Nina Alyssa : How I Lost 27kg in 6 months (83kg – 56kg)
- Name: Nina Alyssa
- Age: 24 Years old
- Height: 165cm
- Goal: Weight Loss
- Achievement: Lost 27kg in 6 months (83kg – 56kg)
I have been overweight all my life since I was 9 specifically.
I was always battling weight issues since I could remember. When I was 17, I weighed 82kg and in my uni days, the lightest I’ve been was 70kg. I’ve always dreamt of being thin and being able to wear all those pretty normal size clothes. Previously, I could only shop for plus-size clothing and did not even own a pair of jeans because I could not bear seeing how humongous my thighs look in them.
Failed many times
I did try to diet and exercise but often failed to stick to them. I had also avoided stepping on the weighing scale for a longggg time so that I could continue living in denial. Only during Raya last year did something hit me. All of my clothes felt as tight as ever! And I was ashamed to look at the photographs of myself. I realized if I didn’t do something about my weight now, I might never be healthy. I didn’t want to suffer any illnesses because of my weight. I finally took charge and stepped on the weighing scale and my heart literally fell when I saw the number 83! I was 23 years old and weighed a whopping 83kg.
My heart literally fell when I saw the number 83kg.
- I downloaded the calorie counter app on my phone and started to count the calories of all my food.
- I limited my calorie intake to 1200 max per day. (Want to know what 1200kcal look like based on a Malaysian diet?
- From previously only drinking carbonated drinks and sweet juices, I only drank plain water and even continue the habit until today.
- I often had white eggs (scrambled or omelet with vege) as they are really low in calories! (only 17 calories)
- And the only source of carbo for me was wholemeal bread. No rice, no noodles, no other carbohydrates whatsoever.
…Maybe I was a little drastic but drastic times called for drastic measures haha! …
I always made sure that I was eating healthily (taking fruits and veggies as snacks) and also that I was not starving myself. The trick is to take smaller portions of food 4 to 5 times a day rather than just 3 big meals per day. My number one weakness was that I was a sweet tooth! I absolutely LOVE desserts! So cutting down on all those sweet delicacies was a really tough challenge for me. Throughout my “battle”, my weekly reward was always a 3/4 cup of frozen yogurt. No chocs, cakes or etc.
Now comes the tough part: EXERCISING.
I had never been able to commit to exercising! But I forced myself to cycle or jog every single day (min: 20 mins, max: 3 hours) until I was addicted to sweating it out. I also started to lift weights and now I can proudly say that I love working out! I cycle, jog, swim, or jump rope whenever I can squeeze in time. After a good workout, your body automatically feels fresh and you will definitely feel good about yourself.
To motivate me, I bought this pretty dress in size 8 .
Previously, I could only fit in size 16/18 items of clothing. So, I was determined to fit in that dress. Slowly throughout the months, I could slowly zip up the dress until I finally fit in it! Going down from a size 16/18 to a size 8 is definitely a huge achievement for me. And of course, I finally bought myself a pair of jeans 😉
Green Tea: My Only Supplement
A lot of my friends did not believe me when I told them that I didn’t take any supplements whatsoever to lose weight. The only “supplement” and the best friend for me was GREEN TEA. I drink it every day! It’s not only good for losing and maintaining weight but it also can reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
On my way to 50kg.
So, I started my “battle” in October 2011 where I weighed 83kg and reached my target weight (60kg) in February 2012. I was already so happy and in early April, I weighed 56kg and able to maintain the same until today. My target weight now is 50kg. My goal is not to be stick thin but to be healthy and fit. I guess you can indulge once in a while but not ALL the time and always practice a healthy lifestyle and exercise is key!
It was definitely a super tough journey but I have never ever felt better. Trust me, if I can do it, ANYONE CAN! …
Nina Alyssa
Mesti ramai peminat lepas kurus.
