How to Beat Weight Loss Plateau?
I have been getting some interesting questions lately on weight loss daripada pembaca blog saya:
- Berat badan tidak berubah tetapi kenapa baju dah longgar?
- Saya sudah berjaya turunkan berat badan sebanyak 7kg dalam 2 bulan pertama but sejak itu saya sudah sampai plateau dan berat badan tidak berubah. Kenapa ye?
Both are excellent questions. Lets take a look.
Question 1: Berat badan sama tetapi baju dah longgar
This often happens to those yang mula giat aktif dengan latihan pemberat ataupun weight training yang mengalakkan pertumbuhan otot. Lagi-lagi apabila menggabungkan program dengan pemakanan yang baik, semanan cardio dan weight training.
…muscles are more dense, look better but because the are more dense, they carry more weight than fatty tissues…
Muscles are more dense, look better. Hence give you that slimmer and toned look. Tetapi because the are more dense, they carry more weight than fatty tissues. So your body weight tidak berubah kerana adanya otot baru. In my opinion, its not a certain weight that you should aim for but yang paling penting is that you are happy with the “new” you.
Question 2: How to Beat Weight Loss Plateau?
Kenapa berat tidak turun lagi selepas diet 2-3 bulan? Thats a the read question sebelum kita dapat lihat penyelesaiannya. Its really simple: Weight loss bergantung kepada adanya calorie deficit, iaitu di mana kalori masuk (makanan) tidak melebihi kalori keluar (calorie output).
So lets say you start a diet today. You lose some weight and maintain this diet (in the hopes that it will continue to help you kurangkan berat badan…but oh no it reaches a plateau. Why? because as you lose weight, you keperluan kalori seharian (daily calorie requirement) will decrease as well. Up to a point where you calorie intake is in equilibrium with your “new” calorie needs.
Why? because as you lose weight, you keperluan kalori seharian (daily calorie requirement) will decrease as well.
Knowing this, following are 5 tips to help you break that stubborn plateau:
- Cut more calories. This is decrease the “calories in” portion of the equation making your body lose more weight.
- Increase cardio exercise. This makes your body burn more calories. Hence increasing the “calories out” portion.
- Start weight training Muscles require more fuel to burn. More fuel equals more calories being burnt.
- Watch the fats Fats a packed with calories. 1g of carbs or protein contain 4 calories. 1g of fat contains 9 calories! More than double. Its all about the calories baby!
- Eat more often What? Makan lebih? Tak gemuk ke? hahaha no lah. here we mean that you should consume 5-6 smaller meals per day. This will help your body be more active (boost your metabolic rate). More active means more calorie being used.
A great article…
It’s happened to me and after reading your Cergas 24/7, my weight decrease a lot. At the same time i got my new look.
FYI, i’m not taking any supplement and surely the “Nasi Separuh Please” campaign is very effective to me plus “Nesvita 3 in 1” twice daily.
For sure, using my own ABS Wheel (modified front wheel from my kid’s broken bicycle) 10 minutes a day.
Thanx to u
thanks kevin for ur information….
thats great news Aluwi….glad my book helped you to kurangkan berat badan and improve your appearance.
I nak suggest pada sesiapa yang nak turunkan berat badan and get new appearance, dapatkan buku Cergas 24/7 atau Fitness 24/7.
There’s a lot info that very useful and of course sesuai untuk budaya kita di Asia.
i baru je beli…..baru baca skit….
thanks kevin.dah lama tggu ur reply about this topic dalam blog u..:D
hi kevin..
i’m 172cm,65kg n try to reduce my weight..i jogging selama 1 hour.5 times per week.setakat ni dah turun 3kg..but saya xpuas hati i find other way to reduce weight by amalkan it sauna work to reduce weight???tq…
i sekarang dalam pantang…baby boy ke 5…i rasa dalam pantang ni makan dan tidur aje…kata orna tak boleh buat kerja berat… menyusu baby tu boleh bakar kalori ke?
interesting write up..
anyways, im taking protein drinks for quite sumtimes n i noticed ive been experiencing situation 1..n i dont want to continue building up muscles since im a petite frame..
can i just stop taking the protein drinks immediately? im scared ill be hving more muscles in future.. fyi, im very particular of calories intake, and im pretty sure i wont b gaining weight if i do stop consuming protein drinks..thanks kevin
sy pun same mcm diddy nk tnye psl it really works utk reduce weight?n between sauna room n sauna tent which is better?
ekin – sauna does 2 things
1) removes water/fluids from your body
2) increases your metabolism coz of the heat.
so yes. these 2 can assist in weight loss. yg diremovekan is the water n fluids n also toxin kan.but it’s not pecahkan lemak?
ekin, definitely removes water n toxins…sweat removes toxin in general..whether its through da sauna or exercise or sweating in general. its our body’s natural waste management function.
the sauna and detox products serve as an aid to enhance it.
pecahakn fat? depends la but not necessarily.
