NST Interview: Your ticket to good health with Kevin Zahri
Following article was featured in the New Strait Times on the 29th March 2011. Written by Zuhaila Sedek.
ZUHAILA SEDEK learns how having a regular and healthy breakfast can help one stay slim. It is 8am and you realise that you will be late to work. The late night outing you had yesterday seems to be taking its toll on you. You rush into the bathroom and out again, grab the nearest dress in your closet and rush off to the office.
You missed something important, though — breakfast.
Did you know that numerous research studies have shown that people who skip breakfast regularly are more likely to develop heart disease, prone to flu and suffer premature death prone. They tend to be obese and are less likely to look after their health in the long run.
As scary as it may sound, skipping breakfast, like what model and actress Liz Hurley is doing, appears to get you nowhere.
Nutritionist and fitness instructor Kevin Zahri says your breakfast determines the quality of your day — whether it is productive or otherwise.
"Breakfast kickstarts your day and it is important to have enough energy to start the day. People who skip their breakfast usually feel sleepy, hungry and lethargic," he said.
We have brunches too. . But all these are more or less the same.
Kevin says that the longer one waits to have breakfast, the slower his or her metabolism will be.
"With slow metabolism, the conserved energy takes longer to be burnt. When the body takes a longer time to burn energy, it is easier to gain weight,” said Kevin.
Taking regular breakfasts helps you stay slim too, provided you’re not eating something like nasi beriyani.
"Breakfast can help control your appetite. It stabilises blood and sugar levels. This regulates your hunger and energy levels" Kevin explains.
Breakfast can help control your appetite. It stabilises blood and sugar levels. This regulates your hunger and energy levels ...
When you miss your breakfast, you tend to eat more during lunch. When you eat too much for lunch, you will feel lethargic and sleepy again.
When you miss your breakfast, you tend to eat more during lunch. When you eat too much for lunch, you will feel lethargic and sleepy again," he adds.
There is no specific time for a person to have their breakfast but on average, the majority of people have breakfast between 6.30am and 10am.
Breakfasts provide one-third of the daily calories needed for a person. It must be balanced with three main components — carbohydrates, proteins and minerals.
Kevin suggests a general baseline for the intake of these three nutrients: 50 per cent of carbohydrate, 35 per cent of protein and 15 per cent of mineral.
"But it is difficult to give the exact percentage of each nutrient needed because every individual is different," said Kevin.
He mentions that the determinants for the amount of every nutrient taken depend on a person’s sex, age, height, weight and activities.
"The more active you are, the more calories you need. The taller you are, the more energy you will need. The calorie intake of a cyclist to an office worker, of course, differs."
Back to basics
- Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the amount of energy you need to sustain your life. This includes your breathing, organs and everything else you need to keep alive.
- Daily Calorie Requirement (DCR) is the amount of calories you should take with consideration of your age, sex, height, weight and activity.
- Learn how to calculate these and build your own unique diet with Kevin's How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks eBook
Read more: Health: Your ticket to good health http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/Health_Yourtickettogoodhealth/Article/
My 1M Dana Belia Project: RakanSukan.com
Some very exciting news!
If you have been following my blog for a while, back in 2006 I blogged about the failure of the Malaysian sports development program. Being the sports enthusiast that I am, I have been wanting to share my proposal and ideas to cultivate sports in Malaysia for the longest time! After various attempts to pitch the idea to KBS (without much success) ... thanks to Dana Belia I am now able to kick off my RakanSukan.com project!
Following text is taken directly from their website
What is RakanSukan.com
Rakansukan.com aims at everyone to be involved in sports and be active. Kevin is super passionate about sports and envisions a very competitive and engaged Malaysia where sports is concerned.
Why the need?
Kevin feels that there is no one platform dedicated to sports lovers, big and small, to come together. This website will help keep the burning passion for sports alive throughout the year and not just during the occasional Olympics or EPL seasons. More importantly, it helps build up the pool of talent critical to make Malaysia a serious sporting contender.
How can RakanSukan.com help?
RakanSukan.com will allow sports enthusiasts to find people with not just a common interest, but also similar skill levels to play against. Members can also find sports club that offer preferred sports, locate competitions and workshops, and consciously stoke the desire to keep competing, stay active and be involved.
When will it go live? Well you can pre-register at the website but we are targeting to develop and deploy the website within the next 3-6month. Over time, I shall be posting updates. You can also follow RakanSukan.com updates via Twitter or Facebook.
Pictures from the launch event
Following are some pictures from the recent announcement event that was held at Saloma earlier today (15th March 2011). All in all there are six recipients for the first round.
