What is the best fat burner?
Everyone’s favorite question or supplement
Ok since ramai yang email tanya pasal fat burner mana yang terbaik, following is my feedback on various fat burners available.
First mari tengok the different types of fat burners, kesesuaian, “the best fat burner for you dan juga top 5 fat burner daripada maxtrition.
Fat burner Types
- Thermogenic Fat Burners – most common
- Stimulant-Free Fat Burners – without the use of stimulants like caffeine/guarana
- Carb Blockers – blocks carbs from being digested
- Fat Blockers – blocks fat from being digested
- Thyroid Regulators – controls your bodies use of fat cells.
- Appetite Suppressants – control your appetite.
- Cortisol Blockers
- Fat Loss Gels/Cream – works on your fat cells below the skin.
Do fat burners work?
Yes tetapi bukan seperti yang kebanyakan orang sangka. Yes on theory, most well known fat burner “work” and will naturally increase your metabolism, reduce hunger and aid in your body’s ability to “burn” fat. But don’t expect miracle. Fat burners alone don’t work magic. Tak mungkin anda akan kurus dengan hanya mengambil pil sedangkan anda belasah makanan yang tidak elok sepanjang masa.
..in theory most fat burners “work” and aid in your body’s ability to “burn” fat….But don’t expect miracles…fat burners alone don’t work magic…
Yes, fat tentunya akan menolong and bagi boost untuk fat/weight loss tetapi hanya sekiranya anda dengan gabungan pemakanan dan semanan yang seimbang. Also jangan gunakannya sepanjang masa….if you do, the effects tidaklah banyak kerana badan sudah biasa dengan stimulants…just like drinking coffee..drink too much and you won’t feel the effects anymore.
Is there a “best” fat burner for you?
Not really la. Most, if not all fat burners, work around the same concept of “elevating” your metabolism. But some may work better for you than other. Why? Sebab badan kita semuanya berbeza.
Tetapi I would stick to fat burners yang mempunyai reputasi yang baik dan extensive reviews dan selamat dari segi pengunaan.
Top 5 Fat Burners @ Maxtrition.com.my
Nutrex Lipo6
Has been on top of the consumer charts for a few years now. Lain daripada yang lain kerana menggunakan liquid-caps. Paling ramai pengguna pilih Lipo6 sebagi fat burner.
Harga? Semurah RM180.00 untuk bekalan sebulan
Hydroxycut (Hardcore)
Mungkin yang paling terkenal seluruh dunia..akibat daripada advertising yang meluas. Dipopularkan di Malaysia oleh GNC. Paling meluas di pasaran. Ada beberapa jenis yang berbeza.
Harga? Semurah RM188.99 untuk bekalan sebulan.
Antara yang terawal untuk mulakan trend fat burner di US bersama Hydroxycut. Juga dipopularkan di Malaysia oleh GNC. Pun ada Ada beberapa jenis yang berbeza.
Harga? Semurah RM206.99 untuk bekalan sebulan.
Animal Cuts
Popular di kalangan ahli bina badan gim. So this one mainly for guys. Made popular by the “Aminal product link from Universal Nutrition. Yang ini khas untuk pengemar weight training di gym.
Harga? Semurah RM180.00 untuk bekalan sebulan.
Fat Burner for Women
Khas untuk wanita kerana wanita mempunyai ciri-ciri dan hormone yang sangat berbeza berbanding lelaki. Ini tiada caffeine. Tiada side effect: jitteriness, mood swings, racing heart, nausea, and insomnia.
Harga? Semurah RM119.99 untuk bekalan sebulan
i’ve tried lipo6…..great results
i pernah try hydroxycut dari gnc but i paid a lot jugak la…..patut i beli from you je….thanks for the tips
yeah lipo6 and hydroxycut are great and extremly popular fat burners.
Price here in Malaysia vary tremendously…so better do you r homework.
Can i have further more information about fat burner . Thank you
hey ada side effects ke and safe for teens ke can sum1 email me the answers thxx….
izzy – I wouldn’t recommend fat burners for teens. Like I mentioned, its not a short cut to lose weight.
oh thank God jumpa blog ni=) Sgt desperate utk appetite suppressant!
where can i get the products?
u can get it here at http://www.maxtrition.com.my
are there any fat loss cream or gel i can buy from maxtrition?i really need those products for my tummy!:(
does lipo6 really give a boost on fat burner?
any 1 who do use this products plz give a comment plz….
for the list you have here, the only fat burner for women is Fat Burner for Women? we can’t consume Lipo 6?
dart – you can use lipo6 as well….lipo6 and other fat burners are for both male & female….UN Fat Burner for Women is especially made for females.
