Weight Training: Sesuai untuk Remaja?

Ini memang soalan yang selalu ditanya: "Saya Amirul, 16 tahun dan ingin mulakan senaman angkat berat tetapi saya takut ia akan stunt growth or ketinggian? Macam mana?"
Ini sebenarnya satu mitos! Ramai atlit2 terkenal seperti Arnold Schwarzenegger, Shaq O'Neal, Ronaldo dan lain2 bermula angkat berat ketika masih remaja kerana ia penting untuk membina kekuatan dan kecergasan fizikal. But walaupun mereka angkat berat, ia tidak buntukan tumbesaran mereka at all.
So let me make the following statement: Weight training atau latihan angkat berat tidak akan buntukan tumbesaran seorang remaja. Sebenaranya semanan angkat berat sememangnya digalakkan untuk remaja.

Imagine this: Kalau anda takut adanya compression yang tinggi on your spine, senaman melompat atau berlari actually creates a greater force compared to weight training.

Dapatkan panduan yang betul

Tidak berbeza dengan orang dewasa, remaja perlu mendapatkan panduan dan ilmu asas yang betul untuk bermula angkat berat ... kalau tidak you will be more injury prone just like adults. Tiada perbezaan.

Tips mudah Senaman Angkat Berat Untuk Remaja

Berikut adalah tips dan panduan mudah untuk remaja (atau sesiapa) mulakan senaman angkat berat (weight training)

  • Pastikan anda bebas daripada kecederaan where by if you'd excerise you would make the injury worse.
  • Ambil pre and post workout meal dengan mengandungi protein and karbohidrat dalam nisbah 1:2.
  • Panaskan badan/otot terlebih dahulu.
  • Patuhi langkah2 keselamatan dengan betul.
  • Jangan ikut nafsu dan angakt pemberat yang melebihi kemampuan anda.
  • Pelajari teknik2 latihan angkat berat terlebih dahulu.
  • Kalau tidak pasti, tanya orang yang berpengalaman.

Weight Training For Kids

Happy Bday Karim Zahri: You Would Have Been 34 Today!

Today would have been my brother's 34th birthday. Unfortunately he passed away back in 2003 when he was still staying in Hamburg, Germany where we grew up as kids. He was my only brother.

About Karim

His full name was Karim Patrick Alexander Zahri born July 12th 1976 in Hamburg Germany. He lived in Germany all his life. Well has was in Malaysia for about a year back in 1991 but did not like it here. My brother was a very intelligent and gentle soul. He had a keen interest to help others, did a lot of charity work and had big plans to do humanitarian work in Asia or South America. He was a very simple man who loved his family and close friends around him.

If you are a muslim and reading this, I would appreciate it if you could donate an Al-fatihah for him. Amin.

Pictures of a 1,000,000 Memories

Blog and Get a Free eBook worth RM20

Do you have your own blog? Great. I am giving away free copies of my lastest eBooks. All I am looking for is for you to highlight the eBook - How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks andPanduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu, talk about it on your blog and link back the my website.


To get started, simply start writing your blog, use the images I have below and link it back to https://kevinzahri.com/ebooks/lose-5kg-5-weeks/. Than drop me a message here, provide me the link to your blog and I will be contacting you. Please use the following links only:

Some Useful Banners

Here are some useful banners that you can use:

Germany 2010 World Cup: Team and Player Review

The World Cup final is tonight but with Germany's last match played ... I consider it over. I am so so happy with our 3rd placing. Had someone told me before the tournament start that we would in the semi-finals, I would've been happy ... but having seen how well we played leading up the Spain match, I was rather disappointed how badly we were outplayed by Spain. Oh well!

So as an avid German fan, I would like to give my personal analyze and grades or "Einzelkritik" for the Mannschaft.

