Weight Loss Experience of Taufiq Suhamin
- Name: Taufiq Suhamin
- Age: 18 Tahun (as of 2012)
- Goals: Healthy lifestyle, Weight Loss and Slim & Ripped!
- Achievement: Lost 17kg
- Facebook: taufiqsuhamin
- Twitter: @taufiqsuhamin
Asslammualaikum and hello to all readers of KZ’s official website. I am Taufiq Suhamin from Brunei Darussalam, 18 years old, a full-time pre-university college student at the Laksamana College of Business, Brunei Darussalam.
I am writing a weight loss success story under KZ’s success stories’ section to motivate everyone who is keen to lose weight. Indirectly, this motivates me too to reduce more and more weight. Yet, weight loss may be the second goals of mine as healthy lifestyle comes first in my life.
Temptations and excuses are everywhere – college, junk foods, yummy foods, delicious foods and everything, You Name IT! Just like the other students who want to lose weight but keep on dragging ‘college, university, school’ as an excuse not to lose weight just because insufficient time, busy with important tasks and all that.
Impossible Dream For Me:
I have always exposed myself with fashions and most importantly in my life; I love shopping, buying clothes, shoes, jeans and stuff. Due to my weight and shape, I have to limit myself. I only can buy the clothes when there are bigger sizes available. Now still in my disbelief that I can fit “S” or “M” sized tees depending on the cuttings. Let alone my dream to have a lean body like the male models of Calvin Klein and Donna Karan New York.
Overweight Since Childhood:
When I was still in primary school, Primary Six if I am not mistaken, my weight reached 65kg+. I have been an overweight since I was a kid until last year, 2011 not to mention the apprehension of reaching the bad level that is severely obese. I gained more than 20kg when I was in Form 3 and Form 4 and reached 97kg of weight last year.
…I gained more than 20kg when I was in Form 3 and Form 4 and reached 97kg of weight last year…
Much ruthless (overreacted?), when my doctor told me to stop from doing any outdoor activities for one to two years since 2010 due to the medical matter that I faced which was something to do with my skin.

My Weight Loss Begins:
Everything began when I was in a sick leave because of chicken pox. Looking at the mirror and seeing my body was very big although I tried not to look at the mirror, I just could not stop myself! I started to browse some relevant websites, did some research on healthy meals and build, browsed some videos on youtube of weight loss and finally found KevinZahri.com. He motivated me more and more and more to lose and reduce my weight. Let myself exposed by reading the success stories on Kevin Zahri’s site and other websites on the net.
…apa yang menyebabkan saya mungkin akan memperolehi kegagalan dalam weight loss ialah, saya tidak memantau pengambilan kalori harian…
Failure and Success:
Saya berjaya menurunkan beberapa paun dalam beberapa minggu, terasa susut. Tetapi, apa yang menyebabkan saya mungkin akan memperolehi kegagalan dalam weight loss ialah, saya tidak memantau pengambilan kalori harian. From Kevin Zahri’s website, I learnt a lot. A lot of tips I grabbed and kidnapped from Kevin Zahri like he emphasised everyone to monitor our daily calorie intakes. Only then, I started to monitor my calorie intake and guess what, it boosted me up!
To lose weight, it is easy. It is not hard as what you might have thought all this time – people kept on saying do not eat and do skip rice. I do, Did I, Do I, I did? NO! I did not and would not skip Nasi. Nasi is part of my life and staple food for most of Asians, thus tak complete lah our meals without rice. Tetapi, cara saya untuk mengawal pemakanan saya ialah ‘Proportion or Amount’.
- Makan 4 atau 5 kali dalam sehari. Dan juga, ada satu hari tu – ‘Cheat Day’ dalam satu minggu..
- Air kosong (minum 2 gelas sebelum makan. Ini bertujuan supaya perut kita kenyang and to ensure we will be kenyang sehearian, remember, AIR KOSONG TIDAK ADA KALORI (ZERO/ 0 kcal)
- 1 plate divide empat bahagian (just imagine okay!)
- 1/4 nasi (iaitu satu genggam atau kurang)
- 2/4 or I shall say ½ of the plate ialah sayur-sayuran
- 1/4 any proteins
- 1 mangkuk side dish ialah buah-buahan. Buah-buahan yang saya perlukan dalam pemakanan ialah apples and bananas. Buah-buahan ini adalah sebagai pembuka selera bagi meals time saya. Selalunya, saya makan 1 atau 2 biji apples sebelum makan nasi tetapi selepas minim air kosong. Kemudain, alternating the fresh fruits and nasi sewaktu makan. (Walaupun buah pisang tinggi dengan kalori sedikit, tetapi bagus untuk mengurangkan atau menjauhi Constipation).
