Life, karma and yeah its ironies

By the time you read this post, its probably the 10th draft. Just like my turning 30 post, not really sure where I am heading with this post ... but its to share and serve as a reminder to myself for the future.
July has been interesting. I realized some things that I never really had to deal with before. A month where instead of giving advice and consultation, I find myself seeking advice from the people close to me. This month has been a good reminder that no matter how strong or successful we are, our own .... or in this case, my own strengths can backfire. A friend of mine warned me about this not so long ago and yeah, she was right!
I know what I want in life. I know what are the things I value most. Irony is that at times my actions or image do not portray these things.
I dont consider myself famous nor do I want to be. I wrote about this 3 yrs back but again fame has never been a craving of mine. Never will be. I want and live a simple life. Generally I dont care too about what strangers think about me. I can't please the world and dont try to but when a person I care about is influenced by these "opinions", it is harder to digest - lagi2 if I have no control over them. If that is the price of fame than I dont need it.
Talking about control. I am very good at controlling myself - my health, my career .. my life. Control gives me stability ... but was reminded this month that I can't control everything. Rather than trying to control the situation, I must learn to take a step back no matter how much I want it.
Victories give you confidence but can lead to over-confidence and carelessness. Everyone needs to face defeat as a reminder that we need to remain humble. This month I am glad to have been humbled in the hope that it will lead to success in the future.
I have my priorities. I now need to make sure that the things in my life are aligned to make it as easy as possible to accomplish.

Biggest Loser Asia Auditions in Malaysia

I'm sure by now, most of you have heard that The Biggest Loser Asia is coming to town this weekend.

The Show - "The Biggest Loser Asia"

The Biggest Loser is a life-changing unscripted US series by NBC in which everybody “loses” to win. It challenges and encourages severely overweight contestants to undergo strenuous physical and mental challenges in order to shed pounds. The one who loses the most gains not only a grand cash prize but also a healthy body!

Shot and produced in Malaysia

The Biggest Loser Asia is Hallmark Channel’s first foray into local production, after it successfully secured the broadcast rights for eight seasons of the popular US reality series since early 2009. It will be shot and product in our very own Malaysia

Whats to win?

One lucky contestant will become a spokesperson in the drive against obesity in Asia and win US$100,000 along the way!

How to enroll?

Casting for the Asian series is open for those who want and have the desire and competitive edge to vie for this opportunity to change their lives forever.

From June 22 to Aug 31, hopefuls can send in their applications online at, in the mail and or turn up at casting events.

Who is the host?

My good friend - Sarimah Ibrahim! Congratulations. You deserve it.

Who are the trainers?

Not sure but i have my screen test for one of the trainers this Sunday. I better impress so keep your fingers crossed for me.

...i have my screen test for one of the trainers this Sunday. I better impress so keep your fingers crossed for me...

The Biggest Loser season 6 is now on the Hallmark Channel at 9pm every Tuesday.

Video 8TV Quickie with Kevin Zahri

Following is a copy of my guest appearance on Malaysia's 8TV Quickie hosted by Prem and Zhar. You can check out more videos here.

Lose 15kg per year - 10 Calorie Saving Tips

Following article was writter for You can read the Gua version here
Seperti mana yg kita tahu, penambahan berat badan adalah akibat daripada kalori surplus di mana “calorie in” melebihi “calorie out”. Di sini badan akan menyimpan calorie berlebihan ini sebagai lemak dengan kadar 3500 calorie untuk setiap lb.
Jadi sekiranya anda ingin kurangkan berat badan anda sebanyak 1lb, you need to somehow get rid of 3500 calorie – samada melalui senaman, pemakanan atupun gabungan kedua2.

...calorie berlebihan ini sebagai lemak dengan kadar 3500 calorie untuk setiap lb...


Andaikata anda gemari the tarik (calorie = 90 secawan) dan minum 300 cawan setahun. 90x300 = 27000 calorie. Now in order to lose some weight, you now decide untuk cut-down on the the tarik dan instead of secawan, anda hanya minum half the serving. Jadi sekarang, jumlah calorie setahun adalah 45x300 = 13500 calorie. This saves you 13500 calorie setahun dan 13500 caloires = 3.85lb (13500/3500) …. So hanya dengan minum separuh cawan the tarik, you can lose 3.85lb tahun! Not bad huh …..

