Weight Loss Magic? Slimming Centers, Ab Gadgets, Fat Burners

Weight Loss or "Waaaay Lost"?

I was reading theStar paper today. They had a health special or they call it "Body, Mind and Soul". Obviously the special is largely based on advertising from sponsors, I would like to give you my insight into some of the current weight loss trends, especially here in Malaysia. Here I'll discuss:

  • Slimming Centers
  • Fat Loss Products
  • Ab Gadgets

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“Hari Bersama Belia” with Menteri KBS Datuk Ismail Sabri

Hari Bersama Belia by KBS

Was fortunate to be invited by En Yusri dari Kementerian Belia and Sukan Negara untuk menhadiri their "Hari Bersama Belia" last Monday, 2nd June 2008.

The event's objective was partially for KBS' departments to showcase their programs and activities to various visitors, clients and of course also to meet with Menteri Kementerian Belia dan Sukan Malaysia, YB Datuk Ismail Sabri (I didn't know Dafi was his son until the recent election).Read more

How to Beat Weight Loss Plateau?

I have been getting some interesting questions lately on weight loss daripada pembaca blog saya:

  1. Berat badan tidak berubah tetapi kenapa baju dah longgar?
  2. Saya sudah berjaya turunkan berat badan sebanyak 7kg dalam 2 bulan pertama but sejak itu saya sudah sampai plateau dan berat badan tidak berubah. Kenapa ye?

Both are excellent questions. Lets take a look.Read more

Detox Program? I just tried Juvanex

Juvanex Media Event at Manja Spa
Back in April I was approached by Juvanex (Cambert Malaysia) to try out their product. So I figured, sure why not! Prior to this I have heard a lot about detox diets, programs but never really considered them. Why not? Well probably coz I don't believe in any particular diets (a balanced diet is all I need) but then again Juvanex is not a diet. Its an easy and practical 7 day detox program.Read more

1:1 Personal Training & Consultation

Looking for some 1:1 help?

A lot of you have been asking me about personal training and personal consultation lately. In the past, I didn't really highlighted it much since I've been to occupied with lots of other things...so kekurangan masa untuk 1:1 trainings.

Direct Online Booking

I've just put up a new page in both English and Bahasa Malaysia on:

  • Personal Training / Latihan Peribadi
  • Personal Consultation / Perundingan Peribadi

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1:1 Personal Training & Consultation

Looking for some 1:1 help?

A lot of you have been asking me about personal training and personal consultation lately. In the past, I didn't really highlighted it much since I've been to occupied with lots of other things...so kekurangan masa untuk 1:1 trainings.

Direct Online Booking

I've just put up a new page in both English and Bahasa Malaysia on:

  • Personal Training / Latihan Peribadi
  • Personal Consultation / Perundingan Peribadi

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"Nasi Separuh Please" - Practical Rice Price Increase Solution

nasi separuh solutionI've been getting a lot of call and emails asking on my opinion about what we/they can do about the recent kenaikkan harga beras. Among the questions:

  • Are rice substitutes advisable?
  • Is rice bad for your health?
  • What can they do?

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"Nasi Separuh Please" - Practical Rice Price Increase Solution

nasi separuh solutionI've been getting a lot of call and emails asking on my opinion about what we/they can do about the recent kenaikkan harga beras. Among the questions:

  • Are rice substitutes advisable?
  • Is rice bad for your health?
  • What can they do?

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Yoga - Good for Weight Loss?

Yoga Q&A

yoga benefitsYoga is another big trend in Malaysia and I've been meaning to talk about yoga for a while now...and yes, some of you have been asking about yoga and stuff related to it. Following is a summary of questions I terima daripada En Zaidi and others on yoga:

  • Is it OK kalau kita workout after yoga class?
  • How to put YOGA in our workout schedule?
  • OK, can we do YOGA masa our rest day?
  • Can yoga help me lose weight atau kurangkan berat badan?
  • Apakah kelebihan yoga?

Is it OK kalau kita workout after yoga class?

I'm gonna say yes and no here. Say you are weight training, yes a little stretching is advisable to help the muscles relax and cool down but kalau anda ingin go through an intense 60min yoga session, then I would say no. If you do it after a cardio workout than yup...go ahead.

How to put YOGA in our workout schedule?

Saya akan assume that we are talking about beginner or intermediate yoga. If you can allocate satu sessi berasingan untuk yoga, than that obviously is ideal. Kalau tak boleh, than anytime will do. I personally would rather place towards the end of the workout supaya I can go home feeling relaxed and easy.

I personally would rather place towards the end of the workout supaya I can go home feeling relaxed and easy

OK, can we do YOGA masa our rest day?

Sure boleh but that it would be a rest day la kan. ;) Rest day supposed to be relaxing for you both mentally and physically..that means no physical activity to allow the joints and muscles to recuperate and rehat.

Can yoga help me lose weight atau kurangkan berat badan?

Lets just say its better than doing nothing at all but berbanding conventional cardio exercises like jogging or aerobics, yoga kurang berkesan dari segi mengurankan berat badan. Yoga is a great form of exercise with the following benefits:

Benefits of Yoga?

Apakah kelebihan dan kebaikan yoga?

