Fit Ramadhan - What is the best time to burn fat?

The timing of exercise during Ramadan can play a significant role in optimizing fat burning while considering the unique challenges of fasting. Here are some key points to consider when determining the best time to burn fat through exercise during Ramadan:

Pre-dawn (Suhoor) workout:

Engaging in exercise before the pre-dawn meal can be beneficial for fat burning. When you exercise in a fasted state, your body has depleted glycogen stores, and it is more likely to rely on stored fat as a fuel source. However, intense workouts may be challenging due to low energy levels.

Pre-iftar workout:

Another favorable time for fat burning is before breaking the fast just before sunset. By this time, your body has replenished its energy stores through the iftar meal. Engaging in exercise during this period can provide you with sufficient energy for a more intense workout, potentially leading to increased fat burning.

Moderate-intensity workouts:

Given the reduced calorie intake and potential dehydration during Ramadan, it is generally recommended to focus on moderate-intensity workouts. These types of exercises, such as brisk walking, cycling, or light jogging, can help burn fat effectively without placing excessive stress on your body.

Listening to your body:

It's crucial to pay attention to your body's signals and adjust your exercise routine accordingly. Some individuals may feel more energized and capable of intense workouts closer to iftar, while others may prefer lighter activities during the fasting hours. Find the time that works best for you and aligns with your energy levels and overall well-being.

Hydration and recovery:

Adequate hydration is essential during Ramadan, particularly as dehydration can hinder fat-burning capabilities. Be sure to hydrate well during non-fasting hours, both before and after your workout. Additionally, prioritize proper post-workout recovery by consuming a balanced meal with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support muscle repair and replenish energy stores.

Ultimately, the best time to burn fat during Ramadan varies based on individual preferences, energy levels, and schedules. Experiment with different timings and listen to your body to find the most suitable approach for optimizing fat burning while respecting the unique requirements of fasting. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified fitness instructor who can provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals.

TikTok Video - 9 Tip Sahur

10 Tip Kurangkan Berat Badan Paling Penting

Menurunkan berat badan mungkin merupakan cabaran yang sukar bagi sesetengah orang. Namun, dengan membuat beberapa perubahan kecil dalam gaya hidup, anda dapat mencapai berat badan yang ideal dan hidup sehat. Berikut adalah sepuluh tip yang paling penting untuk menurunkan berat badan secara berkesan.

1. Cipta Defisit Kalori:

Cara yang paling berkesan untuk menurunkan berat badan adalah dengan mencipta defisit kalori dengan mengambil kalori yang lebih sedikit daripada yang anda bakar. Gunakan aplikasi penjejakan kalori untuk memantau pengambilan kalori harian anda dan pastikan anda berada dalam defisit kalori.

2. Makan Lebih Banyak Protein:

Protein adalah makronutrien yang membantu anda merasa kenyang dan puas, dan ia juga membantu memelihara massa otot semasa penurunan berat badan. Sasaran untuk makan protein dengan setiap makanan, seperti daging tanpa lemak, telur, dan kacang-kacangan.

3. Kelebihan Air:

Minum air dapat membantu anda merasa kenyang dan juga dapat meningkatkan metabolisma anda. Sasaran untuk minum sekurang-kurangnya 8 gelas air sehari.

4. Kurangkan Karbohidrat Refined:

Karbohidrat yang diolah seperti roti putih, pasta, dan gula boleh menyebabkan peningkatan insulin dan menyebabkan penambahan berat badan. Fokus pada bijirin keseluruhan, sayur-sayuran, dan buah-buahan.

5. Tingkatkan Pengambilan Serat:

Serat membantu anda merasa kenyang dan juga dapat mengawal sistem pencernaan anda. Sasaran untuk makan banyak sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan, dan bijirin keseluruhan untuk meningkatkan pengambilan serat anda.

