Nestle Bliss Malaysia TV Commercial

Following TV commercial features Kevin Zahri in Nestle's latest Nestle Bliss Yogurt Drink 2010 campaign.

Weight Loss: The "No Rice" Diet?

We have all heard about this one. People staving away from rice (or nasi) in the hopes to lose weight. I wrote about the whole rice issue a while back. Now it works for some and probably doesn't work for others but whatever the outcome, at the end of the day, its not rice at fault. Let me explain:

Why It Works

Now as all know that weight loss is about about calories - eating more than you need will lead to weight gain. Now cutting our rice completely adds up to about 500-600 calories per day (probably a decent average for most Asians or Malaysians). For say 500 calories per day, that works out to be 3,500/week or 15,000 calories/month. Now convert that to kgs, that's 0.45kg or 1.95kg respectively. So clearly, as long as you are creating that kind of calorie deficit, you will lose weight.

Why It Does Not

There are two problems with the "no rice" diet. If you replace your rice with say breads, fruits or pasta, you are in fact not changing anything at all as they all are carbohydrate sources. The idea of getting rid of rice is all about getting rid of carbohydrates. Period! Secondly, rice is our staple food! For how long can you completely ignore rice? Sooner or later most people will go back to rice and if they don't watch the quantity of rice, they will surely regain the weight again!

Verdict: The problem is not rice. Its the amount of rice or calories we consume. Rice is an important source of energy but again, we Malaysians eat too much rice. In a single serving you only need about a fistful of rice. That's it! It is your choice to go on a "no rice" diet but at the end of the day, you need to make a decision that is based on know-how and not what is popular.

Weight Loss: The "No Rice" Diet?

We have all heard about this one. People staving away from rice (or nasi) in the hopes to lose weight. I wrote about the whole rice issue a while back. Now it works for some and probably doesn't work for others but whatever the outcome, at the end of the day, its not rice at fault. Let me explain:

Why It Works

Now as all know that weight loss is about about calories - eating more than you need will lead to weight gain. Now cutting our rice completely adds up to about 500-600 calories per day (probably a decent average for most Asians or Malaysians). For say 500 calories per day, that works out to be 3,500/week or 15,000 calories/month. Now convert that to kgs, that's 0.45kg or 1.95kg respectively. So clearly, as long as you are creating that kind of calorie deficit, you will lose weight.

Why It Does Not

There are two problems with the "no rice" diet. If you replace your rice with say breads, fruits or pasta, you are in fact not changing anything at all as they all are carbohydrate sources. The idea of getting rid of rice is all about getting rid of carbohydrates. Period! Secondly, rice is our staple food! For how long can you completely ignore rice? Sooner or later most people will go back to rice and if they don't watch the quantity of rice, they will surely regain the weight again!

Verdict: The problem is not rice. Its the amount of rice or calories we consume. Rice is an important source of energy but again, we Malaysians eat too much rice. In a single serving you only need about a fistful of rice. That's it! It is your choice to go on a "no rice" diet but at the end of the day, you need to make a decision that is based on know-how and not what is popular.

Nestle Bliss 14 Day Challenge With Kevin Zahri

I am proud to say that Nestle has chosen to work with me to promote their Nestle Bliss Yogurt Drink. With it comes a 14 day challenge - that I am taking too - that will ultimately lead to better digestion and slip your way to a flatter tummy.

Slip your way to a flatter tummy.

NESTLÉ® BLISS® Low Fat Yogurt Drink is a refreshing and smooth blend of low-fat milk, real fruit juice and Live Cultures. It’s also the only yogurt drink in Malaysia which now comes Inulin (fibre).

When combined with the goodness of Live Cultures, Inulin helps to maintain a good digestive system and keeps your tummy looking great.

5 Reasons Why I Love Wordpress - WordCamp Malaysia

On behalf of, I just delivered a 10minute speech at WordCamp Malaysia. Now although I made some comments on what could be improved (multiple image insertion, sidebar widget flexiblity etc) ... here are my top 5 reasons for loving Wordpress!

1. Its Free

Let's face it. Wordpress and other open source platforms won't be as successful if you had to pay for it. The fact that is it free and current, makes it extremely attractive for everyone.