10 simple tricks on how we Malaysians can save calories

So today, I will illustrate 10 simple tricks on how we Malaysians can save calories in practical ways.

Tip Jimat Sebelum Selepas Savings per Yr
1 The Tarik 300 Cawan @ 90 calorie secawan 300 Cawan (separuh) @ 45 calorie/serving 3.9 lb
2 Coke to Diet Coke 100 Cans of Regular Coke (150 calories) 100 Cans of Diet Coke (0 calories) 4.3 lb
3 Nasi Lemak – Nasi Putih 100 nasi lemak (390 calories) setahun. Change 50 to regular white rice (160 calories) 3.3 lb
4 Egg White Only 100 eggs (70 calories) setahun. 100 egg tanpa telur kuning (20 calorie) 1.4 lb
5 Nasi Separuh 300 serving nasi mamak (260 calorie) 300 nasi separuh (160 calorie) 8.6 lb
6 Mocha to Coffee 50 Mochas (315 calories) 50 Regular Coffees (70 calories) 3.5 lb
7 Park further away 350 times park near destination 350 times park 100m further away (6 calories) 0.6 lb
8 Take the stairs 400x take the lift 400x take 2 flight of stairs (10 calories) 1.1 lb
9 Exercise a lil No jogging 1x jogging setiap minggu selama 20minit ( 2.8 lb
10 Futsal Sekali Seminggu No futsal 1x futsal setiap 2 minggu (60 minit @ 350 calories 2.6 lb


34 lb or 15.5 kg

Note that the following is just an estimate. Exact results may vary.

Are you in control of your weight? Probably not.

The honest truth is - most people don't have control over their weight.

Control? Yes, its just like financial success

Want to get rich? Than you need to be able to control cash flow - income and expenditure. Want to be successful in managing your weight? Than you gotta know how to control .. well yeah income and expenditure as well. But rather than controling cash flow, for weight management, we need to control calories. Sounds easy!? Sure but its easier said than done.

For cash flow, you need to understand 1) how much money you are earning and 2) how to spend money. Its no different for weight management.

Quiz: Are you in control of your weight?

Let me ask you the following questions:

  • Do you know many calories you need per day?
  • How many calories are you currently consuming?
  • And how many calories are you burning per day?

95% of you are probably clueless. That's exactly where you problems starts. If you want to manage your weight, you need to take control. In order to take control, you need to know yourself. You need knowledge. You need to buy my eBook hahaha .... just kidding.

Want to learn how many calories you need and how to control you weight? Get a copy of my "24 Questions" eBook for only RM20. Or you can sign up for a personal consultation session with me where we go through everything in detail. Knowledge is everything.

What are the Calories in Milk and Cream?

What would we do without milk and cream?
Milk is probably one of the most nutritious foods around. It's balanced, rich in calcium and used for everything! Without milk, there would be no cereals, no teh tarik and hey a lot of the coffee drinks wouldn't be the same.
Ok enough about that ... as much as milk is good for us, milk and creams can contain lots of fat that ain't helping your weight management in the long run. Hence knowing what you put in your mouth does help.

Head on over to for more calorie details for milk etc

List of Calories in Milk and Creams (for 150ml)

Following tables the calorie contenct for various milks and creams based on a 150ml (a regular glass) serving. Exact calorie content would depend on preparation etc.

Milks Calories Fat
Milk skimmed (pasteurised) 65 0.3g
Semi-skimmed 100 3.5g
Whole Milk Full Fat 130 7g
Condensed Milk Whole (Susu Pekat Manis) 600 20g
Evaporated milk whole 300 18g
Goats Milk 130 7g
Soya Milk 75 4g
Creams Calories Fat
Half Cream 300 27g
Single Cream 410 40g
Soured Cream 420 42g
Whip Cream 780 80g
Double Cream 910 100g

"24 Questions" - Health & Fitness eBook is Now Available

I am excited to announce the arrival of my first eBook entitled "24 Questions". It is a collection of the twenty four most frequently asked health and fitness questions I constantly get asked when conducting wellness seminars, personal training and yeah a lot of email enquiries as well.

The eBook

The 59 page book is full of color, easy to read, filled with quick tips, illustrations and in-depth analysis for each of the 24 questions.

Visit the "24 Questions" ebook page for purchase information etc. You can also download sample pages here.