6. Bersenam Secara Berkala:

Senaman yang kerap membantu membakar kalori dan juga boleh meningkatkan metabolisma anda. Sasaran untuk sekurang-kurangnya 30 minit senaman sederhana setiap hari, seperti berjalan cepat, berbasikal, atau berenang.

7. Dapatkan Cukup Tidur:

Kurang tidur boleh mengganggu hormon yang mengawal rasa lapar dan metabolisma, yang boleh menyebabkan penambahan berat badan. Sasaran untuk tidur selama 7-8 jam setiap malam.

8. Kurangkan Tekanan:

Tekanan boleh mencetuskan pelepasan kortisol, hormon yang boleh menyebabkan penambahan berat badan. Amalkan teknik pengurangan tekanan seperti yoga, meditasi, atau pernafasan dalam-dalam.

9. Rancang Makanan Anda:

Merancang makanan anda terlebih dahulu dapat membantu anda membuat pilihan yang lebih sihat dan mengelakkan memakan makanan yang tidak sihat secara impulsif.

10. Bersabarlah:

Penurunan berat badan adalah proses yang beransur-ansur, dan penting untuk bersabar dan konsisten. Fokus pada membuat perubahan gaya hidup yang boleh dikekalkan daripada penyelesaian cepat, dan sambut kemajuan anda sepanjang jalan.

Menurunkan berat badan bukanlah satu-satu cabaran yang mudah, tetapi ia adalah sesuatu yang boleh dicapai dengan disiplin, tekad dan perubahan gaya hidup yang berterusan. Dengan mengamalkan tip-tip yang dinyatakan di atas secara konsisten, anda pasti akan melihat perubahan yang signifikan dalam kesihatan dan penampilan fizikal anda.

Podcast Episode 19 - Fit & Kurus Ramadhan Q&A

Episode minggu ini bincangkan pelbagai soalan Q&A Fit Ramadhan termasuk pemakanan, pengambilan air, bersenam sebelum berbuka, senaman sahur, elak berbuka dengan berlebihan dan macam-macam lagi. Muat-turun my FREE Ramadhan: Puasa & Kurus eBook di

Azam Kurus 2023?

Ingin kurangkan berat badan di 2023? Daftarkan diri untuk Cabaran 30 Hari bersama saya yang bakal bermula pada 1hb Januari 2023. Diskaun sehingga 30% ditawarkan pada early bird applications termasuk pajek instimewa 1:1 bersama saya.

Layari -

Cabaran 30 Hari bersama saya

Salam kurus and hi,

Ingin kurangkan berat badan bersama saya dan komuniti positif? Kini anda boleh sertai komuniti eksklusif bersama saya untuk program Cabaran 30 Hari yang berjalan bulan ke bulan untuk program jangka masa pendek atau berpanjangan. In pendaftaran dan lebih info, anda boleh rujuk di sini.

Online Community

Cabaran 30 Hari dikendalikan menerusi platform komuniti yang hebat, eksklusif dan sudah tentunya bersama saya.

WhatsApp Support Group

Disamping platform community yang menganduni pelbagai perkongsian, leaderboards, video, online courses dan diari harian saya, anda juga disokong sepanjang program menerusi WhatsApp support group kami yang dikendalikan oleh jurulatih dan team BSK kami.

4x Weekly LIVE Dengan Recording

Setiap minggu, 4x sessi LIVE dikendalikan menerusi platform komuniti Cabaran 30 Hari kami yang termasuk sessi bersama saya sendiri, jurulatih jemputan dan pelbagai pakar. Selain itu, setiap Rabu kami adakan small group discussion untuk bincangkan pelbagai isu-isu dan topik bukan soal kurus termasuk perkongsian kehidupan, mental health dan macam-macam lagi.

Tambahan, setiap rakaman sessi LIVE akan dimuat-naik untuk rujukan dan tontonan sepanjang keahlian anda.

Sessi LIVE bersama saya akan berlansung pada setiap hari Rabu jam 8pm dengan pelbagai topik termasuk cara melakar pelan kurangkan berat badan, meal planning dan sessi senaman yang berbeza-beza.

