New Year Weight Loss Resolution? 5 Tips To Stay on Track

If you're fighting obesity this year and if your New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight, then you're on the right track.

Before starting off, the most important thing to know is never lose hope and always try attaining your goals. You also need to understand that 'different people lose weight at different speed. Following are 5 tips to ensure that you are on the right track:

Jot down the goals

If you really want to succeed in your weight loss mission then it should be planned and scheduled well before execution. So take out a pen and paper and write down all the necessary details of DOs and DONTs. Keep the list somewhere where this piece of paper can work as an alarm. The best place to store this piece of paper is your refrigerator. You need to review your goals every day to ensure that you are on the right track.

Set and maintain fixed dates

Setting dates on a calendar for specific targets will help you fight your clumsiness and will prevent the failure of the resolution which is very dear to you. DO not allow your plan to fail and set dates and targets that you can meet and are realistic.

Control the false appetite

Get rid of all the unhealthy and poorly nourished foods like cakes, bakery items, fast foods, carbonated drinks and snacks. The activity of avoiding and getting rid of the stated food items is very difficult but the benefits of avoiding such meals will help you attain your New Year Goals. You should add nutritious food items to the list of your purchases. These items include: Protein rich diet such as egg white, pork, fish and chicken; Fresh Fruits such as: apples, dates, pears, strawberries and oranges; Healthy vegetables such as: mushrooms, red beans and broccoli; Food with low calories such as sugar free jelly and low calorie cheese and clean mineral water.

Are you struggling with cravings? Get my free eBook 45 Craving Saving Tips today

Be proficient

Don’t take any minor goals non-seriously. Be capable of carrying out the plan properly so it can better show its worth. Create targets for each week and achieve them for example: for week one you can set the target of consuming eight to ten glasses of clean water, for week two you can set the targets of walking and not using elevators, for week three you can set the target of conducting exercises for 20 to 30 minutes each day and for week four you can set the target of avoiding fatty food and for week five you can set the target of giving up on fatty food and consuming food which is high in nutrients and proteins.

Keep records

Recorded and documented things always bring better results and you'll not have to challenge your memory. So keep a record of your every move and seek benefits from these chronicles recorded very carefully. Use visual aid to ensure and keep a check on your weight loss regime. This will further promote you to give your best and attain your New Year’s resolution.

Are we tracking calories or kcal or kilo calories?

Pick up your favorite chocolate bar, look at the nutrition facts and it will quickly tell you that a single serving has some 200kcal. So that is 200 kilo calories, right? Absolutely.

What about your daily calorie needs? Say your calculated your daily calorie needs via weight loss ebook guide and that value came to 2000 calories. But does that mean you need 2000 calories or 2000 kcal (kilo calories).

Actually it means the latter. When someone says you need 2000 calories, it actually means 2000 kcalories. Its just that we (people and the media) tend to leave out the "k" or kilo.

When someone says you need 2000 calories, it actually means 2000 kcalories.

Hope this clarifies the use of calories and kilo calories. Good luck counting calories.

Panduan Kecilkan Lengan Tangan Dengan Cepat

Kenapa Saiz Lengan Pulak Yang Gemuk?

Sesetengah orang simpan lemak berlebihan pada perut, punggung atau pipi. Itu genetik. Samalah bagi lengan yang berlemak. Kita tidak boleh memaksa badan simpan lemak dimana-mana. Tapi bagaimana untuk kurangkan saiz lengan?

Sesetengah orang simpan lemak berlebihan pada perut, punggung atau pipi. Itu genetik. Samalah bagi lengan yang berlemak.

Senaman Pemberat Untuk Lengan?

Sudah tentu ada pelbagai senaman yang anda boleh lakukan untuk membina dan kuatkan otot pada lengan tangan. Contoh senaman adalah seperti: reverse curls dengan dumbbell atau barbell atau peralatan senaman seperti hand-grips.Tapi adakah senaman pemberat dapat kurangan saiz lengan atau tambah lagi saiz?!

Seperti yang kita tahu, senaman pemberat melatih dan besarkan otot lengan tangan so secara teori, lengan anda akan bertambah saiz! Jadi tak sesusai? Well sesuai untuk kentalkan isi lengan tapi latihan pemberat tidak dapat membuang lemak berlebihan

Urut Melonggarkan Lemak?

Adakah terapi mengurut dapat kurangkan atau pecahkan lemak pada bahagian lengan? Jom kita teliti:

Kurangkan lemak? Tak boleh. Urut tidak dapat membuang lemak pada mana-mana bahagian. Kalau diurut dengan minyak buang angin, minyak sapi ataupun halia etc, yes mungkin ia dapat panaskan permukaan kulit atau serap air nak ke kulit untuk kentalkan kulit (jangka masa pendek). Fikirlah: lemak itu "pejal", kalau urut kuat macamana pun, lemak tu nak keluar kat mana?

Pecahkan lemak? Mungkinlah tapi sama macam fakta sebelum ini, kalau terapi urut dapat pecahkan lemak tu sekalipun, lemak tu tak ke mana!

Jadi urutan bukanlah jawapan untuk kecilkan lengan tangan.


Sudah tentu kaedah liposuction dapat kurangkan lemak pada mana-mana bahagian, termasuk lengan tangan tapi ia sangat mahal, prosedur yang invasive dan bukanlah jawapan untuk jangka masa panjang.

Kurang lemak melalui kalori defisit?

Yes itulah satu-satu cara untuk mengurangkan lemak pada lengan atau mana-mana bahagian badan. Ingat kita tidak boleh buang lemak pada satu-satu bahagian jadi ia adalah proses yang menyeluruh. Kalori defisit adalah keadaan dimana pengambilan kalori (pemakanan) tidak melebihi pengeluaran (aktiviti harian, termasuk senaman)

Kalau pengambilan kalori melalui makanan adalah 2,000 kalori tapi output kalori adalah 2,400 - maka adanya defisit kalori sebanyak 400. 400 kalori itu akan dibakar atau diambil daripada lemak simpanan badan. Adakah di akan bakar 400 kalori itu daripada lemak lengan? Tak semestinya.

Kita tidak boleh memaksa badan tapi apa yang anda boleh lakukan? Terus amalkan defisit kalori untuk membakar lemak. Lama-kelamaaan, ia akan membakar lemak pada bahagian lengan tangan juga.

Wajib bersenam?

Tidak! Untuk kurangkan lemak pada lengan atau berat badan secara am, senaman tidak wajib. Kenapa pula? Kerana yang penting adalah kalori defisit. Selagi pengambilan makanan tidak melebihi aktiviti harian (pembakaran kalori) maka senaman tidak wajib (contoh: bulan puasa). Tapi sudah tentu, senaman seperti aerobiks, berjalan, jogging dan lain-lain mempercepatkan usaha anda.

