Top 10 Corporate Wellness Speakers in Malaysia

Corporate wellness speakers are in high demand for many businesses, as they strive to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees. One effective way to address this issue is to bring in expert speakers who can share their knowledge and experience with your team. In Malaysia, there are a number of excellent corporate wellness speakers Malaysia who can help you create a healthier, happier, and more productive workplace. Here are the 10 best corporate wellness speakers in Malaysia:

1. Dr. Arunan Selvaraj

Dr. Selvaraj is a medical doctor with expertise in corporate health and wellness. He is the founder of the Aruna Group, which provides corporate wellness solutions for businesses of all sizes. Dr. Selvaraj is a dynamic corporate wellness speaker who can inspire your team to take charge of their health and wellbeing.

2. Dato' Dr. Rajbans Singh

Dato' Dr. Singh is a renowned consultant physician with over 30 years of experience in the field of medicine. He has a special interest in corporate wellness and has been involved in several successful wellness programs for large corporations in Malaysia. His talks are insightful, informative and motivating.

3. Dr. Eugene Tee

Dr. Tee is a corporate wellness consultant and certified health coach. He has worked with numerous multinational corporations in Malaysia to develop wellness programs that improve employee health and productivity. His talks are engaging and practical, providing actionable advice that your team can put into practice right away.

4. Datin Dr. Angeline Yong

Datin Dr. Yong is a medical doctor with expertise in preventive medicine and lifestyle management. She is the founder of the Wellness Lifestyle Group, which provides wellness solutions for individuals and corporations. Her talks are informative and inspiring, and she is known for her practical advice on healthy living.

5. Tan Sri Dr. Jemilah Mahmood

Tan Sri Dr. Mahmood is a public health expert and humanitarian who has worked in crisis zones around the world. She is a powerful speaker who can inspire your team to take action on their health and wellbeing, and her talks are often focused on the importance of resilience and self-care.

6. Dr. Hidayatul Radziah Ismawi

Dr. Ismawi is a medical doctor and wellness consultant who has worked with numerous Malaysian corporations to develop wellness programs. Her talks are practical and focused on the benefits of healthy living, and she is known for her ability to engage with audiences of all backgrounds.

7. Dr. Arshad Ahmad

Dr. Ahmad is a corporate wellness consultant and certified health coach who has worked with businesses of all sizes to develop wellness programs. His talks are practical and informative, providing your team with the tools they need to improve their health and wellbeing.

8. Kevin Zahri

Kevin Zahri is a well-known Malaysian fitness expert, nutritionist, and wellness coach. He is the founder of Kevz Academy, a platform that provides online coaching for fitness, nutrition, and weight loss. He has also authored several books on fitness and wellness, including "Changing Habits, Changing Lives" and "Bukan Aku Tak Cinta." His talks are engaging and informative, providing your team with practical advice on how to improve their fitness and overall health.

Contact Kevin Zahri for a free quote today.

9. Dr. Raj Kumar

Dr. Kumar is a medical doctor and wellness consultant who has worked with numerous Malaysian corporations to develop wellness programs. His talks are practical and informative, providing your team with the tools they need to improve their health and wellbeing.

10. Dr. Krishnan Rajam

Dr. Rajam is a medical doctor and corporate wellness expert who has worked with businesses of all sizes to develop wellness programs. His talks are practical and focused on the benefits of healthy living, and he is known for his ability to engage with audiences of all backgrounds.

In conclusion, these 10 corporate wellness speakers in Malaysia are some of the best in the business. They can help you create a healthier, happier, and more.

woman sitting on black chair in front of glass-panel window with white curtains

5 Weight Loss Hormones You MUST Know

You know that old saying, "When you're hungry, eat a sandwich?" Well, it turns out that it's not just a cute little saying. It's actually the body trying to tell you something—and if you know how to listen, it can help guide your weight loss and overall health. The body sends signals in the form of hormones that regulate hunger, satiety (or feeling full), and metabolism. If these hormones are all off-kilter or imbalanced in some way, then your diet may never work as well as you'd like or your pants might get tighter than they should be!

You can't change your genetics and there are so many factors involved when it comes to our bodies ability to maintain weight loss. But by becoming more aware of how our bodies react with certain foods and activities—and knowing how those things affect our hormones—we can better understand what works best for us when trying to lose weight or maintain wellness over time."


Insulin is a storage hormone. It's produced by the pancreas and secreted in response to high blood glucose levels, which means that your body releases it when you eat carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta. Insulin also promotes the uptake of glucose by cells.

This storage function is why many people think of insulin as a "fat storing" hormone: if you have an excess amount of carbs floating around in your blood (for example, because you just ate breakfast), then your body will produce more insulin than usual to store those excess carbs away in fat cells (in other words, they won't get used for energy). In fact, some researchers believe that this ability to store excess calories from carbohydrate-rich foods was one reason why humans evolved over millions of years—it gave us an edge over other animals who couldn't pack on extra pounds so easily!