2. Themes and Plugins

Wordpress has plugins for just about everything you can think off - from contact forms or social media, there is something for everyone and if not ... there probably is a developer coding it as we speak (or write). Also, not forget the 1000s of themes. Some are free ... others you gotta buy .. but hey, no one is complaining about lack of choice!

Looking for themes? ThemeForest is the place to buy beautiful Wordpress themes.

3. Wide Support Network

If it wouldn't be for the 1,000s of developers and designers, Wordpress wouldn't be as successful as it has been. It's because of these experts and trendsetters that Wordpress is and hopefully always be, cutting-edge.

4. Ease of Customization

For me this is key. Whenever you build a website, you need a "CMS" or templating system that allows you take full control of the design, layout etc without going into hardcore coding! Since its earlier days, Wordpress has done an extremely awesome job!

5. It's the best.

For most bloggers, websites etc, Wordpress is simply the best in its class. Enough said!

Looking to start your own blog? Head on over to EmbunWeb). We provide free Wordpress blog setup (incl theme) and teach you how to get started as well.

WordCamp Malaysia - I am Speaking. Meet Me There.

WordCamp Malaysia 2010 is the first WordCamp to be held in Malaysia ! It’s happening on the 22nd of May 2010, 9am – 5PM.
WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. WordCamps are open to and users alike. is proud to be one of the diamond sponsors for the event. As co-founder, I will be representating EmbunWeb and speak for about 10minutes about why I use Wordpress, how it has changed with the introduction of social media and what I personally would look for in Wordpress.

Did you know that EmbunWeb provides FREE Wordpress installation and theme setup when you purchase any hosting plan? Click here for details.

Want to learn how to start your blog with Wordpress and make money online?

If you are looking to learn about how to get started in starting a Wordpress blog to make money or take your business online? We at provide 1:1 Wordpress training to build your website in less than a day for RM499 - and yes, I do conduct some of the sessions as well. So come meet me for a session.

What Exercises Pregnant Women Can Do?

In my earlier article, I researched more about nutrition for pregnant women. In this little series, here are some exercise do's and dont's:

Benefits of exercising while pregnant:

Like my wife, I think most pregnant women go into this resting phase where they fell they should not be doing anything. But I keep telling her that exercising while pregnant is important, lagi-lagi if she does not want to gain too much weight.

  • Better sleep.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Body is stronger and therefore better prepared for birth.
  • Reduces constipation.
  • Strengthens lower back - reduces backache.

What exercises to do?

There are some exercises that are particularly good for pregnant women.
Walking and swimming are some of the best exercises for anyone, and the pregnant woman is no exception.
Yoga has a long standing reputation for relieving stress and pressure on your body. Most forms of yoga will be safe for you and your baby, as long as they are not excessively rigorous.

Some yoga instructors offer special classes for pregnant women. Avoid lying flat on your back for extended periods of time and try not to overstretch.

Running is ok but you have not been running much before your pregnancy, you may need to consult your physician first.
Biking is great as well. Especially since it supports your weight ... but be careful, you don't want to fall off while pregnant!

General rule: Keep exercise at a moderate level and can include both cardio and strength exercises. Listen to your body. Pay attention to your heart rate which is usually higher for pregnant women. Keep yourself hydrated especially when living in hot temperatures and humidity like here in Malaysia.

What exercises NOT to do?

General rule is to avoid exercise with excessive movements and jolts. Also avoid exercises or activities where you have a higher risk of falling.

Corporate Wellness Program: Fitness Boot Camp Saves Money And Increases Productivity

This article was written by Lt. Col. Bob Weinstein, USAR-Ret.
Make fitness boot camp a part of your corporate culture and you will build strong teams, increase productivity and change the lives of your employees. Successfully organize and conduct your own fitness boot camp program. Implementation of a corporate fitness boot camp program costs almost nothing and results in increased productivity, less sick days, cohesive teams and lower health care costs.

For Whom Is Fitness Boot Camp?

Fitness boot camp is designed for all ages, all sizes and shapes, as well as all fitness levels. It is great for beginners and those who have never exercised before as well as for the regular exerciser. Fitness boot camp will enhance existing wellness and fitness programs or completely replace them.