Manuel Neuer (7/10): Great future talent. I've been impressed with Neuer since his Schalke played in the UEFA cup a couple years back. Steady hands and a roaring personality make in a great keeper for many more years. Being so young obviously contributes to some erratic decisions.
Holger Badstuber (5.5/10): Had a great season with Bayern. Was happy to see him make the starting-11 against Aussie but got a lot of heat for allowing the fateful cross against Serbio .. which led to the goal. Very young at 20. Great future for Germany and Bayern.
Jerome Boateng (6/10): Watched him in a few youth match for Germany. Great physical presence and had a decent World Cup overall. I think he struggled mightily against Sergio Ramos of Spain. He will be player I will look forward to watch at Mancester City is coming season. With Ballack gone, I may just become a ManCity fan! Hehe.

His brother, Kevin-Prince, on the other hand is an arrogant prick. I think he is too cocky and not that good a player to begin with. I am glad he is not playing for Germany

Arne Friedrich (7.5/10): Super steady. Great tackles and always proves a handful in attack during corners or set-pieces. Together with Mertesacker absolutely priceless for Germany in center of defense. At 31 probably his last World Cup.
Per Mertesacker (7/10): At 26 has a another World Cup left in him. Overall played very well. No outstanding errors and together with Lahm played the ball very well out of defense to kick-off our offense. With his height, he should do a little better in attack during corners or set pieces.
Philipp Lahm (8/10): Superb World Cup. Not your typical captain but he lets his playing on the field do the talking. Whenever he gets on the ball, you can be 99% assured that his pass, shot or dribble is fruitful. Despite all that success, he will probably lose the armband once Herr Ballack returns to the national squad. Now 27 already, he will still be a force to be reckoned with for the next 4 yrs. I would like to see him make a move to the EPL over the next 1-2 years.
Marcell Jansen (6.5): Never been a fan of Jansen, especially during his days at Bayern. A little to erratic for my liking and tends to lack consistency and a steady head in crucial moments. That said, I think he played well when coming on for Podolski. His goal against Uruguay was probably 50% luck but crucial!
Sami Khedira (7.5): Another young one at 23. This tournament has been a breakthrough for Sami. He reminds me a lil of Dietmar Hamann, keeps the ball very well, sticks to his business and when moving forward can cause problems for defences. Great future for him and Germany.
Toni Kroos (6/10): I am a huge of fan of Toni. Have been following this prodigy since he played in the U17 team for Germany. With his talent, people (like me) perhaps expect too much too soon. He could've scored against Spain with his volley but oh well ... at only 20 years, he is definitely a player to watch. This coming season he will be back at Bayern!
Mesut Özil (8/10): Another one of our breakthrough performers. Everyone who watches Werder Bremen knows of his gifted left foot but sometimes I feel that he himself lacks a little bit of confidence ... but with the World Cup over, Mesut should be full of confidence and look forward to a bright future. My only other comment: instead of always dribbling the ball in front of goal ... just shoot!

Bastian Schweinsteiger (7/10): Schweini Oh Schweini ... he is player who has matured tremendously over the last 1-2 years. Gone are the emotional outbursts and now we have a steady more calmer Bastian. I like it. Played the match of his life against Argentina. A couple of crucial loss of possessions against Spain and Uruguay are probably as a result of over-confidence?! Like Lahm, it would be great to see him play in England or Spain. He definitely has the goods and is only 26!
Piotr Trochowski (5/10): Played great football 2-3 years ago. Has not been playing well this season and for me, he has been erratic for Germany at the World Cup. Did not use his chance as a replacement for Mueller against Spain. At this form, he will continue to struggle to make the starting eleven and rightly so.
Cacau (5/10): Strong physically but does not hold the ball as well as Klose which often led to attacks falling down quickly. I don't see him as a regular first choice for Germany but than again, we don't have that many options.
Miroslav Klose (7.5/10): After his lousy season with Bayern, I didn't expect him to do well at all. No one did but like Podolski he impressed. Too bad he couldn't add to his goal tally and equal Ronaldo. I think Klose may play at Euro 2012 but this should be his last World Cup. Good job!
Thomas Müller (9/10): Absolute star of the team. After only his first season in the Bundesliga, 20 year old Thomas is a world star! I think the experience in the Champions League proved crucial. I remember watching him against ManU and he was lost! Well lost no more. This World Cup experience and five goals should mean great things for him and Germany. Together with Kroos, Ozil etc they are our future. Did you know that Mueller is already married at 20!

