Feb Update Busy Busy Busy
Hey everyone…..
Apologies for not having blogged in a while….sibuk I tell you. Sibuk buat apa? Hahaha tu la…macam-macam. Lets see
Promoting My Book
Been doing various interviews for both print and TV world. For those you have missed it (i know da shows are very early in the morning), I’ll try to post their interviews once I dapat the copies from the TV stations. Where did I appear?
- TV2 – Hello on 2
- TV3 – Malaysia Hari Ini
- NTV – Breakfast Show
- NTV – Venus (Talk Show)
- Astro – Oh Lelaki….trained my book launch host, Farish
- More to come nanti
Also been busy meeting various people from all over the place to work on co-promotions.
Am very happy to say that thanks to the book, my product…..lots of new opp have arised. That was the idea
Preparing for my upcoming Seminars
Enough said Have you signed up?
Sold my car…belum beli yang baru. Looking to get a..”Zoom Zoom”
Conducted a 1/2 Day on “Corporate Grooming/Image”
Had the honor to be invited by u-link to conduct a half-day seminar on Corporate Grooming/Image @ Putrajaya’s IOI Resort.
If you interested to look at some of my talks/seminars, go here
Oh an yeah was sick haritu over the Chinese New Year….sakit demam. Hahahah funny how people always say “Cikgu Fitness pun boleh sakit ke”. No matter how fit you are pun, nuttin you can do against the attack of virus’.
….Cikgu Fitness pun boleh sakit ke….
hehehe.. kan?
baru nak ckp, xkan la ckgu ftness ley sakit gak..
apepun, congrats..
that book really great!
baru pinjam kwn punye..
tgh dlm proses 2 hv my own..
salam Kev,
tak per ler,tahu u sibuk. hope u fine… but nak tanya sikit, sape2 yang preorder bila boleh dapat buku tue?
-cumie, tu la…but glad you suka my book
-fren, patutnya semua yang dah preorder & bayar sudah dapat the book, kalau belum, sila telefon watie (016-6880304) or my office @ 03-42705250
kev – r u joining the KL international book fair?
Kev, I dah dapat dah buku tu… semalam. Tq. satu lagi, demam tu biasa ler. kita manusia biasa bukan superman. kata oarang demam mengahpauskan dosa2 kecil kita..:)
sori bnayak lak typo error..* menghapuskan ler
hi kevin,tinggi 172 n umur 2o. dulu berat sy 93kg tp skrg dah jadi 65 kg just diet n x bersenam.mcm mana nak bg kulit x menggelabar..sy dah mkn mcm2 protien la ape la..kalau jogging berkesan x..buat pengetahuan anda sy dah start jogging skrg.sy juga start buat abs exercise and angkat berat.
Thank you for sharing…