My Wedding SlideShows - Part 1

Following are 2 slideshows from my wedding last Sunday.

Kevin and Rio - The Beginning

This is a slideshow that I made myself showing how we met, our beginning and leading up to the wedding
[youtube width="600" height="486"][/youtube]

Kevin and Rio - Pre-Wed Pictures and Nikah

This slideshow was done by PrettyPeektures
[youtube width="600" height="486"][/youtube]

I am getting married ... tomorrow!

New baju melayu? Slideshows? Well will be done tomorrow..Hantaran pun is ready .... Everything is ready... The day has finally come ... wow! Can't quite believe that I am taking the plunge tomorrow after some 31 years!
How do I feel? Obviously super excited but like anyone else I have to admit that I am feeling rather anxious, nervous and all kinds of feelings. Tomorrow is a big day. A day where a 31year old chapter will close and another opens.
Am I ready? Yeah! Definitely ready to commit myself and share everything ... no more "you" and "me" ... just "us" and "we". Took me a while to get to this point ... I remember in my mid 20s, marriage was the furthest on my mind .... but slowly as I hit my late 20s, the idea of starting a family didn't seem so bad after all ... being a husband and a father is something I can see myself doing .... and I wanna do it well!

Lets hope tomorrow goes well and that it marks the beginning of my family life with the women of my dreams :) ... insyallah

More updates tomorrow.

Health Talk with Skin Nutrition and AMEX (Maybank)

Just came back from a great event at Darby Park organized by Emma Lizs (Skin Nutrition Malaysia) and AMEX (Maybank). Following are some photos from the event.

Topic Everything about FATS.
Duration: 30min
More info?: View my various health talks here.

Skin Nutrition - Pre and Post Workout Shake

Through my collaboration with Skin Nutrition Malaysia, I would like to introduce a shake that I have been using as an in-between mean and also as a pre- and post-workout meal.

Skin Nutrition's Omega 3 shake

Skin Nutrition's Omega 3 shake is a whole food meal supplement designed to optimally support cellular nutrition to promote beautiful skin, hair, and nails as well as a beautiful lean body. Most meal supplement shakes on the market are nothing more than 'junk food'. Skin Nutrition's Omega Shake is rich in Omega 3 essential fats, fiber, protein, vitamins & minerals, anti-oxidants, and skin enhancing ingredients. It is also contains whole grain complex carbohydrates for sustained energy, is low glycemic so it will not spike your blood sugar, which causes inflammation, and contains 100% natural flavours and no sugar or artificial sweeteners . Best of all, it's absolutely delicious!

Get RM50 Store Credit When You Register Online

For everyone that registers online at Skin Nutrition Malaysia website, you will automatically get RM50 FREE that you can use for any order that you place on the website. Oh ya, you will also get FREE express shipping throughout Malaysia.

You buy the Skin Nutrition's Omega 3 shake online for RM380 here

New laptop, Gmail, Google Docs & Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is supposed to be the in-thing for 2010. Well it has been around for a while but surely will replace conventional desktop applications in the near future. I have made the switch and have never been happier.

What is cloud computing? For me it simply means having all my files, emails, pictures and other stuff online via web based applications that make them accessible globally at any time from any PC or Laptop.

I always found it difficult to move away from the traditional office apps like Microsoft office (especially outlook) ... until I got my new Dell laptop (finally after a long wait).

Goodbye Microsoft Outlook - Hello Gmail!

This was the hardest decision for me but proved to be golden. For years I have been archiving emails in Outlook which was really handy but working with gigabyte of emails/archives became a pain. Not really sure why I keep all these old messages anyhow! .... I had been using my Gmail account for a while but never made use of its POP3 account features and I was stuck on Outlook.
I gave Thunderbird a try but still dreamed about having all my emails online which would keep them safe (I hope) and does not burden my laptop resources. So finally I GMail another shot but this time I took the time to import all the emails, setup the POP accounts, created filters, label and etc .... so far it has been 3-4days and I am in love with GMail! It is so simple and very user-friendly. With GBuzz I will never look back. Goodbye Microsft Outlook.

so far it has been 3-4days and I am in love with GMail! It is so simple and very user-friendly. With GBuzz I will never look back. Goodbye Microsft Outlook.