Perfect For Busy Schedules

You will learn how – with little or no cost – to organize your very own fitness boot camp cells/teams. I call this the busy person’s workout, because it covers the strength, cardio and flexibility all wrapped into one workout session. Consult with your physician before beginning this or any other fitness activity.

What You Get With Fitness Boot Camp

  • Variety.
  • Fun.
  • Energizing.
  • Builds strong teams.
  • Incorporates company, family and life core values.
  • Complete-body, encompassing strength, muscle endurance, flexibility and cardio.
  • Can be started anytime.
  • No strict workout regimen.
  • Dynamic, always focused on progress.
  • Can be done indoors and/or outdoors.
  • For men, women, teens and children.
  • For pre-beginners, beginners, intermediates and advanced.
  • For young and old.

This workout is for the company looking for a creative way of getting its employees in shape while strengthening team spirit, increasing productivity and reducing absenteeism.

The purpose of implementing fitness boot camp cells/teams is to actively take on the role of getting employees, club members, family members and friends in shape and build strong, cohesive teams.

Workplace Benefits of Fitness Boot Camp

  • Little to no cost.
  • Use existing employee and management structure to organize.
  • Enhancement of corporate culture.
  • Healthier and happier employees.
  • Enhanced team spirit.
  • Reduced illnesses.
  • Reduced loss of work time.
  • Reduced injuries.
  • Increased productivity and performance.
  • Weight-loss and weight management.
  • Nutritional guidance.
  • Stress relief and stress management.
  • Enhanced communication.

Appoint Team Leaders

Appoint team leaders for each cell, which will be made up of approximately six to twenty employees. This is a company-wide approach, from senior management all the way down to front-line employees. Any member of management can simply step in and join the workout with any of the teams to promote their relationships with employees while working on their own fitness and demonstrating, by example, how important this is. Management participation is a non-threatening way for senior- and mid-level management to join in on what is offered as serious fun with special emphasis on fun and teambuilding.
Decide on how best to organize your initial team cells and appoint team leaders or coordinators (one for each cell). Then, assign one individual to support all team coordinators of all the cells and to track the programs. That individual could be the wellness coordinator, supervisor, manager or some other employee. That individual should already possess a heightened level of enthusiasm for fitness and have a desire to help others.

Different Fitness Levels Train Together

All fitness levels train together. Have all employees sign a waiver for the program. If any members have medical issues, those employees would then only perform those exercises that are permissible by their physician; for example, walking but no jogging, no abs work, no squats or lunges due to knee injury. Often a simple modification of an exercise is possible. Those with medical restrictions would then perform their alternative exercises during the time the rest of the team is performing their (unmodified) exercise; or they will simply modify the team’s exercise to a safe range of motion suitable to their medical limitation.

Organize Fitness Cells

Those employees who work together on a regular basis should be organized as a part of the same fitness cell. You can organize the cells by department or cross-departmental. Have managers or peers come together; mix various management levels. Rearrange the mix of employees every six months, if you desire. Whether your business is customer service, sales, banking, law office staff, fire and rescue, hospital staff, law enforcement, school, college or university, or small business with a handful of employees, boot camp fitness cells are right for you.

Indoors or Outdoors

Another exciting aspect of fitness boot camp is these workouts can be done anywhere, whether indoors or outdoors. Keep it interesting by changing workout location, where feasible, and look for opportunities to incorporate your environment into your workout. For example, park benches are great for performing dips, and the entire team can wrap their resistance bands – also called exercise tubes – around a tree for a group upper-body exercise.


You choose a time to fit your schedule. Whether it is 10, 20, 30 or 60 minutes for fitness boot camp, it all adds up to an accumulative health benefit. I strongly recommend at least twice a week, once a week at a minimum, as a part of a corporate program with emphasis that the employees work out four to six times per week all told. If you cannot schedule fitness boot camp twice a week, schedule the frequency that will work. Make it a part of your corporate culture and your employees will take this into their private fitness routines. There is a clear connection between fitness and workplace performance.

Anyone can do it! The training is easy, and the exercises are very basic and easy to perform. The mix of exercises follows the principles of simplicity and fun. Technically, this is called functional training. Functional training focuses on training the body how it is used in activities of daily life.

