Video: How to Lose Weight in Malaysia?

Are you unhappy with your weight? Have you tried various diets that did not work? Take control of your health, weight, diet and fitness.

Exercising Through Your Period: Do's and Dont's

Has your period got you down? For many women, the time of menstruation tends to be a time of:

  • very low energy levels
  • irritability
  • bloating
  • extremely low desire to do anything physical – your workouts included.

If you feel as though you’d much rather hit the couch for a nap than hit the gym for an intense session, you need to figure out ways to deal with this so that at the very least, you can maintain your fitness level during this time.

No one is expecting you to set personal bests when you’re down with your period, but if you approach the situation properly, you can still certainly keep up with some lighter gym sessions and ensure that you feel your best throughout the week.

Let’s have a brief look at a few of the vital things that you should consider.

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FeMag Cover June 2012 -The Papa Issue: Kevin Zahri

Berikut adalah gambar-gambar daripada majalah online FeMag sempena hari bapa bersama Kevin Zahri dan anaknya - Rafael Zahri. Jurufoto untuk sessi tersebut adalah Bustamam Mokhtar.

30 People Take 8 Hours to Free 400kg Teen!

Was reading the NST this morning and stumbled upon this article. Now I dont want to say much more about this story but I hope that it can inspire you take control of your weight, health, life and fight obesity. Fight obesity and fight to stay alive.


Four Key Supplements That Women Should Consider

If you’ve just put together a workout and a diet program to help you melt fat and firm up your body, one additional point that you might want to consider is which supplements you can use that will help you take your results one step further.

Never allow yourself to believe that supplements can replace a proper diet and workout program.

Supplementation can help you get to the next level with your goals, but at the same time, it’s vital that you never allow yourself to believe that supplements can replace a proper diet and workout program. That is simply not the case and if you start thinking this, you’re going to be disappointed.

So once you have that proper diet and workout in place however, then you can consider the following to help improve your progress.

Protein Powder

The first supplement that’s a great idea for females is a high quality whey protein powder. Most women do struggle to get in enough protein on a daily basis and this can really hold you back from seeing best results.
To help prevent this from happening, turn to a high quality whey protein powder. These contain 20-25 grams of protein per scoop and will be a very fast and efficient way to get your protein intake up.

Protein powder comes in many different flavors as well, so there’s bound to be one that you find appealing.

Did you know that Herbalife, baby formula milk contain whey protein as well?

Fish Oil

The next key supplement to consider is fish oil. Like protein, many women also fall short in their omega fat intake, and this can cause some serious problems. Omega fats are required to sustain good insulin sensitivity and to promote optimal brain health as well.

Getting in enough omega fats can also help to safeguard you against a number of diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, as well as stroke.

Furthermore, getting in enough omega fats can also help to safeguard you against a number of diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, as well as stroke.
If you aren’t consuming much fatty fish then using a fish oil supplement will help you get your needs met with ease. Each woman should aim for 3-5 grams per day for best results.

A Multi-Vitamin Rich In Iron And Calcium

Another great supplement to consider is a high quality multi-vitamin. Multi-vitamins are important for assurance purposes as there are always going to be those days when you aren’t eating exactly as you should. Women should seek out a multi-vitamin that is high in both calcium and iron, as these are two nutrients that they often aren’t taking enough of in their diet plan.

...calcium and iron. These are two nutrients that they often aren’t taking enough of in their diet plan.

Iron will help you maintain higher energy levels as you go about your workout program and calcium will promote stronger bones.


Finally, the last supplement to add to the mix is glutamine. Glutamine is going to help to speed up your recovery process, so in that regard can help you see faster results from your workout program.

Since recovery is vital to success when doing your workouts, if your rates are slower, this means you’ll have to utilize an overall lower gym frequency.

So there you have four great supplements to think about adding to your regime. Use these and you will feel better throughout the week and see faster results as well.

