Fitness 24/7 "Cover" Preview

Dear all,

The sneak preview section of my upcoming book, "Fitness 24/7" or "Cergas 24/7 (Malay Version)" are the respective covers. The website,, will be up (including pre-orders) hopefully by Monday (5th November).

Fitness 24/7 "Cover" Preview

Dear all,
The sneak preview section of my upcoming book, "Fitness 24/7" or "Cergas 24/7 (Malay Version)" are the respective covers. The website,, will be up (including pre-orders) hopefully by Monday (5th November).

How to be fit? (Camane nak fit?)

Q: How to you get fit?

A: Most importantly, fitness is self defined. How? Lets just say that for a triathlete, gym buff and working professional, the word "fitness" has a very different meaning.
Health & fitness also is very personal. To me fitness is the ability to perform my daily activities comfortably and with ease.

To me fitness is the ability to perform my daily activities comfortably and with ease.

So here fitness expectation pun will change over time (as I age hahaha)....even throughout the year: my needs during ramadhan would obviously differ from times when I prepare for a triathlon (dulu la) or sport events.

So say you wanna increase your fitness, what to do?

Whereas latihan beban trains your muscles, fitness training is all about training your heart muscles, its ability to pump blood.
How do you "train" your heart? Through senaman cardiovascular (cardio).

  • What is cardio? Any exercise that you do continuously for a certain amount of time
  • Sample exercises: running, climbing, sports, jogging, dancing, aerobics etc
  • For how long? At least 20 if you pelbagaikan (diversify) masa dan cara
  • Berapa kali seminggu? up to you but def not everyday....remember to rest. 2-4 kali seminngu will do it.
  • Do you have to push yourself? mestila....but not sampai u pengsan....pentingkan diversiti dan mempelbagaikan your approach
  • What about heart rate? useful if you have a heart rate monitor but for guidance - if you tak bole bercakap ketika bersenam....than you are training too hard!
  • makan or minum? Depends on your goal, if you are strictly training in increase fitness, make sure you have simple carbs before and after your training.
  • What about weight training? Generally, weight training trains your muscles dan bukan your heart, unless anda buat circuit training.
  • Thats it? Yup pretty much

First of all you gotta remember that it doesn't happen overnight take time to train your heart.

First of all you gotta remember that it doesn't happen overnight take time to train your heart. Tapi do it for a lifetime...not just untuk 2-3 minggu :D

Busy busy... & new laptop

Almost a week since my last post. Lots of post raya work to catch up on and got a new laptop so its been a pain in the a$$ to set it up....moved from XP to Vista and installing certain software of leceh I tell you.

Now its pretty much all set up and should be back with posts soon...

Oh book fitness 24/7 should be available for pre-order next week :D

Busy busy... & new laptop

Almost a week since my last post. Lots of post raya work to catch up on and got a new laptop so its been a pain in the a$$ to set it up....moved from XP to Vista and installing certain software of leceh I tell you.
Now its pretty much all set up and should be back with posts soon...
Oh book fitness 24/7 should be available for pre-order next week :D

Back in the Gym...and Soooooooooore!

Its been six week since I last did any kind of weight training, sports or even any physical activity really.....thank to puasa la.

Yesterday was day #1 for me and although mentally I was up for it, physically (my body) wasn't. but thats entirely normal. Especially if your body (like mine) has been in "hibernation" or "doing absolutely nothing" mode for the last month and a half.

The result? Today my muscles are gila2 sore but its expected after a long layoff

So if you are thinking about starting your training program selepas puasa and raya, here a quick guide for you:

Before you go:

  • Make sure you are not injured or hurt
  • Energize yourself with a proper pre-exercise meal. For me its carbs and a protein shake
  • Just do it! Sometimes the hardest part is to actually start training again. Drag yourself if you have to

At the gym:

  • Start slow.....I go on the treadmill for a slow2 jog for about 5 minutes
  • Once you are warmed up, do some light stretching
  • Go easy on the weights
  • Start with compound movements
  • Listen to your body. If you feel dizzy (which is normal your body is in shock), stop and rest
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • sekali lagi, Go easy on the weights....forget about impressing ppl next to you ;)

When you first start, make sure to take it easy and build your strength for time...

After the gym

  • Cool down....just like you started....slight running and stretching (in that order)
  • Drink water and replace electrolytes with a sports drink (kalau bole)
  • Within about 30 minit, go for a protein shake to aid your muscle recovery process
  • Rest

The day'll be sore as hell.

  • Make sure to eat consistently to bekalkan nutrisi yang berkekalan untuk membaiki otot2
  • Rest and drink lots of fluids
  • Don't hit the gym the very next day, if possible
  • Enjoy the "pain"...soreness is a good sign that your body is reacting to your training ;)

Book Update - "Fitness 24/7"

Dear all,

Good news! My book, "Fitness 24/7" is finally done and has gone into printing. Click on the sample page to give you an idea of that the book looks like.