Leptin is a hormone that helps regulate your metabolism. It's released by fat cells, and it regulates how many calories you need to maintain your weight. Leptin is also released in response to food intake, exercise, sleep, and stress. The more leptin you have circulating in your bloodstream, the less likely you are to store excess calories as fat.

When you eat more than usual or put on weight due to overeating or lack of exercise, this stimulates your fat cells (adipose tissue) - this causes them to produce more leptin so they can suppress your appetite.

However, if you're constantly under stress then this will affect your body’s ability to process carbohydrate effectively – which means that it can cause insulin resistance as well as preventing the release of growth hormones like HGH which could otherwise help prevent muscle loss during weight loss programs for example.


Ghrelin is a hormone that plays an important role in regulating hunger and eating. It's produced by the stomach and increases your appetite, boosting feelings of hunger and causing you to eat more food. It works by signaling to your brain when it's time to eat. Ghrelin also causes fat storage, which leads to weight gain and obesity over time.


When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol. This hormone is a response to stress and helps you cope with that stress by increasing blood sugar levels and providing energy for muscles to deal with the situation. Cortisol can be released in response to exercise as well, which is why many people who exercise regularly do not lose weight. Exercise causes your body to release cortisol and use it as fuel while strengthening your muscles, which means more calories are burned even after the workout has ended.

However, if you're constantly stressed out or overtraining yourself (by exercising too much), this can lead to weight gain because cortisol breaks down muscle mass instead of fat when there's not enough food available for energy needs—and it's much easier for our bodies to burn off muscle than fat!


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is essential for controlling behavior, motivation and feelings of pleasure. It’s also called the “feel good hormone” because it helps you to feel happy and motivated. Dopamine helps control your mood, movement, ability to focus on tasks, and motivation for food intake.

Dopamine is found in various parts of the body including:

  • Brain
  • Stomach
  • Heart

Dopaminergic neurons release dopamine into these areas when they detect an event that could potentially be rewarding (such as eating something sweet). This gives us the sense that activity was rewarding so we want to repeat it again in the future!

Hormones control weight loss and weight gain.

Hormones control weight loss and weight gain. They are chemical messengers released by the body that control many aspects of our lives, including hunger and fullness, metabolism, blood sugar and blood pressure.

Hormones also play a significant role in the storage or burning of fat. The more fat you have stored in your body (or adipose tissue), the higher your risk for obesity-related diseases such as diabetes or heart disease will be.


So there you have it, five hormones that control weight loss and weight gain. When we think about the body in terms of fat storage, it’s important to remember that not all our food is converted into fat. Some of it gets used as energy or stored in our muscles or liver as glycogen (more on this later). But most importantly, your hormones control every aspect of how your body processes food—and ultimately whether or not you lose weight!

Pembakar Lemak: Adakah Fat Burner Selamat Untuk Diguna?

Ini antara soalan yang memang popular. Terutama bagi mereka yang ingin kuruskan berat badan dengan cepat. Untuk menjawap soalan ini, kita perlu menjawap beberapa soalan yang lain.

Apa tu fat burner?

Kebanyakkan pembakar lemak atau fat burner seperti Lipo6, Hydroxycut, API Polythermex, Jusmate 5 dan lain-lain adalah jenis thermogenik.

Apa tu? Thermogenik adalah proses peningkatan metabolism badan. Di sini suplemen fat burner menggunakan kandungan seperti caffeine, guarana, MaHuang, Ginseng, tongkat ali, Chromium Picolinate, Kola dan lain-lain untuk mengingkatkan metabolism.

Sentiasa teliti kandungan sebelum beli mana-mana suplement fat burner atau pembakar lemak

Pembakar lemak tu umpama minum kopi keras yang meningkatkan denyutan jantung tapi kandungan "kopi" dalam pembakar lemak jauh lebih tinggi

Pembakar lemak bukanlah membakar lemak tapi mengingkatkan pembakaran kalori seharian anda (tingkatkan metabolism). Sebagai contoh theori:

  • Tanpa pembakar lemak: Penggunaan kalori badan anda 2,000kcal sehari.
  • Dengan pembakar lemak: Penggunaan kalori badan anda mungkin 2,100kcal sehari.
  • Teori: Jadi dengan defisit kalori yang lebih tinggi, maka (secara teori), anda boleh kurangkan berat badan dengan lebih cepat.

Sesuai tak untuk semua?

Macam minum kopi juga. Mengambil thermogenik fat burner tidak sesuai dan selesa digunakan untuk semua. Kalau anda tidak tahan minum kopi, maka kebarangkalian besar anda juga tidak selesa dengan kandungan seperti mahuang, guarana, caffeine dan lain-lain.

Apakah kesan sampingan pembakar lemak tu?