Office2010 No More - Hello Google Docs

When I got my new laptop ... I did come with Microsoft 2007 trial and got my hands on tha upcoming Office2010 trial CD but damn .... I had been using Google Docs for a while but not that extensively. By comparison, of course Office2007 has a lot more features but I never really use any of them .... I use Excel for simple tables, use Word for simple docs and yeah PowerPoint for rather simplistic slideshows. All this can be done at Google Docs with ease.

I have been fulltime on Google Docs every since. It does everything I need it to do and helps me keep my docs accessible wherever I am. I'm lovin it!

How to Lose 5kg In 5 Weeks eBook

This will be the title of my upcoming eBook which I target to release in May 2010. Basically it will be a step-by-step guide.
The ebook will guide you based on the following:

  • Step 1: Understand what 5kg actually is
  • Step 2: How many calories do you need to lose per day?
  • Step 3: What and how much do you need to eat?
  • Step 4: 5 Week Exercise Plan
  • Step 5: Review, Supplements and quick tips

Stay tuned for the eBook release this May. For early bird announcements and discounts, join me on twitter or facebook.

If you have any other title suggestions, do let me know. BTW, I am also looking to do a Malay version after that.

24 Questions eBook

If you are looking for a guide right now, check out my "24 Questions" eBook for only RM20 which addresses the 24 most commonly asked questions on health, weight loss, dietings, exercise, supplements and more.

Laptop or Desktop or both? Mac or Windows?

Since I am getting married in April and am in my spending zone, I am in need to replace my current laptop, which honestly was a huge mistake buying in the first place. Don't buy a Sony - looks good but thats about it.
So as my fiancee may tell you .... I have been bugging her with this for a while .... I need to definitely get a new laptop but also wouldn't mind the additional juices of a desktop ... or both?! And Windows or Mac?

I basically do a lot of web development work - work on Dreamweaver, Photoshop, some video editing, I dont play games ever (I have my xBox for that) and definitely a lot of multi-tasking.

Options: Desktop, Laptop or both?

So here is what I have for options.

  • Laptop Only: I would be looking at another multimedia laptop with at least 15+ inch monster. Downside is that I'd be stuck with another big laptop
  • Laptop + External Monitor: I was thinking buy a decent (13-14inch) laptop that carries some punch and when working at home, hock it up to an external wide screen monitor. I kinda like this option.
  • Desktop Only: Well no brainer but i'd be stuck with my hopeless Sony laptop when moving around.
  • Laptop + Desktop: Means I would have a mid-range laptop and a decent desktop to work at home. Problem I foresee are two - 1. File/email synchronization would be a pain (would working with an external hard-drive fix this?) and 2. I am very mobile (not really a problem, just a fact)

OS: Windows or Mac

Macs are cool but been on Windows for so long. Am a lil hesitant about the switch. Had power supply issues with Macs before and service parts cost a bomb!

Its Panas!! How to stay hydrated?

Wow it definitely has been extremely hot and humid these days in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Heat and humidity is definitely not a good combination when it comes for sports and exercise.

I should know, I have been playing a lot of tennis these last couple of days and the sun, heat and humidity is pushing me to the limits.

How the heat effects your body?

Now if you are like me and exercise or compete outdoors in these extreme conditions, you must take care of your body's hydration needs. Our bodies contain about 60% water. Give it too little or too much, and you are in trouble.

Studies have found that a loss of two or more percent of one's body weight due to sweating is linked to a drop in blood volume. When this occurs, the heart works harder to move blood through the bloodstream.

In hot and humid conditions, one looses a lot of fluids through sweat - sweat helps to cool the body through condensation but once temperatures reach the 30-35 degrees Celsius like here in Malaysia couple with high humidity, sweat will accumulate on the skin - here, there is no condensation and your body does not cool down. Now add if you don't compensate your fluid loss with water intake, this will leave you in heat distress - leads to cramping, heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Heat stroke occurs when the body is exposed to an excessive amount of heat and becomes unable dissipate the heat through sweating. When heat stroke happens, the body’s temperature rises rapidly, the body loses its ability to sweat, and it is unable to cool down.
Body temperature can rise to 106°F or higher within 10 to 15 minutes, and at 106°F brain death begins.If emergency treatment is not provided, heat stroke can cause death or permanent disability in humans and animals.

Simple Urine Test

Monitoring urine volume output and color. A large amount of light colored, diluted urine probably means you are hydrated; dark colored, concentrated urine probably means you are dehydrated.