25 Tip Kurus kan Badan Paling Penting!
Ingin kuruskan badan dengan cepat dan mudah? Berikut adalah 25 tips untuk membantu anda kurangkan berat badan di Malaysia. Kebanyakan tip kurus ini, diambil daripada buku KURUS.
1-10: Tip Kurus Diet Pemakanan
Mari kita bermula dengan tip-tip diet dan pemakanan.
- Makan 5-7 hidangan kecil berbanding tiga hidangan besar. Ini bukan sahaja dapat mengawal nafsu pemakanan dan malah memastikan tenaga anda berterusan sepanjang hari.
- Jangan skip hidangan. Ia tidak akan membantu anda kuruskan badan kerana 1. nafsu makan akan bergelora dan 2. metabolisma badan akan menurun.
- Kenali keperlukan kalori seharian anda. Ramai yang tidak mengenali keperluan kalori seharian masing-masing. Tapi kalau tak tahu, macamana nak mengawal kuantiti pemakanan?!
- Roti canai ... hmm berapa kalori tu? Pastikan anda kenali kandungan kalori-kalorie makanan dan minuman seharian anda. Gunakan pelbagai laman web dan apps untuk mahirkan diri menilai kalori makanan.
- Kurangkan kalori daripada minuman. Ini adalah tip kuruskan badan yang paling senang. Dengan hanya gantikan minuman bergula seperti teh ais, milo, soft drink dan lain-lain dengan air bebas gula, anda boleh kurangkan lebih kurang 10kg dalam setahun. Rujuk buku KURUS untuk lebih tip penjimatan kalori.
- Minum air kosong. Air tidak mengandungi apa-apa kalori dan tidak boleh menambahkan berat badan untuk jangksa masa panjang. Tapi elakkan pengambilan garam berlebihan kerana ia akan menambah takungan air badan anda.
- Jangan makan buah-buahan dengan berlebihan. Walaupun buah-buahan mengandungi vitamin dan mineral, ia juga mengandungi kalori (gula) yang boleh menggemukkan.
- Segenggam tangan karbohidrat. Samada anda makan nasi, roti, mee mahupun kentang (semua sumber karbohidrat), pastikan saiz hidangan tidak melebihi segenggam tangan. Kalau tak kenyang, tambah lauk.
- Pastikan kuantiti pengambilan protein cukup. Sebagai panduan pastikan anda mengambil 2-2.5g untuk setiap kg berat badan anda. Also ingat, protein lebih mengenyangkan berbanding karbohidrat.
- Kawal nafsu makan! Satu-satu cara untuk mengawal nasfu adalah dengan memastikan ia tidak dapat peluang untuk kembang. Kalau nafsu makan sudah datang, maka sudah terlewat. Gunakan tip-tip mengawal nafsu makan dalam eBook Jom Kawal Nafsu Makan!.
11-20: Tip Kurus Senaman
Senaman sepatutnya menjadi aktiviti yang menyeronokkan. Tak perlu mencari trend senaman yang terkini. Yang penting anda mencari senaman yang serasi dengan gaya hidup dan minat anda.
- Senaman tidak wajib tapi ... walaupun ia tidak wajib, ia amat penting dalam bantu salurkan stres kehidupan, mempercepatkan usaha kurus anda dan mempunyai pelbagai kelebihan yang lain.
- Angkat berat! Tak kira jantina dan umur Pastikan anda include senaman angkat berat dalam program senaman anda. Kenapa? Kerana ia membantu kuatkan otot, tulang, sendi-sendi dan akhirnya kalau anda dah kurus pun, sudah tentu anda inginkan badan yang kental kan? :)
- Pentingkan kualiti senaman. Senaman bukan hanya bergantung kepada kuantiti tapi yang paling penting adalah kualiti senaman anda. Pastikan anda mahir dalam persediaan dan pelaksanaan senaman anda. Kalau tak pasti, dapatkan panduan yang bernas daripada mereka yang mahir.
- Pastikan anda bakar lemak dan bukannya glukos. Jika anda berjogging atau bermain badminton dengan harapan membakar lemak, pastikan anda elakkan minuman seperti Milo, 100Plus or Gatorade.
- Tak perlu hari-hari. Jika bersenam, tak perlu hari-hari. 2-4 kali seminggu cukup. Biarkan badan anda rehat dan pulih ... penting kualiti senaman.