Kesan sampingan pembakar lemak sebenarnya adalah tanda bahawa pembakar lemak itu berkesan. Kenapa pulak? Sebab untuk membakar kalori berlebihan tu memanglah denyutan jantung itu akan naik. Dan peningkatan denyutan jantung itu memang disampingi dengan side effects seperti berikut:

  1. Resah
  2. Anxiety
  3. Nervousness
  4. Insomnia
  5. Cepat Marah
  6. Stress
  7. Tidak Tenang

Kalau anda tidak merasainya, maka kandungan fat burner itu tidak berkesan untuk anda. Dan kalau anda biasa minum kopi, mungkin kandungan fat burner tu pun tidak memberikan kesan yang ketara kepada anda.

Jadi bolehlah dikatakan bahawa anda inginkan side effect di atas kerana ia tanda metabolism badan anda berjaya ditingkatkan produk pembakar lemak itu ...

Pengalaman saya sendiri?

Saya pernah cuba satu produk pembakar lemak semasa di university. Walaupun saya minum 1-2 gelas kopi sehari, saya berasa kurang selesa dengan peningkatan metabolism produk berkenaan. Setelah 1-2 hari mengambilnya saya sentiasa berasa kurang tenang dan terus berhenti menggunakannya.

Dapatkan eBook panduan Suplemen Kurus saya untuk mengetahu rahsia produk-produk kurus.

Jadi selamat tak pembakar lemak tu?

Baiklah, sekarang kita sudah memahami kaedah penggunaan fat burner (yang bukanlah membakar lemak tapi meningkatkan metabolism badan).

Jangan gunakan: Elak penggunaan pembakar lemak sekiranya anda tidak pandai menjaga diet keseluruhan, tidak bersenam, mempunyai hipertension, masalah jantung atau penyakit kardiovaskular yang lain.

Boleh cuba: Sekiranya anda sudah pandai mengawal diet, aktif bersenam dan tidak mempunyai apa-apa masalah jantung atau penyakit kardiovaskular.

Ingat! Jangan bergantung kepada mana-mana suplemen untuk mengawal berat badan anda dan jangan gunakan pembakar lemak untuk jangka masa panjang.

8 Tips Elak Perut Buncit tanpa Produk

Kajian perubatan mendapati, jumlah lemak yang banyak di dalam badan boleh menyumbang kepada pembentukan kanser, penyakit diabetes, masalah kolesterol tinggi dan masalah jantung. Lebih teruk lagi, ia boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu berisiko tinggi untuk menderita dengan pelbagai penyakit sepanjang hidup mereka berbanding mereka yang tidak banyak  mempunyai lemak di bahagian perut walaupun mempunyai BMI yang sama.

Di artikel ini dikongsikan beberapa tips yang anda boleh diamalkan untuk mengelakkan lemak-lemak berlebihan di sekitar perut anda.

1. Elak Produk Kurus & Liposuction

Pertama sekali, 'liposuction', pil diet, diet secara ekstrim dan yang sewaktu dengannya sangatlah perlu dielakkan kerana ia adalah untuk kesan sementara sahaja dan ia juga boleh memberi kesan sampingan kepada diri anda. Sebagai contoh, 'liposuction' atau 'sedut lemak' ini boleh menyebabkan pendarahan dalaman, manakala pil diet pula akan memberi kesan kepada sistem saraf dan ia juga mungkin dihasilkan daripada bahan-bahan yang telah di 'ban' atau secara tidak sah.

2. Ambil Oats

Anda disyorkan menambah pengambilan makanan seperti oat yang mana ia rendah lemak, rendah karbohidrat yang tidak baik, dan rendah kalori tetapi tinggi nilai nutrisinya. Oat lebih elok dimakan kosong tanpa gula atau garam sekiranya anda ingin membuang lemak di perut dengan cepat. Walaubagaimanapun, jika anda tidak suka rasa yang kosong dan tawar, anda bolehlah menambah madu atau buah-buahan ke dalam hidangan oat anda.

3. Makan makanan berserat

Makanan serat atau bijirin penuh, buah-buahan segar, brokoli, lobak, dan tomato adalah antara yang paling baik untuk menghilangkan lemak di perut. Makanan ini tidak mempunyai kalori yang tinggi tetapi mempunyai banyak serat fiber, mineral dan vitamin di dalamnya.

4. Makan Hidangan Yang Kecil 4-6x Sehari

Selain itu, untuk mengurangkan lemak di bahagian perut, anda perlulah makan dalam jumlah yang kecil (4 – 6 hidangan) berbanding mengambil 1 – 3 hidangan yang banyak dalam sehari. Dengan berbuat demikian, kadar metabolisma anda akan meningkat kerana metabolisma tidak perlu memecahkan makanan sesukar yang dihadapi sekiranya anda makan makanan dengan jumlah yang banyak. Selain itu, dengan meminum teh atau kopi juga boleh meningkatkan metabolisma anda tetapi haruslah mengawal pengambilan minuman jenis ini.