Train the Trainers

Once you have identified your trainers, they need to be trained. To implement this program the trainers will only need a few basic exercises. Start with these basics and, with time, gradually introduce new exercises. The trainers are not just watching. They are performing the exercises with their team members as they guide and encourage them through the workout.
Three Basic Principles

  • Warm-up. Perform toe raisers to warm up the body.
  • Stretch. Stretch each body part briefly right after exercising it.
  • Strength and cardio. Alternate between upper and lower body exercises.


The fun factor cannot be emphasized enough. The workouts are all performed in a light, upbeat and positive atmosphere with an emphasis on mutual respect and concern for all team members. Humor is an important element, as long as it is not demeaning, inappropriate in language, or content. No foul language is to be used by any team member. Treat the workout like a game and have a blast.

Start your fitness boot camp corporate wellness program today. Contact Kevin today to get your corporate wellness program on the road. More detail here.

First Pregnancy Q&A

Since this is the first baby for both my wife and I, we both have a lot of learning to do ... and I of course need to know as much as possible about how to jaga my beautiful wife and our baby (rafa?). Following are some of the questions I had and what I found out:

How much to eat?

Hahah since I am in health and fitness, thats the first question I had. So based on what I read here, she needs some 200-300 extra calories per day but most importantly these should NOT come from junk food. A balanced diet is always the way to go. She would normally need some 1700 calories per day so now its roughly around 2000 calories per day.

What to eat? A balanced diet. We are aiming for a 55:30:15 ratio of carbs, protein and fats. For supplements it is recommended to look up the following: Folic acid , iron, zinc and calcium.

What to drink?

They say stick to water, milk, juices, vegetable juice. Chocolate milk is ok as well.

Avoid drinking alcohol, soft drinks, sport drinks, herbal teas and go easy on caffeine.

What foods to avoid when you are pregnant?

Ok I am new to this as well but this is what I found out to AVOID

  • Large Fish: Swordfish, shark etc due to higher levels of methylymercury, a metal detrimental to a growing child's brain and nervous system.
  • Fish caught in rivers: Something to do with recreational anglers may hook fish contaminated with bacteria or chemicals.
  • Raw or undercooked meat, poultry, seafood and eggs: Due to possible bacteria etc
  • Hot dogs and luncheon meats: also coz of some bacterias
  • Alcohol: well obviously as it robs developing cells of oxygen, making normal development impossible.

What about exercise?

My dad said to avoid excessive movements around her pelvic as the embryo needs time to properly position and stabilize during the first trimester. But generally stretching and walking are good and encouraged but we ought to consult our gynie terlebih dahulu.

What she can and cannot do?

Its commonsense for smoking and other vices. Hmm what else?

What about sex? According to this article, yeah sex is ok as long as there are no complications of course. Most sexual positions are OK. But by the third trimester, weight gain, back pain etc "may dampen your enthusiasm for sex".

How much does a pregnancy cost?

Couldn't find much about actual costs in Malaysia and I sure it depends on the kind of treatments, hospitals, gynie that you choose. Based on some estimates, probably around RM10,000 - RM15,000 or more depending on complications if any. the US, the costs of raising a baby to age 18 costs between $125,000-$250,000 and that's not including college tuition!...

Can we still travel?

According to this website, it is generally ok to travel but best during the 2nd trimester.

Thats it for now kot! :)

First Pregnancy Q&A

Since this is the first baby for both my wife and I, we both have a lot of learning to do ... and I of course need to know as much as possible about how to jaga my beautiful wife and our baby (rafa?). Following are some of the questions I had and what I found out:

How much to eat?

Hahah since I am in health and fitness, thats the first question I had. So based on what I read here, she needs some 200-300 extra calories per day but most importantly these should NOT come from junk food. A balanced diet is always the way to go. She would normally need some 1700 calories per day so now its roughly around 2000 calories per day.
What to eat? A balanced diet. We are aiming for a 55:30:15 ratio of carbs, protein and fats. For supplements it is recommended to look up the following: Folic acid , iron, zinc and calcium.

What to drink?