- Inginkan perut yang kempis? Crunches dan peralatan abs sebenarnya tidak berkesan kerana selagi otot abs dan diliputi dengan lapisan lemak, maka otot abs anda tidak akan menonjol. Fokuskan usaha anda kepada senaman kardio dan penjagaan pemakanan untuk membakar lemak.
- Semanan untuk toning? Lebih kurang macam tip 16. Senaman semata-mata tak ke mana. Usaha anda perlu digabungkan dengan pemakanan yang baik untuk membakar kalori (lemak). Untuk panduan yang tepat, dapatkan eBook Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu.
- Yoga untuk kuruskan badan? Tak juga. Yoga memang sesuai untuk flexibility dan ketenangan tapi untuk senaman kurangkan berat badan, kardio jauh lebih baik.
- Sauna dan bilik steam room? Kedua-dua boleh membantu mambakar kalori dan buang air. Tak menjadi masalah anda mengunjunginya.
- Seks sebagai senaman? Yup sudah tentu. Aktiviti seks adalah contoh senaman yang sememangnya banyak membakar kalori dan juga dapat mengurangkan stres.
21-25: Tip Kurus Suplemen dan makanan tambahan
Jika digabungkan dengan diet dan senaman asas yang baik, suplemen dan makanan tambahan bantu mempercepatkan usaha anda kurangkan berat badan. Tapi ... pastikan anda tidak tertipu dengan gambar sebelum dan selepas. Rujuk panduan suplemen kurus saya supaya tidak tertipu.
- Pil cepat kurus? Tak kira di mana dan harga, tiada pil ajaib yang boleh mengurangkan berat badan, bakar lemak tanpa gabungan pemakanan asas yang baik. Mustahil.
- Adakah pembakar lemak berkesan? Secara teori yes. Peranan pembakar lemak adalah untuk menaikkan metabolsima badan anda melalui ramuan seperti caffeine dan guarana. Jadi dengan pembakaran kalori berlebihanan ini, anda dapat mengurangkan berat badan. Tapi nasihat saya, jangan bergantung kepada suplemen mana2 untuk jangka masa panjang.
- Ingin kurangkan 1kg? Anda perlu bakar atau membuang 7,700 kalori samada melalui makanan, senaman ataupun gabungan kedua-dua.
- Suplemen protein merupakan pilihan yang baik sebagai snek antara hidangan. Suplement protein rendah dari segi kalori, mudah dibeli dimana-mana dan boleh disimpan di pejabat mahupun di rumah.
- Dapatkan suplemn multivitamin yang baik. Kekurangan micro-nutrisi boleh menyebabkan nafsu makan anda naik. Jadi pastikan anda mempunyai suplemen multi-vitaman yang bersesuain dengan jantina, umur dan gaya hidup anda yang unik.
- Herbalife adalah contoh makanan pengganti ataupun meal replacement. Walaupun ia dapat memberikan anda kesemua keperluan khasiat untuk suatu hidangan, kos pengambilan perlu dinilai supaya ia praktikal dan sustainable dalam pengambilan.
Video: Singing Ba Ba Black Sheep With Lil Rafa
Fatherhood has been the most amazing experience so far. When people ask me how I feel, I find it hard to explain it in words how lil Rafa, my lil boy make me and everyone in the family feel. I think its a feeling that only fathers and mothers can relate to.
His favorite song is ba ba black sheep
Where as mummy supplies the milk, I come in handy with singing, dancing and dukung (dunno the english word for it). Over the last few weeks, I must've sang Ba Ba Black Sheep 100s of times but the expression and reactions of Rafa are priceless.
Dewi: How I lost 10kg for My Wedding
Dewi @ Nik Nor Rahimah
- Goal: Loss weight for her wedding
- Achievement: Lost 10kg
- eBook Bought? How To Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks.
[button color=”accent-color” hover_text_color_override=”#fff” size=”large” url=”https://kevinzahri.com/jom/ebooks/panduan-kurangkan-5kg-5minggu” text=”Anda Nak Kurus?” color_override=””]
My starting weight was 61kg and now I am 51 kg. I have two phases of my losing weight journey. The first phase started back on the middle of 2008 until 2009 (about 6 months). The second phase started on 5th January 2011 until 30th January 2011 (3 weeks). Let’s see how my journey goes ok!
It started back on 2008 where I started dieting for the first time and I managed to lose 7kg in about 6 months. During that time, I dieted according to my minimal knowledge about losing weight. I only knew about counting the calories and that was what I did during that time. I kept on counting the calories I took. Approximately, I ate not more than 1000 calories per day. Most importantly, I only took rice once a week, I avoided oily foods and I avoided eating at night. That are the recipes for my weight loss during the time.
