Kenapa Impian Fitness Saya Tidak Tercapai?

Adakah ia salah genetics? Hmmm ia dan tidak. Ok berdasarkan pengalaman saya, secara ringkas berikut adalah factor kegagalan dalam pencapaian fitness goals (weight gain, weight loss, toning etc)

  • Tak Sabar atau goal yang kurang realisitik
  • Kurang disiplin
  • Kurang Ilmu
  • Bergantung kepada trend dan janji2 kosong.

“Sabar kak….Sabar!”

Perubahan fitness/fizikal anda telah mengambil masa mungkin 1, 5 atau mungkin 10 tahun.Read more

Case Study: Hafiz Kurangkan Berat 11kg Dalam 12 weeks.

Following is a short weight loss story submitted by saudara Hafiz who sudi berkongsi pengalamannya bersama anda. If you have a story to share, submit it today.

Before: I was overweight

Previously my weight was 78kg and waist 35 inches. Not very flatterin considering my height. My problem was

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Berita Harian XY - Jaga badan cara Kevin

Following is a cover story by Fairuz Zaidan from XY Berita Harian. You can view the original article on their website.

Kevin Zahri Abdul Ghaffar berkongsi rahsia pemakanan ideal untuk pembaca XY. Ikat perut atau bijak makan? Ayuh ikuti tip personaliti ini dan menangi hati pemilik kromosom XX!

KUALITI bukan kuantiti. Tertarik dengan kata-kata Kevin Zahri tatkala beliau berbicara mengenai rutin diet pemakanan yang diamalkannya. Baginya, tidak guna berdiet tetapi tidak tahu fakta kandungan dan makanan yang perlu diambil atau dielak.Read more - Malaysian Food Calorie Guide is Up and Running - Finally!

Finally indeed. I am so thrilled to announce that is officially online so feel free to check it out.

Please bear in mind that we will continually add foods to the website....and hey you can add the foods yourself as well!

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Spend a day with Kevin for RM 400

1 Day, 1 Website for only RM 400

Sure you must be thinking "Spend a day? hmmm"...hahah well..not many actually know that I run a web design/development company in Malaysia called They are responsible for making this website, and other up-coming health projects possible.

...for RM400, you not only get to spend an "entire" day with me or my team, you also get to build a website, blog, eStore etc and learn along the way....

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Whats Up? Vaio Laptop Kong, Raya, Avi Spa, Health Portal

Hey everyone. Hope that you all are enjoying your hari raya open houses and hey, deepavalli is just around the corner. I've been super busy dalam 2-3 minggu lepas.

Here are some quick bit of whats been happenin in my life.

  • No Laptop: Oh freakin Vaio laptop buat hal...had to hantar for service so now guna my desktop yg penuh habuk. Hopefully minggu depan dapat it back.
  • Read more

5 Post Raya Training Tips - First Training Day

Aaaaah yes.......hari raya, hari yang mulia ini. For me hari raya not only signals the start of lemang and rendang season but also the time I can resume my fitness training. After a month without much, if any, exercise...I am always very eager to hit the gym again.

So yesterday was my first day back at the gym and following are some tips I keep in mind after a month long layoff.

My 5 Post Hari Raya Workout Tips:

These tips are specifically for weight training but can be easily adapted for cardio, fitness etc.
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Selamat Hari Raya - Maaf Zahir Batin

Raya In KL

I would like to mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya - Maaf Zahir Batin kepada semua kaum muslimat dan yeah happy holidays to those yang bukan beragama Islam.

Yup this year I will spend the entire raya holidays with my family in Ampang...well only for the first raya la, after that they are all going back to my dad's kampung - Kampung Melayu Majidi in Johor Bahru.

Why am I not going? hahah good question. I just recently went back to JB in kira I dah lakukan my tanggungjawap. Lagipun my family are only going there for one day macam malas la.
Read more - Malaysian Online Food Calorie Database

Launching October 2008

Ever in need for a free online resource to track the calorie content of your favorite Malaysian foods like nasi lemak, teh tarik or cekodok?

Welcome - Malaysian Online Food Calorie Database . The website will feature:

  • Live Search Food Database (Malaysian and International food calories)
  • Interactive Meal Planner (Phase 2)
  • Fitness and health tools (Phase 2)
  • Shareable Meal Plans (Phase 2)

Best of all, is a free service brought to you by Its built by Bitter-Coffee and hosting by

Panduan Kesihatan Seksual (Sexual Health Guide)

Click on the banner or here to read the Intrend Magazine version.

Apakah pemakanan dan senaman benar-benar membantu hubungan intim?

Well we know the basics….avoid onions, garlic dan yes…..leave the durians alone. We also know that alcohol makes it “easier”…hahahah but kita nak bincangkan yang mana yang halal.
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Serotonin, Nicotine and Why We Feel Sleepy After Makan?

Thats a question someone asked me recently and yeah, this is especially true during bulan puasa where we fast all day and break with a heavy meal. So the question should actually be:

Why do we feel drowsy or sleepy after a LARGE meal!?

Lack of oxygen!

Its simple really. Eating a large meal makes your digestion system work overtime, this draws blood away from other areas, including your brain. Less blood flow reduces the amount of oxygen the brain gets. Hence you feel sleepy.

How to avoid getting sleepy after a meal?

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Behind the Scenes - Lifebuoy TV Commercial

Loooong Tiring Shoot

If you were wondering why I have not posted much recently, well its coz I was part of the upcoming Lifebouy body wash TV commercial. We shot it over two days (or rather nights) in Rawang, Selangor.

Super dad at the Carnival

Basically I play a dad that takes his kid out to the carnival. Here my son wants me to do all kinds of things like walking on stilts, wrestle with a giant (hahahah) and retrieve a ball from an elephant.

Do check out the pictures and yeah keep an eye out for the ad probably towards the end of the year.

Thanks to DCasting, Dutch Studio, Chilli Pepper Films, the entire production crew from India and everyone involved. I had fun!

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