Hai kevin zahri. Apakah fat burner paling baik dan selamat digunakan? Hydroxycut hardcore tu ok tak kalau beli dr shoppe?
Jujurnya … tiada yang “paling selamat” kerana lebih “rendah” kandungannya maka kurang lah “impaknya” nanti.
thats what I do.
My advise – kalau anda tidak selesa dengan impak fat burner, stick to coffee
which is better?
Lipo 6 or lipo 6x
vnaz7 – lipo6x is supposed to be a “better” formulation than lipo6 but i’d say that both are just as competitive.
Kevin, I’ve visited http://www.maxtrition.com.my but lipo6 is not listed? How can i get it? Please reply ya, thanks!
Yea…lipo 6 is not so listed on ur maxtrition website. Update it! Thanks..
Hydroxycut is a good stuff..but beware of breakouts if ure unlucky like me..LoL..but yea..it works better with regular workout n less whack foodies~
Xenadrine NRG – Perfect..got no problem with breakouts~ Recommended~
Lipo 6..much more cheaper..Hope it works..
Any comment on UN Fat Burner compare with Cytodyne Xenadrine EFX 120s, Result and side effect for women consumption?
Kevin…Kevin…Kevin…Can I buy Lipo 6X from u? How?
wahhhh how come hydroxycut so cheap here. i bought it for rm 399 from GNC..with that price, i hope it works (fingger crossed) lol….
apa ye fat burner yang terbaik
halal ke barang2 tu?
Hai kevin, akak teringin nak cuba makan Fat Burner for Women tu, bila ada bekalan pls e-mail akan ya, Akak berumur 43thun, tak la gemuk tapi nak hilangkan lemak yang sedia ada…ada kesan sampingan tak klu akak ambil fat burner ni coz akak ada gastrik dan tak nak yang mengganggu tidur akak nanti. pls reply tq
kevin, i want to purchase lipo6…why not available ah?
i know lipo 6 is good but i found out that there is gelatin in it. my question is what kind of gelatin is it? bcoz if it is pork based than how can it be called as an animal free product?
i need your response asap.
kevin,i need that lipo6,can u give u hp no..ezy to ask u lah…lagi pun kat dlm maxtrition tak de lah..plssss
hi kevin, just want to know the different with fat burner and carnitine..which one is better ?
[…] naja: hi kevin, just want to know the different with fat burner an… […]
mintak tolong leh…Faz ada buat xcersize untuk abs la, then lama lama, macam kulit perut ni mengelebeh plak, dan rasanya kerana latihan yg sy buat, tapi nampak tak elok la sebab ada bahagian kulit yg lebih tuh, macamana?
hello kevin, i would like to buy ur weight loss product, i called the maxtrition, but they said they do not have the stock. so, may i know when the product will be available? i really need that. thanx..
i’m interested with Fat Burner for Women. where can i buy the product? pls advice.
I would like to purchase NUTREX LIPO-6X, do u have it? Cause i checked maxtrition none is available. I need to loose weight for my wedding ASAP.. Thank u!!
hey does lipo6 have its side effect?if some1 having migraine&athma can they comsume it?does we need to go to gym when consumpe the lipo6?i don have time to go to gym.pls advice.thanks
EjH9qw sd89Vy7fF7f7siDq0j
ape jadi kalau perempuan guna ANIMAL CUTS?
Perempuan itu akan jadi zebra
Ada Thermadrol tak Kev?
Ataupun 8-Hour ? Mana nak dapat ?
setiap kali saya diet, cuma 4kg saja turun berat badan disertakan dengan exercise spt jalan kaki. Selepas itu tidak lagi.
bleh try masuk http://www.bodybuilding.com, can order directly from them…harga campur shipment(express), total lebih kurang harga yg dinyatakan oleh bro kev. shipment nak besa or cepat, its all up to u. just sharing with all of u…:)
nipo 6 sell in kl is how much and get from u is how much?
i duno kl which where can buy nipo 6?can u tell me the place and price?
Halal ke tak eh lipo 6 tuh? Sebab ade gelatin la. Plz answer kevin.
Is this website still running?
Still selling or not?
to KDI,
I think better your look for LIPO 6 X as the new product does not contain gelatin.
