Infographics: Working Out In the Workplace
Feeling bored, sluggish or immobile at the workplace? Or do you simply don't have the time to hit the gym? Following is a cool infographics illustrating some simple moves you can pull off at the office - even if the boss is looking.
6 Kelebihan Kesihatan Berbuka Puasa dengan Kurma?
Umat Islam memang sudah biasa dengan amalan sunnah memakan buah kurma pada bulan ramadhan dan puasa sunat. Tapi sebenarnya apakah kelebihan atau keistimewaan buah kurma, terutamanya sebagai pembuka puasa? Jom kita teliti kandungannya:
- Gula Ringkas: Ia mengandungi fructosa dan dekstrosa (glukosa atau gula ringkas) yang membekalkan tenaga yang cepat. Memang sesuai semasa berbuka.
- Serat atau fiber: Kurma bukan sahaja memberikan tenaga cepat melalui gula ringkas, malah fiber/serat sesuai untuk penghadaman dan memberikan tenaga yang berpanjangan. Fiber memang sesuai untuk memperlahankan penghadaman dan tidaklah memberi kejutan kepada perut yang kosong. Juga sebagai "alas perut" sebelum memakan makanan yang lebih berat.
- Rendah Sodium: Ini penting pada waktu di mana kita kekurangan air. Makanan yang tinggi sodium (garam) mempercepatkan dehydration.
- Tinggi Potassium: Potassium penting dalam menyeimbangkan bendalir badan, termasuklah kawalan denyutan jantung dan tekanan darah.
- Antioxida: Kurma kaya dengan antioxida seperti beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Mungkin bukan faktor penting apabila berpuasa tetapi tetap ada kebaikan untuk sistem imunisasi badan.
- Lain-lain: Kurma juga kaya dengan protein, vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B5, A dan C. Selain itu juga mengandungi kalsium, manganese, copper, besi (iron) dan magnesium.
Buah Kurma Boleh Menggemukkan Tak?
Ya. Ia tetap berkalori (dalam 30-60 kalori/kurma bergantung kepada saiz dan kemanisan), jadi jangan berlebihan. 2 biji kurma untuk berbuka sudah memadahi.
Soda Companies Racing for a New Sweet Spot
View original article by Candice Choi
NEW YORK (AP) — Coke and Pepsi are chasing after the sweet spot: a soda with no calories, no artificial sweeteners and no funny aftertaste.
...a soda with no calories, no artificial sweeteners and no funny aftertaste...
The world's top soft drink companies hope that's the elusive trifecta that will silence health concerns about soda and reverse the decline in consumption of carbonated drinks. But such a formula could be years away.
That's because the ingredient that makes soda taste good is also what packs on the pounds: high-fructose corn syrup. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame that are used in diet drinks don't have any calories but are seen as processed and fake. Natural sweeteners that come from plants present the most promising alternative, but companies haven't yet figured out how to mask their metallic aftertaste.
Despite the complexities, soft drink makers push on in their search.
"I can't say when it will be here, but it's in the reasonable future," said Al Carey, who heads the beverage unit for the Americas at PepsiCo Inc., the world's No. 2 soda maker.
There's good reason that soft drink makers are so eager to tweak their formulas. Once a beloved American treat, sodas are now being blamed for the nation's bulging waistlines — two-thirds of the country's adults are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That, coupled with the growing variety of flavored waters and sports drinks, has sent per capita soda consumption down 17 percent to about 1.3 cans a day since its peak in 1998, according to Beverage Digest, an industry tracker.
In New York City, a ban on the sale of sugary drinks bigger than 16 ounces in restaurants, theaters and stadiums could take effect as early as March. The mayor of Cambridge, Mass., proposed a similar ban last month. And in Richmond, Calif., voters will decide in November whether to pass the nation's first penny-per-ounce tax on soda and other sugary drinks such as fruit juices and teas.
All the negative publicity has some once-faithful soda drinkers cutting back. Krista Koster, a 29-year-old who lives in Washington D.C., used to down about two cans of soda a day. Now she's trying to kick the habit and be more conscious about what she drinks.
"I've just been hearing how bad soda is," said Koster, who works in public relations. "You start considering a lot of the ingredients, whether it's fake sugar or the real sugar."
High-fructose corn syrup, the cheap sweetener that's used in most sodas, has the same nutritional value and taste of sugar. A can of regular soda typically has about 40 grams of high-fructose corn syrup and 140 calories. By comparison, the same amount of apple juice has about 38 grams of sugar and 165 calories, but companies can tout the vitamins and other nutrients juice provides.