Meal Planning

Selari dengan falsafah saya, Cabaran 30 Hari kami fokus kepada pengajaran dan bimbingan bersama termasuk Meal Planning dan perkongsian menu makanan sihat sepanjang masa. Oh ada diari diri saya juga di mana anda boleh lihat dan mungkin belajar dari diari harian saya juga.

Sepanjang program, saya sendiri akan kongsi aktiviti harian saya, termasuk menu makanan dan a personal look into my daily routines. Ia akan beri gambaran buat anda bahawa kesihatan dan kawalan berat badan bukan lah soal kesempurnaan.

Jangan risau, saya pun tak lah makan sihat 24/7. Ada give and take gitu.

BONUS: 200+ Video Library

Tambahan, anda akan diberi access kepada library video courses kami, termasuk panduan senaman rumah, Kurus Masterclass untuk bina pelan kurangkan berat badan anda, video pakar dan macam-macam lagi.

So what is the 30-Day Challenge?

Cabaran 30 Hari adalah untuk anda cuba kurangkan 4kg, langkah 210,000 steps, lari 42km, kutip paling kurang 280 markah menerusi platform community, score 75% of more dalam our monthly kahoot quiz, hadiri paling kurang 6x sessi LIVE dan lengkapkan cabaran-cabaran bulanan kami.

Fun Leaderboards

Track your progress anda sepanjang program kami menerusi pelbagai fun leaderboards untuk naikkan semangat bersama.

Cara daftar Cabaran 30 Hari?

Jom cabar diri but jangan risau, at the end of the day, its always YOU vs YOU and insyallah we will be supporting and motivating each other bersama. Anda hanya perlu layari laman web rasmi Cabaran 30 Hari bersama saya tapi ingat, ia bukan soal kurus :)


BSK5 Season Ending Dinner

As Bukan Soal Kurus season 5 came to an end this 15th October, we hosted an intimate dinner to celebrate everyone's amazing journey and successes. Thank you everyone for making the dinner and journey so meaningful and trusting us with your health.

Want to join our upcoming program? Visit



Festival Permainan Malaysia 2022 bersama Kevin Zahri dan Dmagia

Sempena Festival Permainan Malaysia yang baru berlangsung di Dataran Merdeka pada 24 dan 25 September 2022 ini, kami bersama Dmagia selaku penaja jayakan sessi senaman fitness games bersama para kontinjen yang terdiri daripada pelbagai sektor kerajaan termasuk DBKL, Imigresen Malaysia, Bomba, Kastam, Penjara Malaysia dan macam-macam lagi.

Terima kasih buat semua yang menjayakan sessi tersebut bersama saya dan Dmagia.

Panduan Kalori Ibu Menyusu?

Sebagai ibu menyusu, asupan nutrisi yang baik dan seimbang sangat penting untuk kesehatan dan perkembangan bayi. Salah satu faktor yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kalori. Seorang ibu menyusui memerlukan lebih banyak kalori dari pada seorang wanita yang tidak sedang menyusui. Namun, jumlah kalori yang tepat dapat bervariasi tergantung pada berbagai faktor seperti berat badan, tinggi badan, usia, tingkat aktivitas fisik, dan seberapa sering dan seberapa banyak ibu menyusui.

Berikut adalah panduan kalori untuk ibu menyusui:

Perhitungkan kebutuhan kalori harian Anda:

Seorang ibu menyusui memerlukan sekitar 300-500 kalori ekstra per hari untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi bayi. Jumlah ini dapat bervariasi tergantung pada tingkat aktivitas fisik dan berat badan ibu. Jika Anda memiliki berat badan yang sehat, Anda dapat menambahkan sekitar 500 kalori per hari. Namun, jika Anda ingin menurunkan berat badan, Anda mungkin hanya perlu menambahkan 300 kalori per hari.