Where to buy these supplements in Malaysia? Most pharmacies would have your standard fish oil and multi-vitamin. For protein and glutamine, your best bet would be a speciality store like GNC. I personally would not recommend purchasing whey protein at your local pharmacy as the cost per serving would be too high. For your protein supplement, try and stick to RM5 (or less) per serving

Video: Makan Nasi Untuk Kurus?

Ramai yang elak makan nasi semasa ingin kurangkan berat badan. Tapi salah ke nasi? Boleh ke makan nasi untuk kekalkan atau kurangkan berat badan.


Metabolisme tinggi .. Macamana Tu?

Ramai yang mengalami masalah obesiti selalu berkata "Aku susah lah nak kurus, metabolisme aku tak tinggi". Betul tak kenyataan tu?. Well untuk menjawap soalan itu, kita kena firstly faham apa itu metabolisme.

Apa dia metabolisme?

Definasi: Ia adalah jumlah kalori yang dibakar oleh badan untuk mengekalkan fungsi dan nyawa. Segala akitivti (termasuk proses pernafasan dan system badan) memerlukan tenaga (sumber calorie). Kalau pembaca eBook saya mengenalinya sebagai BMR atau Basal Metabolic Rate.
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5 Mitos: Kevin, gemuk atau buncit tak kalau ….

Hari-hari saya menerima petanyaan melalui twitter tentang pelbagai mitos-mitos makan dan tabiat kehidupan.

Jom kita selesaikan mitos-mitos tersebut once and for all ….

1. Mitos: Gemuk tak kalau saya baring selepas makan.

Jawapan: Tak jugak. Makanan tu memang ada isipadu yang akan terkandung dalam perut selepas makan dan bergantung kepada kualiti makanan perlukan jangka masa tertentu untuk dicernakan. Jadi sepanjang tempoh tersebut, sudah tentu perut nampak buncit tapi itu sementara sahaja.

2. Mitos: Mandi selepas makan menggemukkan tak?

Jawapan: Tak. Tiada hubungan mandi (sejuk atau panas) selepas makan. Ia mungkin proses pencernaan terganggu (mungkin lah) tapi akhirnya tempoh pencernaan tidak mempengaruhi naik-turun berat badan. Bagi saya – saya tidak gemar mandi selepas makan tapi bukan sebab nak jaga berat badan tapi kerana rasa kurang selesa untuk mandi immediately after.

3. Mitos: Minum air sebelum atau semasa makan membuncitkan.

Jawapan: Yes and no.

  • Yes: lebih banyak isipadu air yang anda minum sudah tentu akan membuncitkan perut lagi. But macam dalam mitos (1), isipadu air itu akan dicernakan tak tidak membuncitkan secara langsung – cuma untuk jangka masa pendek.
  • No. Air kosong tidak boleh menggemukkan langsung kerana ia tidak mengandungi apa-apa kalori. BUT, kalau anda kurang pengambilan serat dan banyak ambil garam, maka water retention akan bertambah. Tapi itu bukan salah minum air semasa atau sebelum makan.

4. Mitos: Tidur selepas makan menggemukkan!

Jawapan: Pun tak jugak. Katakanlah anda berjaya (bukan mudah sebenarnya kerana metabolism badan selepas makan lebih tinggi) tidur selepas makan pun, proses pencernaan tu akan tetap berterusan. Naik-turun berat badan di sini tak lah bergantung kepada jarak antara tidur dan makan TAPI kepada jumlah pengambilan kalori (kalor in) sepanjang hari berbading keluarkan kalori (kalori out) . Hanya apabila kalori in lebihi kalori out, berat badan (lemak) akan bertambah.

5. Mitos: Kalau saya makan A atau B menggemukkan tak?

Jawapan: Sama macam mitos (4), naik-turun berat badan di sini tidak bergantung kepada satu makanan, minuman atau suplemen semata-mata. Ia bergantung kepada keseluruhan pilihan makanan (dan minuman) sepanjang hari.