Aspartame, the artificial sweetener commonly used in drinks such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, doesn't have any calories. But some drinkers worry about the fact that the sweeteners are not naturally occurring in nature. Public perception has been colored by past studies that have suggested it caused cancer and brain tumors in rats even though The American Cancer Society says there's no evidence showing it has any link with an increased risk for cancer in adults.
The concerns have led soft drink companies to search for natural, zero-calorie sweeteners, including stevia, which is derived from a South American shrub. Natural sweeteners have neither the calories of sugar nor the negative associations of artificial sweeteners. The trick, however, is figuring out how to make them taste good in colas.
"Every sweetener has its own notes that need to be mixed with other flavors," said Mehmood Khan, chief science officer for PepsiCo. "It's a bit like an orchestra playing music, as opposed to one instrument."
Stevia - Natural Sweetener
So far, stevia is the natural sweetener that has gotten the most attention and is already used in Coca-Cola and PepsiCo products, including orange juice and bottled teas. But it's proving more difficult to hide the aftertaste in colas.
Soft drink makers are testing different extracts from the stevia plant that they hope will be easier to blend. They're also scouring the world for other naturally occurring sweeteners, such as one called mogroside that is extracted from monk fruit and a derivative of a berry called miracle fruit.
Coca-Cola, based in Atlanta, says it's currently testing additional drinks that use stevia and other natural sweeteners but declined to give details. The tests are part of the ongoing "home-use tests" the company conducts, in which consumers may be given a six-pack of a new product to try over the course of a week.
To accelerate the pace of such trials, Coca-Cola two years ago dedicated a production line at one of its plants solely to churning out test beverages. But taste isn't the only consideration for the world's biggest soda maker.
"Some of the very exciting (sweeteners) we're playing with are really small in terms of production and planting, and they need to be nurtured," says Katie Bayne, president of Coca-Cola's North American soda business.
Coca-Cola also is testing versions of its Sprite and Fanta that use stevia in Atlanta, Detroit, Louisville, Ky. and Memphis, Tenn. The drinks have about half the calories of regular Sprite and Fanta (70 per can, instead of 140 or 160, respectively). But the "Select" drinks fall short of the ideal because they have sugar.
PepsiCo, based in Purchase, N.Y., is also on the hunt for new drinks that use natural, no-calorie sweeteners. In 2010, the company entered a $62 million, four-year deal with food flavor company Senomyx Inc. to develop natural sweeteners and "taste enhancers" that can intensify sweetness. Coca-Cola also previously had an eight-year contract with Senomyx; neither of the partnerships has yet produced any products for commercial use.
Dr Pepper Snapple Group, the nation's third-largest soda maker, also is searching for the right combination. The company's line of flavored sodas, such as Sunkist and A&W Root Beer, may make it easier to mask the taste of natural sweeteners like stevia than with colas.
At a beverage industry conference earlier this year, Dr Pepper's Chief Financial Officer Marty Ellen said he thinks a "sweetener breakthrough" is achievable in the next few years.
Zevia - Stevia Cola?
Recreating the exact taste of extremely valuable brands such as Coke and Pepsi is a high-stakes game and companies don't want to rush any drinks to the market. But making a natural cola that doesn't have any calories isn't impossible. Smaller companies such as Zevia, based in Culver City, Calif., already make such colas using stevia.
Zevia is now sold in 10,500 locations — including Kroger and Whole Foods — up from just 850 locations four years ago. CEO Paddy Spence doesn't think Coke and Pepsi's efforts to come up with their own zero-calorie drinks will threaten his company.
"When consumers see a brand all of a sudden with different positioning, they see right through that," Spence said. "They'll say 'you're a sugar soda company that has a couple different stevia products.'"
Still, considering their enormous resources, it's likely that soda companies will eventually find a way to make natural drinks with no calories that taste good, says Mike Jacobson of the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
"If you look 10 years ahead, we're going to see a different marketplace for sodas," he said.
Hazim Kurangkan 14.7kg Dalam Cabaran 6 Minggu
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Muhamad Hazim Bin Mohd Badri.
- Matlamat: Kurangkan berat badan.
- Pencapaian: Pememang Cabaran iSihat Musim Kedua dengan kurangkan 14.7kg dalam 6 minggu.
- Facebook: hazimmuor
- Twitter: @hazimmuor
[button color="Accent-Color" size="large" url="" text="Nak Kurangkan Berat Badan?"]
Zaman Belajar: 2001
Mula-mula melanjutkan pelajaran ke UIAM pada tahun 2001, berat saya hanyalah lebih kurang 80-90 kg. Lifestyle sebagai seorang student sedikit sebanyak menjadi faktor kepada “perkembangan” badan saya ketika itu. Mana tidaknya, waktu makan tidak menentu. Saya selalu tidur lewat malam, kononnya study, padahal enjoy lepak-lepak dan tengok bola dengan kawan-kawan di kedai mamak. So, sambil lepak-lepak tu, nasi kandar lah menjadi habuan.