Konsumsi makanan sehat dan seimbang:

Meskipun Anda memerlukan kalori ekstra, tetapi Anda tetap perlu makan makanan sehat dan seimbang. Pilih makanan yang kaya akan nutrisi seperti buah-buahan, sayuran, biji-bijian, protein tanpa lemak, dan lemak sehat seperti alpukat dan kacang-kacangan. Hindari makanan yang tinggi gula dan lemak jenuh.

Konsumsi cairan yang cukup:

Air adalah komponen utama dari susu ibu, sehingga Anda perlu minum cukup banyak air untuk memenuhi kebutuhan cairan tubuh Anda. Minum sekitar 8-10 gelas air atau cairan lain yang sehat seperti jus buah atau sayuran, teh herbal, atau susu rendah lemak.

Jangan melewatkan makanan:

Melewatkan makanan dapat menyebabkan tubuh Anda kehilangan energi dan nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk produksi susu. Cobalah untuk makan setidaknya tiga kali sehari dan jangan lupa untuk menyediakan camilan sehat di antara waktu makan.

Pertahankan tingkat aktivitas fisik yang sehat:

Aktivitas fisik dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan dan mempercepat proses penurunan berat badan setelah melahirkan. Lakukan aktivitas fisik yang ringan seperti berjalan-jalan, yoga, atau latihan kekuatan, namun hindari aktivitas fisik yang berlebihan atau terlalu berat.

Dengan mengikuti panduan ini, Anda dapat memastikan bahwa Anda mendapatkan jumlah kalori yang cukup dan makanan yang seimbang untuk mendukung kesehatan dan perkembangan bayi Anda. Selalu ingat untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter atau ahli gizi jika Anda memiliki kekhawatiran tentang asupan kalori dan nutrisi Anda.

10 Best Abs Exercises for Beginners

It's no secret that your abs are a key area of the body to focus on when it comes to fitness. You need a strong core if you want to perform at your best in sports, or just look good in a swimsuit. The following exercises are perfect for beginners because they're not too difficult but still get results. So if you're new to working out and want some great ab exercises to start with, read on!

1. Inchworm

  • How to do an inchworm:
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a 5-pound dumbbell in each hand. Bend at the hips, let your arms hang down, and slowly lower yourself into a pushup position.
  • Reps: 10 repetitions per set
  • Hold time: Five seconds in each position (standing, starting pushup position) and full extension at the top of each rep for two seconds before lowering back down.
  • How to make it harder: Do this exercise as described above but use heavier weights or do fewer reps per set.

2. Reverse Plank-Up

This exercise is a great way to tone your midsection, while also working your upper back and shoulders.

To do this exercise:

  • Kneel down on the floor with your knees hip-width apart. Place your hands on the floor just beyond shoulder-width apart with fingers pointing forward and palms flat against the ground (as if you were doing a push-up). Straighten out from your hips so that only the top of your head, feet and toes are touching the ground. Keep your back straight as if it's connected to a string running straight up through it all the way into space above you.
  • Slowly lower yourself down until only about one inch or so of space remains between your chest and thighs (or whatever height you can easily hold for 30 seconds). Hold this position for 30 seconds before slowly raising yourself back up again until all parts of you have returned fully upright once more.

Reverse Plank-Up Tips:

  • Don't drop too quickly! If at any point during either portion you feel like your legs might give out under too much pressure then stop moving immediately! Instead either hold onto something sturdy nearby (like an ottoman) until they're ready again or simply lower yourself gently by bending at each knee alternately as if someone was holding them down by their wrists/ankles while they moved around freely above them.*

3. Sit-Up to V-Up

  • How to do it: Lay on your back, with your knees bent. Lift your legs up and cross them over each other so that both heels are touching the ground.
  • What muscles are targeted: Abs and lower back
  • How many repetitions to do: Beginner = 5-10 repetitions
  • How many sets to do: Beginner = 1 set (5-10 reps) intermediate = 2 sets (10-20 reps) advanced = 3 sets (15-25 reps)
  • Rest time between sets: Rest time between sets should be approximately 1 minute or less

4. Side Plank Dip

To perform a side plank dip, you'll need to set yourself up in a standard side plank position. You can start by lying on your side with the arm furthest from the floor straight out in front of you and the other hand placed underneath your shoulder. Make sure that both legs are extended and together, forming one long line from head to toe. Then lift yourself up onto your elbow and toes while keeping your core tight and back straight—don't let it sag down toward the floor! This is your starting position for this exercise.

