I am getting married … tomorrow!

New baju melayu? Slideshows? Well will be done tomorrow..Hantaran pun is ready …. Everything is ready… The day has finally come … wow! Can’t quite believe that I am taking the plunge tomorrow after some 31 years!
How do I feel? Obviously super excited but like anyone else I have to admit that I am feeling rather anxious, nervous and all kinds of feelings. Tomorrow is a big day. A day where a 31year old chapter will close and another opens.
Am I ready? Yeah! Definitely ready to commit myself and share everything … no more “you” and “me” … just “us” and “we”. Took me a while to get to this point … I remember in my mid 20s, marriage was the furthest on my mind …. but slowly as I hit my late 20s, the idea of starting a family didn’t seem so bad after all … being a husband and a father is something I can see myself doing …. and I wanna do it well!

Lets hope tomorrow goes well and that it marks the beginning of my family life with the women of my dreams 🙂 … insyallah

More updates tomorrow.

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