Diane Sera: Kurang Berat Dari 75kg ke 56kg

Dear Abang Kevin,

Here's my testimonial for ur website...

1) Kenapa anda teringin kurangkan berat badan?

"Sayangnyewww, muka cantik cute tapi badan gemok sangat! HAHAHA!"..di antara ayat-ayat yang pernah i terima dari orang2 sekeliling i..Yes! i memang xpernah kurus dari kecik dan tinggi i just 156cm sahaja, tapi berat i pernah cecah sampai 75kg..I pernah di masukkan ke ICU disebabkan masalah kesihatan i yang berpunca daripada penyakit obesiti i sendiri. I dibesarkan dalam family yang memang suka makan and life kami mewah dengan makanan setiap hari..Yang negatifnya, kami sekeluarga memang malas bersenam and lebih selesa chill2 kat rumah sahaja. Disebabkan i membesar dalam environment macam tu, habit suka makan i jadi semakin kronik setelah melanjutkan degree saya di institusi pengajian tempatan.

I can say that i memang tergolong dalam kelompok perempuan yang mempunyai penyakit "Emotional Eater".. I lebih terdorong untuk makan lebih banyak ketika i stress, bored, sad or in my PMS day... Long story short i memang kuat makan sebab dengan cara itu sahaja buat i rase happy!! Even until now i still tak boleh buang habit kuat makan tu.. hehehe~

2) Sebelum ini pernah cuba kurangkan berat badan?

Memang banyak cara dah i try untuk lose weight coz jealous tengok orang lain senang cari size biler shopping baju or jeans..Sometimes i jadi fed-up dengan badan sendiri and benci tengok cermin..Just mention jelah ape jenis diet, semua i pernah try tapi semua tak permanent..Dah lah tak permanent, naik makin membuak-buak pulak tu...Paling memburukkan keadaan lagi, kaki i yang bersize 5 ni...Just imagine how this tiny feet nak support badan yang terlalu berat?? That's why i selalu sakit kaki and lutut bila berdiri terlalu lama..Kadang-kadang rasa sedih dan malu dengan badan sendiri...Macam-macam penyakit jugak yang senang serang badan orang obese seperti i..

3) Apa kejayaan penurunan berat badan yang anda perolehi?

KESEDARAN...nak buat apa-apa perubahan mesti ada kesedaran..for me losing weight is about a long journey and consistant...bukan sekelip mata dah boleh kurus..samalah seperti exercise 30minit than terus naik penimbang untuk timbang berapa berat yang dah turun...that's funny! Losing weight is all about a tough and challenging will challenge your mind, physical, emotional and dicipline... Jadi bila you all nak start main game ni, you all kena change lifestyle you all dulu...Make it more healthy and quality... As for me, i'm just stick to these formula in my heart and mind:


4) Bagaimana anda mencapainya?

There's no specific tips i can share with you all coz semuanya dah ada dalam E-book Abang Kevin..After i baca buku tu, i adapt it dalam lifestyle i using my way...Cara yang badan i boleh terima...Memang ada macam-macam cara nak lose weight tapi sesuai ker cara tu semua dengan penerimaan badan you all?? The most important things adalah we need to know at least the basic on how starting a healthy and more quality lifestyle..If you all nak turunkan berat badan tapi tak tahu macam mana, samalah seperti orang buta jalan tanpa tongkat (bermaksud if you're lucky enough, u can survive or success but temporary..tapi majority akan fail lah~)

5) Apa pesanan/tip anda untuk orang di luar sana?

  1. Mesti beli E-book Abg Kevin coz semua tips i pun datang dari buku tu jugak! :)
  2. Change our lifestyle first then baru fikir macam mana nak lose weight..
  4. If you all boleh adapt formula yang I bagi tadi, it will be the answer to all of you all punyer weight problems..
  5. Track down everything you do in your weight loss journey...track your input and output calories, your exercise regiments, your menu every day, your cheat day, your weight, your jeans size and EVERYTHING!
  6. Find some friends or clubs or forums yang boleh support you in your weight loss journey..I'm sure you all akan lebih bersemangat setiap hari bila ada supporter...
  7. Don't be shy to ask...
  8. Belajar how to control your meal portion and try to take less sugar, salt, and oily food in your daily menu.
  9. CONSISTANT, COMMIT and COURAGE!!! semua kena buat penuh semangat!
  10. Finally, just live life as normal macam orang lain tapi lebih berkualiti and sihat lebih dari orang lain...Chill..Tak susah pun~ rajin-rajinlah read my blog if you all have freetime~

So, I would love to thank Abang Kevin and his E-book for being my SIFU in my weight loss journey...I'm still in my losing weight journey lagi sekarang coz i baru 56kg, still need to shread 8kg more. Therefore i need to make it happen...I dah banyak berusaha keras untuk ubah lifestyle i walaupun family i belom mampu boleh ubah lifestyle mereka...It's okay...take a baby step for the beginners so that you all tak cepat give up! I think that's all I can share with you all.

i'm still in my losing weight journey lagi sekarang coz i baru 56kg, still need to shread 8kg more.

Kalau nak share more tips or apa2 sahaja, do please visit my blog and my FB.

To Abg Kevin once again, thank you sooooo much for the opportunity allowing me to share my success story on your website. Thanks!

Happy Epowpie,

Happy 2012! Getting and Staying Motivated to Lose Weight

It’s that time of year again; everyone is making weight loss resolutions--once again. Everyone is resolving to lose the weight that’s been creeping up year after year. Well, enough is enough! This is your year, this year you are going to get motivated, you are going to make attainable weight loss goals, and you are going to lose weight and keep it off, finally.

A Weight Loss Story

A client of mine shared with me her weight loss story; she said last year was her breaking point. She said, “I got on the scale, and it told me what I was avoiding telling myself, I was almost over my limit. I had been gaining a considerable amount of weight since I got married in December of 2008, and my weight reached 159. I had set a limit of 160lbs and told myself if I ever exceeded it that I should just roll over and die. Well, instead of rolling over, I chose to make a stand and finally beat my rollercoaster

Her story was similar to many I had heard before, when it came to weight loss, she would always go on some fad diet, quickly lose 10 pounds, just to gain 15lbs back two weeks later. Does this sound familiar? I’m sure it does. The difference for this time was she made realistic weight loss goals, stuck with them, and most importantly stayed motivated.

What can make the difference is staying motivated and using weight loss tools, like a calorie tracker. Being clear about and writing down your weight loss goals. In addition, figure out your personal reason for wanting to lose weight, it could be your own happiness, your health, or some other personal reason for losing weight.

My Weight Loss Calculator and Other Tools

The weight loss calculator is a powerful tool, because it trains you to recognize how many calories you are putting into your body, compared to calories you are burning. Utilize free online sites such as Spark Pages, gain encouragement from their supportive community, groups, and bulletin boards. Being a part of this weight loss community helps keep you motivated, and can keep you on track to fulfill your weight loss goals.