Now that you're ready to proceed, slowly lower yourself down toward the ground until only two points of contact remain one foot resting on top of the other leg's knee (with calves touching), plus elbows bent beneath shoulders (as opposed to being straight out).

While holding this plank form for as long as possible before returning back up into position again, try not to let either elbow or knee touch down—this will help keep those muscles engaged throughout each rep instead of allowing them rest at any point during their workout routine (which would make them much less effective). This also means that beginners should start off using just one foot instead of both so they don't risk placing too much pressure on their arms while trying not to fall over sideways!

5. Exercise Ball Knee Tuck

Kneel on the ball and roll it out in front of you. Lean forward, resting your forearms on the floor. Keep your core tight, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth as you lift one knee toward your chest. Repeat 10 times with each leg before switching sides.

  • If this exercise is too challenging, place one foot on an elevated platform while keeping the other knee bent at a 90-degree angle so that it touches the floor. Once you’re comfortable with this variation, try placing both feet onto an elevated surface such as a chair or box—the higher up they are placed above ground level (or relative to where they were positioned when seated), the more difficult it will be!
  • To progress this exercise even further still: Have a friend hold onto some weights or resistance bands while doing these knee tucks; they'll make sure that every single repetition counts toward strengthening those abs!

6. Leg Lift Flutter

Start in an elevated plank position with one hand on the floor and your feet together. Lift both legs off of the ground, hold for a moment, then slowly lower them back down. Repeat for 30 seconds with no breaks between sets. If you want more of a challenge, try doing single-legged variations as well as two-legged ones (one leg at a time).

  • Muscle group(s): Abs and hip flexors.* What it does: Strengthens your core muscles.* What it doesn't do: Give you six-pack abs.* How many reps/sets you need: 1 set of 30 reps or 3 sets of 20 reps (20 is usually what I do) .

7. Wonder Woman Push-Up

In a Wonder Woman Push-Up, you'll do everything the normal push-up does, except you'll be pushing with one arm and pulling with the other. Your arms should be straight out in front of you and parallel to the ground at all times. Keep your core tight throughout this exercise, as well as your glutes—you don't want anything to be weak! If it helps, imagine there’s a rope between your hands that needs to stay taut while performing this movement.

When doing these, keep in mind that there are three major muscle groups being worked: pectorals (chest), triceps (back of arms) and anterior deltoids (front of shoulders).

However, when performing this exercise regularly over time—or adding weight—the muscles strengthened include: serratus anterior and rhomboids for upper body control; gluteus maximus for pelvic stabilization; hip flexors like quadriceps femoris for lower body stability; quadratus lumborum paravertebral muscles for core stability; erector spinae group muscles help prevent injury while strengthening posture by supporting back muscles while they contract during movement patterns such as walking or bending forward at waist level; latissimus dorsi extends lower limbs toward opposite direction from midline while stabilizing spine during backward motions like squatting or lunging motions forward off one leg only at shoulder level height range up but never above head height range down (lowest possible position is bent 90 degrees forward knee height line drawn flat against floor surface lines); rectus abdominis muscle contraction causes anterior pelvic tilt posture line angle between thoracic spine curvature angle curve line formed by uppermost vertebrae base points points measured from center point chest centerline axis circumference measurement directly above xy coordinate plane bisecting intersection point bisecting diagonal line measurements perpendicularly intersecting lines which meet both sides simultaneously forming

8. Kneeling Cable Crunch

The kneeling cable crunch is a great exercise for beginners, as it allows you to contract the abdominal muscles while lying down. This makes it easier on the back and joints.

