Gambar Sessi Jom Kurus 1 Feb 2013 di Kota Bahru, Kelantan

Buat kali pertama, anjurkan sessi Jom Kurus di Kota Bharu Kelantan. Berikut adalah gambar-gambar dari sessi bersama peserta-peserta dan AJK kelab rekreasi Kementerian Belia dan Sukan, Kota Bharu.

Layari laman web rasi Jom Kurus untuk sessi-sessi akan datang.

Jolynn enjoying a mug of plain water.

Drinking Too Much Water May Be Dangerous

Have you ever been told to drink more than 6 litres of water a day? I definitely have. In fact, I know some people who even drink more than 10 litres of water daily. What are the risks of drinking too much water within a short period of time? Is there ever such a thing as drinking too much water?

Water is a basic necessity for human survival. However, the human body is known to be able to survive for at least 2 days without water. Water is used by the body for numerous biological processes which include digestion, blood circulation, nutrient transportation, body temperature maintenance and many more processes. In addition to that, drinking water is definitely better than drinking carbonated drinks and sweet drinks because it does not contain empty calories (calories that do the body no good). Water also rehydrates your skin and assists the functionality of the kidneys as well as helps maintain normal bowel movement.

A question that seems to popup in most people’s mind is, “How much water do I really need daily?”

How much water do I really need daily?

Well, it really depends on your current health, your daily activities and where you are (climate). We lose water from our body daily through breathing, sweating, urinating and passing our bowels. Because of this, we must drink enough water to keep our body well hydrated. Please note that foods also contribute to our daily water intake. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink about 3 litres of water daily, and women drink about 2.2 litres of water daily. There is also the well-known adage of drinking eight 250 ml glasses of water daily.

What happens if we drink too much water?

Water intoxication or water poisoning or dilutional hyponatraemia occurs when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed beyond safe limits. This may cause a fatal disturbance in brain functions. This is caused by drinking too much water within a short time or intensive workouts done over a period of a long time without replenishing the body with electrolytes.

When this happens, the sodium level in the bloodstream is already extremely low. Sodium is an electrolyte that regulates the amount of water around and in your cells. Too little sodium and too much water in the body causes the cells to swell which will result in mild to severe health problems. Mild symptoms of dilutional hyponatraemia include headache, nausea, muscle spasms and cramps, dizziness, fatigue, restlessness and vomiting. Severe symptoms of dilutional hyponatraemia include coma, seizures, hallucinations, swelling of the brain, respiratory arrest and even death.

There is nothing wrong with drinking lots of water over a period of one day because of the natural process of water loss from our body. However, drinking too much water within a short time or drinking too much water when exercising non-stop for more than 3 hours will place undue stress on the heart and kidneys. Have you ever noticed how your heart tends to beat harder when you drink 3 glasses of water at one go? Have you ever notice how light-headed you feel when drinking too much water during a marathon?

A rule of thumb to see that you’re drinking enough water is via the colour of your urine. Well, I definitely won’t be placing a picture of my urine samples here. If your urine is clear or slightly yellow, then that means you’re hydrated. Too yellow? Better drink up your plain water then.

Jolynn enjoying a mug of plain water.
I drink enough water daily. Not too little, not too much.

Personally, I don’t drink too much water daily because I find it annoying to go to the toilet every 30 minutes. As long as my urine is clear or slightly yellow, I know I’m hydrated. I drink more water when I exercise or during a hot day. Besides, I don’t want to stress out my kidneys and heart in the long term by drinking too much water than what my body requires.

Serina Redzuawan: Artis Jemputan untuk Jom Fit 24 Feb 2013

Untuk sessi Jom Fit pada 24 Feb 2013 di TTFC, KLCC, pelakon dan pengacara TV terkenal Malaysia, Serina Redzuawan, akan join sessi senaman 3 jam bersama-sama. Kalau belum sign-up, layari laman web rasmi Jom Fit. Cuma RM40/pax.