Until on December 2010, my parents decided to hand me into marriage on 5th February 2011 with my 4-years-in a relationship-boyfriend. I knew that I was not in the best shape and I determined to lose some more weight. And POP! Here comes “How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks” e-book.
Regarding to the e-book, I managed to lose 3kg in 3 weeks! I exercised everyday (err.. not really!) and controlled my food intake very strictly. I set my diet routine from 5th January until 31st January because I don’t want to keep on dieting until my big day. Hey! Give a break to the bride ok.
My 3 Weeks Weight Loss Recipe
So, Here are the recipes in my 3-weeks-weight-loss-journey!
- Stick to non-oily food. I love to steam most of my food
- Drink low-fat milk. It enhances our digestion system. Who doesn’t love flat belly rite!.
- Took stairs about 40 floors per session (According to my calculation, I used 200 calories for that. Correct me if I’m wrong)
- 30-45 minutes aerobic per session (uh oh I am so in love with LB Kass videos. Find the videos in youtube!).
- Counted my calories to obtain calorie deficit that I wanted. Somehow, I am very bad in math. So, I jumped into conclusion… If I exercised (approx. to use 200 cal per day), I ate about 1000 cal per day. If I’m having I am-so-malas–to-exercise day, I reduced my food intake to 800 cal.
- I kept myself motivated. I took my pictures and measurements every weekend to see my progress. Don’t ask about weighing myself. I did it every single hour!
- Drank lots of plain water. i’ll make sure i drink a glass of plain water in the morning, in between morning-lunch, lunch, in between afternoon-evening, evening and night.
- Ate Yong Tau Fu. Hehehe~
I think that’s it. I am now setting new a goal to have 48kg figure.
Wish me luck! Lastly. Thank you very much Kevin Zahri! May Allah bless your life! You are helping lots of people here!
P/s: I attach my 61kg and 51kg pics here.
Kosmo: Rangka kecil punca sukar gemuk
Berikut adalah salina artikel Syalmizi Hamis dari Kosmo! mengenai kesukarkan ektomorph menambah berat badan. Berikut adalah salinan artikel berkenaan. Kalau anda mengalami masalah kurus dan perlukan panduan, dapatkan eBook Panduan Menambah 5kg Dalam 10 Minggu saya.
SABAN hari Jamal, 24, graduan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) memikirkan keadaan badannya yang dirasakan kurus.
Dengan berat 47 kilogram (kg) dan berketinggian 170 sentimeter (sm), Jamal kurang berkeyakinan apabila berada di khalayak selain menghadapi masalah untuk memadankan pakaian yang sesuai.
Mencuba pelbagai cara termasuk mengambil beberapa jenama pil penambah selera yang disyorkan oleh doktor serta susu menambah berat badan, semua itu tidak menampakkan hasil positif.
“Makan pil memang meningkatkan selera makan tetapi saya masih gagal untuk menambah berat badan.
“Saya juga pernah minum susu yang didakwa dapat meningkatkan berat badan namun kesannya seperti tiada langsung.
“Saya tidak menyalahkan keberkesanan minuman itu seratus peratus memandangkan saya sendiri mengambilnya secara kurang teratur,” kata Jamal yang mempunyai ukur lilit pinggang 92 sm.
Selepas bertemu doktor pakar beberapa tahun lalu, Jamal diberitahu bahawa masalah itu melibatkan faktor genetik, kadar metabolisma yang tinggi serta gaya hidupnya yang aktif bersukan.
Anak pertama daripada enam adik-beradik itu pernah mendapat nasihat lain yang mungkin berkesan untuk menambahkan berat badan seperti melakukan aktiviti kecergasan, mengangkat bebanan dan suntikan steroid.
“Saya percaya kepada keberkesanan aktiviti kecergasan di gimnasium tetapi masih tidak berkesempatan melakukannya akibat kekangan waktu.
“Bagaimanapun, saya tidak berani mengambil steroid kerana bimbangkan kesan sampingannya,” katanya.
Kisah sama dikongsi oleh seorang pekerja swasta, Rosdalilah Zahari yang pernah digelar anoreksia oleh rakan-rakannya.
Dengan berat 49 kg dan berketinggian 145 sm, Rosdalilah, 29, turut mendapatkan nasihat daripada doktor pakar kedua-dua hospital kerajaan dan swasta.
Seperti Jamal, dia dinasihatkan mengambil makanan yang disyorkan oleh doktor tetapi tidak dapat mengikutinya dengan berdisiplin.
