Free! 20 Hari Raya Weight Loss Tips eBook.

This is coming probably a little late but with the heat of raya, we are giving away free copies of my Hari Raya: Keep That Weight Off ebook.

How to get it?

Simply purchase any of these ebooks and you can immediately download you free copy via my online store.

  • Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu
  • How To Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks
  • All in One eBook Package.


Izwan Zakaria: How I Lost 10kg in Three Months

Get your copy today!

The following article was contributed by Izwan. In his own words, this is his story on how he lost 10kg in Three Month.

5 Tips: How I Lost 10kg in Three Months.

Before I proceed with some useful tips and (painful) challenges that I had to face in the pursuit of losing weight, let me first introduce a little bit about myself. I am 21 years old and my previous
weight was 90kg.
Below are some tips I hope may be helpful and essentials to you to achieve your weigh loss goal (based from my own personal experiences).

1. Set a goal and act on it

I could still remember those days where I told myself that I want to lose weight, but later continued with my usual routines.
This is why it is important for anyone to set a clear objective why you want to lose weight. My wake up call was when I knew I was obese (which I knew after some random trips to malls and offered free medical checkups). I became horrified at myself and knew that something must be done, and it must implemented quick.
I told myself that I don’t want to become obese anymore. I started searching over the Internet for some tips on how to start losing weight. I even purchased  ‘How to Lose 5kg’ by Kevin Zahri and I think it was absolutely brilliant!
In brief, you need to sit down and carefully identify what you want to achieve (and make sure it is reasonable and sensible goal) and also what are the problems that may be troubling you in your pursuit of obtaining that goal.

2. Understand what is ‘food’

I could still remember various trips I made to mamak restaurant  at odd hours to eat nasi kandar filled with various fatty dishes and going for a McDonald’s Big Mac later afterward (as I was continuously still hungry).
Firstly, I sincerely think that is important for everyone to change their perceptions about ‘food’.  I know, our schools never taught us about ‘food’. ‘Food education’  is relatively new subject for all of us. I could still recall ever since I was a child, I was always told by my parents that I should finish whatever on the plate. In simpler terms, most of us have been dictated by somebody else about what should we eat. It was extremely difficult for me to stop eating (when I already full) knowing that I was leaving remaining food behind. Hence, it is important for you to ACTIVELY define the portion of what you should eat everyday from now on.
Food should never be viewed merely as “food” in general but in particles which plainly known as fat, protein, carbohydrate. Each of them have their own distinct characteristics from each others. Our body requires all of them to be consumed everyday but in different proportions. That is why we need to know the distinction between them. Food gives us ‘energy’ and each of those food particles have different roles in helping us in our daily lives.
It’s true what they say, ‘Calorie is king’. That is why it is important to know what is calorie and why it is pivotal in your goal in losing (or gaining weight!). Weight gain occurs when an incorrect consumption of food particles are ingested in relation to what the body need.
It is not really difficult to know how much does your favorite snack contains. It is compulsory for every food manufacturers (or even your favorite Coca-Cola drinks) to provide ‘Nutrition Index’ at the food package. It helps you to know how much calorie is in the food, but also how many you should have per serving, or it may even help you to decide whether you should buy the snack or not!).
Trust me, if you can understand those terms above completely , your future visit to shopping malls looking for your favorite food will be so much different. You might even think first whether it is worth going to McDonald or Burger King restaurants for that burger!
Below are some of the terms that you should know to help you in creating a new you. Don’t worry, information about all this stuffs can be obtained over the Internet or you could just get Kevin Zahri’s awesome ebook  ‘How to Lose 5kg’ where he devoted a chapter solely about proper nutrition. You can go to to learn about Nutrition Index, how to read them and database of food in Malaysia.

Some important terms/stuffs to know:

  • Food (Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein)
  • Nutrition
  • Calorie
  • Nutrition Index (How to read and use them!)

3. Drink a lot of water everyday

Water is crucial to our health. Every system in our body rely on water to function properly. We need to drink a lot water because it helps transport nutrients and oxygen into cells and also helps with metabolism. Interestingly, water contain zero calorie. So, it won’t make you fat. Unfortunately, drinking a lot of Coca Cola or Pepsi will!
The best way to know whether you are properly hydrated is when you regularly going to the toilet, and not to feel thirsty. This is because when we feel thirsty, we are already dehydrated! Our body takes time to send this message to our brain, that is why we need to keep on drinking water continuily (not continuously).