To perform this exercise, set up a bench near a cable machine and attach an ankle strap to each side of the cable. Lie back on your elbows with feet at hip width apart, knees bent and core tight. Keep your head aligned with spine throughout this movement. Bring one knee in towards chest (as shown) then return to start position before doing other side. Repeat for specified reps then switch sides using opposite leg - ie: if you brought left knee in first then do right leg next time round etc..

9. Hanging Leg Raise

  • Start in a hanging position, with your arms extended above you.
  • Raise your legs up and down to the sides of your body.
  • Keep your back straight and your legs together throughout the movement.
  • Do not raise them too high, as this can strain the lower back muscles that are meant for stability rather than flexibility.
  • Do not swing or sway from side to side during this exercise; keep it controlled at all times so as not to injure yourself!

10. Plank Jacks

Plank Jacks is a great exercise for beginners to get started with. It's a challenging core exercise that will help you strengthen your core muscles, particularly your lower back muscles (the erector spinae), which are often neglected during other types of ab exercises.

It can be performed using only body weight (no equipment required), or you can use dumbbells for added resistance. Another variation is to hold a medicine ball between your hands instead of having them on the ground in front of you.

This exercise works best when done on an even surface like carpeting or wood flooring so that the movement is smooth rather than choppy as it would be if done repeatedly over bumpy terrain such as grass or dirt paths outside in nature!


If you’re just starting out on your fitness journey, don't worry! You don't have to be an Olympian or a professional athlete to get a great workout in. These exercises are perfect for beginners because they are simple and easy to do at home or while travelling. They give you all the benefits of exercise without requiring any equipment other than yourself (and maybe some weights if needed).

10 Makanan paling menggemukkan Malaysia.

Kita semua memang sukai makanan.

Lagi-lagi makanan lazat Malaysia seperti nasi lemak and roti canai. Tapi tahukah kita kandungan setiap makanan yang dimakan - kalori, nutrisi, lemak, dan segala yang terkandung dalam makanan tersebut? Percayakah anda, ada beberapa jenis makanan yang boleh menyebabkan kita gemuk?

1. Nasi Lemak.

Kegemaran setiap rakyat Malaysia. Hidangan nasi lemak (mengandungi karbohidrat,protein,lemak) lebih kurang 390 kalori tak termasuk sambal, telur rebus, ikan bilis dan kekacang. Hidangan lengkap lebih kurang 450-500 kalori. Kalau anda makan nasi lemak bertambah dan kadang kadang ada ayam goreng (240 kalori), sambal sotong(170 kalori) atau lauk yang lain, rasa rasa menggemukkan tak?

2. Roti Canai.

Paling senang, paling cepat. Siapa yang tak suka kan? Satu keping roti canai bersamaan dengan 300 kalori. Kalau anda makan dua keping dah 600 kalori, itu baru hidangan sarapan pagi, lunch, dinner dan snek diantaranya anda nak makan apa? Bayangkan kalau berlari di treadmill atau jogging, kenalah berlari dalam 90min barulah bakar 600 kalori.

... bayangkan kalau berlari di treadmill atau jogging, kenalah berlari dalam 90min barulah bakar 600 kalori...

3. Nasi Goreng.

Biasanya satu pinggan dalam 630 kalori. Kerana nasi tersebut digoreng, ditambah pula dengan ayam dan telur serta sedikit sayur, menjadikan nasi goreng kurang seimbang. Nilai kalori tinggi lebih kepada lemak dan karbohidrat. Kalau nak makan, cuba jangan lebih segenggam tangan.

4. Ais Krim.

Ais krim memang sedap! Siapa tak nak. Lagi-lagi dengan cuaca di Malaysia yang panas 365 hari setahun.  Tetapi ingat, ais krim tinggi lemak dan gula serta kalori - dua scoop ais krim pun dah 380 kalori. Macam mana tu?