Kalau tak lapar pun, sekurang-kurangnya roti naan ataupun roti canai banjir mesti kena order..pehhh..So, pada tahun 2008, tahun akhir pengajian saya, sedar tak sedar saya telah ‘berjaya’ menambah berat badan sehingga 115kg.
Infographics: Guide to HIIT Interval Training
In my seminars and eBooks, I frequently talk about HIIT or high intensity interval training. The following infographic illustrates some of the most popular variations or HIIT, including:
- Interval Training - good for anyone. Focuses on heart rate zone.
- Tabata Method - not for beginners. Only for those who are very fit.
- Little Method - intermediate level.
- Turbulence Training - intermediate level.
Rina Harron: Kurangkan Berat 35kg Dalam Setahun Tanpa Supplemen
[one_half boxed="true"]
- Nama: Rina Harron.
- Matlamat: Capai BMI normal dan menjalani gaya hidup sihat.
- Pencapaian: Kurang 35kg dalam setahun.
- Facebook: rinaharron
- Twitter: @RynaSyaz
[button color="Extra-Color-2" size="large" url="" text="Ingin Kurangkan Berat Badan?"]
Artikel ini khas saya tujukan utk sesiapa yg berasa rendah diri kerana saiz fizikal tubuh badan.
Hai, saya Rina berumur 22 tahun dan kini masih menuntut di University College Dublin, Ireland dalam bidang perubatan.
Saya akui saya memang kuat makan. Apabila makan di KFC,saya pasti membaham 3, 4 ketul ayam sekali makan. Kalau di restoran pula, saya pasti order 2 main dishes dan 2 jenis air berais. Kalau di rumah pula,saya sanggup memasak nasi goreng pada malam-malam buta kerana ingin memuaskan nafsu makan saya itu. Saya sudah mula memasak sendiri di dapur ketika darjah 5 (11 tahun). Yalah, senang sikit nak makan 24jam kalau da pandai masak sendiri ni.hihi.
Zaman Kanak-Kanak Sekolah Rendah
Di sekolah rendah, sayalah yang paling besar dalam kelas dan akan berada paling belakang sekali sekiranya beratur sebelum masuk ke kelas. Setiap tahun ade pemeriksaan kesihatan di skolah untuk memeriksa berat dan tinggi. Setiap kali itu jugalah saya berdebar-debar kerana malu akan berat badan sendiri. Seingat saya, semasa saya darjah 3 (9 tahun) berat saya sudah mencapai 55 kg sedangkan rakan2 lain hanya sekitar 20 kg. Aduh betapanya malunya diri ini. Namun, saya tidak diejek di sekolah kerana saya bersekolah di sekolah perempuan. Oleh sebab itu saya terus khayal dan tidak mempunyai kesedaran langsung utk menurunkan berat badan.Read more
eBook Baru! Ramadhan: Panduan Diet dan Senaman Bulan Puasa
Hasil permintaan ramai, kina ada versi Bahasa Maalysia eBook Ramadhan: Panduan Diet dan Senaman Bulan Puasa.
Ramadhan adalah bulan puasa dan sering menjadi topik perbualan tentant apakah cara-cara untuk mengurangkan atau kekalkan berat badan, apa yang boleh dimakan dan boleh ke bersenam? Bukan sahaja untuk bulan ramadhan tetapi puasa secara am, termasuklah puasa sunat.
eBook ini akan menjawap pelbagai soalan yang berkaitan dengan amalan pemakanan dan senaman (kardiovaskular dan angkat berat) bagi mereka yang berpuasa, termasuklah:
- Boleh tak bersenam semasa berpuasa?
- Apakah bentuk senaman yang sesuai?
- Nak makan apa untuk berbuka?
- Panduan kurangkan berat badan sepanjang bulan Ramadhan, termasuk kajian kes.
- Berapakah pengambilan kalori yang sesuai?
- Apakah kebaikan bulan puasa?
- Kalau tak bersenam, adakah tahap fitness akan merosot?
- Bila waktu sesusai untuk bersenam? Sebelum atau selepas?
- Bagaiman untuk tingkatkan pembakaran lemak di bulan puasa?
- Dan lain-lain lagi?
Eda Fuzi: Lost 25kg and Now Runs Marathons.
[one_third boxed="true"]
- Name: Eda Fuzi.
- Goal: Weight Loss.
- Achievement: Lost 25kg.