Stay Motivated, Read Success Stories:

Check out these success stories, there are tons of motivational stories that will help get you motivated to lose weight, and keep it off. It is helpful to feel like you are not alone, finding people in similar situations as you are can be motivation enough to keep you on track for your weight loss goals.

Challenge Yourself:

A terrific tool can be to challenge yourself, check out Spark People Challenge Central, there are tons of challenges to get you pumped about losing weight. These challenges can help you establish healthy eating or exercising habits, and most importantly of all spark that competitor inside yourself that will intensify your motivation to lose weight. Staying motivated is the key to achieving your weight loss goals.

Staying motivated is the key to achieving your weight loss goals.

Latihan Otot Perut Terbaik Bagi Para Pemula

Memiliki perut ramping, kencang dan berbentuk merupakan dambaan banyak orang, baik pria maupun wanita. Dengan perut kencang dan ramping, Anda akan Nampak lebih seksi. Bila Anda belum pernah melakukan latihan perut, Anda harus memulainya dengan latihan yang cocok untuk pemula. Bila Anda tidak tahu bagaimana harus memulainya, Anda bisa mengikuti paduan berikut ini sebagai latihan perut terbaik untuk pemula. Latihan-latihan ini merupakan bagian dari rektus abdominis yang diperuntukkan semua bagian perut bagi para pemula, bagian atas, bawah dan bagian samping; sehingga latihan-latihan berikut ini sangat efektif untuk Anda.

1. Basic Crunch

- Anda harus berbaring, tekuklah lutut Anda, lalu letakkan kedua tangan Anda di sisi.
- Buatlah kontraksi di perut Anda dan ratakan punggung bawah Anda dengan lantai
- Perlahan-lahan angkat kedua bahu Anda, satu atau dua inci dari lantai
- Hembuskan nafas saat mengangkat, pertahankan leher Anda agar tetap lurus, dan dagu   terangkat
- Tahan beberapa detik (tapi jangan tahan nafas Anda)
- Perlahan-lahan turunkan, sambil tetap menjaga perut Anda tetap berkontraksi
- Ulangi sampai 20 kali
- Untuk lebih jelasnya, Anda bisa mencoba melihat video Basic Crunch berikut ini

2. Bent Knee Reverse Crunch

- Berbaringlah di lantai dengan punggung Anda. Letakkan kedua tangan di sisi Anda
- Telapak tangan Anda menghadap ke lantai, jaga agar tetap lurus dekat dengan tubuh Anda, dan naikkan kaki Anda, serta paha Anda tegak lurus dengan lantai
- Gunakan perut bagian bawah Anda, gulingkan panggul Anda ke belakang untuk menaikkan pinggul dari lantai, lutut Anda sekarang akan berada di atas dada Anda. Tahan dan kembalikan ke posisi semula pelan-pelan
- Anda juga bisa melihat video Bent Knee Reverse Crunch berikut ini untuk mengetahui posisinya dengan seksama

3. Side Oblique Crunch

- Berbaringlah dengan sisi kanan tubuh Anda, dengan kaki bertumpukkan sejajar satu sama lain
- Letakkan tangan kiri Anda di samping kepala Anda, menutup telinga kiri Anda
- Tekan ke samping sekuat tenaga, berfokuslah pada gerakan untuk melatih otot perut diagonal Anda
- Setelah melatih yang sebelah kiri, Anda bisa mengulangi dengan sebelah kanan, bila belum terlalu paham, video Side Oblique Crunch ini bisa membantu Anda.

4. Transverse Abdominal

- Anda memulainya dengan posisi push-up
- Tahan tubuh Anda dengan siku Anda serta dengan kaki Anda
- Jaga otot perut Anda tetap berkontraksi sepanjang latihan
- Tahan 20 detik lalu lepaskan
- Berikut ini adalah video Transverse Abdominal yang bisa Anda jadikan paduan

5. Power Plank

- Berbaringlah dengan muka berhadapan dengan lantai dengan kaki diluruskan, tubuh disangga oleh lengan Anda
- Perlahan-lahan angkat tubuh dan kaki Anda sehingga hanya lengan bawah dan bola kaki Anda yang menyentuh lantai
- Untuk menjaga agar perut bagian bawah Anda tidak kendur, kontraksikan otot
- Tahan 10 detik, bila Anda kuat, Anda bisa menahannya lebih dari 10 detik
- Gerakan Power Plank bisa juga dilihat melalui Power Plank video berikut ini

Menurunkan Berat Badan Setelah Persalinan Secara Tradisional

Ketika hamil dan setelah melahirkan adalah saat yang paling ditakutkan oleh sebagian besar wanita, karena saat itu adalah saat dimana tubuh wanita mengalami kenaikan berat badan secara dramatis. Ketakutan lainnya adalah, ketika mereka sudah mencapai berat badan yang dianggap sebagai ‘kegemukan’, mereka tidak bisa mengembalikan ke bentuk semula. Bila Anda adalah salah satu orang yang mengalami hal ini tidak, Anda harus percaya bahwa tubuh Anda bisa dikembalikan seperti sediakala. Bila kita mengingat-ingat ibu atau nenek kita, badan mereka bisa kembali langsing setelah melahirkan. Kira-kira apa ya rahasianya?
Sebelum kita menuju ke rahasia nenek moyang kita, ada beberapa hal yang perlu Anda ingat mengenai penurunan berat badan.

- Pertama, jangan memulai diet terlalu cepat. Beristirahatlah sampai enam minggu setelah melahirkan. Terlebih lagi bila Anda menyusui, sebaiknya Anda menunggu sampai buah hati Anda berumur dua bulan sebelum Anda melakukan program diet apapun.
- Jangan diet mati-matian. Bila Anda cukup aktif, kalori yang Anda butuhkan tidak seharusnya di bawah 1,800 per hari. Bila Anda menyusui, Anda membutuhkan tambahan 300-500 kalori per hari. Bila Anda melakukan diet terlalu ketat, kebutuhan nutrisi untuk Anda dan ASI tidak akan terpenuhi.

Penampilan memang penting, tapi kesehatan tubuh kita jauh lebih penting lagi. Apalagi, kekurangan nutrisi pada saat menyusui juga sangat berpengaruh pada bayi Anda. Berikut ini ada beberapa paduan makanan yang bisa Anda makan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi setelah melahirkan sekaligus membantu mengembalikan bentuk tubuh seperti semula.