Lipo 6X it a great product and i really satisfied.! But like Kevin said , Fat burners alone don’t work magic
sounds like a whole lot of bull
hey guys, the new products from NutreX DOES NOT use gelatin caps anymore. They used vegetables-based caps, so safe to consume by muslims n vegetarians
hi, where can i buy lipo6? i used to read that lipo6 does not come on open shelves because it is not recognize by ministry of health. is it correct?
one, bb.com mmg ada jual, tp biasanya pills/capsules product ni akan sangkut kat kastam…you have to come and declare before they can let it go…kat malaysia ada byk tempat jual…GNC, egonutritions, dan rasanya bro kev pon leh suggestkan…
lipo6x ke lipo6, kesan dia berbeza beza mengikot individu…cannot say which one is the best…our tolerance towards FB is vary individually…so, do your homework 1st…jangan terjah je beli, duit boleh dicari, kesihatan ??
fat burners is a fat burners…does it work ?? depends…
better starts with low dosage fat burner such as Lipo6, since you didnt know how your body gonna react to some stimulants. Dont jump off to higher dosage like Lipo6Black or Hydroxycut Hardcore X, since most people didnt know how to diet and train well
dmner i bleh beli fat bunner?i duduk kl
sape2 nk beli lipo,lipo6x or lipo black..setau aku rege utk Nutrex lipo6 =Rm150,Lipo6x=Rm180,Lipo black=Rm200,kalo korank nk beli aku ley rekemenkan…org yg jual ni duk area tman connaught jer..kl..kalo ade yg berminat just email ke eriez_cool@yahoo.com
i have tried lipo6 + personal training + cardio (2hours a day) from 98kg, i gone to 68kg in abt 6months..now i’ve put on a bit (now 71kg)..because i stop my training..will use lipo6 again and now my target is 55kg…i am a female and i took lipo6 every alternate days during my training and the results is fantastic!
ader site effect x?
Dear Kevin,
Its really tough to stop my weight from increasing. I’ve read about programs such as herbalife and also asked some friends who went on the program and it worked for them but some it just did not. I just cant accept the idea of drinking shakes all day/ meal replacements till the weight it lost but once you stop the program you just gain the weight back. Please advise. I’m 160cm and weigh 65kg.
dear kelvin..
plz reply as soon as possible, now i use hidroxycut hard core.. but what i was ragu2 pasal this product. it’s contain akohol, and galetin base on what? animal or plan. this make i’m worry to use it. hope u can reply to my email.. thank you.
yg I tau..promoter d GNC xgalakkan ambil hidroxycut capsule cuz ada galetin dr sumber babi & alcohol
Salam Kevin. I hope you can reply. Can you suggest the best fat burner for me who had gastric?
thnx kevin! love the vid!
thanx matt … glad you like it!
I found your website, since i could not manage to get phenphedrine or liporexall in local..
kalau got no chop halal, than there is no guarantee.
kene guna tnpa was2 la kan n kene check sendiri dier nyer ingredient?
no chop halal..but suitable for vegetarian..:D .( free from any animal substance)
hye,does lipo6 have its side effect? i mean if someone having kidneys problem? what should i do if i wish to take it? i already taking diet pills one year ago.it helped me to reduce about 6kg in a month but its effectiveness reduced start from second month taking that pills
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kevin Zahri, Kevin Zahri. Kevin Zahri said: Kuda Belang – What is the best fat burner? – Perempuan itu akan jadi zebra http://ow.ly/1b3BsZ […]
saye nak jawab soalan tntg samada lipo6 ade gelatin babi atau tidak. jawapannye, tidak, berdasarkan http://www.nutrex.com/nutrex/lipo6.asp, kasulnya dibuat daripada sumber bukan haiwan sahaja. terima kasih
thanx for sharing anna
….. nice blog you have there ..
alhamdullilah..I learned about Lipo 6 from your discussion board. Been in Arizona for 16 years..never know about Lipo 6. Just ordered yesterday..can't wait to start my routine. nak try Lipo 6 together with P90X workout.
My pleasure kevin ;)Good luck in your biz..
nutrex lipo6 jelas ada glycerin komfem ada unsur dari babi.. not recomended for muslim..
betul ke???
glycerin..tak semestinya dari babi… Gelatin yg dari babi. The latest manufacture of Lipo 6 kata..products is free from any animal substance. Suitable for vegetarian. There are 2 type of Lipo 6..yg lama ada Sesame oil and gelatin.. yg baru free from any animal substance. I called the Nutrex myself…and diorg kata makesure we get the new prtoduct.
salam from Arizona.
any gelatin free CLA supps? non softgels
hai kevin…
which one yang suitable 4 women?
