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Photos: Pelancaran Cabaran iSihat Di Utusan Karya

BANGI 2 Jun - Seramai 30 peserta terpilih menyertai program kesihatan 'Cabaran Sihat 6 Minggu Bersama iSihat dan Kevin Zahri' bagi musim kedua yang akan bermula hari ini.

Penolong Pengarang iSihat, Hamidah Zabidi berkata, kesemua peserta dipilih berdasarkan pelbagai latar belakang daripada suri rumah hinggalah golongan profesional.

"Kejayaan musim pertama program ini membuatkan ia diteruskan lagi untuk musim kedua apatah lagi dengan lebih 400 penyertaan diterima.

"Program ini seiring dengan peningkatan tahap kesedaran masyarakat mengenai perlunya menurunkan berat badan,'' katanya semasa pelancaran program itu di Kompleks Sri Utusan di sini, semalam.

Hadir sama, Ketua Pengarang Majalah Utusan Karya Sdn. Bhd. (UKSB), Badrul Azhar Rahman, Pengurus Besar Operasinya, Zurzaliza Bajuri serta pakar pemakanan dan kecergasan, Kevin Zahri.

Program yang mengambil masa selama enam minggu itu akan dijalankan pada setiap Sabtu sebelum diakhiri dengan majlis penutup pada 14 Julai 2012.

Antara acara mingguan yang disenaraikan termasuklah bengkel dan kaunseling, senamrobik di gimnasium, merentas desa sejauh 10 kilometer, aktiviti merentas hutan, berbasikal dan paintball.

Paling menarik, prestasi para peserta akan dipantau sendiri oleh Kevin dan pihak Kementerian Kesihatan yang bakal memberikan bimbingan dan nasihat secara individu.

Program yang ditaja Kementerian Kesihatan itu turut mendapat kerjasama Celebrity Fitness, Perbadanan Putrajaya, Institut Penyelidikan dan Kemajuan Pertanian Malaysia (MARDI), Pusat Perubatan Prince Court, Propark, Fonterra, Nestle, Shaklee dan Avon.

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4 Sebab Mencipta Motivasi Untuk Kurangkan Berat

Oleh Ridwan Mustafa.

SETIAP orang yang mempunyai berat badan berlebihan pasti mengimpikan untuk menurunkan berta badan dan tampak lebih segak, kemas, cantik dan bergaya, Tetapi tidak semua orang yang yang mempunyai berat badan berlebihan ini mempunyai kekuatan mental yang kuat untuk melawan sifat malas dan nafsu makan,  kebanyakanya berasa lebih nikmat berehat daripada melakukan aktiviti yang memenatkan sehingga berat badan makin meningkat.

Maka, seseorang itu memerlukan satu MOTIVASI yang cukup kuat untuk melawan nafsu makan dan memaksa badan mereka bekerja secara lebih untuk melawan sifat malas sekaligus membantu membakar lemak dalam badan. Persoalanya disini, apakah motivasi yang ada dlm badan anda untuk mengubah gaya hidup anda dan membantu anda mencapai target yang diinginkan?

Dalam Seminar Jom Kurus yang lepas mahupun dalam Twitter saya, ada beberapa orang bertanyakan kepada saya bagaimana untuk mencipta motivasi kerana keadaan kesihatan mereka yang telah berada pada tahap yang baik mengikut laporan doktor seperti kandungan kolestrol, gula dan tekanan darah yang normal, tetapi masih mempunyai berat badan yang berlebihan, dan ini menyebabkan beliau tidak berusaha seoptimum yang mungkin untuk menurunkan berat badan.

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Study: Lack of sleep can increase stroke risk

WASHINGTON: Habitually sleeping less than six hours a night significantly increases the risk of stroke symptoms among middle-age to older adults, according to a research presented at the SLEEP 2012 conference.

The study, which followed about 5,600 people for about three years, concluded that poor sleep can undermine all the other things we do, China's Xinhua news agency said.

The participants had no history of stroke, transient ischemic attack, stroke symptoms or high risk for obstructive sleep apnea at the start of the study.

Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham recorded the first stroke symptoms, along with demographic information, stroke risk factors, depression symptoms and various health behaviours.

After adjusting for body-mass index, they found a strong association with daily sleep periods of less than six hours and a greater incidence of stroke symptoms for middle-age to older adults, even beyond other risk factors.

"We speculate that short sleep duration is a precursor to other traditional stroke risk factors, and once these traditional stroke risk factors are present, then perhaps they become stronger risk factors than sleep duration alone," lead author Megan Ruiter said in a statement.

Further research may support the results, providing a strong argument for increasing public awareness of the impact of sleep as a risk factor for stroke symptoms, especially among persons who appear to have few or no traditional risk factors for stroke, she said.

- Bernama

Leaner Malaysian Civil Servants?

An article published in theStar today that focuses on the notion that 1.4 million civil servants have been asked to watch their diet and food. Apparantly all foods will be labelled with the total number of calories.