“Ada kawan-kawan yang menggelar saya tiang lampu, lidi dan anoreksia kerana keadaan fizikal yang kurus dan cengkung.
“Nasihat doktor agar mengambil makanan yang disyorkan tidak dapat saya ikut kerana faktor selera dan membuatkan saya mudah lapar,” katanya yang pernah mencatatkan berat 42 kg ketika berusia awal 20-an.
Pandangan perunding kecergasan dan nutrisi, Kevin Zahri, boleh diambil kira oleh mereka yang berada dalam situasi sama.
Menurut Kevin, masalah kesukaran untuk menambah berat badan adalah disebabkan faktor genetik.
Golongan itu mempunyai bentuk badan ektomorf iaitu kerangka badan yang kecil dan panjang.
“Golongan ini sukar untuk menambah berat badan dan perlu berusaha lebih,” kata Kevin yang sering memberi nasihat melalui laman webnya, kevinzahri.com.
Perkara utama yang diambil kira dalam membentuk otot badan adalah pemilihan jenis dan kuantiti makanan yang betul, aktiviti kecergasan dan makanan suplemen.
Menurutnya, orang kurus tidak boleh bergantung sepenuhnya kepada suplemen kerana ia hanya sebagai perangsang untuk membantu pertumbuhan otot.
Actually this statement tak betul. Suplemen BUKAN faktor perangsang. Perangsang adalah senaman pemberat.
“Latihan bebanan di gimnasium membantu menambah berat melalui pembentukan otot dan menjadi lebih sasa.
“Tidak kira lelaki atau wanita, latihan ini amat perlu untuk menambah berat badan dengan syarat ia dilakukan secara berterusan.
“Sama ada seseorang itu ingin menambah atau mengurangkan berat badan, kita perlu makan di antara lima hingga enam hidangan sehari yang mengandungi karbohidrat, protein dan lemak.
“Perlu diingat, suplemen hanyalah bahan rangsangan untuk pertumbuhan otot dan bukannya alat untuk menambah berat badan.
Again, this statement tak betul. Suplemen BUKAN faktor perangsang. Perangsang adalah senaman pemberat.
“Tanpa latihan dan makanan yang teratur, suplemen tidak memberi sebarang kesan,” katanya yang mempunyai pengalaman selama 10 tahun dalam dunia kesihatan kecergasan.
Solusi kepada sesiapa yang bertubuh kurus seperti dijelaskan Kevin itu harus dilakukan secara berterusan agar dapat mengekalkan saiz dan bentuk badan yang diinginkan dan bukannya dalam tempoh beberapa bulan sahaja.
Seorang profesor dari Jabatan Pengimejan Molekular, Imperial College London, Dr. Jimmy Bell, menjelaskan bahawa individu kurus tidak semestinya mempunyai kesihatan yang baik kerana terdapat bukti imej dalaman yang menunjukkan lemak dan menyelaputi organ.
Lemak dalaman yang meliputi organ dalaman seperti jantung, hati atau pankreas yang tidak dapat dilihat mata kasar sama bahayanya dengan lemak di bawah kulit.
“Kurus bukan bererti anda sihat. Budaya makan apa sahaja dengan banyak untuk menambah berat badan boleh menyebabkan kandungan lemak dalaman bertambah dan ia membahayakan kesihatan,” kata Bell.
“Keadaan genetik pemilik bentuk badan ektomorf tidak dapat diubah sebaliknya boleh dibantu dengan meningkatkan pertumbuhan otot.
Weight Loss: Sauna vs Steam Bath vs Exercise?
Many have been asking me whether they can hit the sauna or steam bath for weight loss. I did blog about this a while back in a post called 5 Health Benefits of Sauna - Boleh Kuruskan Badan?
Sauna, Steam Bath Exercise: Common Ground
All three can help you lose weight. How? Well in two ways.
Firstly, all three will raise your metabolism. For exercise its quite common. Exercise exerts your cardiovascular system. For sauna and steam baths, the extreme conditions (heat, dryness or humidity) forces your heart, blood circulation and lungs to work overtime while you are just sitting there. And when your cardio system works overtime, you will burn more calories.
..depending on your weight and sauna settings, a typical 30-60min session can help you burn some 300-500 calories ....
Secondly, all three will help you perspire (sweat) ... this can help not only release toxins but most can help you reduce water retention. And yes, water loss is part of weight loss. In fact, weight loss is made up of muscle, fat and water loss.