Hydration During Exercise Guidelines

Now since hydration needs vary from person to person, there is no one solution for everyone. Your thirst your bodies way of telling you what it needs. So listen to it.
But according to some research I did, following are some simple guidelines for you:
Hydration Before Exercise
* Drink about 400-500ml, 2-3 hours before exercise
* Drink 200-300ml, 10-15 min before exercise
Hydration During Exercise
* Drink 200-300ml, every 10-15 min during exercise
* If exercising longer than 90 minutes, drink 200-300ml of a sports drink (with no more than 8 percent carbohydrate) every 15 - 30 minutes.
Hydration After Exercise
* Weigh yourself before and after exercise and replace fluid losses.
* Drink 400-500ml water for every 1 lb lost.
* Consume a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein within the 2 hours after exercise to replenish glycogen stores.

TheStar - e-Commerce initiative aimed at SMEs

Following article features my latest project - EmbunWeb.

Original Article from theStar

KUALA LUMPUR: e-Business specialist Skali Sdn Bhd hopes to consolidate 8,000 small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs nationwide by year-end through its newly launched e-commerce service, EmbunWeb.

EmbunWeb offers web-hosting services, Internet marketing strategies and courses on developing websites, creating blogs and setting up e-stores.
Skali already has 4,000 SME clients and plans to get another 4,000 more SMEs onto this initiative through discussions with SME Corp, an agency set up to spur the development of SMEs in the country.

Kevin Zahri, co-founder of, said a lot of people out there have good products to push to local and overseas markets but don’t know how to go about it.
“For less than RM500, we can sit down with them for five to six hours and build a website together,” he said.

He said SMEs and entrepreneurs that sign up for EmbunWeb will also be shown how to get a high ranking in Google searches, how to integrate their business with Twitter and other social networking tools, and more.
“There will be monthly seminars on search engine optimisation, some of which will be free of charge,” he said.
It is very easy to set up a website, he said, but businesses need to know what they hope to achieve with the site and how to make their site stand out in an ocean of webpages.
“That is where EmbunWeb comes in,” he added.
Saiful Zainuddin, executive chairman of Skali Managed e-Business (SMeB), said EmbunWeb will help SMEs compete with the bigger and more established players. For more information, go to

My Valentine

Wow its has been a while since I last posted on my blog. My bad. I have been so much revamping, launching, preparing for my wedding in April and yeah, celebrated a simple but hopefully romantic valentines with my fiancee. So since a lot of you want to see pictures, here ya go.


Had to remove pictures due to some irresponsible actions by some parties. My apologies.

A Peri hearty meal

Published in MalayMail
AS more Malaysians are now starting to grow ‘sideways’, the challenge is to find the right food to complement a healthier lifestyle.
In view of this daunting trend, Nando’s Restaurants has introduced the Nando’s Peri Hearty Meal, a combination of a quarter chicken, with two sidelines, grilled vegetables and a serving of Mediterranean rice, with bottomless Coke Light to wash it all down.
The new meal is part of Nando’s efforts in promoting the importance of healthy eating together with a proper fitness regime.
Nando’s Health and Nutritional Campaign, themed ‘Eat Responsibility’ will be running a series of interesting activities in line with the campaign until Jan 3 next year.
“We believe the Peri-Peri Flame Grilled Chicken, made from the A-grade butter y cut chickens, with excess fat trimmed off, no added colourants, flavourants, additives or MSG, is the healthier meal option as it offers the ideal calorie count and high protein level,” said Nando’s Restaurants chief executive officer Mac Chung
She added that Nando’s famed ingredient — the Peri- Peri — is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, high in antioxidants and helps enhance metabolism as well as burns fat.

Nando's and Kevin Zahri

Nando’s together with Malaysia’s own health celebrity Kevin Zahri chose the most suitable sidelines to accompany the classic Peri-Peri Flame Grilled Chicken for the Peri Hearty Meal.

“We all know that it is important to have a balanced diet, but what is more important is educating ourselves on what a balanced diet is,” said Kevin.