For me, utlimately it comes down to the following: "knowing the calorie content of food is one thing but - do you know your calorie needs?"

knowing the calorie content of food is one thing but - do you know your calorie needs?

Yusri Weight Gain Success Story: How I Gained 18kg in 18 Month.

  • Name: Muhammad Yusri bin Abdul Rahim
  • Age: 26 Tahun
  • Current Job: Aircraft Technician
  • Goal: Weight Gain
  • Pencapaian: Gained 18kg over 18 month.
  • Facebook: Msebastians
  • Twitter bonzaimy

Want to gain weight?

Assalamualaikum brother Kevin. My name is Muhammad Yusri. I’m 26 years old this year. I want to share my success story with you.

I was always a skinny guy in school. As I remember it, after SPM, my weight was around 49 to 50 kg and it never changed. It didn’t matter whether I ate a lot or a little; my weight would still be the same. I never bothered about my weight because my mom always told me that it depended on her genetics, which included a high metabolism. I did try a few products in the market that would increase my weight but they were all useless. Just like how obese people hate the weighing scale, I shared this common interest.

... I did try a few products in the market that would increase my weight but they were all useless...

I always felt embarrassed knowing if people would realize how light I actually was. I always tried to avoid the weighing scale.

The wakeup call

Between 2009 and 2010, I was having a really hard time at my work place. The stress that built up everyday had a significant effect on my appetite and life. Due to that, I resorted to smoking. To make things even worse, I partied a lot and only managed to get 3-4 hours of sleep everyday. If I’m not mistaken, I think this routine continued for a year.

...when a friend took a picture of me and posted it on facebook, I was a little shocked looking at my picture...

One day, when a friend took a picture of me and posted it on facebook, I was a little shocked looking at my picture. I couldn’t believe that I was really that skinny. So, once again, I tried to look for a quick solution (as always) and bought a Herba Life product. The salesman weighed me and to my surprise, the gauge on the scale pointed to 42.5kg. I never dropped to this point after SPM. The last time I had weighed in at 42kg was when I was in Form 2. The bad lifestyle habits were really taking a toll on my weight.

I tried the product and as always, it didn’t work. I was under the impression that it was a magical drink that could instantly increase my weight. I knew I had to do something. I was browsing the Internet for a solution when I came across your website.

I bought the e-book How to gain 5kg in 10 Weeks (Malay version - Panduan Tambah 5kg 10 Minggu) and read it.

In the first 5 months, I had a hard time in following your instructions. I did not manage to gain 5kg in 10 weeks due to various factors such as work, study and lack of motivation. I also travelled a lot which made it difficult for me to get a proper meal. But I knew that I shouldn’t give up. I joined the gym in January. From 42kg in January 2011:

  • I gained 3kg by June 2011 (still a slow progress due to my work schedule).
  • By the end of December 2011, I gained another 6kg. I was quite impressed with myself.
  • For my 2012 resolution, I told myself that I would reach 65kg by 2013. I work hard, train hard and follow everything that you have written in the book.
  • Today my weight is 59.2kg.  I now have my ideal B.M.I. I still have a few more months left before I am able to reach my goal.

Fitness routine

  • Monday – Relax
  • Tuesday – Biceps and leg
  • Wednesday – Triceps and abs
  • Thursday – relax
  • Friday – Shoulder
  • Saturday – Back
  • Sunday – Chest and abs

Weight Gain Daily diet

  • Morning – I will have a weight gainer supplement, 3 scrambled eggs, nasi lemak and roti canai. I try to have a lot of calories in the morning. People sometimes think I eat a lot but due to my nature of work (aircraft maintenance), I really need energy in the morning to get me through till I can have my lunch.
  • Afternoon – I will have nasi campur, vegetables and meat (any kind of meat)
  • Evening – around 3:30pm, I will have kuih-muih, bread or a chocolate.
  • Night – For my dinner, I normally eat rice mixed with vegetables and meat.
  • For supper, I would normally consume a weight gainer supplement or anything that is not too heavy.

What I learned from this experience

  1. Going to the gym is important
  2. Do less cardio, yoga and aerobic
  3. Eat a minimum of 6 times a day
  4. If you want to see the result, follow everything that brother Kevin has told you in the e-book
  5. Never ever skip your main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  6. STOP smoking if you want to gain weight!!!

I know it looks hard but trust me, when you get to the point where I am now; the hard work really pays off. I couldn’t believe myself at first until I tried. There is no such thing as magic pills that can make you gain weight instantly.

Once again, thank you to brother Kevin and I hope I inspire some of your readers.


Gambar: Seminar Jom Kurus 10 Jun 2012

Berikut adalah gambar daripada sessi Jom Kurus Bersama Kevin Zahri pada 10hb June 2012 di Prince Court Medical Center.

Terima kasih sekali lagi kepada semua yang hadir. Semoga anda berjaya merealisasikan matlamat weight loss anda. Jangan lupa hantar sebarang pertanyaan melalui helpdesk saya.