Uncommon Ground
The main difference between exercise and sauna/steambath is ... well exercise! Jogging, rowing, football etc don't just work your cardiovascular system but also help to strengthen your muscles, joints and bones. And yeah, exercise is probably more fun than sitting in a small room with half naked people .... unless perhaps its a co-ed sauna ... but that is a whole other topic.
In conclusion? All three can help you lose weight. If you can, experiment with all three and see how they make you feel. I personally don't like saunas or steam baths ... I never last more than 5 minutes but that really is a personal choice. Whatever you do, never neglect your physical activities as you can't replace movement by sitting on your behind.
Atikah: Berjaya Kurangkan 9kg Selepas Bersalin
- Nama: Atikah Ghazali
- Sasaran: Kurangkan Berat Badan
- Pencapaian: Kurangkan 9kg
- eBook yang dibeli: Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu.
Hai Kevin
Where do I start? Ok actually I memang sorang yang concern about weight. Selepas I beranak with my 2nd son my weight naik sehingga 63kg. My ideal weight is 47kg.
Saya pernah pergi ke slimming centre dan habis beribu-ribu. Well, memang ada hasilnya ada tapi dengan diet yang ketat ada pada satu tahap diet yg buat, I hampir pengsan!
...Saya pernah pergi ke slimming centre dan habis beribu-ribu...So after a few month stop treatment slimming centre, berat saya bertambah balik...
So after a few month stop treatment slimming centre, berat saya bertambah balik. Since, I memang fed up dengan slimming centre, I started to try and cari solution yang 1) tidak menggunakan byk duit dan 2) tidak menyiksakan. Tapi apa pun, I tau kalu nak kurangkan berat badan, pengambilan kawalan pemakanan itu penting.
Jadi saya cuba beli eBook you - How to lose 5kg in 5 Weeks.
eBook How to lose 5 weeks 5kg sangat bagus untuk org yang hendak kurus atau menjaga berat badan. Cara pemakanan yang terkandung dalam e-book betul2 membantu saya. Selepas baca, I cuba tidak mengambil makanan yang berminyak dan mengawal jumlah kalori pemakanan setiap hari dan senaman untuk burn kalori sekerap mungkin.
...Cara pemakanan yang terkandung dalam e-book betul2 membantu saya
Senarai kadar pengunaan kalori yg ada dlm eBook bukan hanya termasuk senaman tetapi juga aktiviti harian seperti mandi, memasak dain lain lain. So hari2, I akan parking jauh supaya boleh berjalan jauh, menggunakan tangga dan pada masa yang sama, saya cuba meluangkan masa untuk senaman 40minit 2-3 kali seminggu.
Kadang-kadang bila I rasa nak makan makanan favorite I makan sikit jer coz seperti mana kat Kevin, tak perlu makan perfect setiap hari. Yang penting ada keseimbangan. I also menggunakan cekodok.com untuk kira kalori yang I amik setiap hari.
Apabila I agak sibuk dan tak dapat bersenam, saya dengan sendiri akan mengawal pengambilan kalorie supaya tidak melebihi keperluan harian saya. Semua hasil pembacaan eBook How to lose 5kg in 5 Weeks.
Sekarang berat badan I dah 54kg. Tapi ada lagi beberapa kg untuk capai berat yg ideal. Walaupun agak mencabar tapi macam Kevin kata - tak lah susah sangat dan tak lah senang sangat.
Kena cekal dan tabah kalau nak cantik n sihat.
25 Weight Loss Tips
Looking to lose weight in Malaysia or around the world, following are 25 quick weight loss tips. Most of these are extracted from my health and fitness eBooks.
1-10: Nutrition and Diet
Lets kick my top 25 off with some diet and nutrition tips. Not fun but very important.
- Eat 5-7 smaller meals instead of 3 big meals. This not only keeps your hunger in check but also gives you more consistent energy throughout the day.
- Never skip a meal. It does not help you to lose weight. In fact, skipping meals lowers your overall metabolism and creates raging cravings. A lose-lose situation.
- Know your daily calorie requirement. Most people are clueless about their calorie requirement. But if you don't know your DCR, how are you supposed to know how much to eat?
- What do you put in your mouth? Make sure you know the calorie content of the foods and drinks you are consuming.
- Cut calories from drinks. The easiest way to lose weight is by eliminating calories from drinks. Well basically you are getting rid of all the sugar that goes into juices, soft drinks etc.
- Stick to water. Water is calorie free, keeps your hydrated and actually helps to lower water retention.
- Go easy on fruits. Although are contain vital minerals and vitamins. They do contain sugars as well.