Lukas Podolski (7/10): Also had a great World Cup. I never liked his attitude at Bayern. A lot of complaining. At times very wasteful, especially against Serbia. That was annoying to watch. Still young at 25 but should play for a better club than Cologne. He needs to be pushed or he needs to push himself. Will probably play in 2014.
Mario Gomez (3/10): Just like Euro 2008, absolutely useless! Can't hold the ball. Can't pass when it matters and doesn't hit the target. I think Mario lacks confidence when he plays for the national side. Very disappointed.

The Team (7.5/10): Great performance overall. Fun to watch moving forward with fast passing one-two football. In Mueller, Ozil, Kheidera, Neuer, Badstuber and Kroos, Germany has a great future. If there are areas to work on, I would say that Germany needs a world class striker like Klinnsmann, the left back situation also needs to work. In terms of depth, yeah it wouldn't hurt to have some useless substitutes. Overall, I am super excited and hopeful for the future of German football. Probably without Michael Ballack.

Five Examples of Health and Fitness in Islam

I have been meaning to write this article for a while. Well ... actually planned to write a book about this very topic but never got around to it so let me start by writing an humble article about health, fitness and Islam. Insyallah, I will provide you with examples, phrases from the Quran that links fitness to you as a Muslim.

Why Should a Muslim be Fit?

Islam merupakan agama dengan merakumi seluruh kehidupan termasuk jasmani and a Muslim has responsibilities in all aspect of life. I for one ... I am a son, a brother, a husbang and going to be father. I have responsibilities that require me to be healthy so that I can perform my duties the best I am. As a Muslim, it is my responsibility to take care of my health so that I can take care of others.

As a Muslim, it is my responsibility to take care of my health so that I can take care of others.

Example: Bagi mereka yang ingin menunaikan umrah dan haji, sudah tentu mereka perlukan tenaga dan kecergasan yang baik. Alhamdulillah saya sudah beberapa kali dapat menunaikan umrah but kadang2 sedih melihat ramai yang kurang upaya dari segi kecergasan fizikal sehingga menggunakan kereta instead of going by foot or pitam etc pun ada. Memang kesian but ramai, incl Malaysians could do a lot more for themselves.

Dalam satu hadith, ia mengatakan: a third of our stomach should be for food, a third for drink and a third to help us breathe. From this, we can learn that it is advised not to eat a lot.

In a sunnah it said that Nabi Muhammad s.a.w was physically fit. Of course not through a gym but through living as a Muslim. Health and fitness is not just about going to the gym. Health and fitness is a lifestyle. Being a Muslim is a lifestyle. For me, it is simple: being a Muslim is also in my image, my representation .... for that, I need to take care of my health.

Five Examples of Health and Fitness in Islam

  1. 1.

    Haji and Umrah Well again, probably the simplest example. In order for your to perform the duties of umrah and haji successfully, you need to be physically fit.

  2. 2.

    Puasa (Fasting) Fasting has many benefits (kelebihan). It requires focus, discipline, moderation, self-control, teach you to allow your body, mind and soul to rest/heal. Fasting teaches you about balance and much more.

  3. 3.

    Prayer If you think about it - if each prayer takes 4-5 minits than in actuality you are doing 20-25min of "exercise" per day. Although it is not "real" exercise, no matter what age you are, you need to keep active to stand, kneel and pray.

  4. 4.

    Sunnah There are various examples that symbolize exercise, health and taking care of yourself in the life and teachings of Nabi Muhammad SAW. As Muslims, we strive to follow in Nabi SAW's footstep, why not follow in being healthy and fit!?

