Day 1 – Pass! … Selamat Berpuasa

Caricature rayaahhhh…the time now is 3:35am!….i know i know….kenapa tak tidur lagi?!? Coz its puasa month so to all of you, selamat berpuasa 🙂
So really why am I up so late? Kerja. Usually for the first few days of puasa, I sure headache (dehydration and no kopi) so susah sikit to kerja while berpuasa…..jadi I gotta kerja (blogging pun kerja la kot)….
So I’m gonna sahur in a bit, sambil2 tengok TV.
Ok everyone, i’ll keep ya’ll posted on my puasa progress 🙂 Target this year: Puasa Penuh! hahahaha betul la and not to forget terawih (malam tadi dapat dah).

Again…selamat berpuasa to everyone 🙂

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