Case Study: Hafiz Kurangkan Berat 11kg Dalam 12 weeks.

Following is a short weight loss story submitted by saudara Hafiz who sudi berkongsi pengalamannya bersama anda. If you have a story to share, submit it today.

Before: I was overweight

Previously my weight was 78kg and waist 35 inches. Not very flatterin considering my height. My problem was

  • Difficulties in styling new shirt
  • Low self esteem
  • Always feel that i am a loser

After: The new me after about 12 weeks.

Now my weight is 67kg and my waist now is only 30 inches. After i signed up for Kevin’s personal consultation (and got the free book), I made the following changes:

  1. 1.

    Exercise: Almost daily.. monday, wed & fri i spent for weight training. tue, thu, sat spent for cardio.. sunday is rest day

  2. 2.

    Nutrition: Follow the idea and guidelines given by kevin zahri. Reduced oily food, substituted
    change to a very healthy food.. yet i also enjoy some delicious food on sunday as sunday my rest day.

Moving Forward

So far so good. I am happy with the plan given by kevin. I am still working out my training at gym, control the food taken. Now i am working out my muscle to get the muscle in better shape.. 🙂

…dont stress yourself with something that is not u…I still enjoy having good food. Make it your lifestyle and not something that is torturing u….

Hafiz’s advice to Others

Pls read a lot. Make yourself the clear picture of your diet needs. Dont stress yourself with something that is not u (i.e. western diets or crash diets)…I still enjoy having good food. At the same time, I am happy with my new figure. Make it your lifestyle and not something that is torturing u.

Interested in some personal consultation with Kevin on weight loss, weight gain, diet planning etc? Sign for a 1:1 session today!

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