When Should U Jog? Morning or Afternoon?
Question on Jogging
hi…kev..im24 yrs old with a height 179cm n i’m quit big size frame,during in high school i use to play volleyball&basketball but since then i never play anymore n i gain weight..recently i started to jogg in d afternoon but my fren saying that jogg in the afternoon is not so good much more better jogg in morning is that rite? She said jogg in morning can burn more calori compare in the afternoon.i hope u can help me with this thanks…
Answer: Guide to Burning Fat While Jogging
Hi Jack,
Thanks for your email. Actually there is a reason why it’s “better” to jog in the morning. Lemme explain about jogging and aerobics.
Jogging is a form of aerobics, an activity that is performed over longer periods of time. People always ask, “I don’t have a place where I can run, can I swim for cardio?” Answer is Yes! Any form of sports activity performed over longer periods of time is considered cardio, including badminton, futsal etc. Obviously if you play goalie and just stand there, that’s not much of a cardio session.
How long should I do cardio for?
For at least 20 minutes! Like you know, one of the main goals of cardio is to burn fat. Sounds simple? Not quite! When you do cardio, your body burns energy it has stored. But what it burns first is glycogen that is stored in your muscles. Glycogen is the first thing your body will look for before looking elsewhere (fat). Glycogen levels rise/fall depending on your carb consumption. Your body only has about a couple pounds of glycogen stored in your muscles. For the average Joe, its takes about 20 minutes for your body to use up all glycogen before turning to fat. Hence, you should maintain your cardio session for at least 20 minutes.
…For the average Joe, its takes about 20 minutes for your body to use up all glycogen before turning to fat….
When should you jog or do cardio?
Its up to you! Its best in the morning only because your glycogen level are low right after you wake up (unless you eat lah) and you will then start burning fat right way. But its not quite practical for the working adult. So, you can “duplicate” this scenario by avoiding carbs 3-4 hours prior to your run to deplete glycogen levels. So say you wanna jog @ 6pm, your last carb meal should be around lunch!
…you can “duplicate” this scenario by avoiding carbs 3-4 hours prior to your run to deplete glycogen levels…
This is good for fat burning but not ideal for performance athletes who need quick energy from glycogen. That’s why football player like Ronaldo are not super lean (although they train daily) as they burn glycogen and not fat.
Cardio fat burning rule:
So, cardio rule of thumb for fat burning: 1) Avoid carbs before your session and 2) maintain the activity for at least 20 minutes!
tolonglah kevin badan saya pada penghujung 2007 berat 48kg dan sekarang september 2008 60kg. tinggi 161cm, peha dan punggung besar tapi badan kecil macamana cara untuk mengecilkan peha dan punggung saya
tolonglah kevin badan saya pada penghujung 2007 berat 48kg dan sekarang september 2008 60kg. tinggi 161cm, peha dan punggung besar tapi badan kecil macamana cara untuk mengecilkan peha dan punggung saya
salam Kevin,
Target saya… fat loss di samping mengekalkan berat muscle.
Saya ada try pagi2 terus buat cardio. dalam 30 minit.. tanpa mengambil makanan.. hasil nyer saya rasa tenaga macam hilang tiba2 masa 10 minit pertama tapi saya tetap teruskan. Akibatnyer saya alami kepenatan yang melampau.. dan sepanjang hari merasa tidak cergas walaupun makan sperti yg kevin cadangkan..
Kali kedua saya try makan sekeping roti whole meal dgn butter ladychoice.. kali ni lama sket tapi tetap mengalami tenaga yang cukup. biler jadi camnie.. saya terus stop cardio supaya saya tidak mengalami keletihan sepanjang hari..
Saya rasa saya ok biler saya amik 2 keping roti dgn butter.
Buat pengetahuan Kevin. saya hanya melakukan 2-3 kali senaman (1st weight + 2nd cardio(30 minit) = 2 jam ++
Cuma saya ingin tahu dan ader terbaca sama ada makanan pre workout dan past workout akan dapat membantu target saya?
mengalami tenaga yang cukup —> mengalami tenaga yang tidak cukup
kalau menurut kata zaki khan tak elok senam waktu pagi…entahlah,nak ikut yang mana ni..confuse..