Whey Protein atau Weight Gainer?
Protein in general adalah asas supplement untuk:
- membina otot
- membaiki otot
- memelihara otot
Untuk weight/muscle gain, anda perlu makan lebih dan training yang intensif. Makanan balanced in terms of carbs, protein & lemak (dalam nisbah lebih kurang 50:35:15) dan lain lain lagi…supplements helps tetapi we have to get the basics right jugak.
- Whey Protein adalah supplement calorie rendah hanya dengan kandungan protein (whey) dan mungkin 1-2g carbs/lemak. Protein supplement alone will not make you gain weight.
- Weight Gainer adalah campuran protein (whey, casein, egg dll) dan carbs ringkas (dextrose atau maltodextrin).
Mana yang lebih baik, whey protein or weight gainer?
– Hmmm kalau duit tidak menjadi halangan, weight gainer lebih sesuai kerana mengandungi kedua-duanya.
– Whey protein lebih ekonomi dan carbs (daripada gainer) bole diganti dengan carbs tempatan (roti, nasi) dll.
– Kalau anda kurang rajin makan dan beli makanan THAN weight gainer lebih sesuai kerana ia sudah mengandungi kesemuanya.
– Pun tak menjadi masah untuk menggunakan kedua-duanya. Ambil protein sepanjang masa dan weight gainer time anda nak gain weight (dengan training yang berpatutan)
– Ingat bahawa mengambil weight gainer tanpa training yang sesuai pun tidak akan menaikkan berat badan anda.
Supplement Lain yang sesuai untuk weight gain (jika digabungkan dengan training yang intensif):
- Glutamine
- Creatine
- Others
For more information on gaining weight, check out my fitness book – Fitness 24/7
Can u take Whey Protein as a supplement to lose weight as well?
Ive been working out regularly & eating healthy foods for 3weeks. Ive read somewhere that if ure working out, u really need to take protein supplement for your muscle development.
Is this true?
Many thanx Zahri =)
hye kevin,
salam puase 🙂
i need ur help, or rather ur pendapat or cadangan pasal i punye problem ni. u see, m in my early twenty, height about 164cm, n weigh about 46kg (last i checked lah :D). i went to a seminar before, n got my BMI rated, n i was underweight. i memang naturally kurus, same go for all my sibling (kot haha). i dah try nak naikkan sikit berat i tapi tak menjadi la…it just wont go up. why eh? n then lately i lost my appetite, thus effecting my pemakanan as i have no appetite to eat, even on junkies. i read n heard that maybe this is due to the environment (work, stress etc lalala…) so i cuba un-stress kan mental n fizikal i. i dont do workout as my daily routine already acquires me to ‘exercise’. at some point in my life, i risau i suffered from anorexia, tapi doc said no. before this i tak pernah tak ada selera; i’d eat n munch all the time, n (thank God) my weight stayed around the same number. do i need some penambah selera?
1 more, how to lose the unwanted fat dekat upper paha? m a kurus girl, with big bottom, which if possible, nak ‘kuruskan’ jugak sikit :D.
please advice. million thanks in advance.
im one of your seminar attendee. if i remember correctly, u said berat yang seimbang/sesuai bagi seseorang itu adalah jika lihat diri sendiri di cermin, urself nampak elok di mata. izit?
for those interested in using creatine, it is better if you read up about it first. http://www.creatinemonohydrate.net has a lot of solid information about dosing, how it works and some side effects information.
while effective for building muscle, there is also a host of side effects. the current creatine on the market is also not extremely bioavailable and will put a strain on kidney functions due to the high amount being taken. definitely not recommended for under 18s and older people.
i also dont know much about the weight gainer products but i believe whey protein shakes are sufficient, and will work better when taken soon after training, with some fruit to spike insulin levels. This increases protein bioavailability and also protein production for muscle growth.
just to add that the dextrose/maltodextrin in weight gainer also serve to increase insulin levels in the blood. this makes cells take up glucose, amino acids, and also creatine (actually a component found in normal meat too), quickly – the things you need for muscle building. so as mentioned in my comment before this, take some fruit or better, fruit juice or sports drinks with dextrose, together with whey protein. i got all this information from the guide sold on http://www.creatinemonohydrate.net and it has helped my understanding of supplements and muscle building in general, not just creatine use.