  • Great to relieve stress, depression, anxiety and fear.
  • Various physiological, psychological and biochemical benefits
  • Helps to improve body posture.
  • Improves blood flow, good to prevent heart diseases.
  • Improves flexibility, strengthen joints
  • Can help you lose weight.

I personally wouldn't do yoga for weight loss but mainly for its physiological, psychological and biochemical benefits. Again exercise is a personal thing....so should yoga. Some people swear by it others don't. Same goes for any exercise really.

...I personally wouldn't do yoga for weight loss but mainly for its physiological, psychological and biochemical benefits....

How to Spot Reduce Fat (Lemak)?

Following is a question from Iskandar who wrote in recently. He wants to lose fat pada bahagian muka (probably his cheeks)....here's his question:

  1. Q
    sy ade 1 soalan, i used to b chubby men..tp skang badan i da ok sket... tp masalahnye muka i masih tembam la..knape eh lemak badan lbh mudah trbakar tp kat pipi msh tembam...kevin ade ape2 tips tak utk kurangkn tembam di mukeRead more

Baru Bersalin? Ingin bersenam or get back in shape?

The following is a question I received through Facebook recently:

  1. Q
    Bro... just wanna check with you what kinda food that are suitable for my wife which contain high calorie yet healthy seems she is breast-feeding our baby. Currently she is 47kg; 11kgs lost after giving birth. Her ideal weight should be around 50-55kgs.
    Need your experts advice bro.
  2. A

    Ok bro (since you call me bro, I shall do the same). First of all congrats on becoming a father...it must be life changing experience. and hey good on you for caring for your wife's wellbeing. Good man!

    Ok for post labor or baru bersalin fitness, i'll fokus on three areas: Nutrition, Exercise and Rest!


    For some, their goal is to get rid of the pregnancy fat to get back in shape. Bagi sesetengah orang seperti your wife, they may want to regain some weight yang hilang...well after the baby dah "keluar". Following are some general post labor nutrition tips (tips nutrisi selepas bersalin)

    • Before you start anything, check with your doctor. Every women has different needs/shortages etc post labor.
    • Maintain a nutritious diet and have 5-6 balanced meals per day
    • Avoid empty calories like cookies, soft drinks, chips etc
    • if your wife is breastfeeding, you need to be sensitive to the kinds of foods she eats. Makanan yang pedas, "berbau" etc boleh menjejaskan your babies mood to breastfeed.
    • Pastikan your wife doesn't skip meals, especially when breastfeeding...shes still eating for 2 :)
    • Bro, in terms of caloric value you need it would be helpful for you to calculate your wife's BMR and DCR. From you need to add lebih kurang 300-500 calories to 1. feed your baby and 2. hopefully have some left supaya your wife can tambahkan berat badan.
    • Supplements?Basic labor/post labor protein supplements are ok. Especially coz quality protein is hard to come by consistently but bro, make sure you run the supplements by your doctor firstl.
    • Kalau boleh, avoid: processed foods (go for whole foods), fried foods, fast foods


    Obviously exercise is great to help your wife get back in shape and also to help her regain some weight untuk jangka masa panjang. Ok lets break it down

    • The kind of exercise your wife can or cannot do tentunya bergantung on her condition. Best person to advice on this again is your doctor. General rule of thumb: is to wait 4-6 weeks during the postpartum checkup (I researched this! hahaha).
    • Once you have been given the green light, cara yang paling baik untuk senaman post natal is to start small...like walking or brisk walking or maybe just taking your stroller out. In Malaysia you obviously need to be aware of the heat. My advice, talking the stroller in a shopping mall ok jugak.
    • Practicality. Post natal exercise in the form of weight training if obviously great to rebuild your wife's strength and endurange....a fun and practical exercise is to bermain, lifting, dukung and incorporate your baby in the exercises. Also cara yang baik for your wife to bond with the baby.
    • Try to exercise after breastfeeding, rather than before when your breasts are full and heavy.
    • Aim to exercise three or four days per week.
    • If you feel breathless or light-headed while exercising, slow down or stop.
    • Wear an appropriate bra that offers good support.
    • Elakkan senaman yang memberi tekanan kepada your wife's pelvis or hip joints....that until your doctor has given you the ok (once your pelvic muscles have recovered)
    • Cuba senaman zero/low-impact seperti walking, swimming, yoga, cycling, light weight training (i.e with weights or your baby) etc etc


    Can't tell you how important this one is bro. Lagi2 when you have a new born baby in your life. Pastikan your wife gets enough rest in between exercise, breastfeeding etc to allow her to recuperate and rebuild. Not getting enough rest will effect not only her mood and health, but also her ability to breast feed.

I think thats pretty much it. Even I learned a bit today..in any case, do check with your doctor. Your wife inysallah has a lot of years to get her weight and fitness back in check. At the very early stages of post-pregnancy....making sure that your wife and baby are healthy is more important.
All the best!

The Pursuit of Happiness - Movie

Haven't really posted anything outside of work and of course, health. So here's something that inspired me. I don't get inspired by books or philosophies...what inspires me is life, hardship, the will to persevere and to stand up for what you believe in.

...what inspires me is life, hardship, the will to persevere and to stand up for what you believe in...

So here I am...watching a movie..a true story - "The Pursuit of Happiness" at home (thank god for WIFI) and can't help but feel for Will Smith's character, Chris Gardner. Its a simple movie about live and yes, the pursuit of happiness.Read more