4. Find a healthy sport/activity that you love and do it regularly!

Not only being physically active is a powerful tool in achieving your weight loss target, doing something that you love will boost you in pursuing the goal.
Do something you like and love doing. I love running now. I started running (painfully) few months aback and I just can’t stop running now. It was awkward in the first place when you’re the only guy with flabby stomach. After a while, I didn’t care much when I knew I am doing it for my health sake! I love running very much. Not only I feel healthier and puts me away from risks of possible cardiovascular diseases soon in life, I also feel much more better about myself after each run.

So, find something that you love and do it regularly. It could be swimming, canoeing, playing badminton or even futsal with your friends!


5. Continue motivate yourself to achieve the goal

This has to be the most important thing that I and I think everyone who struggle with weight loss forgets.
I think it is important for people who wants to lose weight to start their daily life, they way they want themselves to be as a healthy and normal person. In simpler terms, just because you’re fat or obese that doesn’t mean you should relax and do everything as a fat person!
Just because you’re fat that doesn’t mean you should run later, when you have lost weight (unless you’re sick and a doctor told you not to run for time being).
Being fat should never be a reason why one should not do something one likes. Obviously, it should be something that is healthy for you.
Do you think those guys and girls in the Biggest Loser lost weight for not doing anything? It’s pure hard work that gives spectacular result! This is also makes it important for your own inspiration to keep on going active, irrespective whatever task or jobs that you are doing.
I also started reading books on fitness and would love to recommend a few to you guys.

  • ‘Winning by Losing’ by Jillian Michaels. What more to say about the author? She helps people to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle!  I wish she can be my girlfriend! Spectacular individual!
  • ‘The Fidget Factor’  by Brown & Katch.A no-nonsense guide to burning lots of extra calories every day without the demands of strict diet and exercise regimens. I don’t believe stuffs that don’t have any scientifical evidence. This book also discusses on calorie and why it’s important to eat proper food, not become dieters.
  • Kevin Zahri’s awesome ebooks! I love all of them!! Worth every ringgit spent! Brilliant MAN!

So there goes. I sincerely hope that all the tips that I have given you may help you in achieving your healthy goal, whatever sensible it may be.
Take care of your body.  It's the only place you have to live.  ~Jim Rohn

IZWAN ZAKARIA (aka Throng) is an undergraduate student pursuing Law in UiTM. He can be reached through Facebook here.

Want to follow in Izwan's foot steps?

Well as I am sure Izwan can tell you ... the journey of weight loss is hard in the beginning but gets easier as you start to make vital lifestyle changes and take control of your life. But to take control, you need knowledge without it you are without guidance or direction. This is were my ebook comes in - it provides you with fundamental know to lose 5kg in 5 weeks but when applied longer, just like Izwan, you can lose 10kg or more over time. For more details, visit the ebook page or click on the banner below.

eBook Updates

Dear all,
I am in the middle of updating ebook content etc as we will be adding new ebooks. Details will be out later today (Monday).

Price Update for eBooks: By Sept 20th

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has purchased any ebooks. The response and feedback has been overwhelming. The success has also let me to venture out into the international scene to see if the ebooks will be laris there as well. With that however, I am looking at a price update for the ebooks. Well there is good and bad news.

The Good News

First the good news. Aside from the ever popular How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks ebook, we have added about 8 additional mini Survival Guide series eBooks (and more to come). Some are new and some were extracted and repackaged from my 24 Questions eBook which will be phased out.
This Survival Guide eBooks will be available for free for those of have purchase the eBook package deal, including upcoming releases.

The Bad News

I need to increase the price of the eBook package so that it is somewhat comparable to the international price structure. Otherwise, I would be getting nasty emails from angry consumers but it is not all that bad.

  • How to lose 5kg in 5 Weeks or Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu: RM20
  • Survival Guide eBooks: each will be sold for RM10.
  • eBook Package: Price upgrade will be RM40. This includes all current and upcoing eBooks.

Hope you all understand and will continue to support me.

When will this take place? New prices will take affect by 20th Sept 2010.

Selamat Hari Raya Greetings

Salama everyone,
Just wanted to wish you all a very selamat hari raya aidilfitri 2010. Can't believe puasa went by so fast.
For those of you who are going balik kampung, drive safe and hopefully you wont be stuck in the jam for too long. As for me, I will be spending raya with my family here in KL for the first day. Second raya we will be off to PD and Melaka to visit my wife's kampung. Insyallah we will be back in KL on Sunday.

