Makan Nasi Untuk Kurus? Boleh ke tak boleh?

Ramai yang kurang pasti dalam pengambilan nasi dalam usaha untuk kurangkan berat badan. Anda bagaimana? Tonton video ini untuk pandangan saya.

Cardio atau Weight Training Untuk Kurus Cepat?

Antara senaman weight training dan cardio, yang mana lebih effective untuk kurangkan berat badan dan patut menjadi pilihan anda?

WHI TV3 - Tip Makan Malam Yang TIDAK Menggemukkan

Siapa yang sering makan malam, terutamanya snek-snek malam, dapatkan tip dari Kevin Zahri di Wanita Hari Ini untuk tip makan malam yang TIDAK menggemukkan.

A letter for 7 Year Rafael. School has begun.

My dearest Rafael,

It's been over 7 years that I have written to you. Today was your 1st school day. Wow, it's unbelievable how fast the last 7 years went by.

Before I shall pass on my insights on what the next years of the school shall bring, allow me to remind yourself (and myself) of the last years so that when a day comes and you can perhaps hold on to the innocence that will slowly be leaving you. But that's ok.

Being your father has been the most meaningful experience of my life. What a wonderful boy you are. So full of energy, laughter, full of jokes (you got that from me), and excited about everything that life has to offer. Don't lose you being you.

As a father, I could not have asked for a more memorable, a more loving time with you.

As a father, I could not have asked for a more memorable, more loving time with you. We had so much fun together. You remind me so much of myself when I was little. We are one.

What was the hardest part of being your father?

Work. Well, work is easy but it took away time from being with you. If it were up to me, I would stop work altogether and just be your Daddiel. I tried that in 2016. We traveled the world (well not really the world). We are on the road for 3-4 months but by June, I realized I have bills to pay :).

The more time we spent together, the faster time seemed to pass. It's crazy. There was never enough time.

But, over the next few years, you will be going through changes - you are growing up sooner than I would like. It's not easy letting go of my "small lil man", my Babael. You, on the other hand, can't wait for it to happen.

You want to be a scientist or football player.

And although these dreams may change over the years, know that I will always be there to support your goals and work with you through any problem that you may encounter. My little man :)

School will be fun.

You make friends so easily. Wherever we go, you would bring a little pouch full of action figures and toys to "bait" other kids into coming to play. Studies are important but more importantly, I want you to create new experiences, compete in sports, build character and yes, fall in love. Love is a big part of life. A big part of being happy. Don't be afraid to love or fall in and out of love.

Other than playing and fighting (haha) with friends, I don't remember much about the early years of school. But that's ok too. You will know how to tighten the screws on your studies when the time comes. But that is a letter for another day.

Sayang your grandparents.

You are blessed with amazing grandparents who love you with all their heart. You bring them joy and laughter. Enjoy their love for you but appreciate the time you have together. Be kind, respectful, and reach out to them as often as you can. Life can change in an instant.

Some day

Some day when you are old enough to read and appreciate this post, remember that I will always believe in you, to support your dreams, your ups and down. We are family and you are always my #1 priority. That said, I will not solve every problem you encounter.

I will not solve every problem you encounter.

As your dad, it is my job to guide you along your journey. But this it is your journey. It is and must be your life. You know that. As I always say "It's ok to make mistakes. We learn from mistakes". So Rafa, allow yourself to make mistakes and take risks. Without risk, there is no reward.

Enjoy the next years of primary school. They will be super exciting. And if you find me looking and smiling at you from afar, that's just me being amazed at what you can do. You are my amazing little boy.

Oh and if it not too much to ask, do give your daddy a big hug once in a while. I need it more than you know.

I love you Rafael. Nyam Nyam

Jom Kurus Singapore FitFab Season 2

Hello Singapore. Do join Haslinda Ali FitFab and Kevin Zahri for a 6 week weight loss challenge – Cabaran Jom Kurus FitFab Singapore season 2, which will start on the 27th Jan 2018. For more info, visit or contact Rizal +65 9678 7907.

Jom Kurus Corporate Enrollment Package

Are you looking to enroll your employees with our Jom Kurus weight loss challenge or initiate your own internal corporate weight loss challenge? We work with many institutions, both small and large, to offer attractive enrollment packages which come with complimentary talk and exercise sessions. Contact Aain at 014 8029 896? or visit for more details.