5. Bersenam 3-4x Seminggu

Salah satu langkah yang paling penting untuk membantu menghapuskan lemak di bahagian perut adalah dengan melakukan senaman sekurang-kurangnya 3 – 4 kali setiap minggu. Latihan senaman ini hendaklah digabungkan dengan diet harian yang sihat, iaitu 50% latihan dan 50% diet untuk penurunan berat badan yang ideal !

6. Kurangkan Stres

Semasa bersenam, anda disyorkan untuk bersenam sambil mendengar lagu atau apa jua jenis muzik kegemaran anda untuk membantu anda fokus semasa bersenam. Muzik dikatakan salah satu langkah untuk membantu anda kekal bertenaga dan sentiasa meningkatkan keseronokan terhadap jadual latihan senaman anda. Ia juga dapat mengelakkan anda dari berasa bosan semasa bersenam.

7. Build a sustainable Plan

Sebagai tambahan kepada tips-tips di atas, anda disyorkan untuk membuat pelan latihan dan diet harian dan mematuhi pelan tersebut setiap hari. Tulis target anda, impian anda, berat badan ideal anda, dan tindakan yang anda boleh ambil untuk mencapai target untuk menghilangkan lemak di bahagian perut anda.

8. Biar Konsisten

Menetapkan target adalah cara yang baik untuk membantu anda sentiasa berada di atas 'trek' yang betul bukan hanya untuk menghilangkan perut buncit, malah untuk kesejahteraan hidup anda sepanjang hayat. Seperti kata pepatah, 'Mereka yang gagal merancang adalah mereka yang merancang untuk gagal'. Dan saya pasti anda semua tidak mahu menjadi seorang yang gagal.

Akhir sekali, memakan makanan seperti pisang, buah anggur, telur putih, kekacang, minyak zaitun, dan buah zaitun serta 100% serat boleh membantu menyumbangkan ke arah penurunan jumlah lemak di perut anda!

Best Exercises to Lose Weight at Home


When you're trying to lose weight, it's important to stay active. The right types of exercises can help you burn calories and shed those pounds while also improving your overall health. Here are some simple ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine:

Jumping Jacks

  • Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and get your blood flowing to your muscles. They're also a good way to warm up before more intense exercise, cool down after a workout, or just do something fun and easy on any given day.
  • The best thing about jumping jacks is that they are short enough that you can do them anywhere: in your living room, at the office during lunch break, while waiting for the bus—the possibilities are endless!

High Knees

  • How to do high knees:
  • Start with your feet together.
  • Lift your knees up to waist level and then bring them back down.
  • Repeat this motion until you feel fatigued or no longer want to continue.
  • How many times: High knees are a great exercise for burning calories and fat, so you should perform them at least 20 minutes per day (but no more than 30).
  • How high should I lift my legs? Your goal is to lift your knees as high as possible without bending forward at the waist or turning your toes inward—these are signs that it's too difficult for you, and you could hurt yourself if you keep going at that pace! Don't worry about what other people think either; just focus on getting better at doing it yourself over time instead!


How to do a squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed slightly outward.
  • Lower yourself straight down by bending at the knees, keeping your back flat and head up.
  • You should feel a slight stretch in your hamstrings as you go down—don't let them lock out!
  • When you reach the bottom of the movement (or just before), keep pushing through with your legs until they are fully extended again.

Why squats are good for you?

Squats will help strengthen all of your leg muscles while also improving stability in other areas such as shoulders, spine and hips. This exercise is especially helpful if you have poor posture or struggle with lower back pain since it improves flexibility in these areas too!


  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Step forward with one leg and lower your body until your front knee is bent at least 90 degrees.
  • Push off with your front leg to return to standing, then repeat on the other side.


Burpees are one of the best exercises to lose weight at home, and they're a great full-body exercise that will help you get fit by working multiple muscles.

To do a burpee, drop down into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you. Then jump your feet back so that they’re slightly wider than hip-width apart and place your hands on the floor in front of you with your fingers pointing towards each other (like a pushup). Return to standing and jump as high as possible before dropping back down into the squatting position. Repeat these steps 8 times for 3 sets total.

Knee or back Issues?

If you have any knee or back issues, modify this exercise by skipping the jumping part—just go straight from standing to sitting down without jumping up first, then stand up again without doing anything special when standing up (don't jump). To make burpees more challenging:

  • Stand farther away from where you land after doing each repetition;
  • Slow down how quickly or rapidly you move through each repetition;
  • Do more repetitions per set;

Push Ups

Push-ups are one of the most effective upper-body strength exercises you can do at home. Stronger arms will help you lift heavier weights and perform other activities with ease, so it's important to work on your push-ups regularly. Pushups are also an excellent way to improve posture since they strengthen your core and back muscles as well as the ones in your arms.

To get started, lie down on the floor with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and toes touching each other or pointed out slightly (this is known as a "plank" position). Brace yourself by squeezing your abs (the muscles around your belly) then lower yourself until both forearms touch the ground; make sure not to let any part of the body below that point touch floor during this exercise. Then push yourself up again until you're back in plank position again; repeat 10 times for 1 set or go until failure!

