Haffiz Razali: From 130kg to 85kg and a Six Pack
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- Nama: Haffiz Razali
- Umur: 20an
- Matlamat: Kurangkan Berat Badan
- Kejayaaan: Kurangkan 45kg dalam 1 tahun.
- Facebook: Haffiz.Razali
[button color=”accent-color” size=”medium” url=”kevinzahri.com/jom/ebooks/panduan-kurangkan-5kg-5minggu” text=”Jom Kurus Hari Ini! ” color_override=””]
Dari kecik saya memang obese. But I managed to be healthy and skinny after a year of boarding school but unfortunately the weight bounced back. My weight loss wasn’t permanent becoz of improper eating habit and not enough exercise. I continued to be obese into my early 20s. So, after graduation in 2009, physical activities like badminton stopped completely. Post graduation, being jobless for months did not help too.
I felt being overweight makes it so much harder to get a job. Employers often see an overweight person as incompetent and incapable to do tasks that would potentially require some (if not a lot) of physical labor. Being jobless and depressed I became a stess eater and spent most of my time in front of the TV. All this resulted in my weight ballooning to a whooping 130kg in 2011.
Every tried to lose weight?
Tak boleh nak kata pernah cuba atau tidak sebab tidak sedar pun diri tu dah morbitly obese. But I bought Kevin Zahru’s eBook in the forth quater of 2011. Unfortunately, as I lacked motivation, I did not stick to them.
… I wasn’t able to walk/stand/sit/drive for months after the spinal injury and if i continue to play badminton at 130kg, I would risk legs paralysis …
One day I twisted my spine while playing badminton, then only I realized that I have to seriously lose weight. I wasn’t able to walk/stand/sit/drive for months after the spinal injury and I was really scared that if i continue to play badminton at 130kg, I would risk legs paralysis.

Here, I decided to really turn things around and got serious about losing weight. That and mental torture from my girl BFF. LOL, Lemas asek kene berleter pasal suruh lose weight. 🙂
How did I finally manage to lose 45kg?
Let me use Kevin’s eBooks to illustrate how each helped me along my journey:

eBook 20 Pelan Diet Malaysia definitely helps a lot in terms of getting to know the general idea of what to eat, how many calories of foods from different types of diets mamak, melayu, western, the serving sizes etc. Theres also a “Pelan Diet Anda” which is obviously more than useful. I’ve used that template to plan out my 5-7 meals throughout my initial stages of losing weight (130kg to 101kg). Other than these diet examples, tips included in the eBook ,ensured me of eating cleaner.
eBook 45 Craving Tips basically taught about eating wholefoods rather than simple carbs such as fast food, and sugary drinks which tend to make you hungry quicker. Drinking water throughout the day really helps in controlling your hunger and blood sugar levels. Eventually, you would feel that a pinch of sugar is already too sweet 😉 Endorphin release aout 10-15minutes into your cardio session, can really help suppress hunger too while making you feel good. Yeah, always include protein in your meals especially your breakfast/lunch/dinner as to make you full longer and repair muscles after an intense strength training session.
eBook How to Lose 5kgs in 5 Weeks tells me how to safely losing weight every weight and maintain the weightloss streaks. In my experience, I have lose 1kg (or more) per week for 12 consecutive weeks. Losing 1kg every single week, motivates me to keep working hard,eat clean and most importantly appreciate my weight loss.
eBook Abs & Exercise gives a general idea on what kinds of exercises I can do to burn calories. What everyone should know is that u have to do both cardio and strength training where strength training in particular increases your BMR as you increase your lean muscle mass which translates to burning fat throughout the day. And there’s a 6-packs chapter. 🙂 Just follow what Kevin Zahri says, ie reduce fat, do regular core exercises, you can get them.

My personal diet tips?
- 4 meals a day (Breakfast, lunch,Pre-workout meal, Post-workout meal).
- Glucosamine/Chondroitine as supplement for regular cartilage strength maintenance.
- Not taking any protein supplements, natural protein sources is enough for my body aesthetics goals. Wanna get sprinter-like or quarterback-like build. 🙂
- 1.5 litre bottled water in the car, in my room, under my desk.
- Minimal daily sugar intake.
- 1 cup of rice (for lunch) a day. I do not need as much carbohydrates since i do not run long distance that regularly.
- Reduce food that are fried, including kuih-muih
What about exercise and lifestyle?
- 3-4 training days a week (35minute 5km run on treadmill or 17kph HIIT Sprints + targeted muscle-group training)
- For every 1 hour of sitting, stand for 45-60 minutes.
- Basically I walk or stand a lot.
- Engage in badminton sessions with friends 3 times a week
- 7-10 km run in the weekends with friends
- Sometimes i go for Zumba class…yeah i know, not really a “guy” thing to do but i enjoy it 😉
5 Tips for those looking to lose weight?
- Include protein/fiber/veggies in your meals.
- Limit your sugar intake.
- Try to make your food “healthier”, dont obsess about eating “clean” all the time, make your meals “cleaner” instead.
- Jadikan exercise as a part of your lifestyle, both cardio n strength training (bodyweight is sufficient).
- Also weight training for girls. Do not worry, you dont have enuff testosterone to “bulk up”.
nak tgok 6paxxxxxxx
Well done Hafiz 🙂
tq afif 😉
thx guys..add me at http://www.facebook.com/haffiz.razali if u need motivations 🙂
Saya baru sudah bank inguna maybank2u.Rm60 dengan reference num 1763842819 pada 20 feb 2013 pukul 16:25:14 saya harap dapat menerima ebook secepat mungkin
i really need this kind of motivation..thanks bro..thanks a lot..
ur welcome! i hope i inspire u.
How long did you take to size down from 130kg to 80-ish kg?
as mentioned in the article , roughly a year.
Salam Hafiz, keadaan fizikal dan berat kita sama. kalau awk boleh, saya pun bole. doakan saya ye 🙂
Six pack tu yang mahal…ok bro jgn lupa add me on fb…for my motivation