Selamat Hari Raya
Dear all,
I would like to take this opportunity dan ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin kepada anda semua. Mana la health tips kurang berkesan ke or I terlambat or still haven’t replied your messages 🙂 I do my best to reply but usually always overloaded….so minta maaf banyak2.
Where will I raya this year? Just here in KL. Not going anywhere kot. Somehow once dah “berumur” nie hahaha raya is not quite what it used to be la.
Jangan lupa invite me to your open houses 🙂
Selamat Hari Raya to you too bro!
Got my card? Jgn lupa reply ye! Hehehe =p
Have fun yea. Jgn makan byk2 sgt nanti gemuk. =)
nezz – yes dapat…thanks really appreciate it.
makan banyak? definitely la..its raya…i’ll focus on getting back in shape after raya.
Selamat Hari Raya kev..
Gotta start on my treadmill and bike soon…eating too much unhealthy stuff…sigh..
wish u & intan, selamat hari raya aidilfitri.i makan banyak giler, can’t resist all the lauk pauk yang sedap2.
taz – i know the feeling…i’ll be resuming training this week 2.
mazlinda – hahahah tell me about it. selamat hari raya to you as well.
same thing.. don’t forget to invite me to your open house as well.. hheheh.. This year I’m not sure whether to have open house or not.. but if there is.. I would invite you and Intan..