Exercise Guide for Kids
Some parents ask if they should get their kids to the gym or buy em a treadmill! Don’t. Don’t stress the life of a young child with the burden and boredom of the adult fitness world. Instead, let children be children. Let them have fun but be strong, healthy and fit at the same time. How? Here are some activities to help you out.
The Playground
Playgrounds are like a fully equipped gym for kids. All that climbing, running, lifting etc are all forms of weight training and exercise. Have your kid play 45-60min 3x per week to help them with their strength, coordination and stamina.
Again, don’t just have your kid do laps but let them have fun. I used to play for hours in the pool. Kids have limitless imagination. Just be sure they are always supervised. All the water resistance and holding of breath is great for the back muscles, lungs etc.
The Beach
Running in sand is great for developing their legs. Crashing waves is both fun and develops stamina and strength as well. I used to build sand castle for hours. Haha call me a loser but it was fun and yeah, carrying all those buckets of sands, again is exercise. So if you can, don’t be too Malaysian and let your kids play under the burning sun. But yeah, don’t forget the sun lotion.
I used to build sand castle for hours. Haha call me a loser but it was fun and yeah, carrying all those buckets of sands, again is exercise.
Competitive Sports
I was super competitive as a kid. I played everything from football, basketball or anything really outdoors with my friends. Sports is cardio. It helps your kid to run, play and increase their fitness all while having fun at the same time.
I know I know this does not work here in Malaysia but why not plan that winter vacation with your kids. There are so many fun physical activities that you as family can enjoy. Skiing, building a snow man, snow ball fights all are very physical but fun activities that will keep your child active and happy.
Skiing, building a snow man, snow ball fights all are very physical but fun activities that will keep your child active and happy.
Anything Outdoors
With all the internet and video games, kids tend to stick indoors. You as parents need to help or force them go out! Make it a rule for them to go out and play (assuming its safe) … for say an hour a day. I am sure there are local playgrounds, football fields for them to go to. Better still, plan outings with them. Go hiking, camping etc.