- Minyak Zaitun
Minyak ini kaya akan lemak sehat yang bisa memberikan rasa kenyang dan mengendalikan nafsu makan, sekaligus sebagai sumber antioksidan
- Jamur
Jamur bisa digunakan untuk menggantikan daging, karena jamur mengandung rendah kalori, tetapi memiliki tekstur seperti daging. Dengan mengkonsumsi jamur, Anda bisa mengurangi kalori serta lemak namun tetap sehat
- Paprika Merah
Paprika merah sangat bagus dikonsumsi karena sayur ini mengandung vitamin C yang sangat tinggi. Jadi sangat bagus untuk dicampurkan ke dalam masakan sehari-hari Anda untuk mencegah kerusakan sel dan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh

Selain tiga points di atas, Anda juga bisa menambah sayuran dan buah-buahan yang lain, karena menggabungkan berbagai macam makanan akan menambah jenis asupan sehat untuk tubuh Anda. Selain Makanan, ada beberapa resep tradisional/alami yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mengembalikan berat badan Anda ke bentuk semula.

1. Menyusui
Aktifitas menyusui merupakan cara alami untuk menurunkan berat badan, paling tidak satu semester setelah melahirkan. Ketika menyusui, ada beberapa jenis hormone yang dilepaskan ke dalam tubuh Anda, dan hormone-hormon ini yang mendukung rahin untuk mengembalikan bentuk tubuh Anda seperti sebelumnya. Selain itu, saat Anda menyusui, Anda juga membakar kalori sebanyak ketika Anda berenang selama jam, atau 200-500 kalori.

2. Memakai Stagen  
Stagen dibalutkan ke bagian abdomen wanita setelah melahirkan bisa membantu merampingkan pinggang. Fungsi stagen sedikit berbeda dengan gurita, karena gurita hanya berfungsi mengembalikan fungsi serta bentuk alat kandunga setelah persalinan. Akan tetapi, bila si ibu menjalani operasi sesar saat melahirkan, maka penggunaan stagen sangat tidak dianjurkan.

3. Akupuntur Pelangsingan
Akupuntur ini merupakan penurunan badan holistic dengan menggunakan jarum. Titik-titik ditancapkannya jarum akupuntur bisa memberikan rangsangan ke dalam tubuh Anda supaya melepaskan endorphin, yang membantu Anda mengendalikan nafsu makan.

4. Meminum Jamu  
Meminum jamu/ramuan alami setelah melahirkan sudah menjadi tradisi masyarakat kita. Biasanya bahan-bahan yang digunakan berupa daun-daunan, seperti daun papaya, daun jinten, asam jawa, daun iler, dan sebagainya. Akan tetapi, sekarang ini sudah banyak perusahaan jamu yang telah meramu semua daun-daunan itu sehingga bisa cepat disajikan. Selain mengembalikan bentuk tubuh seperti semula, jamu juga ditujukan untuk memulihkan rahim supaya, sehat, kencang dan bersih.

5. Pijat Payudara
Tujuan pijat payudara sebenarnya adalh untuk melancarkan ASI. Pada poin 1 dijelaskan bahwa aktifitas menyusui bisa membakar kalori. Bila ASI Anda lancar, aktifitas menyusui Anda pun ikut lancar, Anda sehat dan tubuh kembali ke bentuk asal perlahan-lahan, serta bayi sehat pun juga sehat.

6. Totok Wajah  
Totok wajah untuk membuat bagian wajah, mata, dan sekitarnya lebih relaks, karena saat melahirkan, Anda mengejan, dan setelah melahirkan Anda banyak bergadang. Totok ini bisa membuat wajah Anda lebih relaks, serta menyenyakkan tidur Anda. Bila tidur Anda cukup, Anda bisa menurunkan berat badan lebih cepat. Ada satu studi yang menemukan bahwa wanita pasca persalinan yang tidur kurang dari 5 jam cenderung lebih sulit menurunkan berat badan, dibandingkan dengan wanita yang tidur 7 jam. Hal ini terjadi jarena ketika tubuh Anda lelah (kurang tidur), hormon cortisol dilepaskan ke tubuh Anda, yang akhirnya menyebabkan penambahan berat badan.

Guide To Opening a Gym in Malaysia

I have received many emails from reader who are looking to invest in a gym. Following are some of the factors to include in your decision-making.

Supply and Demand

Having studied economics for 4 years in college, everything from property prices, stocks, businesses etc all depend on supply and demand. Whether you are opening a gym in bustling Kuala Lumpur or Nilai, it is important to gauge the demand and supply for gyms, fitness or yoga centers.

Yes demand for gyms may be high in KL but so is the supply. Same goes for niche gym setups and other forms of fitness centers, as the business owner, you need to gauge and forecast the demand and supply in your area. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is the surrounding community health cautious? (Influences Demand)
  2. Are there other gyms or centers in the area? (Supply)
  3. Are there any rumors of potential competitors moving into the area? (Affects supply)?


Just like buying a property, location is everything. Study potential business lots and calculate rent, costs, overhead, traffic, flow of people in the vicinity, other crowd pulling businesses etc. The location could make or break your business.


Most of you reading this are probably entrepreneurs looking to start your first gym or fitness center. Yes you may have covered the location and business model but be aware of your competition. Ask yourself:

  1. What makes your gym different from others?
  2. Can you survive if another (perhaps bigger) competitor moves in next door?

Business Model

This is something you need to draw up based on how you foresee the fitness center to operate. For me I always look at:

  1. How many members would I need in order to turn a profit? This will also help to determine the membership costs.
  2. What is my operational (OPEX) and capital (CAPEX) expenditures? I always over budget just to be sure.
  3. How much is my initial investment and when can I start to see returns? If it takes too long, it probably is not worth the risk?
  4. What is the worst case scenario? And am I able to survive it? Am I ok with that scenario?
  5. Am I passionate about the business or am I doing it "just" for the potential return of investment?
My rule of thumb on running any business: Assume the worst case scenario and make sure you are able to survive it.

Why I dont run/own a gym?

Despite of what some people assume, I dont actually run, own or work at any gym or fitness centre. Never have and never will. Why not?

  1. High investment: For me I feel the initial investment for quality equipment, facilities etc are too high (you probably need at least RM500,000 to start).
  2. Competition: It will be very hard or near impossible to compete with bigger international gym chains as they have economy of scales that a single gym can never compete with.
  3. I dont have the patience or time to spend my days at the gym. If at all, I would hire someone else to run it but what would be the point of starting one in the first place.
  4. Complacency. Ah yes, this is a problem I have. I am pretty happy with my current life and work. Hence don't see the need to open my own gym.