Charity for SaveTheChildren

With an affordable price of RM20, RM2 for every eBook we sold, will be donated to Save the Children - Helping Children in Poverty and Children in Need

Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks: The Ultimate Body Makeover

Female - Malaysia's leading fashion & beauty magazine and I recently collaborated on an in depth weight loss guide. The article "Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks" is published in the July 2009 edition of FEMALE magazine.

Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks Details

The 11 page special is an indepth guide helping you to set goals, understand your nutrition needs, teach you how to build a target meal plan for weight loss, day-by-day weight loss analysis and exercise guidelines to get that lean body.

In line with their fitness special, we are also conducting our women's only (sorry guys) fitness workshop at Celebrity Fitness on the 25th July 2009.

MJ's "Man In The Mirror" and How to Get Started in Fitness?

By now, I'm sure everyone has received the shocking news that the King of Pop, Michael Jackson has suddenly died earlier this morning. Out of his many ever-lasting classics, "Man In the Mirror" was a song I always found so very meaningful - even as a lil kid back in Germany.

Whether it is weight loss, global warming or anything else, it simply starts with "the man in the mirror. I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways" That's a rule I uphold dearly. The journey of life, the decisions we make, the principles we uphold - its all in our own hands and change starts with yourself.

My favorite MJ song "Man in The Mirror"

I'm Gonna Make A Change,
For Once In My Life
It's Gonna Feel Real Good,
Gonna Make A Difference
Gonna Make It Right . . .
As I, Turn Up The Collar On My
Favourite Winter Coat
This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind
I See The Kids In The Street,
With Not Enough To Eat
Who Am I, To Be Blind?
Pretending Not To See
Their Needs
A Summer's Disregard,
A Broken Bottle Top
And A One Man's Soul
They Follow Each Other On
The Wind Ya' Know
'Cause They Got Nowhere
To Go
That's Why I Want You To
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
(If You Wanna Make The
World A Better Place)
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change
(Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change)
I've Been A Victim Of A Selfish
Kind Of Love
It's Time That I Realize
That There Are Some With No
Home, Not A Nickel To Loan
Could It Be Really Me,
Pretending That They're Not
A Willow Deeply Scarred,
Somebody's Broken Heart
And A Washed-Out Dream
(Washed-Out Dream)
They Follow The Pattern Of
The Wind, Ya' See
Cause They Got No Place
To Be
That's Why I'm Starting With
(Starting With Me!)

Michael, may you rest in piece!

FREE Fitness Workshop – 25th July. Register today.

Join our third FREE public fitness workshop to learn about everything from weight loss, exercise technique, nutrition and much more.

This workshop combines both theory and exercise sessions to help you answer any question(s) you may have, illustrate do's & dont's and also address the most common questions about fitness, nutrition, exercise, goal setting and much much more.

Interested? Simply register online or call our office at 03-42705250 or Watie (016-6880304)

Upcoming workshop details:

  • Date: 25th July 2009 (Saturday)
  • Time: 11am - 2pm
  • Location: Yoga Studio, Celebrity Fitness, Bangsar Village II, Jalan Telawi, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • No of pax: 40pax
  • Freebies: Each participant will receive a goodies bag from Celebrity Fitness, Adidas, Fitness Concept etc...

Each participant will receive a 2-week FREE trial membership and 1 personal training session from Celebrity Fitness worth RM500 and much more..

Coffee a top source of healthy antioxidants?

Nescafe recently launched an ad campaign promoting coffee as a great source of antioxidants. Is it true? Yeah, coffee is probably one of the greatest sources of antioxidants:

Quoting an article over at
They concluded that the average adult consumes 1,299 milligrams of antioxidants daily from coffee. The closest competitor was tea at 294 milligrams. Rounding out the top five sources were bananas, 76 milligrams; dry beans, 72 milligrams; and corn, 48 milligrams. According to the Agriculture Department, the typical adult American drinks 1.64 cups of coffee daily
Read Full article here

So is coffee good for you?

Like any good marketing campaign, they focus on selling you the plus points. Just how "sugar free" really means "fat full" or "fat free" means "sugar full" ... well you get the point. We consumers ought to ... well educate ourselves.

...antioxidants or not, coffee is a no-go for kids and those suffering from osteoporosis. Caffeine traps calcium - and can stunt growth among kids...

Last year, I wrote a post "I am a Coffeeholic! Isn't Coffee (Caffeine) bad for you?" that will compare both the pros and cons of coffee.