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a great exercise to work your whole body, especially the core and lower body. To start, get into push-up position on the ground with your hands firmly planted under your shoulders. Then bring one foot in towards your chest as you bring your other foot out behind you as far as possible, keeping your knees bent and back straight throughout the movement. Repeat for reps or time intervals of 20 seconds each for maximum efficiency in burning calories and fat!


Planks are one of the most effective exercises for strengthening and toning your core, as well as improving balance and stability.

To do a plank:

  • Lie face down on the floor with arms stretched straight below you, parallel to the floor.
  • Lift your body up by placing your forearms on the ground, keeping them in line with your shoulders (you can also place your hands together in the front). Your body should remain straight from head to heels with no sagging or curving at any point.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute before resting completely back onto the floor. Practice this exercise three days per week for best results!

If you want an added challenge, start off by doing planks with hands placed on an exercise ball instead of just flat on the ground. You can increase intensity further by performing planks while holding yourself up using Swiss balls instead of just relying on your strength alone (swiss balls come in various sizes; find one that's large enough so that you have room between it and where ever you'll be holding onto it).

Side Planks

Side Planks are really helpful because they work your entire core and they're great for toning. You can do Side Planks on your elbow, forearm or hand. For this exercise you'll need to hold yourself up with one arm while lifting the legs off the floor. The key thing about this exercise is to keep your body straight and avoid tilting sideways at all times. If you're struggling with balancing then try doing it on your knees first until it gets easier before moving onto hands or ankles!

Leg Raises

Step 1: Lie on your back with your legs extended straight in the air, hands resting at your sides.

Step 2: Bend one leg so that it is perpendicular to the floor, knee bent at 90 degrees and toes pointing toward the ceiling.

Step 3: Lower both legs together until they are parallel to the ground, then slowly raise them back up to where they started (which should be a few inches off of the floor). Repeat this movement for as many repetitions as possible without losing form or feeling dizzy.

* When first starting out, aim for 5-10 reps per set and 3 sets per exercise session (i.e., Monday/Wednesday/Friday) but build up slowly over time by adding more sets or increasing weight if possible. It's also important not to push yourself too hard too soon – if you've never done this before or have had an injury recently then take it easy at first and make sure everything feels good before adding more repetitions or weight.* *

Arm Circles

Arm circles are a great way to warm up your shoulders and arms. It's also a good way to get some range of motion into the shoulder joint, which can help strengthen it and reduce injury risk. Here's how to do arm circles:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and arms on sides
  • Lift right arm straight out in front of you, palm facing forward; rotate hand back as far as possible until forearm is parallel with the floor (you may feel this in your lower back)
  • Bring arm down underbody, crossing back over the chest so that hand touches opposite shoulder blade
  • Repeat with left arm

Butterfly sit-ups

Butterfly sit-ups are a great exercise to target your upper abs. Sit on the ground with knees bent, feet together and hands by your sides.

Keeping your back flat, lift both legs up so that they form a V shape with the ground. Hold for two seconds and then lower them down again. Repeat 10 times for 3 sets each day

Note: If you find this too easy, try doing butterfly sit-ups using dumbbells or a resistance band

Boat Pose

Boat Pose is a great way to tone your core and legs. To do the exercise, lie on your back with both legs straight. Bend your knees and place your feet together - but not touching! Squeeze them as close together as possible while keeping them straight so they're pointed up towards the ceiling. Now lift your hips up off of the floor, bringing them as close to parallel with it as possible without allowing either knee to touch or lose its position in relation to each other (for example: if one leg is bent at 90 degrees and the other is 180 degrees... that's no good). Hold for 2-4 seconds before lowering yourself back down slowly again.

Repeat this 10-20 times depending on how fit you are!

Now that you know how many repetitions you should be doing per set, let us look at how many sets there should be per workout session: If it's just one exercise then three sets would be fine; however if there are two or more exercises than four sets may be better suited for maximum benefits gained while working out at home (or anywhere else). As far as duration goes... well let's just say that 20 minutes would probably suffice but 30 minutes might prove beneficial when trying something new like Boat Pose which requires some flexibility training along with balance skills so keep those things in mind when deciding whether or not this particular workout routine might work for someone who hasn't tried anything similar before because remember what I said earlier about starting slow!

These exercises will help you maintain healthy body weight.

Here are some of the best exercises to lose weight at home:

  • Crunches - This is one of the best abdominal exercises to lose belly fat. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head for a greater challenge. Exhale as you lift and flex your waist upward toward the ceiling; inhale as you lower back down to starting position. Repeat 10-15 times, doing 2 sets each day for best results (do not do more than 3 sets). You can also add resistance by placing a dumbbell between both hands or placing one leg up in the air while doing crunches.
  • Lunges - Lunges are another excellent way to strengthen leg muscles and tone thighs faster than running alone can do because they also target glutes and hamstrings as well as quads.