He added that the average person needs 2,000 calories every day and a balanced diet must contain carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, mineral salts and  bre taken in correct proportions.
The nutritionist and author of the book Fitness 24/7 also believes that the more a person eats, the more exercise is necessary to be healthy.
To further advocate healthy eating and lifestyles, Nando’s is working together with Fitness First for a seven-week fitness regime challenge.
The challenge will see two lucky Hitz.Fm listeners selected through the radio station’s online search to undergo training along with DJs Jakeman and Rudy under the guidance and supervision of personal trainers from the gym.
The two listeners will compete against each other to be the  ttest throughout the challenge and the winner will have the opportunity to take a friend on holiday together with Jakeman and Rudy at Club Med Cherating.
If you are keen on keeping to or staying healthy, Nando’s Peri-Peri Flame-Grilled Chicken is a delicious and healthy meal to complement your daily regime.
The healthier alternative is now available at Nando’s restaurants across the country at RM17.80 or a special price of RM14.50 for Fitness First members.

Makan cara sihat di Nando's

KEGEMUKAN di kalangan masyarakat tempatan berada di tahap membimbangkan, kata Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai dalam satu seminar kesihatan baru-baru ini berkata;
"Semakin ramai rakyat tempatan 'membesar ke tepi' sehingga bentuk badan tidak terkawal. Negara berdepan 'wabak' berat badan berlebihan (obesiti) yang amat ketara dan boleh dilihat dengan jelas di kalangan masyarakat hari ini."
Justeru itu, dalam usaha mengatasi kebimbangan ini, rangkaian restoran Nando's melancarkan Kempen Kesihatan dan Nutrisi Nando's bertema 'Makan Secara Bertanggungjawab'.
Kempen bermula 29 Oktober 2009 hingga 3 Januari 2010 itu menekankan pentingnya amalan makan secara bertanggungjawab dan kombinasi amalan bersukan untuk menjaga kecergasan diri.

Nando's Bekerjasama dengan Selebriti Kecergasan - Kevin Zahri

Selebriti kecergasan, Kevin Zahri memberi penjelasan berhubung pentingnya amalan pemakanan bertanggungjawab kepada media di Kuala Lumpur baru-baru ini.

...Selebriti kecergasan, Kevin Zahri memberi penjelasan berhubung pentingnya amalan pemakanan bertanggungjawab kepada media di Kuala Lumpur baru-baru ini...

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Nando's Restaurants, Mac Chung Lynn berkata, bagi memberi pilihan kepada pengguna untuk mendapatkan hidangan yang sihat maka ayam Peri-Peri Nando's lah harus menjadi keutamaan.
Ini kerana ia terdiri daripada ayam gred A paling segar, diperap selama 24 jam dengan adunan ramuan resipi Afro-Portugis dan dipotong mengikut bentuk rama-rama sebelum dipanggang segar.
Di samping itu, ia juga dibuang lemak, tanpa tambahan pewarna, perasa atau MSG. Ia juga rendah kalori tetapi tinggi kandungan protein.
"Kelebihan ayam Nando's ialah ramuan Peri-Peri Nando's yang kaya dengan Vitamin C, Vitamin A, antioksidan dan cili pedas yang membantu meningkatkan metabolisme dan membakar lemak," tambahnya.
Pada masa yang sama, Nando's turut berganding bahu dengan pusat kecergasan Fitness First bagi menganjurkan cabaran kecergasan selama tujuh minggu berturut-turut.
Cabaran itu memberi peluang kepada dua pendengar bertuah yang dipilih menerusi pencarian dalam talian untuk menjalani latihan kecergasan bersama juruhebah HitzFM, Jakeman dan Rudy.
Latihan dijalankan di bawah pengawasan jurulatih peribadi Fitness First dan salah seorang daripada dua pendengar bertuah bakal muncul juara peserta paling cergas dalam tempoh tersebut.
Sepanjang cabaran, ukuran berat badan, lemak dan indeks jisim badan (BMI) akan dipantau dengan teliti.
Pemenang cabaran boleh membawa seorang rakan bercuti bersama Jakeman dan Rudy di Club Med Cherating.
Di samping itu, Nando's juga menawarkan Nando's Peri Hearty Meal pada harga RM14.50 kepada ahli Fitness First.
Bagi cabutan bertuah Nando's Peri Hearty Meal pula, Nando's menyediakan hadiah pakej percutian untuk dua orang ke Club Med Cherating kepada lima pemenang bertuah.
Selain itu, terdapat 50 hadiah sagu hati berupa baucar RM100. Untuk menyertainya, hanya perlu membuat pembelian bernilai RM25 di Nando's termasuk sekurang-kurangnya satu set Nando's Peri Hearty Meal.