Fitness Concept Road Tour - MidValley 19-20th April

Fitness Concept Road Tour with Kevin Zahri

Join Me at the Fitness Concept Road Tour

Come and join us for games, promotions and other activities at MidValley Centre Court this 19th and 20th April. I'll be there from 11-5pm on both Saturday and Sunday.
See you there!
Note: Next weekend we will be at One Utama.

No time to bersenam? Take control of your health - life.

Soalan daripada Azizul:Q

hai mr.kevin,saya berumur 18tahun, berat badan saya 100kg dan tinggi saya 160cm…masalah utama saya ialah, saya bekerja dari pukul 8pagi sampai 7malam dan X sempat nak bersenam…lagipun, kat tempat saya nih X der kedai menjual suplement untuk menguruskan badan…jikalau disember lepas berat saya 94kg, skarang, makin naik lah pulak sampai 100kg…
harap encik kevin dapat lah tolong saya….
Ok di sini Azizul basically ada 2 masalah:

  • Penambahan berat badan
  • Tiada masa untuk berseman

Let answer both questions individually.

  1. Penambahan Berat Badan:Satu perkara Azizul harus memahami is that your body weight tidak akan menurun selagi Azizul tiada kawalan. Right now you have no control. Satu2 cara untuk mengawal berat badan adalah ilmu pengetahuan dan mengamalakn ilmu itu untuk jangka masa berpanjangan....bukan sahaja untuk 12 minggu. Secara ringkas, weight loss is easy sekiranya Azizul memahami fundamental asas dan keperluan (makanan) anda. its all about calories in (daripada makanan) berbanding calorie out (aktiviti seharian). Selagi kalori in melebihi kalori out, you will gain weight. How fast? 3500 calorie bersamaan 1lb lemak.
  2. Tiada masa untuk berseman!Yang ini tricky a bit because it all comes down to your kepentingan dalam kehidupan Azizul. Does work control your life and health?...atau do you control your life? Right now, pekerjaan Azizul yang mengawal your life. if you don't exercise, losing weight lagi la susah because kurang senaman means kurang kalories going out. So in this scenario, watching your food becomes more important. Tetapi saay tidak syorkan kehidupan yang dikawal oleh pekerjaan kerana it is not a healthy balance, both physcially and mentally. Azizul, you need to take control of your life....don't let work control you life. Kita hanya diberikan satu nyawa....lets make it the most it can be. Life is not just about work....its about a balance that makes us happy. So you should ask yourself this question:
    • Are you happy dengan keseimbangan kehidupan anda?
    • Is work controlling my life?

    Apa2 pun, its your life and you only have one.....lets make the most of it. Tiada masa untuk bersenam all comes back to you and its all about pilihan.....tetapi dengan pilihan yang Azizul ambil...adalah anda sanggup menghadapi the consequences?

Take control of your life

Hope this helps Azizul. Weight loss is easy....but what is most important is that you are happy with your life. Wanna lose weight? You need to take control.

Weight loss is easy....but what is most important is that you are happy with your life.

Q/A: Joint Pain, Home Gym dan Sit Ups.

Question: Joint Pain (Sakit Sendi2), Home Gym dan Sit Ups.

Dear Kevin,
I just bought yr book 24/7 yesterday and I must say that for the first time i'm reading a health and diet book that is suitable for malaysians. it's really great plus how to calculate calories etc - very useful.

...I am trying to find the right kind of exercises as I hv problems with my joints - both small and large joints and neck and shoulder problem...

I'm 42 yrs old - weight 5.26 kg / 160cm . My question is - I am trying to find the right kind of exercises as I hv problems with my joints - both small and large joints and neck and shoulder problem but i would like to lose about 2kgs of weight and tone my body.....and at the same time I'm not a member of any gym......pls suggest some form of cardio and weight training that I may do at the comfort of my home to aid my weight loss. I find that doing sit-ups is very uncomfortable for my neck/shoulder.


