Video Blog "FitTV" - Coming Soon?
Been thinking bout this for a while, especially with my book (Fitness 24/7) coming out soon.
What is FitTV? Hmmm.....a health & fitness related video blog :) Uploaded through YouTube and embedded her. Let me know what you think.
How I lost 6kg in 3 month without exercise!
This believe it or not happened against my will. Biasanya my berat is around 68kg. Just before weight was 62kg. Good? Well not really...but i expected to lose weight.
How did I lose it?
I lost the weight by exercising LESS! Yes less :)
I've been so busy with my book and setting up my web company that I hardly had time to go to the gym, so instead of going to the gym 3-4 kali semingu, I only managed 1-2 kali. Also I obviously tak guna any fat burners, wasn't trying to lose weight pun but I knew I wouldn't be able to sustain my weight (muscles) without latihan berat.
If I don't exercise much, I have to jaga my food more.
The result: I lose 6kgs......mainly muscles and am I bit leaner now. Am I happy? Not really, I'd rather be a bit bigger around 68kg but dengan takde masa and no weight training...I expected to lose weight :)
...dengan takde masa and no weight training...I expected to lose weight...
Lepas raya, once kurang sibuk...I'll hit the gym macam biasa and get back to 68kg :)
The lesson:
- Yes you can lose weight without exercise. Its all about the food intake.
- Losing or gaining weight is all about know how :)
KL Buffet Ramadhan 2007 Guide
I got this ramadhan buffet guie from my friends. Its for selected restaurants and hotel in Kuala Lumpur.
Selamat Berbuka and Enjoy ;)...oh my lemme know mana yang sedap.
Health Post Request - What Do You Think?
Hey everyone...
I've been getting a lot of email enquiries lately on health & fitness questions. Terima kasih banyak for the emails. Really appreciate it.
Problem I have now is I can't answer all the jawapan sometimes is not the straight forward....
So what do you guys think would be a good idea to prioritize? Here's what I think we could do....
- Maybe a weekly poll like "Question of the week poll"? or
- A page where yu can post questions?
- Continue macam sekarang?
- Chat Room?
- Anything else?
Lemme know what you guys think. Thanks.
Day 1 - Pass! ... Selamat Berpuasa
ahhhh...the time now is 3:35am!....i know i know....kenapa tak tidur lagi?!? Coz its puasa month so to all of you, selamat berpuasa :)
So really why am I up so late? Kerja. Usually for the first few days of puasa, I sure headache (dehydration and no kopi) so susah sikit to kerja while berpuasa.....jadi I gotta kerja (blogging pun kerja la kot)....
So I'm gonna sahur in a bit, sambil2 tengok TV.
Ok everyone, i'll keep ya'll posted on my puasa progress :) Target this year: Puasa Penuh! hahahaha betul la and not to forget terawih (malam tadi dapat dah).
Again...selamat berpuasa to everyone :)
Education Talk: UMT Terengganu
Spent the last coulple of days at Kuala Terengganu as I was invited by University Malaysia Terengganu to give a career/education talk to their "Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekomoni".
The talk was about life after university, expectation, the real world, entrepreneurship, intervies and other issues.
Thanks a lot to En Rosman dan his wife Pn Maznah, Lim for the intro, Ether for taking the pictures and everyone else at UMT for your hospitality. I had a great time.
Here are some pics, you can also find them in the gallery.
RM900 mil cost over unhealthy lifestyle (Source theStar)
Makes an interest read: (Source is from theStar)
RM900 mil cost over unhealthy lifestyle
JOHOR BARU: The people's unhealthy lifestyle is setting the government back by RM900mil - the amount needed to supply medicines in public hospitals.
Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said 80% of premature coronary heart disease cases were caused by unhealthy eating, lack of exercise and smoking.
Read more
10 Things You Didn't Know About Me
Aaaaaaa people will always stereotype, make assumptions and obviously are entitled to judge and have their first impressions about anyone.....termasuk me la. So here are 10 questions or assumptions people have about me.
- 1.
"He must be a health freak". Not at all....people that know tahu that sebenarnya I live a very normal life....I go to the mamak, makan nasi lemak dan makan just what others eat 2. - 2.
"Dia sure diet gile-gile". Like I kata tadi..not at all. FYI I head to the mamak about 4-5 times a week 2. My secret? If there was one its about balancing the food you take....if I have nasi lemak in the morning, I pastikan lunch and dinner are better choices. - 3.
"Pergi Gym hari-hari". Actually tak....dengan my busy schedule...kalau dapat pergi 3 kali seminggu pun dah kira satu kejayaan :) Its all about quality trainin..bukan quantiti. Nanti ya'll can buy my book and find out how :) - 4.
"Macam Sombong Je". Haahaha this one I get a lot la. I dunno why...maybe my air muka kot. But i always tell people takkan I nak jalan and senyum sokmo! Nanti orang kata I gile pulak :) - 5.
"Kevin ni sure tak bole cakap melayu". Hmmmm well since I tak lahir kat sini, BM I tak sehebat orang yang lahir di Malaysia. But dengan my family melayu, sekolah menengah melayu....i rasa its good :D just sounds a lil funny.Read more
Top 10 Questions For Getting Abs
Abs are hot today, yesterday and probably forever....unless of course we go back to the days when having "1 ab" was hot :D....i dengar in some countries it still is.
- Want abs? Then you need to get rid of that layer of fat antara your ab muscles and skin. 1000s of crunches won't help unless you get rid of the layer of fat
- How to remove the fat? Through diet and cardio exercise...not crunches. Skinny people who never do a single crunch have great abs coz they have little fat covering them
- Can you spot reduce fat from you tummy? Nope sorry tak bole.Read more
Q: Can we lose weight through "dance" classes?
In short, yes you can. How much you'll lose depends on how long you perform the classes, the intensity, you weight and obviously how much you eat opposed to your calorie needs :D. You can lose weight doing just about any could even lose weight without doing any exercises at all :D
Its all about burning ("calories out") more calories than you are consuming ("calories in").
2 Ways to Lose weight
You can lose weight in 2+1 ways:
1. Reducing your food intake (calories in)
2. Increasing your calorie output
2+1. Combination of the 2.Read more
What is the best fat burner?
Everyone's favorite question or supplement
Ok since ramai yang email tanya pasal fat burner mana yang terbaik, following is my feedback on various fat burners available.
First mari tengok the different types of fat burners, kesesuaian, "the best fat burner for you dan juga top 5 fat burner daripada maxtrition.
Fat burner Types
- Thermogenic Fat Burners - most common
- Stimulant-Free Fat Burners - without the use of stimulants like caffeine/guarana
- Carb Blockers - blocks carbs from being digested
- Fat Blockers - blocks fat from being digested
- Thyroid Regulators - controls your bodies use of fat cells.
- Appetite Suppressants - control your appetite.
- Cortisol Blockers
- Fat Loss Gels/Cream - works on your fat cells below the skin.
Your Ramadhan Training Guide
Makan apa? Boleh training tak? Jogging macamane? Nak Kurus? Nak Gemuk :D
Oleh kerana ramai yang bertanya mengenai cara bersenam during this holy month, below is a basic guideline.