- A fistful of carbs. Whether you are a rice, grain or potato craver, always stick to a fistful of carbs. Reminder: a fistful means singluar .... not both fists.
- Are you getting enough proteins? Stick to about 1-1.5g for each pound you weight. And hey, proteins are a lot more filling than carbohydrates.
- Curb your cravings. Do you have a weakness for chocolates? Well we all do. If you do, don't bring your cravings back home.
11-20: Exercise
Exercise should be fun. Don't let them tell you otherwise. Always remember that it doesn't matter what exercise you do, as long as you are active.
- Exercise is optional! Did you know that you can lose weight without ever doing any exercise at all! Its all about the calories baby!
- Lift those weights! Male or female. Young or old. Be sure to include a form of weight training in your exercise program. More muscles help you burn more calories and well, they look and feel good.
- Focus on quality. Exercise is not always about quantity but make sure you get quality into your sessions. How? Through know how.
- Avoid carbs if you are running or do cardio for fat loss. Afterall its the fat you want to burn and not the carbs from your milo, 100Plus or Gatorade.
- Milo, 100Plus and Gatorade help you with energy but do not help you lose weight!
- Want great abs? Doing crunches or ab exercises dont really help. You need to get rid of that layer of fat covering your ab muscles. How? Well through cardio and dieting.
- Exercise to tone up? Well exercise along does not do the trick. You need to cardio exercises, weight training and dieting.
- Yoga is great for flexibility and stress management but not the best choice for weight loss.
- Saunas and steam rooms can help you lose weight by removing water and elevating your metabolism, making you burn more calories.
- Sex is fun and burns plenty of calories but please, don't just lie on your back.
21-25: Supplements ++
Food and nutritional supplements can help but be sure you (the consumer) are not tricked by these before and after pictures.
- Magic pill? There is no such thing as a magic weight loss pill.
- How do fat burners work? Most so called fat burners work by introducing caffeine as a way to elevate your metabolism. You see, it is always about the calories.
- Want to lose 1kg? You need to get rid of 7,700 calories and no, it doesn't matter how you do it.
- Protein supplements are a great in-between snack at the office or at home. They are low in calories, keep your cravings in check and are not as yucky as they used to be.
- Get a good multivitamin. Micro-nutritional deficiencies can lead to cravings and weight gain. Get a good multi-vitamin that suits your sex, age and lifestyle. They can help fill these gaps.
- Take your time. Weight loss is not a 12 week crash course. Neither was weight gain. Most people that fail to lose weight is either because they simply don't know how or because their goals were not realistic.
Need more help or tips? Check out my best selling weight loss eBook - How to lose 5kg in 5 Weeks. It provides you with step by step instructions on how to lose weight with or without exercise.
Free Diet and Weight Loss Analysis (Closed)
This offer is now closed. Thanks for the overwhelming response. Those selected will be notified by email.
Hey everyone,
I am looking for 10 or so volunteers who are looking to lose weight .... 5kg in 5 weeks to be exact? These will be featured as sample weight loss plans as part of my How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks eBook series.
I will help you get started by:
- 1.
5kg in 5 Weeks Weight Loss Plan. I will personally help you calculate and build a plan to get you started on losing 5kg in 5 weeks. - 2.
Analyze your diet. Here I will help you look at your current diet habit, recommend changes to help you lose 5kg in 5 weeks. - 3.
Recommended Exercise Program. Will give you some quick tips to help you stay active.
Interested to participate?
If you are interested, all you have to do is contact me online and I will send you the details.
10 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol
Cholesterol itself isn't bad. We all have and need this wax-like substance in our bodies. It consists of high density lipoproteins (HDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides. The LDL and triglyceride cholesterol levels are the most crucial in regards to heart disease. About 80% of the body's cholesterol is produced by the liver, while the rest comes from our diet.
Learn how you can take control of your cholesterol levels with these 10 tips.
- 1.
Know where you stand! Do you actually know your cholesterol levels? Unless you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure etc, you probably don't know where you stand. Here, I would highly recommend getting regular check ups to monitor both your HDL (high density lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein). Following is a low down of what to look out for:- Total cholesterol should not exceed 200 mg/dL
- LDL or bad cholesterol is below 130 mg/dL
- HDL or good cholesterol should be 40 or more.
- 2.
Keep Active 20-30min per day. Ok here I am not talking about hitting the gym or joining the next fitness program. To increase your HDL, any form of exercise or physical activity will do the trick. Recent evidence suggests that the duration of exercise, rather than the intensity, is the more important factor in raising HDL choleserol. But any aerobic exercise helps, including walking. - 3.