  5. 5.

    Quran Just like the sunnah, the Quran is our life guides. Although it does not directly tell you to hit the gym or go on a diet, it tells you to not be wasteful, take care of yourself and to be healthy. For that, exercise and fitness is key.

Edisi Bahasa Malaysia: Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu

Selepas melancarkan eBook "How to lose 5kg in 5 Weeks" awal Jun 2010 and lebih 250 jualan (terima kasih di atas sokongan anda), ramai yang meminta adanya edisi Bahasa Malaysia. So dengan ini kami dengan bangganya (chewah) melancarkan edisi Bahasa Malaysia - "Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu".

Nak order ataupun nak lebih info? Layari kedai online KevinZahri.com/shop

Apa beza edisi ini?

Bahasanya berbeza :) .... kandungan sama.

Kalau saya sudah beli edisi English?

No problem. Kalau you have bought the English version, you can automatically download the Malay version from your client login. No need to order again!
Also, sekiranya anda beli edisi Bahasa Melayu pun, anda tetap boleh download

eBook percuma?

Sama dengan edisi English, anda tetap akan memperolehi eBook "24 Questions", "25 Calorie Saving Tips" dan "25 Easy Ways to Increase Your Calorie Output" secara percuma!

Bahasa Lain?

Yes, insyallah kami akan keluarkan eBook ini dalam pelbagai bahasa lain ikut keperluan ...

10 Tips Motivasi Kurangkan Berat Badan

Nak kurangkan berat badan tetapi kurang semangat or motivasi? Berikut adalah 10 tips mudah to help you out:

  1. 1.

    Be Realistic! Pastikan goal weight loss anda realistic. Mulakan dengan matlamat dengan kecil seperti 1kg dalam masa 2minggu.

  2. 2.

    Baju Lama! Buka almari dan keluarkan baju lama anda yang cantik tetapi tidak muat lagi. Jadikan ia sebagai azam untuk anda so that one day you can wear them again.

  3. 3.

    Beli Buku! Keluar dari rumah dan beli buku atau ebook. Dengan pembelian buku, ia boleh menjadikan pendorong semangat untuk mulakan "kehidupan" yang baru.

  4. Buku yang mana satu? Pastilah ebook "Kurangkan 5kg Dalam Masa 5 Minggu" untuk RM20. Dapatkannya online di sini.

  5. 4.

    Jangan terlalu drastik! Bila menyusuan jadual pemakanan ataupun senaman yang baru, jangan terlalu drastik. Buatlah perubahan yang sederhana supaya ia tidak memberikan shock kepada diri anda.

  6. 5.

    Dapatkan Inspirasi. Get inspiration daripada mereka yang telah berjaya mengurangkan berat badan. But pastikan case study berkenaan relevant dengan gaya hidup anda. Example, kisah Hafiz kurang 12kg dalam 11 minggu atau Adalina kurangkan 25kg boleh dijadikan inspirasi tetapi jangan tertipu dengan produk2 komerisal and TV.

  7. 6.

    Keep track! Mulakan blog atau journal sendiri adalah idea yang bagus. Ia menunjukkan committment anda kepada matlamat dan forces you to keep track as orang ramai semuanya ingin mengetahui progress anda.

  8. 7.

    Gambarkan Diri. Bayangkan diri anda apabila sudah kurus dan kelihatan mantap .... imaginasi anda perlu menjadi pendorang utama sebagai goal setter. Selepas anda bayangkan diri anda yang kurus, fix that image in your head dan mulakan transformasi anda. It is never too late to start!

  9. It is never too late to start. Jangan lengahkan masa lagi. Andalah pendorang dan motivator diri anda yang nombor satu!

  10. 8.

    Kaji Selidik! Buatlah research mengenai keburukkan, penyakit dan macam2 masalah yang boleh dihadapi sekiranya anda tidak mengurangkan berat badan ke tahap normal. Let that be your motivation to lose weight.

