Cara Senang untuk Tambah Berat Badan?

Cara memambah berat badan bukan perkara yg susah as long as you have the keinginan, discipline dan well tahu caranya. Walaupun anda bole cuba mengunakan supplement weight gainer semata-mata, tapi cara yg lebih berkesan bergantung kepada 3 perkara:

  • Nutrition
  • Training
  • Supplements (Makanan Tambahan)


Samada seseorang itu ingin tambah atau kurangkan berat badan, kita perlu makan 5-6 hidangan sehari. Makanan seimbang mengandungi carbs, protein and fat dalam ratio calorie 50:35:15. Lebih kurang lah. But you have to eat and basically more than you would like to. If you have problems with doing this, weight gainers are great.

Weight Training

Weight training di gym memang sesuai untuk membantu anda bukan saja untuk tambah berat badan tetapi extra berat badan itu adalah otot yg akan menjadikan tubuh lebih sasa. End of the day you want to gain “good” lean weight and not just fat. Nasihat saya is that you berlatih untuk jangka masa panjang dan bukanlah untuk 3-6 bulan sahaja. Kalau anda kurang berpengalaman untuk cara weight training di gym, dapatkan panduan orang yg berpengalaman.

Supplements (Makanan Tambahan)

Untuk tambah berat badan, weight supplements seperti di bawah are actually very helpful and mainly just foods and occur naturally in our diet. The difference? Supplements are manufactured and processed to give you what you need tanpa perlu fikir banyak. Basically what you’ll need is:

  • Protein: This can be either from whey protein or weight gainers or other forms of protein supplements.
  • Creatine: for muscle/strength gain
  • Others: Glutamine, NOX, etc

Want to gain weight and lose fat?

When you gain weight, you have to forget about your abs for now….whenever you gain weight, it’ll always be a combination of fat and muscles. Here it is your nutrition and training that will dictate that ratio.

…whenever you gain weight, it’ll always be a combination of fat and muscles…

If you do a good job, it’ll be in favor of more muscles and “less fat” but never zero fat! So throw away the mirror, for now, eat a lot, and train hard (as that’s the only way for your muscles to grow)

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