kevin, your blog is nice in that a lot of malaysians see it as something local they can emphatize with but i don’t think you back up your articles or arguments with enough facts. looking forward to some higher quality posts!
aware – yes, most importantly adalah that you are happy with your appearance. thanks for attending my seminar.
chia – thanks for the input. feel free to add on whatever facts you feel are missing. if you want “all” the facts, buy my book 😉
kevin nk tanya bentuk badan sy dh besar…..tp muscle sy xde….protein mane yg sesuai
i baru start gym training for 1 week.monday-wednesday,thursday rest,fridat-saturday,sunday rest.masa rehat cukup tak?i takut nanti overtraining…i makan weight gainer juga(dymatize super mega gainer),waktu apa makan tu paling sesuai??
dear kevin,
i am 47 years old, 163cm and weighs about 44/45 kgs. i want to put on weight tapi tapi susah betul. tried many2 products but tak jalan, stil kurus. what can i do?
hi, i just bought whey protein. want to know how many scoop per serve and how many serve per day? i dont understand the sugestion at the contain. my weight is 71kg. Please advise. Thanks
hi, i just bought whey protein. want to know how many scoop per serve and how many serve per day? i dont understand the sugestion at the contain. my weight is 71kg. I want to tone up.Please advise. Thanks
hello ilham,
you should take 1 scoop (about 20-25g) BEFORE and AFTER your workout. You can also take a scoop in-between your meals.
You can take whey protein any time (except malam) whether you want to lose, gain or tone up.
Hai Kevin,
Sye ingin tye apa itu diet protein?
Gf sye ingin amalkan diet protein so bleh x kevin bg cnth dan cre amalannye…thanx
@Zalaina – search my blog for diets …… I ada seneraikan a variety of diets
just one question.
what is the best weight gainer that have in Malaysia ?
according too bb.com 2008 supplements award,
1) BSN TrueMass
2) UN MuscleJuice
3) CytoSport Cytogainer
Mr Kelvin
apa akan terjadi kalau saya ambil nitrotech hardcore protein dengan produk asid amino dlm 1 masa?
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mcm mane nk naik kn berat badan??
ape yg patot saya minum?
skrg tggi 181,berat 55..xstabil la..
penah try weight gain nurtiplus tp xberkesan..
ada cara lain tak?
makan + angkat berat + rehat= muscle gain
pegi gym 3 / 4 kali seminggu.
tidur awal (pkol 10 –> 5 pagi)
makan 6 kali / setiap 2 / 3 jam. (makan sikit tapi byk kali) (jangan mkan byk sekaligus)
ketika nak pegi gym:
makan 2 jam b4 gym, minum byk air sblm gym, 15min sblm mula, minum kopi.
lepas gym minum whey protein…20min lepas tu makan..
minum green tea, makan kurma.
kene sabar dan komitmen mesti tinggi.
dlm masa 6 bulan dh boleh nampak perubahan.
teruskan, jangan berhenti. amalkan gaya hidup sihat cmne..
dlu slalu pg gym tp skrg mase da xde la..
workout kat umah je tp xnek gak..
ok2 thx ea kilinawa..
kelvin,u bagitahu elok minum sebelum dan selepas workput
saya selalu amalkan sblm tidur dan juga selepas bangun
sebelum tidur saya akan workout
adakah ia berkesan juga?
training yg sesuai tu macam mana? boleh tlg jelaskan lebih detail? bcoz i’ve already consume the weight gainer n do some exercises/workout. but i didn’t gain much weight.
Have u try to calculate ur calories intake. Kalau x tau, cuba check kat internet. Calories calculation is very important.Dari situ u akan tahu berapa calories u should consume in one day. Kalau still x naik gak, cuba weight gainer lain. I also tried many different brands until jumpa yang bebetu sesuai. weigh gainer ni different for different ppl.
Salam bro kevin, nak tanya apa tu compounded exercise? Cth thruster exercise. Saya cadang nak buat pagi2 after joging dan boleh solat subuh berjemaah. Adakah tu dah mencukupi utk buat muscle dan myself will look masculin? Cthnya broad shoulder, v shape and flat abs. Boleh dpt tak dgn hanya thruster exercise?
is it true creatine can cause barren
salam tuan. saya berat 45kg . suppliment superior mass sesuai dan selamat ke untuk diambil ? dan ada side effect ke?