  11. 9.

    Jangan Simpan Makanan Ringan Di Rumah! Makanan ringan adalah pitfall atau kelemahan semua orang. Sebagai langkah permulaan, "buang" segala makanan ringan. Aktiviti membuag snacks pun sebenarnya can be symbolic dan motivasikan anda. Just do it!

  12. 10.

    Dapatkan Jurulatih! Sekiranya anda mampu, dapatkan seorang jurulatih peribadi (seperti saya) untuk membimbang dan motivasikan diri anda. Bila memilih seorang trainer, pastikan anda selesa dengan cara dan philosophy mereka and yeah, tidak perlu engage trainer sampai bila2 - 1-2 session pun ok to get you started.

Spend At Least RM200 And Get Free eBook

Spend at least RM200 at our online shop and get our "How to lose 5kg in 5 Weeks" eBook for free - worth RM20.

Supplements @ KevinZahri.com

Starting June 2010, our online shop will be adding various supplements. Expect protein powders, creatine, weight gainers, fat burners and much more.

Visit our online store at kevinzahri.com/shop.

Free Shipping

All prices include Free shipping for orders in West Malaysia. Standard shipping rates to East Malaysia apply.

Free eBook: 25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips

Great news for everyone, I just launched my latest ebook, "25 Quick Calorie Saving Tips" and it is FREE for all. The eBook provides you with 25 easy to follow tips on how you can make simple diet changes that will help you lose weight. All examples are clearly explained and are based on the Malaysian lifestyle.
You will learn how switching from nasi lemak to white rice, drinking half your teh tariks or cutting down on roti canais will not only help you save calories but help you lose weight as well.

How to Download It?

Simply visit my online store here, add the eBook to your cart and check out. Once you have completed the order, you will get the download link in your email. That's it.

If you already bought my "How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks", you can immediately download it from your online account.

How To Lose 5kgs in 5 Weeks: Brand New eBook!

This eBook has been discontinued and replaced with a brand new eBook line up here.
After I launched my first eBook, 24 Questions, last year, we received overwhelming requests for a detailed weight loss eBook. After about six month of writing and research, I am proud to bring you my second eBook called "How To Lose 5kgs in 5 Weeks".

Detailed Weight Loss Guide

This eBook is a detailed 36 page step-by-step guide to help you lose 5kgs in 5 weeks. Whether you are a bride-to-be or have been stuggling with your weight in the past, this eBook will help you take control of your weight fast!
Is weight loss easy? Some most its difficult but for those who understand it, its easy! This is exactly where this eBook comes in .... it provides you with proper know-how on nutrition, diet-planning, exercise and supplements to help you lose not just 5kgs in 5 weeks, but to help you lose weight permanently.
The eBook, in PDF format, is ideal for archiving, for arm chair or mobile reading and, of course, for printing. In addition to the 36 pages, the eBook contains various illustrations and graphics to make it easy on the eyes.

Cara Mengira Penggunaan Kalori Ketika Bersenam

Ramai selalu bertanya kepada saya "Berapa kalori saya bakar sekiranya saya jogging 30min?". Well, agak sukar untuk memberikan jawapan yang tepat kerana ia bergantung kepada:

  • Kelajuan: Obviously lagi laju, lagi banyak penggunaan kalori.
  • Berat Seseorang: Lagi berat, lagi banyak.
  • Lain2: Cuaca, terrain dan lain-lain

Metabolic Equivalent Task

But, dalam dunia sports medicine, kami gunakan metabolic equivalent of task (MET), atau simply metabolic equivalent untuk mengira jumlah penggunaan kalori semasa bersenam. 1 MET adalah kadar metabolisma semasa berehat. Value MET untuk akitiviti2 bermula dari 0.9 (tidur) sehingga 18 (berlari dengan kelajuan17.5 km/h).