Baju Raya

Thanks to several trips to Jalan Masjid India, my baju raya this year will be red-pinkish. I will be posting up photos and hopefully video over raya nanti.

Maaf Zahir Batin

So again, selamat menyambut hari raya aidilfitri dan sekiranya any of my posts, comment etc menyinggung anyone's feeling, maaf zahir batin.

Also, don't forget to download a copy of my Hari Raya Survival Guide to help you keep that weight off and survive all the open houses.

Survival Guide eBook: 20 Hari Raya Tips to Keep That Weight Off

With hari raya aidilfitri just around the corner and many of you asking for some tips to help you survive the holidays, I am happy to announce the release of my latest survival guide ebook entitled "Survival Guide: 20 Hari Raya Tips to Keep That Weight Off".

Hari Raya FAQ

This 13 page ebook provides you with an FAQ guide to nutrition, dieting and exercise when making that transition from ramadhan to hari raya.

20 Tips to Keep That Weight Off

The main content of this ebook provides you with 20 practical tips to survive hari raya buffets, making food selections, easy tips for when you are on the road and much more.

This eBook also includes a calorie guide to over 100+ hari raya foods like lemang, ketupat, rendang, serunding and much more.

Sample Pages

How to get your copy?

Well this hari raya guide is part of my fitness eBook package with costs only RM20. There are currently six ebooks in this series with more to come. All yours for only RM20!
Are u a returning customer? To get your copy, simply login to your account at my online store, click on your order and download the files. You can refer to this video if you need help.

Purchase your copy online for only RM20 and get 5 more ebooks for free! Details here.

How to lose 15kg in 5 weeks?

Losing 15kg in 5 weeks sure sounds exciting but is it possible? Before you skip to the answer of the bottom of this post, let's think about it. If you have read any of my books or ebooks, you surely know that in order to lose 1kg you must get rid of 7,700 calories. Either through dieting, exercise or (hopefully) combination of the two.

So now how about 15kg?

Let's do the math. If 1kg equals 7,700 calories, 15kg works out to be a whopping 115,500 calories. That is a lot and if you wanted to lose that many calories in 35 days (5 weeks), it works out to be 3,300 calories per day.
What does this number mean? It means that in order to lose 15kg in 5 weeks, you would need to:

  • Create a daily calorie deficit of 3,300 calories.
  • Consume 3300 calories less than you burn.
  • Make sure that if you are on a 2,000 calories per day diet, your daily calorie output needs to be 5,300 calories. That is crazy!

Even if an average person that weighs 60kg runs for 3 hours at 8km/hr every day, he or she only burns about 1,500 calories per session. So to burn 5,300 calories in a 24 hour window is not practical.

So, is it possible to lose 15kg in 5 weeks?

Nope, it is not. For the average person, losing 15kg in 5 weeks is NOT possible and unrealistic. Yes you can burn 3,300 calories per day but its just not possible to create a deficit of 3300 calories.
If you are looking for realistic weight loss, I would highly recommend you to take a look at my How to lose 5kg in 5 weeks ebook. It illustrates how you can combine nutrition and exercise to create a daily calorie deficit of 1100 calories - also not easy but absolutely possible!

Video: How to Gain Weight

Most of my posts and ebooks have been about weight loss. So since a lot of you have been asking for weight gain tips, here ya go. The following video will provide you with the three components you need for effective weight gain.

Watch it in HD? You can watch the videos in HD exclusively on my facebook page...

10 Perkara yang mempengaruhi kelelakian lelaki

This is a sponsored post by InHealth Beauty.

Berikut merupakan beberapa perkara yang dapat memengaruhi seksual lelaki.

