Nescafe recently launched an ad campaign promoting coffee as a great source of antioxidants. Is it true? Yeah, coffee is probably one of the greatest sources of antioxidants:
Quoting an article over at
They concluded that the average adult consumes 1,299 milligrams of antioxidants daily from coffee. The closest competitor was tea at 294 milligrams. Rounding out the top five sources were bananas, 76 milligrams; dry beans, 72 milligrams; and corn, 48 milligrams. According to the Agriculture Department, the typical adult American drinks 1.64 cups of coffee daily
Read Full article here
So is coffee good for you?
Like any good marketing campaign, they focus on selling you the plus points. Just how “sugar free” really means “fat full” or “fat free” means “sugar full” … well you get the point. We consumers ought to … well educate ourselves.
…antioxidants or not, coffee is a no-go for kids and those suffering from osteoporosis. Caffeine traps calcium – and can stunt growth among kids…
Last year, I wrote a post “I am a Coffeeholic! Isn’t Coffee (Caffeine) bad for you?” that will compare both the pros and cons of coffee.
“Caffeine traps calcium – and can stunt growth among kids…”
Nowonder my mum knocks my head when i try to drink her black coffee … LOL .. in indonesia there’s a saying that when children drink coffee they become very “DEGIL” LOL .. But i really should thank her for knocking if not i wouldn’t be tall =)
They just keep on playing this advert and there’s a particular one stuck inside my head; the one with the guy asking the girl “What is the best natural source of anti-oxidant” and the girl replies “Coffee” …
i loved my cup of nescafe =) but i’ve stopped drinking it about 2 months ago…got sleep-problem…
hmmm, nescafe breakfast, big poopoo 1 hr later
public must not listen to any campaign by all this marketing big shot..
we need alot more people like you kevin.. to educate the public..
coffee is only good for adult..
kalau adult pun tak bleh kontrol minum kopi sampai ada masalah tok tidor then kener la berhenti minum kopi..
kesederhanaan is important..
Hi Kevin, nice blog here. Found it while googling for gym reviews.
BTW I agree with Ida – moderation is the key. I pun suka minum kopi, sampaikan lepas minum satu mug pun boleh je tido no problem (?). Tapi masih kena ambik minuman & makanan sihat yg lain, sebab I masih BF-kan baby.
@Millia – thanks for droppin by 🙂
@ida – yeah kesederhanaan is key. That probably applies to everything in life.
Yeah, indeed a nice blog u have here Kevin! Keep it up!
[…] herbs. I have blogged about the good and bad of caffeine or coffee in several of my blog posts or is coffee is good antioxidant as Nestle […]