Kalori dibakar semasa bersenam = ((METs x 3.5 x berat dalam kg) / 200) x durasi senaman dalam minit

Contoh Pengiraan: 8jam di Pejabat

Katakan berat anda 61kg dan bekerja di pejabat (MET adalah lebih kurang 1.8), selama 8jam. Jumlah kalori dibakar adalah:

Kalori dibakar semasa bekerja = ((1.8 x 3.5 x 61kg) / 200) x 480min = 922 calories

Panduan Kurangkan Berat Badan

Sekiranya anda perlukan panduan pengiraan kalori dengan lebih lanjut untuk tujuan kurangkan berat badan dan lain2, sila rujuk kepada ebook saya "How to lose 5kg in 5 Weeks".

Nestle Bliss 14-Day Challenge Media Launch

As part of my collaboration with Nestle bliss, I was invited to emcee the media launch of Nestle Bliss 14-Day Challenge which was held on the 29th May at JUSCO Bukit Tinggi in conjunction with World Digestion day.

Press Release

Klang, 29 May 2010 – Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad is calling more Malaysians to make yogurt drink as part of its daily diet in improving their digestive system for better health.
Nestlé Malaysia’s Managing Director, Mr Peter Vogt said yogurt drinking habit should be cultivated among Malaysians, as it is full of goodness and has different kinds of bacteria that are beneficial to our overall health.

“As our lives become more time-consuming, demanding and stressful, sustaining excellent health at all time is important. Not only do we need to consume a well-balance diet and exercise regularly, we must also know how to care for our digestive system.”
“Hence, Nestlé has provided a simple solution. For a start, take on the Nestlé Bliss® Yogurt Drink challenge today and feel the difference. All you need is just two servings of Nestlé Bliss® Yogurt Drink daily for 14 days,” said Vogt at the campaign’s media launch held at Jusco Bukit Tinggi, Klang today.

Nestlé Bliss® Yogurt Drink is the only yogurt drink in Malaysia that contains Inulin (fibre) and Live Cultures. When combined with the goodness of Live Cultures, Inulin helps to maintain a good digestive system and provides you the boost to take on challenges of the day.
Inulin has a number of health benefits. This dietary fibre is used as a prebiotic agent in foods to stimulate growth of good intestinal bacteria resulting in improved gut health.

Held for the first time in conjunction with World Digestive Health Day, which falls on May 29, the Nestlé Bliss® Yogurt Drink 14-day Challenge is aimed at creating further awareness and educating the public on the importance of having a good digestive system for everyone.
To commemorate the day, a list of fun and educational activities is planned from 25 to 30 May 2010 at Jusco Bukit Tinggi Klang. Similar promotional activities are carried out at other participating supermarkets and retail outlets throughout the country.

To mark the auspicious occasion, Nestlé is also giving away 3,000 bottles of 200g Nestlé Bliss® Yogurt Drink to the Jusco shoppers and visitors today to cultivate the good habit of drinking yogurt amongst Malaysians.

Nestlé has the world's largest private food and nutrition research organisation known as the Nestlé Research Centre (NRC), with about 5,000 people dedicated towards research and development. NRC’s main role is to transform scientific results into products that benefit consumers. It thoroughly assesses the nutritional strengths and needs for improvement of Nestlé products in order to further drive nutrition renovation and innovation while upholding the sensory excellence that Nestlé is known for. The constant innovation and renovation result in even stronger brands that offer enhanced nutritional value and benefits while still meeting consumer’s expectations for taste and convenience.

As Nestlé continues its journey in Nutrition, Health and Wellness, the Company is aware of the modern consumers’ needs and desires for foods that not only offer convenience and enjoyment but also health benefits at all stages of life.

Nestlé Bliss® Yogurt Drinks are available in 700g and 200g bottles in all supermarkets, hypermarkets, convenience stores, kiosks and petrolmarts nationwide. Not only it offers you Low Fat and 0% Fat range, it has 10 unique real fruit flavours that you can enjoy.

The pictures

Following are some of the pictures we snapped on that day.