Add soluble fiber to your diet.. Did you know you that vegetarians have lower cholesterol levels and lower heart disease rates than meat eaters. That's in part because vegetarians consume so much fiber. Adding soluble fibers like flaxseeds, oats, fruits, nuts etc can help to both reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol. How cool is that! If you can, try to include fibers whenever you can. Consuming about 15 g of soluble fiber a day can lower LDL cholesterol by 5 to 10 percent. - 4.
Lose weight! When you are overweight, your access weight may disrupt your body's ability to metabolize fat. Good news is that you don't have to lose the weight radically, by simply losing 1-2kg per year may reduce your risk of high blood pressure by 25 percent and your risk of diabetes by 35 percent. - 5.
Know your fats! Hmm some are good, some are bad? Well yes and no. Let's take a look at the various fats and how they can influence your cholesterol.- Saturated fats (Bad): Raise total blood cholesterol as well as LDL cholesterol. Mainly found in animal products such as meat, dairy, eggs and seafood. Also found in plants such as coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil.
- Trans fats (Bad): Raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol. Trans fatty acids are found in commercially packaged foods like french fries, donuts or popcorn.
- Monounsaturated fats: Can help to lower LDL and raise HDL. Examples are canola oil, peanut butter or olive oil.
- Polyunsaturated fats: Polyunsaturated fats also lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids belong to this group.
- 6.
Fats are still fats Good or bad fats? Well end of the day all fats contain calories. How many? 1g of fats (any kind) contain 9 calories. So although olive oil is cholesterol free, too much of it will cause you to gain weight which ultimately will increase your cholesterol. So be sure to keep your calorie intake and overall weight in check. - 7.
Take a good MultiVitamin. No matter how careful you are with your calorie intake, good fats, bad fat etc, you may still have micro-nutritional deficiencies in your diet which may add to your problem. A good multivitamin supplement not only helps with your overall need for vitamins and minerals but can also help to lower your risk of heart disease. Look for a multivitamin that contains 400 micrograms of folic acid, 2 mg of vitamin B6, and 6 micrograms of vitamin B12. - 8.
Are you stessed? Stress and anxiety cause chemicals to be released into your body, raising your blood pressure, and reduce blood flow to your heart. Avoid stressful situations and use techniques such as breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, and other similar techniques. This helps your body to deal with stress and minimize the effects on your body. - 9.
Go for fish. Why? Well for their cholesterol-lowering omega-3 fatty acids or fish oil. Salmon would be a great choice here and if possible go for grilled or steamed fish. The reason here is obvious. - 10.
Alternative treatment? In today's world, there are a variety of cholesterol drugs, supplements and treatments available. Basically there are two types, those that try to lower LDL and others that try to raise HDL. Lets take a look at both:- LDL Lowering Drugs: The most widely used medications are the statins (lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, fluvastatin, and atorvastatin), marketed under names like Lipitor, Mevacor, and Zocor. Other available drugs are gemfibrozil, fenofibrate and clofibrate. These fibric acid derivatives are primarily used for lowering high triglyceride levels.
- HDL Raising Drugs: Drug therapy for raising HDL cholesterol levels has, so far, been less successful than for reducing LDL cholesterol. Of the drugs used to treat cholesterol, niacin appears to be the most effective at raising HDL levels. Niacin is one of the B vitamins. But the amount of niacin needed to raise HDL levels are so high, that it is classified as a drug when used for this purpose.
...all adults age 20 and over should have their cholesterol checked at least once every 5 years...
...Looking to lose weight? Check out my best selling How to Lose 5kg in 5 Weeks eBook.
Farahana: To my surprise, I lost 7-8kg
- Nama: Farahana Chan
- Join her on Facebook
- Sasaran: Kurangkan Berat Badan
- Pencapaian: 7-8kg dalam 5 Minggu
- eBook yang dibeli: Panduan Kurangkan 5kg Dalam 5 Minggu.
Hai Kevin
To tell u da truth ur ebooks was really helped me in da process to achieve my weight goals.
To my surprise, I've lost my weight around 7-8kg...I've have been followed all da rule on ur books n it works!
But as a busier women I don't have enough time 4 do the exercises. I just focus more on the food intake which the ebook has helped me understand like never before. Thankz so much 4 ur greatttt ebooks. I'm now really2 care bout my diet n exercise n I'm always check 1st da calorie of da food b4 I eat it.
...I'm now really2 care bout my diet n exercise n I'm always check 1st da calorie of da food b4 I eat it.
thankz again kevin.