The good news it - no matter how old you are, its never too late to start exercising. Exercise/senaman should be something kita amalkan sepanjang hayat. Ok lets break it down:

  1. 1.
    Joint Problems: here its important to listen to your body dan pastikan that you are not making the pain worse. Also you need to be able to bezakan sakit joints (sendi-sendi) dan sakit otot. (muscle pain). Supplements like glucosamine or joint supplements do help in aiding the recovery process. Lagi2 apa bentuk senaman sekalipun akan promote your joints to become stronger. Important thing to remember is:

    • to start slow and slow build from your progress (important)
    • build your strength
    • listen to your body
    • rest periodically
    • Consult your doctor, jika perlu
  2. 2.
    Training at home: As illustrated and explained in my book...yeah no problem in training at home for both cardio and weight training. For cardio, you'd probably need a treadmill or bike. A bike is probably better for your joints as it is low/none impact. For weight training, you'd need dumbbells that you can grow with. Grow with? Means that as you get stronger, you would need to increase the poundages to continually build strength.
  3. 3.
    What about sit ups? Sit ups when performed wrongly will cause excess stess to your neck and lower back. Its all about form and don't have to be performed daily. Sekali seminggu pun dah ok...yang penting is quality senaman bukan quantiti. You can refer to the book for proper sit up (crunches) form. BTW, your hands should not pull your neck. You can place them across your chest.

Hope this helps and all the best.

Poco-Poco Dan Santai Sabtu Di Taiping

Hello everyone,

I just came back from Taiping. Was invited by Shidi dan Pn Hanim daripada Majlis Perbandaran Taiping (MPT) to ambil bahagian dalam Sabtu Santai, lead the warm up, played some games dan sekaligus promote my books and talks.


Hahaha....I learned (or tried to learn) I new traditional dance called Poco-Poco (pronouned pocho-pocho), its lebih kurang macam line dancing but like always, when it comes to any kind of dance...I'm pretty hopeless...but hey at least I tried ;)

Thanks and enjoy the pics

So again, ribuan terima kasih to everyone involved for their hospitality and for inviting me. I'll be back! :)

Fitness Concept Spokesperson

Fitness Concept Spokesperson

I'm sure you have see the cool Fitness Concept (FC) flash banner on my sidebar and wondered what my relationship with Fitness Concept is. Well since January 2008, I am the official spokesperson for Fitness Concept, the largest fitness specialist chain store in Malaysia.

About Fitness Concept

...have been certified as the "Largest Fitness Specialist Chain Store" by the Malaysia Book of Records...

FC is a member of the Transmark Group of Companies with 25 years of experience in health and fitness industry. They have have grown steadily to 30 retail outlets nationwide and have been certified as the "Largest Fitness Specialist Chain Store" by the Malaysia Book of Records and we are also the first fitness equipment company to achieve the prestigious ISO 9001:2000 certification in Malaysia.

How Does this Benefit You?

Well FC and I are hoping to create a win-win situation where by we are able to benefit the most important people...YOU (the consumer) through activities like:

  • Voucher/Coupon - Buy my book online and get Fitness Concept voucher
  • Free Gifts - We'll give out FC freebies at my seminars and talks
  • Roadshows - I will participate in FC roadshows throughout Malaysia. Next up is MidValley (19-20th April) and 1 Utama (26-27th Apirl). See my calendar for details.
  • Educate/Talks - We will conduct talks with other parties like Shape Magazine to educate you on health and fitness.
  • Advertising - You'll see my picture everywhere...hahaha...dunno how that'll benefit you but hey, who knows la.

First Photo Shoot - Behind the Scenes

Below are various behind the scenes pictures from our recent photo shoot at Setia Alam.

"24 Questions Health Seminar" with Thomvell

Below are a few pictures from a quick wellness seminar entitled "24 Question with Kevin Zahri" that was organized by Thomvell for about 70+ participants from various companies in conjuction for their Secretary Excellence Seminar, 25th and 26th March 2008 at Maya Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

I would like to thank Thomvell and all the participants. Hope you enjoy your freebies! ;)

Would like to attend one of our seminars?

Click here for more info.

"24 Questions Health Seminar" with Thomvell

Below are a few pictures from a quick wellness seminar entitled "24 Question with Kevin Zahri" that was organized by Thomvell for about 70+ participants from various companies in conjuction for their Secretary Excellence Seminar, 25th and 26th March 2008 at Maya Hotel Kuala Lumpur.

I would like to thank Thomvell and all the participants. Hope you enjoy your freebies! ;)

Would like to attend one of our seminars?

Click here for more info.

Video Talk - Youth Malaysia's Entrepreneurship Convention 2008

Back in January this year, I was chosen as one of the speakers at Youth Malaysia's 1st National Youth Entrepreneurship Convention 2008 (NYEC) at that help at PWTC on the 18-19th January 2008.

The inaugural National Youth Entrepreneur Convention, the first of its kind in Malaysia, is a youth-speak-to-youth event aimed at empowering youths in Malaysia who are aspiring to be entrepreneurs. Held in conjunction with YOUTH’08, Malaysia’s Youth Lifestyle Showcase, the Convention was held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur on January 19, 2008 and was jointly brought to you by and Young Malaysian Graduates Society, in association with Lifelong Learning Malaysia.