Ingat: Gemuk atau tidak BUKAN bergantung kepada nasi lemak, roti canai, suplemen, ayam, itik, sayur etc … ia bergantung kepada gadungan pilihan-pilihan anda.

Paling penting: Pastikan anda kenalpasti keperluan kalori seharian dan BIJAK dalam memilih makanan (minuman) yang sesuai dengan keperluan anda itu. Kalau tak pandai lagi, dapatkan eBook saya Panduan Kurangkan 5kg 5 Minggu yang mengajar anda langkah demi langkah.

Selamat berjaya!

Tekanan Darah Tinggi

7 Cara Kawal Tekanan Darah Tinggi TANPA Ubat

Kehidupan kita dipenuhi dengan angka dan nombor. Nombor kad pengenalan, nombor pin, tarikh lahir, tarikh tutup, masa, nombor telefon (nasib baiklah ada telefon pintar untuk membantu mengingatnya!). Begitu juga dari segi kesihatan dan tubuh badan kita, angka-angka seperti berat badan, ketinggian, tekanan darah, saiz pinggang – memainkan peranan sebagai indikator mengenai keadaan kesihatan dan kecergasan seseorang.

Berikut merupakan info angka bagi setiapa yang mempunyai tekanan darah tinggi, yang perlu diketahui oleh setiap orang.

Tekanan Darah (Hypertension)

Tekanan darah tinggi atau hypertension juga dikenali sebagai "silent killer" atau pembunuh senyap kerana ia tidak memberikan tanda-tanda symptom atau amaran seperti sakit gigi ataupun sakit belakang. Sekiranya tidak dirawat, ia boleh membawa risiko serangan jantung, strok, penyakit buah pinggang dan demensia.

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya termasuklah faktor seperti sejarah keluarga, umur, etnik dan gaya hidup seseorang tersebut.

  • Tekanan darah yang sihat adalah pada paras 120/80 mm Hg atau lebih rendah.
  • 140/90 mm Hg digunakan sebagai indikator untuk tekanan darah tinggi, tidak mengira usia seseorang itu. Angka pertama adalah tekanan sistolik iaitu tekanan apabila jantung mengalirkan darah ke seluruh tubuh anda.Angka kedua ialah tekanan diastolik iaitu tekanan ketika dalam keadaan rehat.

7 Langkah Kurangkan Tekanan Darah Tinggi

Masalah tekanan darah tinggi? Sebagai langkah permulaan untuk menangani kemungkinan anda mempunyai tekanan darah tinggi, iktuilah tip-tip berikut:

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Welcome Shannon Clark - Guest Author on

I am happy to announce that Shannon Clark will contribute some articles to to provide special exercise and nutritional tips catered especially for the ladies.

About Shannon Clark

Shannon Clark holds a degree in Exercise Science from the University of Alberta, where she specialized in Sports Performance and Psychology. In addition to her degree, she is an AFLCA certified personal trainer and has been working in the field for over 8 years now.

She is a regular contributor to and has also been named ‘Writer Of The Year’ two times running. She has been featured in the Iron Man magazine and has contributed well over 400 articles to a variety of different websites dedicated towards muscle building and athletic

Shannon has spent the better part of her adult years researching and studying the top methods to build lean muscle as well as achieve maximum states of leanness. She currently works with a variety of different clients with various goal sets, helping them reach whatever physique goals
they have set for themselves.

Finally, amongst all her research she's also made a test subject of herself trying out many of the different training and diet techniques she's come across. From Ketogenic diets to Intermittent Fasting protocols, she's always anxious to find out what type of results the latest protocols will

In her spare time, she enjoys reading, experimenting with new recipes, weight lifting, and hiking.

For more information on Shannon, please see her website,

Makan Nasi Segenggam? Panduan Porsi Diet.

Melalui twitter and facebook saya sering memberikan panduan porsi makanana seperti "makanlah nasi sengenggam", "roti dua keping" dan macam-macam lagi.

Berikut adalah infographic yang memang mudah digunakan untuk kawalan porsi makanan (untuk kekalkan berat badan)