Wan Hazirim: How I Lost 30kg in 10 Month.
Hello and greetings, my name is Wan Muhammad Hazirim bin Wan Mustapha, and this is my real life story on how I lose 30 kg in 10 months. Back in a while, I was a fat person. I really own the “big guy” tittle. My body weight before was 116 kg, but now, I’m around 85 kg. Life was swell before, but there’s something incomplete in my life. It’s like I’m not living it the right way. The moment that hit me when I want to lose some weight is whenever I went shopping with my friends and family, I always encountered some problems with finding a shirt or pants with my own size. Other than that, I’m always hurt when my parents introduce me to their friends and their own words was “This is my last child, but he is the biggest one”.
…I’m always hurt when my parents introduce me to their friends and their own words was “This is my last child, but he is the biggest one”…
So it hit me, I need to become fit, I need to change my lifestyle. Luckily for me, I’ve encountered with this brilliant programme Cabaran 6 Minggu i-Sihat bersama Kevin Zahri. Surprisingly, this programme managed to change my life. I seize my chances by joining the programme and I have the chance to achieve my dream, that is to become fit in my 20s.
Cabaran iSihat bersama Kevin Zahri
Through Cabaran i-Sihat about knew your calorie consumed by your body, a well-balanced diet and ways how to eat the proper way, and of course it is a competition. I learn how to plan my own diet according to the Kevin Zahri’s way. I’m grateful that I have the chance to meet him, he changed my life, for real. By following his tips and self determination during the programme, I managed to lose 12 kg in 6 weeks. By joining this programme, I also find myself that I love to sweat. It’s like a pleasure when you got to burn fats when you got to sweat. Knowing this fact, I want more. I want to lose more weight and become more fit. Kevin Zahri’s e-Book is very helpful indeed. In his e-Book, it explains about the importance of knowing your DCR and calories intake. But nevertheless, the most important thing is self-motivation and a strong will is what matters most. Without it, any of us could give up and call it a day within weeks.
… the most important thing is self-motivation and a strong will is what matters most. Without it, any of us could give up and call it a day within weeks….
The most important aspects in my diet is on how I eat. I learned to discipline myself according to Kevin’s e-Book. It helps us to calculate the calories in our food before we consume it. I also practices the technique “nasi segenggam” where I have to reduce my amount of rice intake per day. I also managed to cut off the intake of chicken skins and fats in my daily meal and prioritise the meal like salads which contains no calorie at all.

Practice what I Preach.
By practising what I preach, I surprisingly find myself very fond of the vegetable that I used to hate, which is a tomato, but now I can take it daily like an apple. If they said “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away” but I say “a tomato a day, keeps the fat away”. Other than that, I also find myself liking the green tea without sugar and I can drink it like a plain water, everyday. In my diet, working out is not really necessary, but it’s important as a catalyst for me to carry on.

HIIT Training.
The exercise is unarguably helps to reduce more weight. And it’s also a pleasure to do some exercise once in a while. They type of exercises that I practices is HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). This exercise includes a session on treadmill, stationary bike and an elliptical course trainer. I didn’t do any heavy lifting before, but now some muscle workout would be good for a better body posture. HIIT is good to help you to burn some calories. You can google it and find out it’s benefits on your own. In order to achieve good result, we must learn how to combing both good eating habit and a proper workout. Nowadays, I find myself very fond of joining classes in the gym and it not as boring as I thought it would be, even when you’re running on a treadmill. There are many types of supplement available, it’s best for you to do some research before purchasing it. I do take some supplements whenever I work out; fat burner. Without any supplements, a normal human being can work to achieve their ideal weight, but with it, the work out will be more effective.

My Target Moving Forward
My next target is to lose up to 15 or 20 kg more in order to achieve my ideal body weight. My advice to all the people who is reading this, you can’t wait and sit around until the day you will lose some weight, you have to work it out. It’s now or never, and without a pain, there is no gain.
its a great and very inspiring success story. “a tomato a day, keeps the fat away”
Awesome!..Good job!
tahniah Wan!
well done and great job!
mak aii, kuruihnyeee! tahniah. dah kurus macam shaarnaz ahmad plak. hehe