Some features about the book, fitness 24/7

  • Ada Edisi BM and English
  • Full Color
  • 176 Pages
  • Based on the Asian (Malaysian) lifestyle with local calorie guide

Officially the book will only go on sale early January 2008 but you will be able to pre-order the book here and at its website (

Why should you pre-book?

  • Get discount
  • Free Shipping
  • Extra Freebies (from Adidas, Fitness Concept, Fitness First etc)
  • Coz its an awesome book...takut sold out nanti ;)

Book Update - "Fitness 24/7"

Dear all,

Good news! My book, "Fitness 24/7" is finally done and has gone into printing. Click on the sample page to give you an idea of that the book looks like.

Some features about the book, fitness 24/7

  • Ada Edisi BM and English
  • Full Color
  • 176 Pages
  • Based on the Asian (Malaysian) lifestyle with local calorie guide

Officially the book will only go on sale early January 2008 but you will be able to pre-order the book here and at its website (

Why should you pre-book?

  • Get discount
  • Free Shipping
  • Extra Freebies (from Adidas, Fitness Concept, Fitness First etc)
  • Coz its an awesome book...takut sold out nanti ;)

Selamat Hari Raya

Dear all,
I would like to take this opportunity dan ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin kepada anda semua. Mana la health tips kurang berkesan ke or I terlambat or still haven't replied your messages :) I do my best to reply but usually always minta maaf banyak2.
Where will I raya this year? Just here in KL. Not going anywhere kot. Somehow once dah "berumur" nie hahaha raya is not quite what it used to be la.
Jangan lupa invite me to your open houses :)

Buka Puasa with Anak Yatim & Serina

Below are some pictures from a buka puasa event bersama anak yatim on October 6th 2007. It was charity function organized by Ampang Point,our dear friend Serina and other parties yang sudi memberi sumbangan.

Serina, thanks for the invite :) You did a great job.

For more pictures, visit my gallery.

Buka Puasa with Anak Yatim & Serina

Below are some pictures from a buka puasa event bersama anak yatim on October 6th 2007. It was charity function organized by Ampang Point,our dear friend Serina and other parties yang sudi memberi sumbangan.

Serina, thanks for the invite :) You did a great job.

For more pictures, visit my gallery.

10 tips on handling festivities, buffets & cravings

Musim perayaan adalah waktu yang paling mencabar. Terutama bagi mereka yang sedang berusaha untuk mengurangkan berat badan. Kadang2 segala usaha dan titik peluh sepanjang tahun hilang hanya dalam sebulan dua akibat musim perayaan yang begitu…err enticing dan memberangsangkan taste buds anda.

10 tips on handling a kenduri, festivities, buffets and cravings

    Tata-susila sebagai tetamu? Tentu kita perlu cuba makanan yang dihidangan, tetapi tidak perlu makan kesemuanya.

  1. 1.
    Jika anda menghadiri open house, Majlis perkahwinan dll, makan/minum snack seperi (segelas susu lemak rendah , soya milk dll). Ia akan menolong anda untuk mengawal nafsu semasa menunggu makanan tiba di Majlis.
  2. 2.
    Sentiasa mulakan dengan makanan asas ataupun “main course (i.e. rice, meat and vegetables). Simpan desserts dan buah-buahan for later.
  3. 3.
    Jika boleh, stick to plain water. Saya selalu membawa air mineral sendiri.
  4. 4.
    Makan dengan perlahan. Jangan ikut nafsu. Ia mengambil masa lebih kurang 20 minit untuk actually feel full (kenyang).
  5. 5.
    Reward yourself dengan dessert (manis-manisan) tetapi dengan kedar yang “sederhana”.
  6. 6.
    Tata-susila sebagai tetamu? Tentu kita perlu cuba makanan yang dihidangan, tetapi tidak perlu makan kesemuanya.
  7. 7.
    Jika boleh, stick kepada makanan yang anda kenali.
  8. 8.
    Elakkan makanan yang digoreng, breaded dan berminyak.Pilihlah makanan yang distim atau dipanggang.
  9. 9.
    Pandai portion hidangan anda. Walaupun ia “kurang berkhasiat”, ia still can be balanced (seimbang in terms of carbohydrates, protein dan lemak)
  10. 10.
    Jika anda berikan reward , pastikan anda dapat back it up dengan makanan yang lebih sihat. Contoh, jika makan malam adalah buffet, pastikan sarapan dan makan tengah hari adalah baik untuk diri anda.

Note: The above adalah petikan daripada monthly column I di majalah InTrend. Get your copy today :)