To perform proper lunges: Stand straight with feet hip-width apart, toes facing forward; holding dumbbells in each hand at shoulder height; take a giant step forward into lunge position so knees bend over toes; lower body by bending hips until thigh becomes parallel with floor; push off heel of foot that's still on ground, driving it toward midline as other foot comes up behind it ready for next rep (alternate legs). Do two sets daily per leg.


We hope this article has helped you find some great exercises to lose weight at home. Remember that if your goal is to get fit and healthy, then there's no one-size-fits-all exercise routine. It's important to keep things fresh by switching up your routine frequently so that it remains challenging and fun for you!

white round medication pill on yellow surface

10 Best Fat Burners

Losing weight is hard enough. It's even harder if you don't have the right tools to help you along the way. Fortunately, there are many supplements that can help (not guarantee) weight loss and overall health—and they're worth looking into if you want to lose weight. So whether your goal is getting down from 100kg or just enjoying better overall health, these 10 fat burners are worth considering:

Green Tea Leaf Extract

Green tea leaf extract is a natural fat burner, with caffeine, theanine and catechins. Caffeine is a popular ingredient in many weight loss products because it can help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and reducing your appetite. Theanine is an amino acid that has been shown to have many health benefits including reducing stress levels, improving sleep quality and enhancing brain function. Catechins are also known as plant pigments found in tea leaves (and other plants) such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which can help burn fat while providing energy-boosting effects like making you feel more alert throughout the day without becoming jittery or anxious like other stimulants might do on top of those benefits offered by green tea itself too!

Green Coffee Bean Extract

Green coffee bean extract is a supplement that has been used for centuries in South America to treat various medical conditions. The green coffee bean is the fruit of the robusta plant and contains a substance called chlorogenic acid, which is thought to be responsible for its weight loss benefits.

Green Coffee Bean Extract Dosage: 1 capsule twice daily with breakfast and lunch, or 3 capsules before bedtime

Side Effects: Some people may experience gastrointestinal discomfort if they take more than two capsules per day

Raspberry Ketones

The raspberry ketone is a type of compound called a phenolic compound. It's found in raspberries and other fruits, but also in human urine.

Raspberry ketones are thought to increase metabolism and break down fat cells by increasing your body's ability to burn fat.

Bitter Orange Extract

Bitter orange extract is a stimulant, which means it can help you burn fat by increasing your metabolism. It's also known as citrus aurantium and is commonly used in weight loss supplements because of its high caffeine content. Bitter orange contains synephrine, naringin and naringenin—all of which have been shown to promote fat burning by increasing muscle activity (1).

Synephrine is a bitter-tasting alkaloid found in bitter oranges that has been shown to boost energy levels while simultaneously suppressing appetite (2). Naringin also causes an increase in energy production within the body; however unlike synephrine it does so without producing any jitters or other stimulant effects (3).


L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring nutrient that helps you to convert food into energy. It also burns fat and can be taken with or without food.

Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase energy and focus. It also has the potential to increase metabolism and fat burning, as well as promote weight loss. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea and energy drinks.

The side effects of caffeine include headaches or jitters; insomnia; stomachaches or nausea (especially if you take too much); fast heartbeat; twitching muscles; raised blood pressure

Garcinia Cambogia Extract

Garcinia Cambogia Extract is a powerful fat burner that can help you lose weight. It contains hydro citric acid (HCA), which helps to suppress your appetite and reduce cravings, as well as increase metabolism. Garcinia cambogia also has other health benefits including lower cholesterol levels and reduced high blood pressure.

The good news is that garcinia Cambogia extract isn't just one ingredient; it's made up of several ingredients that work together synergistically to produce the results you want:

  • HCA – This compound has been shown to improve weight loss by suppressing your appetite while boosting energy levels in your body. It also regulates serotonin production which plays an important role in regulating moods related to stress or depression.* Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) – HCA works by increasing serotonin levels in the brain which helps curb appetite suppression.* Limonene – Limonene has been shown experimentally at least twice over two years ago by scientists from India called Maharishi Ayurveda University who found it had no effect on human subjects who were given 20mg per day for four weeks compared with placebo control group members who received no treatment whatsoever--they didn't lose any weight even though they ate less during those two weeks!

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)

CLA is a type of polyunsaturated fat that can help you lose weight and reduce body fat. CLA is found in meat and dairy products, making it easy to incorporate into your diet.

CLA is also known as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) because it's made up of two molecules: cis-9, trans-11 octadecadienoic acid (c9t11dca). This molecule has been shown to have many health benefits when consumed regularly by people who are trying to lose weight or maintain their lean muscle mass while they're on a diet plan or exercise routine.

CLA contains a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids like calcium and magnesium; however, it doesn't have any cholesterol or lactose found in regular fats such as butter or oil

Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract

Coleus forskohlii is a plant that grows in India, and has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It’s now also being studied as a possible treatment for heart disease, asthma, and other conditions.