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Firm Up After Your Baby: A How To Guide

Now that you’ve just given birth to your beautiful new baby, one thing that might be crossing your mind is what you can do to firm back up to your pre-baby shape again.  There’s no question that your body has gone through some serious changes in the last nine months and at times, it can feel slightly overwhelming trying to figure out where to start at getting that old body back.

Fortunately, if you’re smart in your approach, you can definitely melt away that baby fat and start feeling your best again.

Let’s go over the main points to know as you go about the process.

Ease Into Cardio Training

First, when getting back into cardio training, do so slowly, at a reduced level of intensity.  You will have lost some of your cardiovascular conditioning level over the time period when you were pregnant, so you can’t expect just to hop back onto your old routine again.
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Nasi Lemak Tiada Kolesterol! Betul Ke?

Sebelum baca artikel ini, anda rasa nasi lemak berkolesterol ataupun tidak? Ya? Tidak? Bagaimana pula dengan durian atau daging rendang? Jom kita bincang:

Nasi Lemak

Memang tiada kolesterol. Kenapa pulak? Bukankah ia berlemak tinggi dari santan? Betul. Memang tinggi dalam kandungan lemak tetapi tinggi lemak bukan bermakna ia tingi kolesterol.Read more

Fadhlul Hadi: Kurangkan 20kg Dalam 4 Bulan

  • Nama: Fadhlul Hadi
  • Umur: 22 Tahun
  • Matlamat Kurangkan Berat Badan
  • Pencapaian: Kurangkan 20kg dalam 4 Bulan

Ingin kurangkan berat?

Saya Fadhlul Hadi, pemenang Cabaran Sihat 6 Minggu Bersama iSIHAT & Kevin Zahri pada musim pertama. Kini Cabaran Sihat 6 Minggu Bersama iSIHAT & Kevin Zahri musim kedua telah membuka tirainya, semestinya program ini merupakan titik permulaan perubahan dalam kehidupan saya. Sejak zaman belajar saya merupakan seorang yang obesiti.

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eBook 20 Pelan Diet Untuk Kurus Malaysia

Oleh kerana ramai pembaca eBook meminta contoh pelan diet untuk kurus pemakannan untuk panduan, eBook 20 Pelan Diet Pemakanan Malaysia memang sesuai untuk anda. Ia berikan contoh pelan diet untuk pelbagai senario dan individu, antaranya:

  • Diet Masakan Melayu
  • Diet Fast Food
  • Diet Kevin Zahru
  • Diet Intermittent Fasting
  • Diet Keto
  • Diet Atkins
  • Diet Bulan Puasa
  • Diet Crash
  • Diet Kurus Cepat
  • Diet Fiber Tinggi
  • Diet Ramadhan
  • Diet Mamak
  • Diet Kurang 4kg Seminggu
  • Diet Vegan
  • Diet Cavemen
  • Dan lain-lain lagi ...

Pelan Diet Untuk Kurus di Malaysia

Kebanyakan pelan diet gagal disebabkan ia tidak serasi dengan citarasa anda di Malaysia. Pelan diet untuk kurus juga sering gagal kerana ia terlalu drastik sehingga ia streskan anda dan cepat putus asa. Justeru anda kembali semula ke pelan diet yang kurang sihat dan menggemukkan.

Jadi contoh pelan diet untuk kurus eBook ini amat mudah untuk anda fahami, amalkan dan paling penting mudah untuk anda kawal dan kurangkan berat badan tanpa perlu berlapar di Malaysia.

Download sekarang di sini.

Sertai Seminar "Jom Kurus" Bersama Kevin Zahri

Ramai yang sering bertanya tentant public seminar bersama saya, jadi hasil kerjasama dengan Prince Court Medical Center sebagai penaja lokasi, saya ingin memperkenalkan seminar Jom Kurus.

Untuk maklumat lanjut dan pendaftaran, sila rujuk di sini.

Menarik tentang program seminar ini:

  1. 3 tarikh pilian untuk pusingan pertama: 10 Jun 2012, 8 Juli 2012 dan 15 Juli 2012.
  2. Jangka masa seminar 3 jam. Dari jam 10am-1pm.
  3. Bilangan peserta cuma 40 untuk satu sessi supaya ia lebih intim dan berikan ruang kepada semua untuk bersoal-jawap.
  4. Yuran cuma RM50
  5. Bertempat di Prince Court Medical Center, Kuala Lumpur.
  6. Dikendalikan oleh Kevin Zahri. Sudah semestinya.
  7. Setiap peserta akan belajar:
    • Cara melakar pelan kurangkan berat badan yang realistik
    • Membina pelan diet yang sesuai untuk cita-rasa masing-masing.
    • Pandai dalam menyusan gaya hidup, aktiviti dan senaman untuk matlamat kurangkan berat masing-masing.
    • Belajar tentang peranan suplemen dan pelbagai trend-trend fitness masa kini.