Exercise Guide For Pregnant Women by Trimester

Women are encouraged to do exercise when they are pregnant, because it will improve their pregnancy outcome. Some of the benefits of having exercises before and during pregnancy can lower the risk of having premature delivery. It can increase the weight of the baby and help to manage the stress due to pregnancy hormones. The bottom line is the exercise will help a pregnant woman do better emotionally and physically. However, during the stages of pregnancy, there are some exercises are not good for certain stages. The following are some guidelines that you can take to help you know what exercises you can or cannot do during certain stages of pregnancy:

Getting Pregnant

When you are trying to get pregnant, they are few sorts of exercises that you:


  • First of all, doing exercise is much recommended for everyone, especially when you are trying to get pregnant. When you are conceiving, you should prefer intermittent activity.
  • Start with a short warm-up, like five minutes or so by slow walking, this is very essential particularly when you are going to do vigorous exercise
  • If you need to perform a warm-up at the beginning, you also have to do a gradually declining activity, such as gentle stretching after doing a strenuous exercise
  • When you are performing the exercise, it is a good idea to keep checking your heart rate, because when you reach the peak of exercise, it should not exceed a maximum 150 beats per minute.
  • Drink liquids as much as possible before and after exercise to avoid dehydration. You can stop for few seconds to drink liquids.


  • Avoid bouncy/jerky motions
  • Should not do extreme stretching exercises, due to the relaxation of connective tissue.
  • It is highly recommended to begin with physical activity of very high intensity if you have been in a sedentary lifestyle or job.
  • Do not do exercise if you are ill, or the weather becomes very hot and humid.
  • Do not continue your exercise if you notice something strange appear (unusual symptoms).

1st Trimester Exercise Guide


  • Aerobic exercise. This exercise can be any kind of exercise that can improve your heart rate and breathing, like swimming and fast walking. You can do the aerobic exercise few times in a week which lasts 20-30 minutes per session. This exercise will help you improve the fetus circulation, muscle strength and tone, and avoid venous stasis problems as well as excess weight.
  • Walking. When you do walking, you should wear proper shoes to provide appropriate good support. If you do this exercise in the right amount and weather, it can improve your health, as well as your little angel.
  • Swimming. This exercise gives you a cardiovascular exercise. During swimming exercise, your body also performs stretching and muscle toning which minimizes joint strain. You can swim 20 minutes, three times in a week to keep the shape of your body.
  • Relaxation techniques. This technique can help you focus and breath. Besides, it also works psychologically in your body by relieving everyday stress and training your mind to release emotional tension. In yoga, there are some popular styles that you can select, such as kundalini yoga and iyengar yoga. You may want to get some massage treatments. Knead and stroke your body little bit can make your tight muscle become more relaxed.
  • Kegel Exercises. This exercise can assist you to prepare the muscles of the pelvic floor for the stress of baby delivery. Then later on, it also helps your muscles return to their former shape after giving birth. In order to find your pelvic muscles, you need to consult with your doctor/nurse.
  • Weight Training. The benefits of this training are basically similar with other sorts of exercise. If you would like to do the training, you can either use training machines (like in health club) or free weights. But, you should remember you have to work out with lighter weights and see your doctor before you start any weight program. Take a 60-second rest between sets of repetitions.


  • Avoid walking in hot/humid weather (avoid the risk of overheating)
  • It is good to do few yoga postures, but some other yoga postures are highly forbidden to perform, especially the ones that require you to lie flat on your back.
  • If you use weights during pregnancy, avoiding straining with your airway closed is good. Pregnant women usually do that unconsciously when they lift weight.

2nd trimester Exercise Guide:

4th Month


  • Doing weight training while seated can be a choice, because the baby and the placenta are growing, and the total blood volume has increased. They can cause dizziness and lightheaded when you stand.
  • You can do moderate running/jogging. However, you should make sure that you run on flat ground with very few obstacles because your uterus gets larger which makes you more imbalanced.
  • Yoga can still be performed in this stage of pregnancy. But, you need to do less extending and stretching postures. And you are also recommended to stay closer to the floor as you get bigger gradually and your joints become loosened that affect your balance.
  • Swimming is still allowed, but you should not get yourself too tired.


  • You should avoid doing exercises that require you to lie on your back, such as sit-ups.
  • Do not perform any exercise that needs you to stand motionlessly for an extended period.
  • Though weight training while seated still can be performed, it is a lot better if you avoid this type of exercise after your first trimester, as it decreases the amount of blood flow to your kidney and uterus. And, it also reduces the amount of oxygenated blood for your baby and yourself.

5th Month


  • Yoga is definitely still recommended, but in this month, you have to find a special class for pregnant women. If you cannot find any class for this purpose, you may want to find a book of yoga poses that are meant for pregnant women.
  • Walking is still good, but please, be careful when you do this exercise.
  • Like walking and yoga, you still can do this exercise. However, you should swim for short periods of time, as you may not overexert yourself.


  • Do not do too much walking, swimming, yoga that makes yourself become huffing and puffing. It is better if you have someone with you when you do this exercise.
  • Avoid exercises which require you to do extreme stretches.
  • Do not do any high-impact activities such as running and aerobics, as it puts a lot of stress on your joints which raise the risk of falling.

6th month


  • You are still able to perform yoga and weight training. However, in this stage, there are more ‘donts’, than ‘do’.


  • You are at the end of your second trimester; therefore you are really required to get the extra support for your balance. Therefore, when you have to avoid yoga poses that stretch abdominal muscles that need you to lay on your back
  • When you are in weight training, you have to be careful to avoid blunt injury to the abdomen from dropping weight.

3rd Trimester Exercise Guide


  • Your pregnancy is going to reach its time, so you should be more careful when you do exercise. Walking 20-30 minutes every day will be a good choice.
  • There are few yoga poses that are good for this stage, such as Ardh Titli Asan which requires you to keep your legs outstretched.
  • The bottom line for this stage is to keep yourself dehydrated, eat very nutritious meals and don’t push yourself too hard!


  • Don’t do any exercise that puts a strain on your back.

General Guide and Reminders

Some points above are the exercises that you should do and shouldn’t do during certain stages of your pregnancy. However, there are some general ideas of exercises that you really have to avoid, such as:

  • Any exercises that have a high risk of falling, like water skiing, gymnastics, horseback riding, etc.
  • Any sport that could make any trauma to your abdomen, like soccer, softball, basketball.
  • Do not go scuba diving while you’re pregnant. This type of exercise can increase the pressure to you and your baby, as the result, it could cause miscarriage, birth defect, or premature labor.
  • Do not exercise to a place at high altitude that is more than 6,000 feet as the higher the place is, the less oxygen your baby will get.
  • Besides, high temperature of weather, you should also avoid hot bath water, saunas, and the like.