Lipo 6 or Fat Burner for Women?
i need 2 lose my weight 4 my wed day on nov 2011…huhu
Hello yaya …. all depends on how your body/system reacts to respective ingredients.
i rasa pork gelatin. that is wat i heard.
Where can I get lipo6? Any local pharmacy?
It works. Just buy it. Made me look more cut and upped my performance.
i use oxyelite pro… & its really work!!..
I've used Discount Recreate by USP Labs….I would recommend it!
You didn't mention any fat burners with ephedra. Do you prefer one of these or an all natural fat burner?
Have anyone tried the topical fat burners, like the one in my name?
which one is best fat burner among lipo 6 and hydrocyxcut for muslim’s men?
Hai, kelvin i nurul. Hendak bertanya cara pemakanan yang mana boleh membuatkan kita gemuk @ berisi kerana sy berbadan kecil adakala kurang selera nak makan jadi perlukah sy mengambil susu pil? Susu jenis apakah itu? T.Kasih.
Since you are an ectomorph, yeah you need enough calories, weight training and maybe supplements to help you gain weight/muscle mass.To help individuals like yourself, I have written a detailed step by step eBook called “How to gain 5kg in 10 weeks” or the malay version “Panduan Menambah 5kg Dalam 10 Minggu”. I would encourage you to check it out here – <a href="https://kevinzahri.com/ebooks/https://kevinzahri.com/ebooks/<br />Let me know if you hv any questions.
Excellent, non-biased balanced coverage of emerging technology markets. Reports are excellent.
Xde, mmg sesuai utk vegetarian.. gi kt URL ni :http://www.nutrex.com/nutr?ex/lipo6.asp : Furthermore LIPO-6 utilizes all natural vegetable capsules which are completely devoid of any animal products.
Tambahan pula LIPO-6 menggunakan semua kapsul sayur-sayuran semula jadi yang sama sekali tidak mempunyai apa-apa produk haiwan.
hye, where can i get Phenphedrine or apidexin-P? anyone can help me?
i found lipo6 black cost for 165 cod or +5 for pos laju..lol
Hi kevin…
I’m hv endomorph body type.
Any suggestion I can take..I think I want to combine with weight training.
Need reply asap. thanks
Fat Burner For Women yang dinyatakan kat atas tu apa nama dia? KZ bleh bgtau x? sbb klik kat link tu tak kuar apa2 lah.. hope bleh bantu
what about polythermax hardcore kevin?
ada sape nk beli fat burner tak? hydroxycut advanced.. ada 60 dlm tu..aku jual rm60 je.. ni halal punye, bukan hydroxycut hardcore.
fared.. i berminat.. mind text me.. 0136249467
aku nk 1 sms aku 0123499817
lipo6x ada x??
dari mana nk beli “Fat Burner for Women” ..
bro ada lagi tak?
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macam mn nak oder FAT BURNER 4 WOMEN?
I’m not an extremely healthy eater but I exercise regularly…I’ve tried other weight loss pills but the Lady Soma Fiber Detox seems to give me the best results. It made me far more active and happy in general. I lost 15 lbs within the first 4 weeks…. I took them as directed. No physical side effects either. Thumbs up.
slaam abg kevin.sy pun masih tercari2 fat buner yg terbaik dan murah.adakah murah?jenama apa?sy nak turun kan berat tp xtau cr yg betul sbb tu sy tension sgt dgn berat ni.dh dua mggu sy berjoging dan keluarkan peluh.walaupun penat kaer teruskan .kaer nak jd org sihat tanpa ada caci drpda sesiapa.please bgtau pd kaer.ni email kaer( kaeramrie@gmail.com )
Bro, how about Polythremex Hardcore, Is it a fat burnner? What you think of this product?
HI KEVIN…i’d like to ask about losing weight and gaining muscle….i’m a 5′ 6…my weight is 71kg…so in your opinion wat should i do??..in terms of diet and workout..thankz kevin
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i used lipo 6 black before. i ran 10km everyday, 6 days a week. and i lost 15 kg in 2 months.
sesiapa nak order polythermex hardcore sila sms 017 2078474 atau lawat blog http://shapeyourbodysupplement.blogspot.com/ berpuluh testimoni yang dah cuba dan berjaya..nak courier boleh nak ambil by hand pun boleh
nak tanya lipo6x ada kesan sampingan seperti ksan jangka panjang,ada artikal yg saya bc boley menyebabkan kegagalan buah pinggang
so far lipo 6 ok. got blood test for liver and kidney function every few months. so far doin alright. ^_^. mood swing is expected and i mean it.
hye there.. i juz wanna ask..what about d ingredients?? does it contain harmful or addicted ingredients, animal based product or sumthin’???