5. Burger.

Burger memang tinggi kalori. Daging kisar tinggi nilai lemak. Satu hidangan burger biasanya lebih 475 kalori. Biasanya makan ada keju, sos cili, mayonis, kadang kadang special sikit ada telur. Agak agak berapa kalori?

6. Mee Kari.

Hidangan mee dengan sup kari,santan. Menyelerakan! Kalori lebih kurang 500. Kalau teringin juga, apa salahnya ganti dengan mee sup, baru 380 kalori.

7. Makanan bergoreng.

Rata-rata kebanyakan makanan bergoreng. Sekeping pisang goreng pun dah 170 kalori. Makanan seperti ini tak sesuai sebab digoreng mengunakan minyak (1g fat : 9 kalori) dan lagi-lagi kalau dipakai minyak yang sama. Jadi kalau boleh kurangkan makanan bergoreng, cari alternatif lain(rebus, panggang dll)

8. Susu Pekat Manis.

Susu penuh krim ini sememangnya kurang elok untuk anda! Kandungan lemak tinggi dan walaupun ia ada sumber kalsium, dinasihatkan menggantikannya dengan kurang kandungan lemak atau rendah lemak. Satu sudu susu pekat manis biasa mengandungi dalam 60kcal.

...Satu sudu susu pekat manis biasa mengandungi dalam 60kcal.

doughnut with toppings

9. Roti Manis dan Donut.

Kadang kadang orang salah sangka roti tidak memberi kesan kegemukan apa apa. Tetapi roti manis seperti roti krim dan coklat memang tinggi dengan kandungan lemak dan karbohidrat. kalori. Boleh cuba roti wholemeal.

... tahukah anda bahawa 1x donut biasa mengandungi 200kcal! Kalau makan separuh dozen dah 1200kcal!! ...

10. Mayonis.

Suku cawan mayonis mengandungi 360 kalori (40g lemak). Memang kurang sihat jika anda penggemar mayonis yang tegar. Jadi kurangkan!

Sebenarnya makanan yang disenaraikan ini tak menggemukkan pun, cuma bergantung kepada anda berapa banyak anda makan dan kuantiti yang diambil. Jika anda makan tanpa mengambil kira kalori, lemak lemak yang terkandung dalamnya, maka itu boleh consider makanan yang anda ambil itu menggemukkan diri anda sendiri.

Jadi anda harus kawal pemakanan dan tahu bagai mana sukatan kalori setiap hari. Semoga berjaya!

BSK Corporate Weight Loss Offer: As Low as RM49 Per Pax

Let's face it – most employees in Malaysia are overweight. In fact, Malaysia unfortunately is the most obese country in Asia. Join our award-winning corporate weight loss program offer from as low as RM49 per pax in Malaysia.

Studies have shown that weight loss can reduce the risk factors for a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in adults.

Award-Winning Program

Our award-winning premier weight loss program combines engaging community learning, daily live talks and workouts, mental health talks, healthy meals, step challenges, optional WhatsApp support, and of course, expert guidance by Kevin Zahri and other coaches and health professionals to help you achieve your corporate wellness goals.

With an effective weight loss program, you can achieve your ideal body shape and transform yourself into a healthier lifestyle.

A corporate weight loss program will help you to:

  • Lose weight in a healthy manner.
  • Improve your health.
  • Improve your fitness.
  • Improve your lifestyle.
  • Improve productivity and energy levels at work, which can result in higher profits for the company as well as an overall sense of job satisfaction for employees.

The corporate wellness weight loss program is the perfect way to lose weight in the company. The implementation of this type of program should be done in an organized manner to avoid any misunderstandings. There are also different types of corporate wellness weight loss programs that can be implemented in the office or fitness center.

In addition to these benefits, studies have shown that when people lose weight they also experience improvements in mood and self-esteem, so they feel better about themselves on multiple levels!

As low as RM49 Per Pax

Join us today with this offer or contact us today for more information. Alternatively, you can contact Shabnam at +60 12-658 2270.