Download: List of Talks & Seminars
If you are interested in sharing my list of talks, corporate training and seminars in Malaysia or around the world (sure!) with anyone you know or just want to keep check it out yourself, you can download the attached pdf document that will detail:
- Brief Biography
- List of Talks/Seminars:
- Health Talks
- Corporate Training
- Education & Career Talks
- Contact Details
Best Regards,
gurau jer.. nak tanya sikit, apa pendapat u ttg rancangan itu? ape2 pun all the best fren… keep m
i tgk oh lelaki semalam… nampak ler kesan terbakar kat kabinet u. teruk gak… u buat biskuit macam martha stewart..hahaha… kacau2 n then dah siap kuar dari oven…(tipu!!! tak aci)
keep m. soli, silap taip. ari nie teruk ler. on the way g kerja my contact lens belah kiri koyak. so pakai sebelah kanan jer… teruk ler. meraba bawa keta tadi..
sori again
salam. kev
busy ker?