Behind the Scenes – “Oh Lelaki” Astro
Following is a behind the scenes look when i was guest baru2 ini at Astro’s talks show “Oh Lelaki”. Show is hosted by Farra & Nana and airs setiap Sunday 9pm @ Astro Ria. My slot should be airing 25th check it out
cool pix bro. apa macam que n da rest?
bila the show will air?
dah ada ke?
smart r smua pic nie….really love this show..x sabar nak tgk…*:)
the show will air i think 25th novemeber astro ria @ 9pm
Kev, how are u? dah lama tak dgr khabar u…. ok i will watch that program
yup..! I watched the show last night… cool!
Assalamualaikum, saya ingat awak masa awak study kat SM Seri Perak, Teluk Intan ( the place that you called kampung ) I was study there too 91 – 95. I knew you when i was form 4 ( 94 ). Until now i keep wondering what is meant by ‘ Mein freund ‘.
hi bro… actually sy nk sgt kenal gdn bro dgn lebih lagi…kalau ada masa, reply ke e-mail add yang sy bagi…hope to hear from u soon.
Hi Kevin…I datang dari blog Ninie. I see from the show u like to play videogames too. Taknak try Nintendo Wii ke? I think u will like Wii Sports and Wii Fit coz the will games really make u move as it is a sport simulator ^_^
y mase q majuk 2..
tol ke cme drama smate????
nabil – wii? yeah played my friend’s console but i’m still happy with my PS2..may get a PS3 once errrr pirate games available
mewa – we are tak tahu sebenarnya…only after the shooting did we know that it was dirancang terlebih dahulu.