Great article…
Saya pun alami keadaan dalam soalan 1..berat masih sama tapi seluar dah longgar..hehe
understood.tq.thinking of getting my own sauna tent at home 🙂
Kevin, I’ve got this problem…My weight is 62kg with height prob is, i’ve tried so much supplement on reduce my weght plus some of the exercise 3x a week.But it doesn’t work.Even I’ve already control my diet(meal) and yet my weight still same..what i supposed to do now?please advice….
dear kevin, i have the same prob with lena to..i’m 155cm,56kg. me control food and head to the gym 3times/week. still the weight tak turun.dah pegi gym for 1 1/2 months now.advice pls!
i wat program d slimming centre…dlm proses memecahkan lemak2 yang degil. Blh x dlm mase yg same i buat exercise @ jogging? Adakah lemak2 tersebut kembali keras @ berotot? atau membantu lagi penurunan berat badan.
Tq just curious with myself..i eat alot but still i didnt gain weight but loss it because im a heavy smoker?b4 my weight 46kg which balance with my height my weight 40.5kg..pls help me n guide me what should i do….
hi kevin…sy mempunyai masalah y amat merunsingkan saya. sebelum ini berat saya 83kg dlm masa 1thn 1/2 sy tlh bjaya mgurangkan brt sy kpd 47kg dgn mgamalkan senaman dan diet yang sihat. pada pg saya mkn cereal, break sy mkn roti wholemeal 2kpg/biskut. tghari pula mkn ikn dan syur/bhn sup/laksa,ptg pula sy mkn roti dan mlm biskut. selangmasa saya makan sentiasa dipenuhi dgn buah-buahan. saya amat suka makan buah-buahan. biasanya saya mkn ant 6bj apple,pear stp hari. tetapi kini, berat saya tlh naik semula kepada 48-53 kg. saya risau dan tlh meningkatkn pgunaan dumbel saya kpd 4lbs. persoalannya apakah y membuatkan berat saya naik dan bagaimanakah cara utk mengatasi dan menurunkan semula. utk pgetahuan anda brt tgi saya 1.55.saya ada terfikir utk menggunakan pil dr farmasi utk meningkatkan metabolisme saya. tlg bantu saya secepat mungkin.
n lagi 1, sejak berjaya mgurangkan berat ke 47kg, cara hidup saya tidak berubah. saya masih melakukan exercise setiap hari, makan makanan yang seimbang. malah meningkatkan pggunaan dumbel ke 4lbs. tetapi berat saya naik pula.
hi kevin…
just wanna say that you are doing a really great job with this website….keep up the good work, and Thank You!!! May ALLAH SWT bless you always!
thanks siti …. means a lot to me 😀
why didn’t u reply my msg????????????
@sue – buahan pun sebenarnya mengandungi calorie (sugar) yg bole menyebabkan weight gain sekiranya sue makan dengan berlebihan.
why not Sue datang berjumpa dengan saya untuk sessi perundingan?
[…] should watch out for the infamous ‘weight loss plateau’ . More about it here and here. It’s the situation where your weight loss suddenly stops where the scale just refuse […]
[…] should watch out for the infamous ‘weight loss plateau’ . More about it here and here. It’s the situation where your weight loss suddenly stops where the scale just refuse […]
Good tips.. berat turun dr 76kg to 69.lps tu statik. Ikut tips kevin. Mkn sket2 portion tp byk kali. Lps tu personal trainer baru tukar workout plan. Tumpu more to lower body. Awl bulan ni timbang dah turun to 68kg. Slow2.
makan dalam portion yg sikit ape yg you makan ye dalam diet you?
Thanks for the tips…! for me berat turun from 98 to 85 then statik je for now…i’ll try this tips… 🙂
one more thing what is it mean by kalori masuk tidak melibihi kalori keluar?i dont get that…