No time to bersenam? Take control of your health – life.

Soalan daripada Azizul:Q

hai mr.kevin,saya berumur 18tahun, berat badan saya 100kg dan tinggi saya 160cm…masalah utama saya ialah, saya bekerja dari pukul 8pagi sampai 7malam dan X sempat nak bersenam…lagipun, kat tempat saya nih X der kedai menjual suplement untuk menguruskan badan…jikalau disember lepas berat saya 94kg, skarang, makin naik lah pulak sampai 100kg…
harap encik kevin dapat lah tolong saya….
Ok di sini Azizul basically ada 2 masalah:

  • Penambahan berat badan
  • Tiada masa untuk berseman

Let answer both questions individually.

  1. Penambahan Berat Badan:Satu perkara Azizul harus memahami is that your body weight tidak akan menurun selagi Azizul tiada kawalan. Right now you have no control. Satu2 cara untuk mengawal berat badan adalah ilmu pengetahuan dan mengamalakn ilmu itu untuk jangka masa berpanjangan….bukan sahaja untuk 12 minggu. Secara ringkas, weight loss is easy sekiranya Azizul memahami fundamental asas dan keperluan (makanan) anda. its all about calories in (daripada makanan) berbanding calorie out (aktiviti seharian). Selagi kalori in melebihi kalori out, you will gain weight. How fast? 3500 calorie bersamaan 1lb lemak.
  2. Tiada masa untuk berseman!Yang ini tricky a bit because it all comes down to your kepentingan dalam kehidupan Azizul. Does work control your life and health?…atau do you control your life? Right now, pekerjaan Azizul yang mengawal your life. if you don’t exercise, losing weight lagi la susah because kurang senaman means kurang kalories going out. So in this scenario, watching your food becomes more important. Tetapi saay tidak syorkan kehidupan yang dikawal oleh pekerjaan kerana it is not a healthy balance, both physcially and mentally. Azizul, you need to take control of your life….don’t let work control you life. Kita hanya diberikan satu nyawa….lets make it the most it can be. Life is not just about work….its about a balance that makes us happy. So you should ask yourself this question:
    • Are you happy dengan keseimbangan kehidupan anda?
    • Is work controlling my life?

    Apa2 pun, its your life and you only have one…..lets make the most of it. Tiada masa untuk bersenam all comes back to you and its all about pilihan…..tetapi dengan pilihan yang Azizul ambil…adalah anda sanggup menghadapi the consequences?

Take control of your life

Hope this helps Azizul. Weight loss is easy….but what is most important is that you are happy with your life. Wanna lose weight? You need to take control.

Weight loss is easy….but what is most important is that you are happy with your life.

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