In clinical studies on humans with obesity and type 2 diabetes, researchers found that Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract improved insulin sensitivity by 15%. This means your body can more easily process glucose (blood sugar) after eating so you don’t get hungry or feel tired all the time. And since it helps burn fat while boosting metabolism—your body burns calories faster—you may lose weight without having to count calories!

Capsaicin from Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is a spice, but it does have some benefits that you may not be aware of. Capsaicin is the active ingredient in cayenne pepper, and it's been shown to help with weight loss, energy levels and blood pressure.

Capsaicin can also help with weight loss by boosting metabolism and suppressing appetite. It's often combined with green tea or black pepper extract to increase its effectiveness as an anti-obesity drug because these natural ingredients work together synergistically when taken together—which means they'll be more effective than taking them individually!

Can these fat burners can help you lose weight?

Fat burners are a type of supplement. They can "help", but they're not magic pills or magic sticks that will give you the body of your dreams.

They can also improve your mood, increase energy levels and even make it easier for you to wake up in the morning because they contain ingredients known as stimulants. However, these drugs are not intended for long-term use; if taken daily for an extended period of time (more than three months), there's a chance that some side effects may occur such as insomnia or depression—and these effects could become serious enough where you would need medical attention from a doctor before continuing treatment with this drug again on its own without any other treatment options available."


We hope you found this article to be helpful in your quest for effective fat burners. We’ve put together a list of some of the best options out there, and each one has its own specific benefits. It’s important to be aware that not all supplements are created equal! The last thing you want is a product that promises one thing but doesn’t deliver what it promised: so make sure before buying anything new that you do some research on any ingredient or formula that interests you before making your purchase decision.

Aidah Hazurah Kurangkan 60kg Dalam 3 Tahun

Shoutout tahniah buat Puan Aidah yang berjaya kurangkan 60kg dalam masa 3 tahun bermula sebagai peserta dalam program Jom Kurus pada tahun 2018.

We are so so proud of you and thank you kerana beri inspirasi kepada kita semua. She joined our FB Live yesterday.

Lawatan Ke Sekolah SMK Jeram

Ribuan terima kepada semua warga SMK Jeram, Selangor di atas jemputan NGO kami buat perasmikan program Gaya Hidup Sihat: Fat to Fit bersama pelajar-pelajar.

Semoga kehadiran dan aktiviti bersama beri pengalaman yang positif dan berkekalan untuk amalkan gaya hidup aktif para komuniti sekolah SMK Jeram dan sama-sama memainkan peranan dalam membanteras obesiti di kalang komuniti sekolah-sekolah seluruh Malaysia.

Untuk jemputan kami ke sekolah anda di bawah NGO Pertubuhan Pencegahan Obesiti Kanak-Kanak & Dewasa, sila hubungi kami.

Pregnant & Kurus: Tip Mudah Hamil

Salam kurus and hi,

Dalam setiap musim sejak 2013, sentiasa akan ada perkongsian berita gembira dari peserta kami yang akhirnya disahkan mengandung selepas bertahun-tahun kurang "bernasib baik".

Tip Mudah Hamil?

Now video ini bukan lah bertujuan untuk "oversimplifiy" bahawa "kurus" atau kurangkan berat badan adalah penentu anda berjaya hambil atau disebaliknya, tapi dalam usaha kita untuk menambah zuriat, pelbagai faktor memainkan peranan bersama dalam membolehkan badan membina nyawa dengan jayanya.

Ini termasuk kesihatan, stres, kecergasan diri, berat badan dan pelbagai faktor yang lain.

Semoga tip mudah hamil ini memberi inspirasi untuk anda kekal hidup lebih aktif dan cuba kawal atau kurangkan berat badan demi zuriat keluarga anda.

Ajinomoto: How To Enjoy Exercising & Make Delicious Healthy Meals

Untuk mengamalkan gaya pemakanan yang sihat & sentiasa kekal aktif tidak semestinya susah! Jom join saya dalam sesi bicara 'How To Enjoy Exercising & Make Delicious Healthy Meals' bersama dengan @MyAjinomoto dalam perkongsian saya kali ini.

Pelbagai resepi-resepi sihat, dan juga kepentingan amino acids sebagai supplement dalam membantu improve kan lagi sports performance kita ada saya kupaskan dengan lebih lanjut.

Untuk ketahui lebih banyak resepi yang sihat & sedap untuk you guys cuba, just layari pautan di bawah!

Alternatif Ayam Sebagai Sumber Protein

Dengan kekurangan bekalan ayam di Malaysia, ramai yang bertanya berkenaan sumber alternatif pengambilan protein.

Selain ayam dan sumber haiwan, alternatif pengambilan protein seharian termasuk kekacang, tempeh, quinoa, kacang soya, susu dan lain-lain.

10 Tip Untuk Atasi Masalah Plateau Berat Badan

Dah diet tapi berat badan tidak berubah atau dah kurang berat badan tapi kini berat badan masih sama walaupun anda amalkan pemakanan dan senaman yang sama?