Jom Fit: Dance Extravaganza with Atilia Best Solo Video

Best Solos video performances dari sessi senam aerobik Jom Fit Dance Extravanganza bersama Atilia di TTFC, KLCC pada 27 Januari 2013.

Gambar Jom Fit Dance Extravaganza bersama Atilia

Berikut adalah beberapa gambar sessi senam-aerobik 3 jam Dace Extravaganza bersama Atilia di TTFC, KLCC yang berlangsung pada 27 Januari 2013. Untuk kesemua gambar-gambar dan video, sila layari laman web facebook.

here with 3 best dancers, 3 best dressed and 3 Suunto challenge contestants.
here with 3 best dancers, 3 best dressed and 3 Suunto challenge contestants.
Announcing the winners
Announcing the winners

Atilia cooling down.
Atilia cooling down.

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Gambar Jom Kurus 26 Januari 2013 di Prince Court

Berikut adalah gambar-gambar dari sessi Jom Kurus bersama Kevin Zahri di Prince Court Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur dari 26 Januari 2013. Untuk maklumat jadual sessi-sessi berikut, sila layari laman web Jom Kurus.

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Atilia Guest Selebriti Untuk Jom Fit Dance Extravaganza

Untuk sessi Dance Extravaganza Jom Fit 27 Jan 2013 di TTFC, KLCC, kami sangat excited dengan kehadiran penyanyi terkenal Atilia. Jumpa di sana. Kalau belum daftar lagi, layari laman web Jom Fit.

Gambar Sessi Jom Kurus Melaka dan Johor Bharu

Pada 19 dan 20 Januari 2013, kami menganjurkan sessi Jom Kurus di Melaka dan Johor Bahru. Memang seronok dapat berjumpa dengan peserta-pesera baru disambil belajar dan berkongsi tip kurangkan berat badan.

Sessi Jom Kurus seterusnya adalah: 26hb di KL, 1 Feb di Kota Bharu, 2 Feb di Kuala Terengganu dan 3 Feb di Kuantan. Nak join? Daftar di sini

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Panduan Makan Minum Sebelum Senaman

Pagi tadi di Selamat Pagi Malaysia RTM1 (slot bersama saya setiap Selasa pagi), saya bincangkan topik panduan makan dan minum sebelum dan selepas bersenam.

Untuk pastikan senaman anda berkualiti, anda perlu mahir dalam bezakan keperluan pre dan post-workout yang bergantung kepada objektif senaman.

Nak bakar lemak semasa bersenam?

Sekiranya matlamat anda untuk membakar lemak semasa bersenam, elakkan makanan dan minuman berkarbohidrat beberapa jam sebelum/semasa senaman kardiovaskular (jogging, aerobik etc). Tapi pastikan intensiti senaman tersebut tidak tinggi atau dalam lingkungan 60% kadar maksima degupan jangtung. Contoh senaman yang sesuai uphill brisk walking.

Tapi hat-hati: Pembakaran lemak semasa senam tidak secepat pembakaran glycogen, jadi performance atau kemantapan bersenam akan berkurangan.

Senaman untuk tingkatkan stamina?

Kalau anda gemari senaman seperti High Intesiti Interval Training (HIIT) atau aerobik impak tinggi, anda harus mengambil hidangan sebelum bersenam untuk memenuhi bekalan glycogen sebagai sumber tenaga. Tanpanya, badan tidak sempat untuk membakar lemak dan terpaksa gunakan glycogen yang terkandung dalam otot. Anda rugi. Kadar degupan jantung anda untuk senaman HIIT ini boleh memcecah 80-90%.
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Dance Extravaganza di Jom Fit 27 January 2013

Sempena sessi senaman 3 jam pada 27 January 2013 di TTFC, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ini, sessi kali ini bertema Dance/Hip-Hop/Latin Exrtravaganza , iaitu senaman ala latin dan hip-hop dance aerobics. Untuk sertai sessi tersebut, sila layari laman web rasmi Jom Fit. Cuma RM40 seorang.

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Perlukah jogging untuk kurangkan berat badan?

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