Firdaus’ Weight Loss Journey: 115kg to 75kg in 8 Month.
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Muhammad Firdaus Zainal
- Name:
- Goal: Weight Loss.
- Achievement: Lost 40kg in 8 month
- Twitter: @effzett9
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Knowledge, determination and discipline! Have these and you are good to go!
The Wake up call at 115kg
It was at the end of fasting month of 2010 (sept) that I got a revelation that I need to change myself. At that time, I used to break fast (in one shot) eating nasi kandar with fried chicken, long roti john, a few delicacies and big glass of soya drink and yet I still I can eat more during moreh. During the Raya, I somehow get myself onto the weighing scale to see my weight and I was thinking under 90kg, to my surprise in reality the score is 115kg, YES 115kg, and then IT ALL HIT ME.
… I was wondering, at this age (27 years old) I’m already 115kg how about later when my age turned 30? …
I was wondering, at this age (27 years old) I’m already 115kg how about later when my age turned 30? How about 40? Do I able to get past 50 then? Starts from there, I was thinking I need to do something about my weight.
Diet Process
I know I don’t have any money to hire fitness coach or even get into the gym membership. So I used whatever available to me that is free and easy to access. I started to seek knowledge by surfing the web (there are a lot of website that can teach us on living life in healthy ways) and also started to have twitter account and follow the likes of Kevin Zahri (@kevinzahri) on the diet and exercise advises for example, what are the good nutrition and the calorie intakes required daily for a healthy diet.
- I downloaded free apps available to my smartphone to track my calorie intake and the reminder to have an exercise.
- Cut all the ‘unnecessary’ food. I cut all the soft drink from my diet, no more fast food of KFC, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut and junk foods (still maintaining till present)
- Started to eat non-fried things (steam, soup, tomyam, etc) and all the portion of carbs food I take in-half. Of course initially my body can’t handle it, but slowly it adapted.
- I also started to monitor my eating time and just take one time per day that I eat ‘heavy-food’ but in moderate and balance way. Other than lunch….dinner or breakfast I just ate bread, biscuits and a lot of fruits (I chose apples since it is easy to store and convenient). So I opt for lunch time to be the ‘heavy-food time’ since usually we have a lot of food choices during this time compared to breakfast or dinner, also to avoid my friends mocking me if I’m not joining them go for lunch.
- Usually, I filled up my plate with a lot of green vegetables, ‘ulam-ulaman’
- Just drink plain water everytime when I’m having lunch.
… also to avoid my friends mocking me if I’m not joining them go for lunch …
Cardio training
To my advantage during that time back in 2010, my wife always have late classes and usually after 9pm then she come back home. Since I am needed to stay at the office and wait for her, so I decided that might as well I’ll use that time (from finish working till she called to fetch her) to go to the free gym at my office (which I’ve never been in my entire 3 years working there previously) to have an exercise. My first objective when I went to the gym is just to have my stamina increased, and not so much of losing weight since I’m enjoying playing futsal and badminton but I can’t even last 5mins in the court/field, and it despised me to have this inability to enjoy the games since I am not fit.
… since I’m enjoying playing futsal and badminton but I can’t even last 5mins in the court/field…
The first time I ran on the treadmill
I remember the first time I ran on the treadmill, I finished 2km of ‘running’ in 25mins time and still I remember the feeling of exhaustion after it, I can’t even breath (I’ve mild asthma by the way). Slowly I managed to get myself back in control and after few minutes after that, I feel something different. So I challenged myself, “ok, let us see what is the result in one week”. Every weekdays I went to the gym, ran on the treadmill and have some weight training and at the end of the week, somehow to my surprised I managed reduce my weight of almost 2kg. That’s one week, how about 1 month? Or 1 year?
Consistency is Key!
So I consistently stick with my diet and exercise with some basic knowledge (on exercise & diet), in about 8 months I managed to reduce my weight to 75kg (40kg reduction), and now my latest weight is 67kg (48kg reduction in total).
The rewards: I have lost 48kg!
Currently I’m active in taking part in running events across KL and Selangor. Personally I think running is some form of cardio that is easy, cheap and most efficient ways to improve your overall health condition. I even registered for Men’s Health Run 2012 held at Putrajaya last time (11.8km) and I’ve managed to be one of the 500 participants to get the medal. I’ve registered my first half-marathon on this upcoming Oct and Nov as well, so hopefully I can do it.

Looking Back
Looking back, I would never think I would be able to run of that distance 1 year ago and now I’m just happy and enjoying my life in healthy way and always look for something that challenging the physical of my being.
…you don’t need a stack of money for you to lose weight…
My message to those the readers that wanted to lose weight but in shortage of financial matters, you don’t need a stack of money for you to lose weight, sure it would be major help to have personal trainers, supplements food and gym membership but really all you need is knowledge and to have that determination and discipline to achieve what do you want, and I’m writing this based on my experience.
Nice laa..hehe
Congratulation man
bakar smgt sy…frm tomorrow start jogging back
wow hebay lah bro, tp dah tak comel, hehe. jgn marah. bro kasi otot sikit baru kacak, jgn lah kurus kering sgt
aku percaya. aku pernah buat macm tu selama 4 bulan, aku turun 20 kg. tp sedihnya sebelum ak hit the target, aku accident. so ape lagi, naik balik la badan.. nampaknya kena start balik ni…
harap sangat dpt jumpa bro ni kat next marathon. congratz man!
la ni jugak nak p jogging
tahniah2… nak ikot jejak langkah la camni..
another runner! yeay! Congrats Firdaus!!
Wow, really inspire me to lose weight. 🙂
congrat bro…bleh jadi motivator utk org yg nak diet!!