5 Most Popular iPhone Fitness Applications

Technology was created to make human beings’ life a lot easier, this includes making our exercise easier as well. One of the examples that we can take is iPhone application to help us live our life healthier, as it has the applications that can give us guidance, not only to lose our weight, but to make our body healthier and stronger. The following are the 5 popular iPhone Fitness applications to help you do exercise in the right way:

1. iTreadmill   
This application will let you know the number of steps, distance, and speed you make every single day. You just need to turn on this application, put it on your pocket and go. It will keep you marching up to speed by setting the Pacer Dial. You should not worry if you stop for a while and restart again, because it has an automatic detector if you stop and restart your walking. So, it will never mess up. The cool thing is, this application is very cheap, you just need to spend $1.99 to get it. For more information, you can look up at

2. iMapMyFitness
If your car has a GPS, your body owns iMapMyfitness. This application is available for everybody for free! It is a tracking application that needs to use your GPS to track down your outdoor exercises, such as running, walking, cycling, and etc. What you need to do is just to start the application and it will mark your path by showing distance, time, speed, pace, elevation, and the like. It has the ability to view your workout history online. You can get this application through

3. FitnessBuilder 
If you do not own TV or DVD player to guide you for fitness activities, this application will do through your iPhone. It contains  more than 200 workouts. You can choose the most suitable workout for you automatically through the application’s technology, as it can make the best session for you. It also contains more than 2000 videos and images, complete tracking capabilities, five-fitness timer, calculator, and the like. If you are interested in getting this application, you need to spend $9.99. But, this price will be worth it. You can purchase the application through their website,

4. Personal Running Trainer 
This application is like a training program for you. It has some programs, like 5K, 10K, full marathon, and so on. You just need to select the program you would like to do, and will receive a schedule for the work out you want. You will hear coaching instructions coming out of your iPhone. You can the trial version for free, but if you are interested in getting the full program, you just need to spend $1.99-$5.99. Get this application at

5. Tap & Track Calorie, Weight & Exercise Tracker    
It is so hard to control the intake of calorie on your food every single day. You cannot ask somebody to control your calorie either. But, this application will do for you. With $3.99, you can track everything related to your calorie intake, such as food and exercise. It has an extensive food database, as you can find 300,000 food items, plus 700 restaurants. You do not need an internet connection for this application to search food database. sells this application, so you can get it through the website.

High Calorie foods in Everyday Life Indonesia

We never realize that the first thing coming out of our mind about food is “what good food do I have to eat today?”. We rarely think about “what kind of food should I eat to fulfill the nutrition needs of my body?”. Because we just demand the food that tastes delicious in our tongue, we often abandon the nutrition values. Therefore, we often end up eating ‘delicious foods’ with high calories. And, you believe it or not, it happens almost every day in our life.

For you whom want to live healthier, let’s observe our favorite foods that we eat daily. Following are the ten examples of our daily menu.
1. Sate Kambing (Mutton Satay)
Sate Kambing is one of the most popular foods in Indonesia, specifically in in Java. This is made out of roasted mutton that is served with soy sauce. Generally, people eat Sate with Lontong (traditional rice box)/rice. With the blend of grilled mutton and soy sauce, we have already been able to see ‘the signs’ of high calories in Sate Kambing. Every piece of peanut that is grinded contains 5 cal. Mutton itself has saturated fat 3.6, and contains 9.2 fat total. This is not it yet, because it does have 70-cholesterol in it. When the whole “things’ are bounded together, every 3 pieces of sate kambing contain 353 kal. 3 pieces of Sate are not enough for most people, at least they pick 6 pieces. So, mostly people eat 706 cal through this food. This is not the end, because sate is served with rice, and a plate of rise, contains 242 cal. Can you imagine that one portion of complete Sate Kambing can make us eat 948 cal!
2. Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice)

For college students who live in kos (private boarding house), fried rice has been one of delightful foods that is consumed almost every night. Besides the spicy spices and the smell of Sate that stimulates appetite, fried rice street seller is easily found with a very inexpensive price. Fried rice is usually mixed with chicken/beef/egg/shrimp/fish and then fried in palm oil/butter (mostly palm oil). Having known the contents of fried rice, it contains 740 cal per portion. If we eat a 740 calorie food almost every night, we definitely need to do exercise more regularly in order to avoid a big belly ?
3. Nasi Rawon (Rawon Rice) 
Rawon is a black soup that has a very strong taste of East Java. Everybody, who likes strong-smell food plus the soft tasty beef in it, must like this food. This food is the combination of blacj peanut broth, named keluak and mincemeat. There are just few kinds of veggies in Rawon, like onion leaves and fried onion. So, the main content of the menu is just beef. Beef contains 95 cal per 50g. In order to make a Rawon menu in a family, they need approximately 2 till 3 kg beef. You can count it by yourself, how many calories in that much beef. Like Sate Kambing, rawon is served with rice which makes the menu contains 680 cal per portion. This is not the end, because to make the menu more complete, shrimp crackers have to be added to the menu serving. Usually shrimp crackers contain 17 cal, if you do eat the shrimp crackers; you can count the whole calories.
4. Nasi Rames/Campur (Mixed rice)
Nasi Rames is commonly found in Indonesia. Like fried rice, nasi rames is the breakfast or lunch meal of college students or young workers. Nasi rames has various kinds of things, such as veggies, peanuts, noodle, chicken, egg, shrimp crackers, and the like. With the entire things in Nasi Rames, the menu contains 680 cal per portion. But, you should know something about Nasi Rames, because it contains many kinds of contents, it also has a variety of nutrient that your body needs.
5. Instant noodle plus eggs and rice
Besides fried rice and Nasi Rames, another popular menu within young people is instant noodle. Instant noodle has a very strong taste, and it’s very quick to be served. The noodle is also very cheap, so it’s very kind of suitable young people (esp. students) to save time and money. However, behind the cheap price and quick serving, instant noodle has a pretty high calorie per package, namely 330 cal. Usually one package of instant noodle is not enough. But, let’s say one package is the standard consumption, but there are still few more things added on the noodle, they are eggs and even rice. One egg contains 70 cal, and the rice itself has 242 cal. We can count the entire calories per serving, it equals with 615 cal. But, if we don’t think one package is not enough, two packages of noodle can reach 945 cal per portion!
6. Nasi Soto ayam (chicken soto)
It’s one of the most favorite foods in Indonesia. It is served in many kinds of versions, depending on the province. But, the very standard version of soto is soto ayam. Besides for daily consumption, soto ayam is often used for traditional celebrations, so the consumption rate of soto ayam is pretty high in the society (not only young people). It contains yellow spicy chicken, noodles, hard boiled eggs, slices of fried potatoes, celery, and fried shallots. But, the main contain of it is chicken. Chicken itself has almost equal calories as beef, namely 95 cal per 50gr. In a normal portion, soto ayam contains 596 cal, but usually people add shrimp crackers, in which as it has been discussed in the earlier point, has 17 calorie.
7. Pempek Kapal Selam
This food originally comes from Palembang, Sumatra Island. It consists of fish and tapioca, then served with yellow noodles and dark sweet sour sauce, named kuah cuka. In 100g of tapioca, there are 335 cal, and in one egg, it contains 70 cal. In two pieces of pempek (which weights 100 gr per piece) has 190 cal. So, if we consume one portion of pempek, we intake 380 cal. But, a big portion of pempek can contain up to 570 cal.
8. Kare ayam (Chicken Curry)
Kare ayam is one of typical menus within Indonesian families. It contains chicken cooked with thick coconut milk. Thick coconut milk contains 120 cal per tablespoon. And, the parts of chickens that are cooked in this menu are like breast and thighs. One normal portion of kare ayam has 460 calorie. Because it comes with rice, the total calorie can be 702 cal, as per portion of rice contains 242 cal.