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Gambar Seminar Jom Kurus New Year di Prince Court

Gambar dari New Year Seminar Jom Kurus di Prince Court bersama peserta-peserta yang mulakan cabaran Jom Kurus 10 Minggu untuk JK1M 2018 dengan seminar Cara Kurangkan 10kg dalam 10 minggu bersama Kevin Zahri. Terima kasih kepada ecoBrown's yang sediakan sample brown rice and barisan speakers Mohd Khairul AzuanAizat Razak, Slay, team DietFit Malaysia dan barisan team leader Cabaran Jom Kurus.

Nak join Cabaran Jom Kurus? Anda boleh layari untuk lebih info. Cabaran akan bermula 27hb Jan 2018 ini. Jom!

Facebook Live Chat Video - Diet Suka Hati Kau

Berikut adalah video dari sessi LiveChat Facebook bersama saya yang telah berlangsung pada 21hb Disember 2017. Terima kasih kepada semua yang telah ambil bahagian dan mengemukakan soalan-soalan. Semoga sessi tersebut telah membawa manfaat kepada semua.

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JK1M10 Pendaftaran Jom Kurus Musim 10 Bermula Esok

Pada jam 11am 19hb Disember 2017 bermulanya pendaftaran Cabaran Jom Kurus musim 10, JK1M1, untuk seluruh Malaysia. Jom sama-sama kita jayakan program kurangkan berat badan terbesar Malaysia bersama.

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JK1M9 Seremban Family Day Outing

Semalam family Jom Kurus JK1M9 Seremban, pimpinan Mohd Shah Fazreen dan Dr Syuk, telah menganjurkan family gathering di D'qnut Chaley Melaka bersama peserta-peserta dari JK1M9.

Memang seronok dapat mengeratkan silaturahhim bersama dengan permainan-permainan pantai ala sukan rakyat. Kalah menang tu lain cerita tapi kemenangan besar adalah ukhwah dan kegembiraan yang lahir dari aktiviti yang sangat positif bersama.

Terima kasih sekali lagi atas undangan dan layanan yang begitu mesra - especially untuk Mikaela yang sungguh gembira dan teruja dapat hadiah dan medal.

Tahniah kepada semua yang menjayakan sessi itu dan insyallah kita akan berjumpa semula nanti di JK1M10 pada 2018.

JK1M Musim 10: 800 Free Whatsapp 1:1 Coaching Giveaway

Cabaran Jom Kurus musim 10 akan kembali pada 2018. Berikut adalah beberapa pengumumun penting utk anda:

1. Cabaran 6 minggu akan bermula pada 27Jan di seluruh Malaysia, Singapore dan Brunei
2. Pendaftaran rasmi akan bermula 19Dec.
3. Special Early Bird offer utk 10 pendaftaran awal setiap kawasan.
4. 1:1 Whatsapp Coaching percuma akan ditawarkan kepada lebih kurang 800 peserta yg daftar lebih awal.
5. Ohlimpik, sukan Jom Kurus, akan dijalankan di seluruh negara, bermula 3hb Mac nanti.
6. Special 10 week challenge akan bermula pada 1Jan dan berakhir serentak dengan cabaran 6 minggu pada 10Mac. 10 week adalah percuma utk semua peserta JK1M10 yg daftar sebelum 1Jan.

Utk lebih info, layari atau hubungi Kaka 019 2827820, Rohani ?016 909 0001?, Zuhara ?011 3236 0830? atau Jelita ?017 299 9713?

Rafael's first football tournament.

Dear Rafael,

Yesterday, you took part in your football tournament organised by EPS Academy at Desa Park City. You have only been playing for a month but did extremely well. Yesterday was not really about football skills as it about the spirit of competition, being part of a team and having loads of fun! Mummy, Mika and I were so proud of you. With the exception that Mika was complaining all day about the dirt and mud. How did you team do? Your team managed to win the first game and drew the second. Did you score? Almost!

Sports and competitions can teach you plenty about facing challenges in life, overcoming defeat, celebrating achievements, problem solving and so much more. Always remember to challenge yourself and have fun!