Enjoy the Video

Following is a video of my speech taken by a participant (Visit his website). Will post up the official Youth's Malaysia's official video and pictures when I get them nanti.

Want me to speak at your event?

You can check out my list of talks/seminars here. If you have a special request, simply drop us a note here and we'll get back to you.

Video Talk - Youth Malaysia's Entrepreneurship Convention 2008

Youth Malaysia

Back in January this year, I was chosen as one of the speakers at Youth Malaysia's 1st National Youth Entrepreneurship Convention 2008 (NYEC) at that help at PWTC on the 18-19th Janaury 2008.

The inaugural National Youth Entrepreneur Convention, the first of its kind in Malaysia, is a youth-speak-to-youth event aimed at empowering youths in Malaysia who are aspiring to be entrepreneurs. Held in conjunction with YOUTH’08, Malaysia’s Youth Lifestyle Showcase, the Convention was held at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur on January 19, 2008 and was jointly brought to you by and Young Malaysian Graduates Society, in association with Lifelong Learning Malaysia.

Enjoy the Video

Following is a video of my speech taken by a participant (Visit his website). Will post up the official Youth's Malaysia's official video and pictures when I get them nanti.


Want me to speak at your event?

You can check out my list of talks/seminars here. If you have a special request, simply drop us a note here and we'll get back to you.

Cara untuk betulkan postur badan

kevin cmne nak betulkan postur badan? ramai kata saya bongkok..?

Ini soalan daripada salah seorang yang email saya baru2 ini. Jawapannya partially lies in weight training (with proper posture). Why?Latihan weight training untuk bahagian belakang forces you to strengthen the back muscles, bringing your shoulders back and secara tidak langsung, helps you to look more confident and berdiri lebih tegak.
Postur Badan
But lets look at some asas-asas postur:

Apakah ayng menyebabkan postur yang tidak betul

  • Poor habits (slouching etc)
  • Obese
  • Otot yang lemak (tidak dapat menakung your weight)
  • Mengandung
  • Kasut timut tinggi (yes for you girls out there)
  • Otot tegang (lack of flexbility)
  • Banyak duduk depan PC

Keperluan untuk mendapatkan postur yang baik?

Jadi what do you need for good body posture?

  • Kekuatan asas otot
  • Flexiblity in your muscles
  • Core balance (not just strong abs but strong lower back also)
  • Kesedaran..supaya you have the awareness to make changes, jika perlu

What exercise?

Well sudah tentu, semua otot besar memainkan peranan yang postur (daripada kaki hinggi ke leher) but yang penting adalah your core muscles. Kekuatan otot "core" adalah bahagian depan (iaitu abs) dan bahagian bawah belakang (your lower back). So my advice is generally:

  • Latihan abs
  • Latihan untuk bahagian bawah belakang seperti (hyperextensions)
  • Overall back exercise seperti lat pulldown to promote an erect upper body

SPM 2008 – Whats Happening To Our Education System

I write about this every but every year it annoys me more and more......oh yes people its SPM time. And of course:

  • "5.2% increase in number of students obtaining straight As" (TheStar)
  • "SPM: Azali Azlan dapat 21 A"(Utusan Malaysia)

....the value of an "A" in Malaysia's SPM is a has no value.

Pendidikan Malaysia Hari Ini

I feel its very sad....menyedihkan. All the system is concerned bout is academic performace. How is it measured? Simply by how many A's or where one is ranked among kawan-kawan setingkatan. Read more

Invite Kevin To Talk At Your Workplace

Hey everyone,

We just launched a Corporate Health & Wellness program entitled "24 Questions with Kevin Zahri".

...its a reach-out program for companies and organizations to promote a health and productive lifestyle for their employees...

What is it?

Is a reach-out program for companies and organizations to promote a health and productive lifestyle for their employees. The seminar would probably be conducted at the companies themselves, during office hours and should be open to all employees. This is also an opportunity for you to get Kevin's book at up to 50% off. (Download the overview sheet for more info)


...This is also an opportunity for you to get Kevin's book at up to 50% off...

What are the 24 Questions?

The open seminar will address 24 common questions everyone seems to have these days. Contohnya:

How much does it cost?

Refer to download for details.


Are you the employer? Contact us here
Are you an employee? Contact us here also and include the contact info for your HR or CorpComm department/person-in-charge. We'll ring them up and try to work something out with them.