They say stick to water, milk, juices, vegetable juice. Chocolate milk is ok as well.

Avoid drinking alcohol, soft drinks, sport drinks, herbal teas and go easy on caffeine.

What foods to avoid when you are pregnant?

Ok I am new to this as well but this is what I found out to AVOID

  • Large Fish: Swordfish, shark etc due to higher levels of methylymercury, a metal detrimental to a growing child's brain and nervous system.
  • Fish caught in rivers: Something to do with recreational anglers may hook fish contaminated with bacteria or chemicals.
  • Raw or undercooked meat, poultry, seafood and eggs: Due to possible bacteria etc
  • Hot dogs and luncheon meats: also coz of some bacterias
  • Alcohol: well obviously as it robs developing cells of oxygen, making normal development impossible.

What about exercise?

My dad said to avoid excessive movements around her pelvic as the embryo needs time to properly position and stabilize during the first trimester. But generally stretching and walking are good and encouraged but we ought to consult our gynie terlebih dahulu.

What she can and cannot do?

Its commonsense for smoking and other vices. Hmm what else?

What about sex? According to this article, yeah sex is ok as long as there are no complications of course. Most sexual positions are OK. But by the third trimester, weight gain, back pain etc "may dampen your enthusiasm for sex".

How much does a pregnancy cost?

Couldn't find much about actual costs in Malaysia and I sure it depends on the kind of treatments, hospitals, gynie that you choose. Based on some estimates, probably around RM10,000 - RM15,000 or more depending on complications if any. the US, the costs of raising a baby to age 18 costs between $125,000-$250,000 and that's not including college tuition!...

Can we still travel?

According to this website, it is generally ok to travel but best during the 2nd trimester.
Thats it for now kot! :)

A Baby Is On The Way .... Insyallah

I am very excited to tell everyone that my wife and I are expecting a baby :).
Well we have not been to the gynecologist yet but we took a couple pregnancy tests and both turned out "hamil".
We got an appointment for next week and hopefully everything will go well. My wife and I are super excited!

Akad Nikah at Masjid Taman Tar Ampang
This post is about three weeks overdue but as most of you know, my wife and I were away on our super romantic and fun honeymoon (details soon).
So here it is, the beginning of my new journey, my akad nikah on the morning of the 3rd April 2010 at Masjid Taman Tun Abdul Razak, Ampang, Selangor.

The night before

Wow. I definitely couldn't sleep. My mind of occupied with bucketload of emotions. Super exited to marry the girl of my dreams but also nervous, anxious, worried hahah and everything else. I spent the night reading up on "rukun2 islam, iman, sembahyang etc" .... hahah coz you never know what they may ask.

oh and yeah ... not to forget the lazaf nikah that I kept repeating over and over in my head

Akad Nikah at Masid Taman Tar

The morning on my wedding day was not all that bad. Surprisingly, I wasn't that nervous .... until we got the "GO" from the masjid that our rombongan to move in ... hahahaha .... dup dap dup dap ... When we arrived, we didn't really salam with everyone, didn't my my wife-to-be ... I was very focused on where I was supposed to sit etc but alamak!!!!!! ..... I sat on the cushion terbalik ... this obviously caused some reaction from the crowd but oh well.
So, it started with an opening from the imam masjid, followed by doa and a pre-wedding khutbah where I fought hard to sit up straight, keep my composure and focused on my lazaf which I kept repeating in my head hahaha "Aku terima ....
After our cool imam cracked a few jokes here and there, he tricked my father-in-law to be the kadi nikah (is that the right word) ... hahah. I was relieved that there was no soal-jawap. By now, the lafaz was coming up .... my heart definitely jumped. I pretty much blocked out everything else, including what was said to me .... I was waiting for my cue to say ....

... Aku terima nikah Rio Elani binto Rio Kamal Yuyha dengan mas kahwinnya sebanyak tiga ratus ringgit ... tunaaaaaaai ...

Kadi, imam and saksi's looked at each other for a couple seconds and wham baam I was married! Hahaha single lazaf is what the wife wanted and that's what I errrrrr brought hahaha. Things got a lil emotional after that but pictures speak louder than words ;)

To be continued ....