- Keep track your Nutrition Intakes. (Suggestion: sparkpeople.com)
Now, I managed to lose roughly about 17kg that is from 97kg to 80kg with my height of 189cm. I would not stop as I want to lose more and more of weight until I reach 70kg. According to my plan, I will achieve my goal by October 2012 if I consistently following the plan I made.
I Do. I Did. Done it:
Sememangnya saya akan melakukan senaman. Ada pelbagai senaman yang boleh kita lakukan sama ada senaman low impact atau high impact. For instance, cardio like aerobics, jogging, running, low impact jumping and things like that. Di bawah adalah perkara yang saya sering lakukan:
- 5 atau 6 hari per minggu dan 1 atau 2 hari untuk recovery per minggu.
- Jogging di atas treadmill dalam 30 minit ke 50 minit (atau anda juga boleh berjogging di luar as you wish!)
- Aerobics selama 30 minit ke 40 minit atau jika mahu 120 minit untuk kekalkan shape atau bentuk kaki, lengan dan sebagainya atau as whole untuk kekalkan shape badan. Saya selalu aerobic dalam bilik, tutup air con atau kalau nak, kurangkan suhu, kemudian aerobic lah. (Saya sarankan, Les Mills Aerobics; please youtube or pergi gym kalau mahu, there are a lot of gyms yg conduct Les Mills in Malaysia)
- Sila rujuk cara permakanan saya di atas (pls refer)
- Sila follow Kevin Zahri’s facebook and twitter untuk mendapatkan pelbagai tips dan kalau nak juga, why not purchase Kevin Zahri’s e-Books Panduan Kurangkan Berat Badan.
- Why not keep tracking semua senaman yang anda sudah lakukan dan anggarkan berapa kalori yang anda sudah buang, kemudian simpan sebagai data ke dalam computer anda atau kalau nak website, here it is: www.sparkpeople.com. Ini mungkin boleh motivate diri anda sendiri. Saya sendiri lakukan ini actually!!
In regards of tracking your fitness minutes and calories burnt, there was a time I burnt about 1490kcal at one time on treadmill, guess what? It boosted me to exercise more and workout more. Tu la saya sarankan anda semua untuk simpan fitness minutes anda sebagai data contohnya melalui penggunaan Microsoft Data Excel.
Ah, ada lagi yang penting yang saya lupa tulis di atas. Jangan lupa, walaupun anda ingin kan berpeluh, bakar kalori yang banyak, jangan lupa “Air Kosong”. Minum air kosong dalam amount yang banyak sewaktu senaman kerana ia boleh meningkat metabolism anda. Saya highlight di sini, “MENINGKATKAN METABLOSIM ANDA!”. Kevin Zahri juga selalu emphasise untuk banyakkan pengambilan air kosong sewaktu membuat senaman.

Ecstatic: 17kg in 16 month!
Pada mulanya, saya memang tidak rasa ada perbezaan da perubahan terhadap my build and body till there was someone who was shocked to see the new version me, reflected the pasts. Kan, I was not an obese, Cuma overweight. Tu la, mungkin saya tak nampak sangat perbezaan towards my build.
Pelbagai perkara yang boleh saya lakukan setelah berjaya menurunkan berat badan daripada 97kg ke 80kg dalam 6 bulan. Contohnya, saya sekarang boleh menari dengan baik berbanding dengan tahun-tahun yang lepas yang mana saya agak malu sedikit untuk membuat step tarian disebabkan badan saya yang agak besar dan overweight. Sekarang, lengan, peha, kaki, moobs dah agak susut dan ripped sedikit demi sedikit. Tinggal my face left! Tapi like Kevin Zahri pernah bagitau saya, kalau kita nak buang lemak, tidak boleh atau tidak dapat hanya pada satu concentration, tapi kenalah turunkan berat badan secara keseluruhan.
Nak tahu sama ada awak ada perubahan badan atau tidak? Kalau kita sendiri tengok cermin, mesti dalam hati ckp, mcm tak ade perubahan je. Why not snap your current picture (prior to starting the weight loss program), kemudian setiap bulan atau setiap 2 bulan, snap new pictures. InsyaAllah ada perubahan. Kalau nak juga, tanya seseorang yang you jarang jumpa..
Alhamdulillah, badan susut 97kg ke 80kg (beza -17kg) dalam lebih kurang 6 bulan. Weight: 80kg, Height: 189cm, BMI: 22.4 – normal weight. However, my next goal is to lose 10kg. InsyaAllah!
Selamat berjaya kepada semua yang berkeinginan untuk turun berat badan. Semoga diberkati, Amin!
Very nice entry and so inspiring.. i also bought KZ’s ebook n understand about calories intake.. n from 85kg to 74kg.. still working out to lose weight.. 😉
congrats Farhanah.