Diane Sera: Kurang Berat Dari 75kg ke 56kg
- Nama: Diane (Epow Pie)
- Laman Web: http://dianesera.blogspot.com/
- Goal Kurang Berat Badan
- Achievement: Berat Kurang dari 75kg ke 56kg.
Dear Abang Kevin,
Here’s my testimonial for ur website…
1) Kenapa anda teringin kurangkan berat badan?
“Sayangnyewww, muka cantik cute tapi badan gemok sangat! HAHAHA!”..di antara ayat-ayat yang pernah i terima dari orang2 sekeliling i..Yes! i memang xpernah kurus dari kecik dan tinggi i just 156cm sahaja, tapi berat i pernah cecah sampai 75kg..I pernah di masukkan ke ICU disebabkan masalah kesihatan i yang berpunca daripada penyakit obesiti i sendiri. I dibesarkan dalam family yang memang suka makan and life kami mewah dengan makanan setiap hari..Yang negatifnya, kami sekeluarga memang malas bersenam and lebih selesa chill2 kat rumah sahaja. Disebabkan i membesar dalam environment macam tu, habit suka makan i jadi semakin kronik setelah melanjutkan degree saya di institusi pengajian tempatan.
I can say that i memang tergolong dalam kelompok perempuan yang mempunyai penyakit “Emotional Eater”.. I lebih terdorong untuk makan lebih banyak ketika i stress, bored, sad or in my PMS day… Long story short i memang kuat makan sebab dengan cara itu sahaja buat i rase happy!! Even until now i still tak boleh buang habit kuat makan tu.. hehehe~
2) Sebelum ini pernah cuba kurangkan berat badan?
Memang banyak cara dah i try untuk lose weight coz jealous tengok orang lain senang cari size biler shopping baju or jeans..Sometimes i jadi fed-up dengan badan sendiri and benci tengok cermin..Just mention jelah ape jenis diet, semua i pernah try tapi semua tak permanent..Dah lah tak permanent, naik makin membuak-buak pulak tu…Paling memburukkan keadaan lagi, kaki i yang bersize 5 ni…Just imagine how this tiny feet nak support badan yang terlalu berat?? That’s why i selalu sakit kaki and lutut bila berdiri terlalu lama..Kadang-kadang rasa sedih dan malu dengan badan sendiri…Macam-macam penyakit jugak yang senang serang badan orang obese seperti i..
3) Apa kejayaan penurunan berat badan yang anda perolehi?
KESEDARAN…nak buat apa-apa perubahan mesti ada kesedaran..for me losing weight is about a long journey and consistant…bukan sekelip mata dah boleh kurus..samalah seperti exercise 30minit than terus naik penimbang untuk timbang berapa berat yang dah turun…that’s funny! Losing weight is all about a tough and challenging game..it will challenge your mind, physical, emotional and dicipline… Jadi bila you all nak start main game ni, you all kena change lifestyle you all dulu…Make it more healthy and quality… As for me, i’m just stick to these formula in my heart and mind:
4) Bagaimana anda mencapainya?
There’s no specific tips i can share with you all coz semuanya dah ada dalam E-book Abang Kevin..After i baca buku tu, i adapt it dalam lifestyle i using my way…Cara yang badan i boleh terima…Memang ada macam-macam cara nak lose weight tapi sesuai ker cara tu semua dengan penerimaan badan you all?? The most important things adalah we need to know at least the basic on how starting a healthy and more quality lifestyle..If you all nak turunkan berat badan tapi tak tahu macam mana, samalah seperti orang buta jalan tanpa tongkat (bermaksud if you’re lucky enough, u can survive or success but temporary..tapi majority akan fail lah~)
5) Apa pesanan/tip anda untuk orang di luar sana?
- Mesti beli E-book Abg Kevin coz semua tips i pun datang dari buku tu jugak! 🙂
- Change our lifestyle first then baru fikir macam mana nak lose weight..
- If you all boleh adapt formula yang I bagi tadi, it will be the answer to all of you all punyer weight problems..
- Track down everything you do in your weight loss journey…track your input and output calories, your exercise regiments, your menu every day, your cheat day, your weight, your jeans size and EVERYTHING!
- Find some friends or clubs or forums yang boleh support you in your weight loss journey..I’m sure you all akan lebih bersemangat setiap hari bila ada supporter…
- Don’t be shy to ask…
- Belajar how to control your meal portion and try to take less sugar, salt, and oily food in your daily menu.
- CONSISTANT, COMMIT and COURAGE!!! semua kena buat penuh semangat!
- Finally, just live life as normal macam orang lain tapi lebih berkualiti and sihat lebih dari orang lain…Chill..Tak susah pun~ rajin-rajinlah read my blog if you all have freetime~
So, I would love to thank Abang Kevin and his E-book for being my SIFU in my weight loss journey…I’m still in my losing weight journey lagi sekarang coz i baru 56kg, still need to shread 8kg more. Therefore i need to make it happen…I dah banyak berusaha keras untuk ubah lifestyle i walaupun family i belom mampu boleh ubah lifestyle mereka…It’s okay…take a baby step for the beginners so that you all tak cepat give up! I think that’s all I can share with you all.
i’m still in my losing weight journey lagi sekarang coz i baru 56kg, still need to shread 8kg more.
To Abg Kevin once again, thank you sooooo much for the opportunity allowing me to share my success story on your website. Thanks!
Happy Epowpie,
mak ai, baek lah.
congrats! truly inspirational =)
dengar ada orang register gym?
way to go!!!
thank u sooo much guys!!
u buat dalam mase brapa bulan nie ?
betul2 beri inspirasi .. thanks …
Wooww slimnye dia 😀
Congrats! Very inspiring
Can i have ur number? 🙂
isy isy… cantiknye la manusia…dah mula ade azam dah nih.;)
btl ke nie.,????
wahh!!… nak jugak.. guide me pls..!!
pliz add me at my fb or follow my blog~ 😉
You are one of those who changed a lot. I think you have followed the guide.
i’m in the right way..thanks 4 sharing..i’m in the midst of pursuing weight lose program..
so stressful..wish me luck! looking forward to be a healthy person!
all the best!
wow! very inspiring! congrats girl! im on my way.
[…] scale. Sampai lah satu hari saya kena motivate dengan seorang kawan dekat facebook – sis Diane Sera pasal ni. Dia advice: “Jangan terlalu obses dgn berat badan! Yang penting total fat.” […]
So inspiring, already add you via fb and read your blog still…i think the person who experience it can give some guidance right? thanks
must be try….nice story from u…like ur spirit…
hai, i alrdy purchase your ebook and waiting for de mail.
[…] https://kevinzahri.com/blog/success-stories/weight-loss-success-stories/diane-cantik-kurangkan-berat-… Silalah baca ~ xoxo diane […]
I kowtow to your courage and dreams in your weight loss journey and to create a healthier lifestyle..However, seriously its better for you to stick at this weight; or probably losing just another 1-2 kg coz for me you are ideal now- (55kg is better)..bear in ur mind that ANAROXIA NERVOSA is a disesase too and guys will never have taste to skinny women.