Jangan risau. You are not alone dan ya, anda mungkin berdepan masalah plateau berat badan yang normal. Malah ia kerap dilalui para peserta yang telah berjaya kurangkan berat badan melalui program BSK atau Jom Kurus kita.

Berikut adalah 10 tip untuk bantu anda break though masalah plateau berat badan anda.

1. Fokus Pada Kualiti Makanan

Setelah anda berjaya kurangkan berat badan melalui defisit kalori dan kawalan kuantiti kalori, cuba alih perhatian anda kepada kualiti makanan. Ini bukan soal kalori tapi soal: garam, fiber dan nutrient-density makanan anda.

Garam dan fiber terutamanya membantu dalam kawalan water retention dan perlawasan anda.

2. Rehat Seketika

Yes, saya faham anda bersemangat untuk bersenam sepanjang masa tapi Overtraining adalah stres pada badan. Malah senaman itu sendiri sememangnya merupakan stres fizikal which is OK tapi jangan memperkecilkan kepentingkan rehat dalam usaha anda untuk kurang atau kawal berat badan.

3. Kurangkan Stres. Cukup Tidur?

Sambungan cerita "stres". Stres berlebihan dari pelbagai sumber kehidupan, termasuk social media, kewangan dan kurang tidur, boleh mengelorakan hormon badan yang boleh mempengaruhi simpanan lemak badan.

Jadi, take a step back, meniliti kehidupan anda dan cuba seimbangkan stres sebanyak mungkin.

4. Lawas Anda OK Tak?

Jangan memperkecilkan kepentingan melawas dalam usaha anda untuk mengatasi masalah plateau berat badan. Berapa kali sehari? Sasarkan 2x sehari. Di sini kualiti pemakanan, pengambilan air dan tabiat melawas anda penting untuk melawas dengan konsisten.

5. Pelbagaikan Senaman, termasuk intensiti!

Jangan terlalu manjakan diri dalam amalan senaman. Badan sukar untuk mengatasi plateau berat badan atau plateau kecergasan kalau anda asyik mengamalkan senaman yang sama. Push yourself untuk memaksa badan to break through the plateau. Badan perlukan sebab untuk berubah.

If things dont change, they will remain the same.

6. Cuba Tukar Coach!

Bukan soal curang tapi soal kepelbagaian dalam usaha anda untuk didedahkan kepada bentuk dan intensiti senaman yang berbeza. Yes coach anda memang hebat tapi setiap coach ada corak senaman yang beliau gemari tapi over time, bagus kalau anda tukar kepada jurulatih atau bidang senaman yang lain. It helps to shake things up.

Contoh dari Zumba ke MuayThai atau HIIT kepada LIIT dll. Mix it up tapi cuba jada hati coach masing-masing.

7. Diet Puasa To Shock The System

Tak semestinya diet intermittent fasting atau lain tapi amalan puasa enam, sunat atau Ramadhan itu sendiri memang mempunyai pelbagai manfaat dalam membantu stabilkan hormon, kejutkan metabolisma badan dan macam-macam lagi.

8. Jika Perlu, Recalculate your BMR

Dah kurangkan 20kg? BMR anda pun dah berkurangan dalm 150-200kcal setiap hari. Kenapa? Kerana antara faktor yang mempengauhi BMR adalah berat badan anda. Jadi jika perlu, go back to basics dan kira semula BMR, DCR atau keperluan kalori anda.

Kalau anda tidak pasti bagaiman untuk menilai ini, do check out my eBook "Panduan Kurangkan 10kg Dalam 6 Minggu" atau online course saya Kurus MasterClass: Panduan Kurangkan 10kg Dalam 6 Minggu.

9. Celebrate Your Non-Scale Successes

Dalam usaha anda untuk terus kurangkan berat badan demi mencapai berat badan yang ideal, penting untuk anda meraikan kejayaan non-scale seperti gaya hidup aktif, kecergasan, kekuatan dan macam-macam yang sangkut-paut dengan gaya hidup yang sihat. Kalau anda hanya menilau angka berat badan, anda pasti dan STRESS dan tak kurus-kurus jugak :)

Check out my "Happy & Kurus" course untuk pelbagai panduan GEMBIRA dalam usaha kurangkan berat badan anda.

10. Trial & Error

Akhir kata, tiada satu cara atau kaedah yang sesuai untuk semua pembaca di sini. Trial & error untuk cuba menilai yang mana sesuai untuk anda. Adakah ia mudah? Harapan saya tidak kerana kalau ia mudah, kebarangkalian besar, anda tidak akan menghargainya.

Enjoy the challenge dalam perjuangan anda untuk lebih sihat, cergas, kuat, happy dan yes, lebih kurus.

Semoga tip-tip ini membantu dalam usaha anda untuk mengatasi masalah plateau berat badan anda.

Untuk lebih info dan bimbingan bersama saya, do join our upcoming Cabaran 30 Hari "Kurus" di