Syazana: Kurang Dari 62kg Ke 52kg Dalam 3 Bulan
- Nama: Syazana.
- Matlamat: Kurangkan berat badan.
- Pencapaian: Berjaya turunkan 10kg dalam 3 bulan.
- Perubahan Berat: 62-52kg
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hi! nama saya Syazana dan saya kini mengikuti pengajian tahun terakhir dalam bidang perakaunan di salah sebuah universiti swasta di selangor. saya merupakan anak kedua daripada 6 beradik dan kini menetap di kuala lumpur. gemuk, chubby n pendek? tula yang org selalu panggil. i was really chubby when i was small and during my university year. kegemukan boleh membuat self esteem kita jatuh jatuh jatuh! takda confident. semua baju x boleh pakai. rasa down dgn diri sendiri. bila down je mkn. at that moment food was the only thing that makes me happy.
… dulu bila down je mkn. at that moment food was the only thing that makes me happy …
Tak pernah kisah pun how much berat badan. then one fine day, timbul kesedaran. sampai bila nak mcmni? what have i done in my life?there were the thoughts that i had in mind, until i hear whispers that saying “you must be healthy, you must change yourself!”
Tumblr, internet jadi peransang
finally lepas dh tekad nak try to change my lifestyle, i buat byk research online and even kwn2 i pun kata im so obsess to loose weight. yeah, mereka boleh berkata apa saja kan? If you yourself are not happy with what you see in the mirror, then what you have to do? CHANGE IT. for the first move, i tried to calculate my daily calorie intake, bmr n ideal weight. i know, to some people counting calories is ridiculous but thats the first step to loose weight. calorie deficit calorie deficit! i started to make my own food log, dimana saya tulis semua benda yang saya makan and counting calories takla susah mana. the beginning is always the hardest , tp lama2 you get used to it and semua pun jd senang 🙂
Kurang Sokongan Keluarga
Tak dinafikan, ada sesetengah keluarga yang tidak menyokong anak2 mereka untuk menjalani ‘healthy lifestyle’ disebabkan mereka sendiri tiada kesedaran akan kepentingan menjaga kesihatan. As for me, when I first started to change my eating lifestyle, my family tidak lah terlalu menyokong sebab I banyak ‘memilih’ makanan dan semua nak makan benda lain drpd apa yang mereka makan. Tapi! kuatkan hati, kuatkan semangat! you know what you want, you know youre on the right track so just do it!
Diet Membuta. Gagal!
dulu pernah la try, tahun 2009 konon2 nak try diet. tapi fail sbb time tu mmg takda kesedaran lansung tentang penting nya kesihatan. its not just about looking good but to take care of the health. remember, health is wealth. pernah juga mencuba diet yang popular seperti atkins dan lain lain tapi kesemuanya gagal dan ketika itulah saya tahu tentang kewujudan laman web kevin zahri ni dan juga cekodok. is absolutely the best web to check on your calorie food. sbb kesemua nya mainly ada makanan malaysia. if try guna website mcm sparkspeople & , total food list mereka sangat lah terhad kerana most of their list are for international market foods yang tak ada dijual di Malaysia. Cuba lah juga untuk google apa-apa saja yang anda ingin tahu mengenai kesihatan especially how to lose weight dan juga anda boleh mendapatkan info and byk sangat tips yang menarik dan berguna di
Berjaya Turun Berat 10kg dalam 3 Bulan
Alhamdulillah, dengan menjaga makan dan exercise ( i love skipping! ) i managed to loose 10 kgs in about 3 months time! to reach this stage it aint easy, so many obstacles but seriously if you’re willing to do it, you will achieve it. My typical food intake will be:
- wholegrains
- yogurt
- fruits (esp banana n watermelon)
- skim milk
- cheerios
- dan lain lain.
Usually I mmg akan masak sendiri my own food sbb boleh rasa kepuasan sendiri sbb you yang akan control apa yang u letak dlm kuali, apa yang u masak. the lesser the better. kurang kan minyak & lemak. selalu nya if i beli foods kat luar pun kalau dh terpaksa and jaga portion! if you go to eat outside, amalkan portion sharing! the smaller the better! and have a cheat day to indulge urself but jgn byk sgt 🙂 the choice is all yours. you can spend rm 10 buying fast food but dont want to spend rm10 to buy healthy and good foods?
…kalau kita can spend RM10 untuk fast food, why not spend RM10 to buy healthy and good foods..
Makan 5 Kali Sehari.
Banyak? Tak lah. Makan sikit2 but frequently.
- Breakfast:Â wholegrain bread with tuna atau cereals
- Snack:Â fruits & yogurt ataupun biskut iko atau jacobs weetameel.
- Lunch:Â vegetables with lauk pauk.. nasi kalau teringin i makan je, sikit. hehe
- Snack:Â fruits & yogurt ataupun biskut iko atau jacobs weetameel.
- Dinner.
Its beneficial to keep up your metabolism and for those who encounter plateau problems, just try to shift your calories intake and change your workout routine. Â Exercise plays a big role in losing weight, Â afterall 80% of losing weight is just jaga makan and 20% exercise kan but if nak speed result , do both. if just jaga makan.. nanti flabby and tak toned.
… afterall 80% of losing weight is just jaga makan and 20% exercise kan but if nak speed result, do both …
- the journey may be hard, you may not loose the pounds that easily but keep on going. small effort will always lead to a big one.
- mind set is important!
- keep your food log (leceh but its worth it)
- learn to say NO to foods that isnt healthy for u.
- drink plenty of water
- lastly, believe that you can do it because without it you can never start.
- dont start tomorrow, start today.
… dont start tomorrow, start today! …
Thank you Kevin.
You are the best!
Terrernye u ni… i nk try gak la..
yang ni betul2 bakar semangat
Bestnyeee nak tiru syazana la.
.saya x simpan pun food log just tulis kat kertas kat office pastu jgn lbh seribu dua rats sari..berat asl sy 73 kg.pastu sy ambil sd2 dan bersenam bersungguh-sungguh,berat trn 11 kg dlm ms satu bdn rs sgt tak sihat..dan seminggu kemudian naik blk ..
yoyo effect..akhirnye sy ptskn untuk bersenam dan kire trt ambil lecithin n omega 3 selps mkn..hslnye dlm sebulan setgh berat sy jd 57.5 ni sy kevin sgt kn ambil sd2 dah..
diet seimbg yg plg baik nberkesan pade sy..kepade yg berniat nak ambil supplement turunkan berat,jgnlah ambil melulu mcm sy..ambil yg tidak mghalang diet seimbg..itulah pesan kakak sy yg sedang turunkan berat bdn juge after bersalin..die seorg medical officer pun slalu igtkn sy..ambil yg naturally tubuh kite perlu..dan menurunkan berat dengan pntas adalh sgt tidak selamat untuk organ dalam tubuh..