- Website: Eda's Blog
[button color="accent-color" hover_text_color_override="#fff" size="medium" url="" text="Start Your Own Journey" color_override=""]
[/one_third]My name is Eda Fatimawati but friends call me Eda. I am 29 Years old this year and currently working as a Civil Engineer in the largest technical department in the country. I have been working with PWD (Public Works Department ) since 2007. I am known as a very energetic and a loud person amongst friends and family. I am quite a busy woman and time runs really fast in my world. But I am lucky as I have great friends and cousins around me.
In Secondary School I was well known as a sports girl, I actively contributed in both sports and curricular actvities. Althought being sporty I do have my ups and downs on weight issues..I was overweight (but not yet obese) once after SPM as I did nothing at home but then achieved my ideal weight during my Diploma (as I started to do field and heavy lab works, exercise, sports, etc). I got sick once and was really skinny where I can’t even eat properly for two months . After recovery, I promised to myself that I do not want to be that skinny anymore or suffer from the same disease, whilst missing out on eating good food.I guess, I was wrong at some point as I eat whatever I want and never follow a balanced diet.
Majlis Penutup Cabaran iSihat Musim Ke-2.
Liputan Majlis Penutup dan Pengumuman Pemenang Cabaran i-Sihat 6 Minggu bersama i-Sihat & Kevin Zahri Musim Ke-2 di Kuala Lumpur.
Panduan Khasiat Bijirin Penuh.
Oleh Asyikin M
Amalan pengambilan bijirin penuh memberikan kesan yang positif terhadap kesihatan manusia. Kita semamangnya banyak mengambil bijirin setiap hari, namun begitu adakah bijirin yang diambil tersebut terdiri daripada bijirin penuh? Bijirin penuh terdiri daripada komponen bran, germa, dan endosperma. Ia kaya dengan sumber protein, antioksidans, fiber, kalsium, asid lemak perlu, pelbagai vitamin, dan mineral.
Menurut Panduan Diet Malaysia 2010, separuh daripada pengambilan bijirin penuh harian terdiri daripada bijirin penuh, iaitu 2-4 saiz sajian sehari.
Sumber-sumber bijiran penuh.
Menurut Panduan Diet Malaysia 2010, separuh daripada pengambilan bijirin penuh harian terdiri daripada bijirin penuh, iaitu 2-4 saiz sajian sehari. Antara sumber makanan bijirin penuh adalah biskut bijirin penuh, roti bijirin penuh, barli, bertih jagung, beras perang, oat, pasta/mee bijirin penuh, bijirin sedia dimakan, muesli, dan granola bars.
Read more
10 Kelebihan Puasa Bulan Ramadhan
Kita sering dengar bahawa amalan puasa mempunyai baik untuk kesihatan dan mempunyai pelbagai hikmah. Tapi apakah kelebihannya? Terutama dari segi kesihatan, kawalan berat badan dan mungkin juga peranan puasa untuk mengawal beberapa penyakit?
10 Kebaikan Kesihatan Bila Berpuasa
Berikut adalah antara 10 kebaikan atau manfaat kesihatan bagi mereka yang berpuasa.
- Kurang berat: Saya rasa kebanyakkan di kalangan anda akan kurangkan berat badan dalam bulan ramadhan? Kenapa? Kerana susah untuk memenuhi keperluan kalori seharian dengan tiga hidangan (berbuka, makan malam dan sahur).
Hafiz Anuar Turunkan 30kg Berat Badan
- Nama: Muhammad Hafiz Anuar.
- Matlamat: Kurang berat badan.
- Pencapaian: Kurang 30kg Dalam 15 Bulan.
- Twitter: @hafyzanuar
- Facebook: hafyzanuar
Kisah ini saya coretkan khas untuk tatapan kepada semua dan kepada mereka yang bergelar ‘GEMOK’ atau bahasa sains ‘OBES’
Nama saya Muhammad Hafiz Anuar. Saya dari Negeri Sembilan.Saya seorang yang tinngi (185cm) Memang saya di lahirkan dari keluarga yang memang pandai masak dan sedap pulak tu. Jadi tak mustahil hidup saya gelisah tanpa makanan di sisi. Dari sekolah rendah saya memang suka berkawan dengan budak yang OBES atau GEMOK. Sebab bagi saya mereka ni terdapat keistimewaan. Keistimewaan = cerita pasal makanan 24 jam. Tabiat saya ni saya terapkan sampailah ke sekolah menengah.

...ejekan dan cemuhan memang perkara biasa...Cinta monyet di tolak adalah lumrah di sebabkan saiz badan yang boleh di katakan macam ‘bapak orang’. Ramai yang lari dan takutkan saya....