Oxyelite pro capsules are from Pork/Bovine source..so not suitable for muslim & vegetarian. as stated from oxyelite pro punya website. better go for nutrex punye product..safe..vege base.
oh..it works wonders!
tp hari tuh sy ade email nutrex dia ckp mmg free from animal then sy tanye ade alcohol x… dia kata benda nih di estrak menggunakan alkohol… so maybe akan ade tinggal sedikit kesan alkohol tp sebanyak mana dia x cakap… so rase cam kurang yakin plak….
Stok lipo 6x ada tak? Boleh email ke wanjtksel@gmail.com tentang produk.
saya nak sangat kuruskan badan..mcm2 dah buat..ada la trun sikit, tapi jadi yoyo balik saya punya berat bdan. makan kurang..hidup active..lemak pun active juga btambah..nak cuba slimming product, fat burner ke, bnyak kali dah cuba..tapi tak berkesan sgt..tambah naikkan balik berat bdan..skarang dah takut tengok side effect slimming product.. jadi mcm mcm. frust betul!
hi kevin…im lin..female..26yrs..156cm but my weight 100kg…sekarang i tgh usaha nk lose my weight…can u suggest any fat burner product suitable for women (halal of coz)..im trying my best to exercise at gym 3 or 4 times a week, eating less carbo..berat badan i mcm yoyo. :'(
hi, is lipo6 halal & suit for woman?thx
how to order fat burner for woman
hye kevin,adakah fat burner animal cuts contain ingredient2 yg haram?tq..
spe nk supplement murah kt GNC..,
bley pakai my card..,
standard 40% discount..,
Name:Muhamad Isa
hi minta izin guna ur discount card ye dear…well can i get LIPO 6 from GNC too?
How can i purchase Fat Burner for women?
hi all. I’d like to share with you an amazing fat burner that has worked for me…
please check out this site http://www.malaysiafatburner.com
I have my own review for Grenade, a new fat burner in the market. From perspective of orang yang malas exercise and a smoker http://hazemanhuzir.blogspot.com/2013/07/grenade-fat-burner-murah-side-effects.html
nak bertanya nie ANIMAL CUT ADA PIGGY GEL TAK?
Best fat burner? Training/Exercise. Get your asses in the gym or just in motion and work for it (you will feel more accomplished). And as always, make small healthier choices in terms of what you eat. Simple + Cheaper solution.
Saya menjual produk pelangsingan yang berasaskan Garcinia Cambogia. Terbukti berkesan dalam membakar lemak dan menurunkan berat badan dalam tempoh yang singkat. Takde pantang makan, takde kesan sampingan yang memudaratkan.
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Saya dah try Garcinia ni. Either I or the supplement failed miserably.
Kevin, when should i take MuscleTech® Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite http://screencast.com/t/RSWDIsxNkqY2 . Some people said i should take 2 times daily (morning & pre-workout). Some people said one a day… I really confused… Anyhow i took that twice a day and sometimes once a day. I cut down my weight from 123kg to 94kg in about 6 months.. so now 94kgs.. should i start take it only once a day? please, i really need your advise… xoxo
Hi Kevin, i have recently gained about 10kgs extra from my ideal weight. My idea is to do cardio. But i would like some help in getting the right weight loss supplement. Please advice.
Have a
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workout and supplement is the healthy and best way to reduce weight/ fat. you dont want to look skinny kurus with saggy and unfit body.
bersama ke arah hidup yg sihat dan badan yg mantap lagi bergaya.
beachbody brazillian butt lift also available. tq
salam, kevin… between lipo 6 black UC and Grenade black Ops which one is better? which one will you choose?
Dear Kevin, I am 152cm with 48kg … i nak turunkan another 1-2 kg which is so susah sangat almost 6 moths i workout still cam yo-yo. Boleh tak i gunakan lipo 6 or hydroxycut sebagai fat burner and take it before gym as suggested. I risau takut terlebih kurus pulak
which is better? taking pill or powder?
sy pengguna animal cut .. sya perempuan ada kesan smpingan ker
Hi kevin.. can you recommend fat burner that someone who had high bp history ? I get suggestion to buy instant knockout fat burner but its really to find it in malaysia.
hello, im searching for instant knockout, where can I purchase it in Malaysia ?