick knowing that people will automatically focus on the large pictures and are usually too possessed to read the fine print. What does it say? Usually something like this:

“The results achieved by these test subjects are extra ordinary. Use as directed with a sensible nutrition and training program. Test subjects used this product in conjunction with a diet and exercise program. These results are not typical.”

The results are always due to a combination of training, nutrition and yes, the supplement (in that order). The slimming treatment is always the 3rd contributing factor. They alone don’t work magic and need to be complimented with proper nutrition and training.

Are Malaysian Slimming Centres Worth It?

Depends! I’m not a believer in lying on a chair to have electric pads shock my muscles for stimulation. No matter how pleasant the ads may look, trust me it’s not!
Yes. Just like hiring a personal trainer, it all depends on how much money you have to spend. If money is no object, then the guidance and products slimming centres provide will help you make progress. But then again, are you going to depend on slimming centres or personal trainers all your life?

But then again, are you going to depend on slimming centres or personal trainers all your life?

Final Verdict?

There is no harm in checking them out but whatever you decide to do, do it for education and not merely for a short-term fix. It’s like this: say you sign up for a slimming centre package and make some progress, what then? If you don’t make permanent changes, you’ll right back where you were minus the money you spent.
No. If you have no control over your diet and exercise and merely hope for a miracle slimming treatment than you are in for some sad news. No slimming procedure in Malaysia or the world can magically change your life. Even if you do lose a weight pounds or inches, what do you do when the treatment program is over? Ultimately, you don’t want your life and health to depend on a commercial entity.

Ultimately, you don’t want your life and health to depend on a commercial entity.

If you are going to give a slimming centre a go, do it for education and maybe for the experience. In order for you to have control over your fitness and weight, you need to be in control, not a consultant/personal trainer or a machine. Worst case scenario, you spent RM1,000 on several treatment and don’t lose any weight or inches. At least you can walk away knowing that it did nothing for you.

At least you can walk away knowing that it did nothing for you.

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