Green tea tuh letak gule x?
nama pon green tea mana de gula
green tea jgn letak gula, tp kalau letak kene tahu ler dalam 1gram berapa kcal dia. jgn sayang duit rm60 tu. berbaloi utk ilmu pengetahuan.
macam mana nak beli e-book tu?
tu kat atas tu ada link utk ebook oleh kevin zahri. 🙂
This is an amazing change! Mind sharing her diet plan Kevin?
its a 1200kcal diet plan … which means she probably eats a variety of foods but limited to 1200kcal.
but how if i cannot reach that amount of calories per day? did i have to put extra on exercise or still have to get more calories by taking more food or snacks.
its okay if you cannot reach that amount. if you wanna lose weight 0.5kg or 1kg per week. 1200kcal per day. below i think its okay. but must eat 6times a day with small portion. to increase your metabolism.
nina…mmg cun…u minum gree tea jenis apa?…
How many times in a week u exercise?What kind of Exercise u do?Mind Sharing.
Give yourself a big hug and a pat on the back; you have accomplished one of the most difficult tasks there is………losing a lot of weight; you have proved your tenacity and controlling your thinking. Good luck to you and your continued success, you’ve earned it and you deserve it.
green tea jgn letak gula… gula penyebab gemuk…
your story is similar to mine… minus the weight loss… oh man~
wow u have motivated me now… this is what i need exactly!
vege for did u make that vege is tasty for snacking?
Tahniah, Dah cantik tu. Kalau 50 kg macam kurus sangat. Lagipun awak tinggi.
Tahniah, Dah cantik tu. Kalau 50 kg macam kurus sangat. Lagipun awak tinggi.
Tak aci nih,..nak jugak,..kena mula SEKARANG! Congratz Nina~
wah sgt cantik lepas kurus..tahniah
haah lah. green tea apa. share please.
if u dont mind…u minum green tea brand apa ya?
i minum BOH green tea , tak letak gula. ya rabbi kelat :/ tapi i need to lose weight . ur my inspiration :’) btw nina guna green tea brand apa? 🙁
kalau minum green tea tu saya jadi sembelit. camne ek?
really impress la Nissa…
bestnya….sangat memberi inspirasi, come on gurl, me too can do it!!!
nak buatt tp belum berjaya 🙁 tolong bg semangat 🙁
hi nad jgn putus asa.saya pun baru nak start.amik inpirasi dari segala pengalaman yg ada di sini,selalu bersama2 org2 yg ingin kurus macam anda macam saya!sya pun br nak start.u tau tak i berat berapa dulu?sama mcm nina….i start dr thn lepas bulan 11/2012.baru turun 6kg.itu saya br jalan kaki everyday.skg sy try beli ebook en kevin…moga2 saya akan turun lagi disamping saya pergi gym and jaga pemakanan saya.jd nad jgn putus asa.jom kita sama2 berjaya k!
macam mana lemak bawah dagu awak boleh susut ek?
Hye there! My weight were like yours too last year,. but then, i determine to lose it up. from 83kg to 76kg now, and i’m still doing all the sweat, hopefully in the month of May, i’ll reach my goal to 60kg! 🙂
I’ve drink green tea to lost some weight..
Within 5 month i’ve lost 7kg which is from
61kg- 54kg.. i didn’t add sugar in my green tea..
i never skipped breakfast, lunch, tea time and
dinner.. i eat rice everyday but my portion is
so small and most of the “mak cik kedai makan” seems
so surprise to see my rice..”Macam mana mak cik
nak kira harga makanan ni nak oii kalau nasi banyak ni je..”
hehe.. I just pay my lunch for RM2.50, RM3 or RM4
only.. even i’ve been married for almost 1 year, i still
look better and healthier.. my friends call me super wife!
you cantik after kurus. 🙂
bole bagi cadangan tak? orang ramai kata Green tea bole kurangkan berat badan.. saya nak try green tea jenama ape erk? yang murah and senang stok nak dapat?
Hi dear , could u pls share ure knowlegde on what is the best green tea i can take or buy here is malaysia.Would really appreciate
I bought my green tea from Daiso Japan, its a tea leaves from Japan.
Hi Alls,
I just started to diet 2 weeks ago…
– consuming green tea everyday (500 ML)
– plain water (2500 ML)
– Breakfast (fruits or oats)
– Lunch (small portion rice n others items)
– Evening (Fruits – 5.30pm)
– No dinner
I have to walk 2km to work (2 way) everyday so ill walk fast till sweating.
i keep my calories below 1000
i lost 3.6kg in 2 weeks