  1. 1.
    Usia. Lelaki berusia lanjut biasanya mengalami keadaan yang disebut andropause. Ini adalah masa di mana produksi testosteron berkurangan.
  2. 2.
    Diabetes. Kadar gula darah yang tinggi menyebabkan terjadinya penyempitan pembuluh darah dan merosakkan saraf, termasuk pembuluh darah. Inilah yang menyebabkan terjadinya gangguan fungsi ereksi.
  3. 3.
    Hipertensi. Tekanan darah tinggi menyebabkan dinding pembuluh darah menjadi kaku, sehingga lama kelamaan pembuluh akan menjadi sempit. Kejadian ini tidak hanya di bahagian pembuluh jantung atau otak juga di bahagian genital. Akibatnya, aliran darah ke genital berkurangan hingga menyebabkan gangguan ereksi.
  4. 4.
    Kadar kolesterol tinggi. Kolesterol yang terus-menerus tertimbun dalam pembuluh darah menyebabkannya mengeras dan menyempitkan pembuluh darah. Penyempitan pada penis menyebabkan terjadinya kesukaran untuk bereksi.
  5. 5.
    Gangguan saraf. Parkinson, kencing manis, stroke menyebabkan menurunnya fungsi saraf. Akibatnya, aktiviti neurotransmitter berkurangan dan menurunkan rangsangan saraf sehingga terjadi gangguan ereksi.
  6. 6.
    Cedera. Kecederaan yang langsung mengena daerah kemaluan akan merosak korpus kavernosum, saraf, dan pembuluh darah yang akhirnya menyebabkan gangguan ereksi.
  7. 7.
    Faktor psikologi. Stress disebabkan fizikal atau psikologi mampu melelahkan mental dan mengganggu kerja neurotransmitter, sehingga terjadi gangguan ereksi.
  8. 8.
    Penyakit Yang Berjangkit. Penyakit kronik seperti TBC, HIV, hepatitis mengakibatkan gangguan kerja neurotransmitter dan penurunan kadar estrogen yang kemudian menimbulkan turunnya libido.
  9. 9.
    Ubat-Ubatan. Ubat perangsang, dadah dan beberapa ubat penurun tekanan darah dapat mengganggu kemampuan ereksi.
  10. 10.
    Merokok. Selain dapat menyebabkan kanser paru-paru, ia juga menyempitkan pembuluh darah.

Produk Lelaki - New Men

New Men - supplemen untuk kesuburan kaum lelaki. Dirumus khas dengan herba tribulus terrestris, ekstrak guarana, ekstrak pale catechu, ekstrak epimedium, ekstrak fenugreek,mineral, vitamin dan ekstrak tiram yang kaya dengan zink dan taurin. Amat sesuai untuk mereka yang penat bekerja, stress dan memerlukan tenaga tambahan.

Video: Panduan Kempiskan Perut, Kecil kan Peha Dll
If you ever wanted to get great abs, kempiskan perut atau kecil kan peha, there is more to it than mere exercise or how many ab crunches you do. Its really all about cardio, your diet and most importantly, you need to create a calorie deficit to help you burn that fat. That said, remember that you can't spot reduce fat. For details, watch the following video or check out my ebooks.

How to lose 3kg this ramadhan?

We are about a week into ramadhan and some of you have been emailing in "complaining" that you are not losing weight as quickly as you would like to.
Well that is normal. During ramadhan, it is rather difficult to lose 5kg in 5 weeks or 1kg per week. Why? Because of the following 2 reasons.

  • Dieting alone won't cut it: Although you eat less during this month, you nutrition deficit alone won't be enough to help you lose 1kg per week.
  • Exercise is a luxury: As my ebook explains, exercising while fasting provides various obstacles that prohibits one from really burning the calories to help you lose weight quickly. Unless of course you go all out after berbuka but most of us simply don't have the drive and/or mood.

So how about those 3kg?

Without going into too much details, to lose about 3kgs during ramadhan you need to do the following:

  • Calorie intake reduced by 25%: Here you need to reduce your calories intake 25%. Example: if you ramadhan DCR is 2000 calories, your calories intake from food should be about 1,500 calories. That would give you about a savings of 15,000 calories or 1.94kg
  • If you don't know how to calculate your calorie requirement or associate calories with weight loss, you should take a look at my weight loss ebooks

  • Exercise is a luxury: Now add a little exercise about 2x per week to raise your sedentary DCR to slightly active. This would add another kg to your weight loss efforts.

Hope this all makes sense. Otherwise I highly encourage you to check out my ramadhan survival guide ebook series.

Video: What To Eat During Berbuka Puasa?

Finally, my first video blog in a while. I hesitated for a while but finally got around and got myself a decent HD handycam which ultimately "forced" me to start a video blog. Expect weekly or more video coming you way.

Video editing

I am still rather new to the whole video editing world but been trying aout Cyberlink PowerDirector and so far so good. I promise to produce better videos over time.

...I promise to produce better videos over time....