9. Gado-gado  

This menu comes from Betawi tribe, in Jakarta. It contains a lot of veggies, potatoes, tofu, then the contents of the food are mixed with soy sauce and accompanied by crackers. One normal portion of gado gado equals 488 cal. Like nasi rames, gado-gado contains many kinds of nutrient in it. So, it’s pretty good to fulfill the needs of your body.
10. Mi Kuah Bakso sapi
Bakso is not only for a main menu, but it’s more like ‘snack’ between meals. Bakso sellers are everywhere and the price is quite cheap, young people consume it very often. You can find beef meatball, noodle, celery, veggies, bihun, sprout, and the like. But, the beef meatball dominates the food. Bakso is accompanied by other stuff, such as fried tofu, steamed tofu, organ meats, and so on. One normal portion of bakso can contain 303 cal, and this is usually just considered “snack”. So, this is not the end of a meal time, there will be another menu after bakso.

Having known the ten kinds of food above, we can check how many calories that we consume every meal, every day. The afore-mentioned foods are not the only things we eat in a day. When we hang out with our friends, you sometimes want to drink chocolate milkshake, which contains 421 cal. Or, you want to have a piece of brownies that will add 141 more calories. And in the evening, you might want to watch a movie, and have a cup of popcorn with you. It will put 54 more cal. So, if you think you are about to have a diet program, you should know how much you eat the daily menu. Or you should reduce the amount of it.

10 Makanan Tinggi Kalori Sehari-Hari di Indonesia

Kita tidak menyadari yang muncul tentang makanan adalah "makanan apa yang enak dimakan untuk hari ini?". Jarang diantara kita yang berpikir "makanan mana yang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi saya setiap hari?". Karena tuntunan rasa makanan untuk memuaskan lidah kita, nutrisi yang seharusnya dibutuhkan tubuh pun terabaikan. Akibat dari kurang selektifnya dalam memilih makanan bergizi, yang kita konsumsi akhirnya hanya makanan yang sangat tinggi kalorinya. Dan hal ini terjadi hampir setiap hari dalam sajian menu yang kita makan.

Bagi Anda yang ingin hidup lebih sehat, mari kita teliti makanan-makanan favorit yang biasa kita lahap setiap harinya. Berikut ini, 10 contoh makanan sehari-hari itu.

1. Sate Kambing - 353 kalori

Sate kambing adalah salah satu makanan yang sangat populer di Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa. Makanan ini terbuat dari daging kambing yang dibakar dan dicampur dengan rempah-rempah. Setelah itu disiram dengan bumbu kacang. Pada umumnya orang memakan sate kambing bersama dengan nasi. Dari perpaduan daging kambing dan bumbu kacang, kita sudah melihat tanda-tanda kalori tinggi dalam sate kambing. Setiap biji kacang yang digerus halus, mengandung 5 kalori.

Daging kambing sendiri mengandung lemak jenuh 3.6, lemak totalnya 9.2, dan kolesterol 70. Total kalori per tiga tusuhnya adalah 353, sedangkan tiga tusuk tidak cukup untuk memenuhi nafsu makan kita, sehingga minimal kita melahap 6 tusuk, yang total keseluruhannya adalah 706 kalori. Sate kambing saja tidak akan cukup, karena budaya Indonesia pada umumnya adalah 'kalau belum makan nasi, belum kenyang'. Jadi sate kambing plus nasi, satu porsi nasi bisa mencapai 242 kalori. Bisa kita bayangkan bila keduanya dilahap bersama, akan menjadi 948 kalori! Jadi, bagi pecinta sate kambing, sekarang bisa mulai mengendalikan makan sate kambingnya, supaya berat badan bisa terkendali pula.

2. Nasi goreng - 740 kalori

Bagi mahasiswa yang tinggal di kos-kosan, menu nasi goreng menjadi makanan favorit yang dilahap hampir setiap malam. Selain rasa bumbu-bumbu pedas dan baunya yang merangsang nafsu makan, pedagang nasi goreng paling sering bergeriliya setiap malam, sehingga sangat mudah terjangkau. Dengan paduan nasi, ayam/daging/telur/udang dan minyak goreng, nasi goreng pun mempunyai nilai kalori yang tergolong tinggi. Secara keseluruhan, penggabungan isi nasi goreng, nasi dan minyak gorengnya, menu ini mengandung 740 kalori per porsinya. Kalau untuk menu sebelum tidur tiap malamnya adalah 740 kalori, jelas Anda perlu melakukan olahraga rutin biar perut tidak semakin gendut ?

3. Nasi rawon - 680 kalori

Rawon adalah sup hitam yang memiliki rasa kuat khas Jawa Timur. Siapapun pasti tergoda dengan baunya yang sedap khas Surabaya, dan daging sapi yang lunak dilidah. Inilah yang membuat rawon menjadi salah satu makanan favorit di Indonesia. Menu ini merupakan gabungan dari kuah kaldu kacang hitam yang disebut keluak dan daging sapi yang dicincang. Sayur yang dimasukkan ke dalam sajian ini sangat sedikit, dan itu pun hanya daun bawang dan bawang goreng saja. Jadi, isi utama dari menu ini hanyalah daging sapi. Daging sapi sendiri mengandung 95 kalori dalam setiap 50gr nya. Untuk membuat rawon, biasanya keluarga Indonesia menggunakan 2 atau 3 kilo daging sapi untuk membuat rawon. Anda bisa menghitung sendiri berapa banyak kalori dalam daging sapi sebanyak itu. Seperti halnya sate kambing, tidak akan sempurna tanpa kehadiran nasi. Kalori nasi pun cukup banyak, yang akhirnya membuat menu rawon mengandung 680 kalori setiap porsinya. Belum lagi 'pendamping' rawon yang wajib disantap, yaitu kerupuk udang. Kerupuk udang mengandung 17 kalori. Bila Anda melahap 5 kerupuk udang sekali makan, kalori yang masuk bersama dengan nasi rawon pun bertambah.

4. Nasi rames/campur - 680 kalori

Nasi rames/campur sangat umum ditemukan di Indonesia. Hampir sama dengan nasi goreng, nasi rames merupakan menu sarapan atau makan siang untuk kalangan mahasiswa dan pekerja muda. Bedanya dengan nasi goreng, nasi campur berisi berbagai macam makanan, seperti sayur, kacang, mie, ayam/telur, krupuk udang, dll., tergantung di Indonesia bagian mana menu tersebut disajikan. Namun, berdasarkan isi paling umum, makanan ini mengandungb 680 kalori setiap sajiannya. Bagusnya menu ini adalah karena isinya bervariasi, kandungan nutrisi, selain kalori-nya, pun juga lebih banyak. Memakan nasi campur untuk menu sehari-hari tidak akan menjadi masalah, karena tidak ada satu bahan makananya yang mendominasi, seperti yang terjadi pada nasi rawon. Jadi, bisa memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi tubuh Anda secara cukup lengkap.

5. Mie Instant ditambah telur dan nasi - 945 kalori

Selain nasi goreng dan nasi rames, menu lain yang populer dikalangan kaum muda adalah mie instant. Selain rasanya yang kuat, mie instant juga cepat disajikannya dan murah, sehingga cocok untuk mahasiswa yang sibuk sekaligus ingin berhemat. Cukup merebus mie dan menambahkan bumbu pada kuahnya, dalam 15 menit, semuanya pun jadi. Akan tetapi, dibalik kemudahan mie instant, tersimpan pula keburukannya. Dalam setiap bungkus mie instant, mengandung 330 kal. Biasanya satu bungkus tidak cukup, jadi kebanyakan memasak dua bungkus sekaligus. Katakanlah satu bungkus menjadi standar, masih pula perlu menambahkan nasi dan telur sebagai pendamping. Satu butir telur mengandung 70 kal, sedangkan nasi dengan porsi rata-rata adalah 242 kal. Jadi secara keseluruhan adalah 615 kal. Kalau memasak dua bungkus sekaligus, kalorinya bisa mencapai 945! Ini hanya sekali makan, jadi sebaiknya tidak memakan mi instan lebih dari sekali dalam sehari.

6. Nasi soto ayam - 596 kalori

Soto ayam merupakan salah satu makanan favorit di Indonesia, seperti halnya rawon. Bedanya soto tersedia dalam berbagai versi, tergantung dimana menu ini disajikan, karena setiap provinsi memiliki tambahan tersendiri. Namun, menu soto yang paling standar adalah soto ayam. Selain menjadi makanan sehari-hari, menu ini juga sangat sering disajikan untuk perayaan tradisional, jadi konsumsi soto lumayan cukup tinggi di semua kalangan penduduk. Soto biasanya berisi ayam, mi so'un, seledri, daun bawang, dll. Namun, isi yang paling mendominasi soto adalah ayam. Hampir sama dengan daging sapi, dalam setiap 50 gr-nya mengandung 95 kalori, hanya saja ayam dalam soto tidak sebanyak daging sapi pada rawon, jadi nilai kalorinya tidak setinggi rawon. Dalam porsi normalnya (satu mangkok), nasi soto ayam mengandung 596 kalori. Sama dengan rawon, soto umumnya ditemani dengan kerupuk udang, yang mengandung 17 kalori.

7. Pempek Kapal Selam - 570 kalori

Makanan khas Palembang, Sumatra ini memiliki rasa daging ikan yang unik. Pempek terbuat dari ikan dan sagu, kemudian disajikan dengan mie kuning dan kuah cuka. Walaupun awalnya merupakan makanan asal tanah Palembang, menu ini sudah menjadi populer, tidak hanya di Sumatra, tetapi juga di Jawa. Pempek berisi telur di dalamnya, jadi bisa dikatakan menu ini terdiri dari sagu, ikan dan telur. Kandungan 100g sagu setara dengan 355 kalori, sedangkan telur satu butir mengandung 95 kalori.

Namun, setiap porsi pempek berisi 2 biji, yang setiap bijinya umumnya memiliki berat 100gr dan mengandung 190 kalori. Kalau Anda mengkonsumsi satu porsi, berarti Anda memakan 380 kalori. Tetapi kalau mau porsi besar, bisa menjadi 570 kalori sekali makan.

8. Kare Ayam - 702 kalori

Kare ayam merupakan sajian tipikal keluarga di Indonesia, yang berisi ayam yang dimasak santan kental. Karena rasanya yang nikmat dan beraroma rempah-rempah, kare ayam bisa membuat penikmatnya tergila-gila. Cara menikmatinya juga sama dengan rawon dan soto ayam, yaitu dengan menambahkan nasi. Santan kental sendiri mengandung kalori cukup banyak per sendok makannya, yaitu 120. Belum lagi bagian ayam yang sering dimasak di dalam kare adalah paha dan dada. Satu porsi normal kare mengandung 460 kalori plus nasi 242 kal, jadi totalnya 702 kal. Sekali-kali makan kare nikmat, tapi kalau terlalu sering bisa-bisa dietpun gagal.

9. Gado-gado - 488 kalori

Hidangan ini berasala dari suku betawi, Jakarta. Menu ini berisi banyak sayuran, kentang, tahu, kemudian dicampur dengan bumbu kacang dan krupuk. Seperti kacang yang terkandung dalam bumbu sate kambing, satu butirnya, kacang mengandung 5 kalori. Satu porsi normal gado-gado setara dengan 488 kalori. Hampir sama dengan nasi campur, gado-gado mengandung banyak jenis nutrisi di dalamnya. Makanan ini juga menjadi favorit anak-anak muda di Indonesia.

10. Mie Kuah bakso sapi - 303 kalori

Bakso tidak hanya sebagai makanan utama, tapi lebih sering disebut 'jajanan'. Penjual bakso ada dimana-mana, kaum muda pun sangat sering mengkonsumsinya. Di dalam bakso, terdapat berbagai macam isi, seperti bakso sapi (beef meatball) mie, seledri, sayur, bihun, kecambah dll. Bakso merupakan isi yang mendominasi. Makanan bulat ini terbuat dari daging sapid an sagu. Biasanya juga ditambahkan udang, ikan, dan lain-lain. Selain bakso, menu ini ditemani dengan berbagai isi lainnya seperti tahu goreng, gorengan, dan daging jeroan. Namun, bentuk paling umum bakso adalah bakso, tahu dan gorengan. Dari porsi normal ini mengandung 303 kalori. Karena ini biasanya dianggap sebagai jajanan saja, anak muda cenderung makan menu lainnya. Jadi, menu 303 kalori ini bukan akhir dari jam makan.

Dari 10 menu di atas, kita bisa melihat berapa jumlah kalori dari makanan yang biasa kita makan sehari-hari. Jumlah kalori di atas biasanya masih ditambah lagi dengan camilan yang lain. Bila Anda menambah sepotong brownies, berarti Anda menambah 141 kalori, belum lagi minuman saat Anda nongkrong, seperti Milk Shake coklat 1 gelas yang mengandung 421 kal. Dan bila Anda ingin menonton film di bioskop, Anda ingin membeli satu cup pop corn, yang setara dengan 54 kal. Oleh karena itu, bila Anda bermaksud untuk berdiet, sebaiknya untuk sementara waktu Anda harus mengurangi keinginan untuk makan makanan tinggi kalori.